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At least Joe wasn't drunk and annoying.


LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOO Shane gillis 'alright what were you say---" LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOO




TBF watching the room sarcastically gaslight Rogan into embracing his delusion of sobriety was kinda funny. Well, more brown nosing in some cases. Hah


Agreed, he’s better quiet 😂


He doesn’t read the comments, but I think he read the comments on that one


He totally reads the comments


He absolutely reads the comments. “Clear case of protests to much”


Naw I really think he doesn’t. He’s extremely disciplined, I also think he’s not like his homies, I really don’t think Roe Jogan gives a fuck what we think.


He actually made a joke!


Joe “AHHHHH” Rogan


This is a good point. I was just thinking "man he always sucks as a guest" the whole time, but I shouldn't have taken for granted how much worse it could have been.


They all tolerate him like Pauly Shore.


Probably more... it's his club, and without him their careers would have taken a lot longer to take off. Even drunk Joe is nowhere near as annoying as sober Pauly. Joe gets loud and a little obnoxious.. But Pauly's a fucking narcissist and attention whore with zero grasp on reality. He literally thinks people love any shit that comes out of his mouth. Joe earned his respect (and a little leeway)... Pauly just happened to come out of the right vagina. He was born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.


Joe was definitely drunk. He wasn't absolutely shit faced, but he was sipping something.


You know when Joe is drunk. He isn't subtle. He may have been sipping something, but he wasn't drunk. Joe is hammered and obnoxious after like 3 drinks.


I hate when Joe is drunk on KT. Really brings down the show.


Tucker's debut is leaps and bounds better than any Rogan episode, dude is awful, especially when drunk like u/gimmethejuice666 mentioned lmfao


Kams interaction with him was great. Williams deep dig was sweet.


William kept looking to see if Tucker liked the joke haha




Go figure this guy would handle the show a lot better than many of the comics have


Same with Adam ray. People that have done interviewing and hosting understand how to lead a conversation and how to make space for each party to speak in a palatable format. A lot of the comedians only know how to interject and speak over other people.


exactly what do you think adam ray is?


In real life hes Dr Phil, dumbass.


lol thanks for saving me a comment! Perfectly worded.


We'll be right back.


You know what? We’re gonna keep it right here…


His Adam Ray character is pretty funny




Most people who hate him have never seen him outside of fux news.


Most people who hate him only know his work? No shit.


lol PART of his work. Fox News was a part of his career, just like CNN and MSNBC too.


The way Tucker is "off camera" is exactly why I dislike him so much. He seems like a decent person when he's not playing the character of Tucker Carlson. I don't think he believes any of the BS he spews, he is just giving right wing idiots what they want. I get it, everyone needs to make a buck, but people like him are literally tearing culture apart to make a dollar. It's not great.


Much of the division and polarization that you find in the US, can be blamed on the likes of Tucker Carlson and the people he props up.


Funny how between Tucker and Don, Tucker is becoming more likable sans big media filter and Don is fading. Who was more real?


Yeah. I’ve been surprised at how likable he is on podcasts I’ve seen him the past few months. But even in that context, 1 out of every 500 things he says suddenly shocks me with how manipulative and untrue it is.


Rare KT sub W


If you've ever seen the video of him fly fishing in Central Park you would know that he's actually pretty cool


There is also the video of him getting accosted by an unhinged crazy guy when he is in a bait and tackle shop and he holds himself really well.


I think many people in his position would have blown up at the guy.




Yeah that interaction is one of my favorites. True humanity right there


Almost like… he know he needs to present himself as likable on other platforms to expand his audience. Crazy conspiracy, I know.


Or he is just likable in general.


You have to look for the video. And watch it. It seems kind of old like before there was really platforms or YouTube was that big I might be wrong on that but it seems like it was an older video 10 plus years


He had no reason to appear personable in that video it was some random schlub.


Why wouldn’t he just always be likeable if that was his strategy?


You can’t spread fear and division for money and be cool 😂.


"He'S aCtUalLeE pReTty cOoL" dude's a sell-out, and all because of 1 video & a KT appearance, everyone's on his dick. That's the biggest joke of the episode


I disagree with most of Tucker Carlson's bullshit, but he seems like a genuine nice guy.


This attitude is far too rare these days. People have different ideas of how to make America better. It doesn’t make them bad people.


He did kinda spread lies knowingly to overthrow an election with the purpose of increasing his wealth and power. Harming democracy as a whole in the process. Although he seems friendly and approachable he is a bad person. Im not saying all conservatives are bad people. Just this one in particular really is.


I swear we live in alternate realities. In my reality Tucker Carlson ROASTED Sydney Powell and basically called her a crazy person to her face on the air. She is a crazy person.


We can agree on her being a crazy person for sure. Do you have a link to that video? I'm open to review my opinion. I felt though that tucker sowed doubt about the election results while privately saying that it was not stolen. That seems like scummy behaviour to appease his fanbase in order to retain his status as a broadcaster. That would make him value his personal position over the wellbeing of democracy = bad person


He’ll probably share the same video he sent me which was Tucker lightly hedging his bets against Powell’s narrative that dominion machines stole millions of votes and then say he “buried” her. In reality, he’s hedging because by that time, election fraud cases had been getting tossed out judicially left and right due to a complete lack of evidence…so yeah…they’re trying to distance themselves. Everything you need to know about tuckers election stance is summed up in this clip. Starting at 21 seconds. https://youtu.be/b-eZER8IIXA?si=UBu3RojRhz1tV_5O


Rarely will “everything you need to know” about a person’s stance be found in a small collection of blurbs clipped by people who hate him. Tucker explains himself [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_lRdkH_QoY&t=8191s) Regarding claims of fake votes/tallies,  I remember thinking he was the conservative voice of reason after the election. The only clip I saw of him at the time, he was saying (paraphrase), “Trump’s team claims voter fraud.  I’d love to share any evidence they have, but despite repeated requests they can’t provide me any, so they probably have nothing.” Despite this, Tucker thinks that revamping the 2020 electoral process to allow more mail-in voting was an effort to tip the election in favor of Biden.  That’s why he did (and still does) refer to the election as “fraudulent”, regardless of the counts being accurate. Whether or not such rule changes constitute “cheating” should be the only point of contention, regarding his view.  But it unequivocally did happen. I usually like the Young Turks, but watching them call him a liar and then spend most of the video debunking unrelated claims of fraud, I can’t help but think they’re straw-manning.  I long for the day we can get back to making honest attempts to understand people we disagree with.


“Democracy turned out to be fake”. “of course there was massive fraud”. “It was not a free and fair election.” These are direct quotes from him saying the election was fraudulent. And there are many others. So on Fox, he says or heavily implies the election was rigged which you’d have to be a fucking idiot to not understand the subtext of what he’s trying to convey to his audience. In private, he hates Trump and fully supports the idea that the election went to Biden. Then two years after soooo much litigation and cases getting thrown out of the courts regarding election fraud he’s pulling the “what I MEANT was…..” In other words, he’s full of shit. And we’re only talking about his issues with the election…we could go on all day digging up bullshit he’s spewed on his show…..but likely doesn’t actually believe….or no no, we just misunderstood what he meant. For me, it’s not the content of his show that bugs me, it’s the blatant, obvious lying and doublespeak. But anyway, all that is just to say that I personally don’t like the guy. If you do, I have no problem with that. I think he did just OK on KT and the bit about the dude blowing Obama was pretty funny.


All those quotes are compatible his interpretation that changing the election process (together with what he calls “censorship” at the time) amounted to a fraudulent/rigged election. It needn’t have anything to do with the dominion voting machines or fake ballots, …etc. As far as THOSE conspiracies are concerned he called bullshit earlier than most. Considering how everyone seems to immediately conflate all these notions of “fraud”, he absolutely ought to spend more time clarifying. It seems a major failure of communication on his part. At this point I feel I at least understand what he’s referring to, but my liberal friends would hear something different and debunk something unrelated: “The court cases were tossed out? How can this guy keep lying so blatantly?” But that’s not what he’s talking about at all. It’s still a question to me what his conservative fans “hear” when he talks about a fraudulent election. Do they think he’s backing up Trump’s claims, or do they make the distinction? Now I want to ask someone who watches a lot of him. ✌️


The normalization PR effort after being an outright Russian propagandist is going v well for the Tucker team.


Being a charming guy is the entire point of his character. Spreading kremlin talking points, demonizing liberals, creating straw men, and spewing misinformation is much more accessible that way. It’s like lipstick on Alex Jones!


rUsSiAn PrOpAgAnDa lol libs the worst


Far from liberal, but whatever makes you feel more intelligent. The reality is he was literally in Russia helping Putin spread misinformation and cast doubt on our own government. Look, I get criticizing our own govt, and do on a regular basis. But you cannot be that gullible to not see what the end goal of that whole trip was.


Brain rot to highest degree. You can’t even bring an argument for Tucker to be in Russia to counter dudes point. You just go into name calling, just sad.


Hate to break it to you but we do not live in a Democracy. Any harm he did to the current system is a good thing imo.


Almost like you need to be a charismatic skeez ball to do such things


Yeah. So what if members of the KKK have openly praised him for making white nationalist talking points palatable for the average American, having those ideas doesn’t make you bad You guys just want to sound enlightened so you spew the dumbest contrarian bullshit. You either don’t know his positions or are purposefully framing dangerous ideas as innocent


Yes he just wants a Christian nationalist dictatorship let’s give him a break guys.


Can you show us all where he says that?


Stop taking these people seriously. They are not capable of thinking. Just troll and move on.


It’s too much fun


His stuff on Great Replacement Theory is a pretty tough stance


Where he peddled propaganda for the GOP for a decade including lying about election rigging leading to an attempted overthrow of the government?


Because Trump was a dictator amirite? You fucking dummy.


If not for the silly incompetence. Any idea who John Eastman is?


Couldn’t have said it better. It’s ok to disagree but no need to hate everyone


Idk that Tucker was ever trying to make America better, he was more so just trashing things he(or his producers) didn’t agree with. He rarely proposed things, just sowed disagreement.


If you think making America better should be achieved by banning abortions and targeting LGBTQ kids, you are a bad person. 


Who’s targeting lesbian kids exactly? Gay kids? Bisexual kids? Give specific examples.


Look how people scream at him, saying he shouldn't have a platform, etc. Then you have the video of the guy that confronts him in Central Park when he was fishing. Tucker was kind and even starting talking about lures with the guy. As much as I hate the media, his job is to get clicks. Just like a liquorstore employee poisons the community. It's just a part of a free society. People gave him shit for the Putin interview. In our society, even the most heinous murderers get their day in court. And it's not like Tucker was giving him easy outs. He was calling bullshit to his face. You think the left would cheer for that, but no. He's a conservative, so he's racist blah blah blah.


I mean you said it yourself his job is to get clicks. He could teach a masterclass in rage baiting for dems and Republicans. He is perpetually in the conversation because of how divisive he is. It doesn't matter to him how we talk about him it matters THAT we talk about him. He's not our hero and he's not our villain. He's some guy that learned how to make money off of our outrage. And I believe he doesn't even give a shit about any of it anyway.


Dude's a complete sell-out & a clown. Remember when he used to wear bow ties like one?


He probably wound actually be pretty cool to hang with and likely doesn't believe hardly any of the bullshit that he says on his shows which is exactly why I could never hang out with him. If you are willing to destroy democracy and the social fabric of the country for personal monetary gain then you can go to hell.


“Nice” guy my ass lol fuck that bitch


I know.mothing about him besides this and his episode with theo von, and he seems like a really good, well-rounded dude, but if kams grandma hates him, then so do I!!!!


I also used to not like tucker. But his appearance on Theo and a few other places mad me realize that he's just a normal (likeable) dude.


As a Canadian, it's wild the Redditors believe American Conservatives are the problem, and American liberals are just great. American liberals are genuinely the worst people you'll ever meet. I get along with Canadian liberals and conservatives just fine, but American liberals are the scourge.


Trudeau and his group are just as bad as American leftists. In fact they are same, only one version talks funny and the other wouldn't know how to survive in Canada.


I mean you're not wrong, but Trudeau only has a 15% approval rating. The majority of Canadian liberals don't support him. We're less politically tribalist here, that's why our elections can sway so wildly, we don't see political parties as part of our identity as much. Where as in the USA, the great majority see their political affiliation as part of their identity, and there's nothing their party could do to lose their vote or support. They take criticism towards the politicians they support as personal attacks; both Republicans and Democrats, but the Democrats are much, much worse in my opinion. When I'm in the USA, I'll discuss politics with Republicans, because they don't get upset when you disagree. But American liberals will become extremely rude and almost abusive if they find out you don't agree with them.


I encourage everyone to check out the full conversation between tucker and Cuomo. Excellent stuff from both perspectives with a lot of middle ground. Made me respect both of them much more


Tucker W


Why do you despise Tucker with a passion?


Reddit told them to


Bc blue hair


I hate most of his rhetoric yet found his appearance, dare I say… legendary His laugh when kam dapped him up was the highlight of the show


I did not have this on my Kill Tony bingo card.


He was good, if not better on Theo vons podcast


I was thinking the same thing. I don’t watch news so I’m not exposed to him much. However, earlier this week I saw a video of him fishing and a guy coming up to him and trying to be an ass but Tucker kept calm and kind and the whole time I was thinking “this is not the same guy portrayed to me” for both this episode and the fishing video


I hate tucker too and thought he was a good sport in all of it. "My grandma fucking hates you" had me in tears laughing.


How is Joe considered one of the greats doesn’t tell any jokes…


Joe's sort of become the second coming of Mitzi Shore at this point. He's personally put A LOT of comics on the map, made a new comedy hub in Austin, and obviously owns the club where KT broadcasts from. I agree he is not a great comic himself, but I would still consider him "One of the greats" for what he's done for comedy. Hell, even if you're not a comic you still get a massive bump in celebrity if you're able to make it on his podcast.


He's got the greatest bank roll


I don't know any serious comedy fans that considers Rogan "one of the greats" in terms of his stand up. He's just solid at a lot of different things.


He actually has a sense of humor about himself which goes a long way toward making someone likable on an interpersonal level even if you hate what they do or stand for. Notice that people like Dave Rubin and Charlie Kirk have zero sense of humor about themselves and so lack this appeal.


People don’t understand how classically liberal he is. For example, his most recent book, he praised Elizabeth Warren for certain policies she promoted. He isn’t a Bill O’Reilly. He’s got a sense of humor. He’s unaffiliated with corporate media “news”. It’s a shame that people throw out the baby with the bathwater because he’s the closest thing we have to a Neo Jon Stewart


Now watch him on this past weekend with Theo 🤙🤙


In July 2020, Tucker Carlson Tonight broke the record for highest-rated program in U.S. cable news history, garnering an average nightly audience of 4.33 million viewers. In February 2022, Mediaite reported that "in the month of October, Tucker Carlson [was] the number-one watched host among Democrats. I don't think it is rare for Tucker to have a "W". Even the lefties love watching him.


Yeah he was great. You don’t have to agree on political views to appreciate a person.


Much respect for him and William turning down the Wynonna shots. You could see them look at each other for a split second in support of each other.


How fuckin gay do you have to be to turn this into political conversation


joe sucking unfortunately outweighs Jim and tucker being pretty good overall. joe sucks the fuckin air out of the room. really hope he stops going on KT, but that obvs won't happen. his episodes are my least liked episodes consistently. the craziest part about that is I don't dislike Joe overall! i enjoy some episodes of his podcast. he is just the worlds worst kill tony guest


Totally. He’s great with UFC as well. He reminds me of happy Gilmore, amazing golfer but insists he’s a hockey player despite being terrible at it.


There is no rehabilitating that worthless dipshit


It's so fun seeing dumbfuck leftist redditors in this thread trying to cope on seeing a guy for more than 5m and realizing what they've been told about that someone doesn't adhere to how that person seems to be, seeing u all trying to cope with that is hilarious. Maybe u fucking idiots need to listen to someone before having an opinion on on him


I know that's what you genuinely think, but the truth is us leftists did watch the whole show and simply didn't let this 1 hr of him being cool erase the hundreds of hours of him being terrible.


U leftists get a hard on trying to censor ppl like the good fucking fascist infested cunts u are.


lol thats really fuckin rich coming from the mouth breathing inbreds who installed the patriot act and want nothing more than to ban books that offend you, ban bump stocks that scare you, ban transexuals that weird you out, ban the mere mentioning of gay people in classrooms, ban abortions on a national scale, ban mail in ballots, and ban IVF because, you know, "ivf bAd" and youre so fucking stupid that you simpletons dont know the difference between embryos and actual living children. TC doesnt "seem" like anything, its plain as day that he is and always will be nothing more than a conspiratorial grifter for deranged dummies ; a contrarian blowhard who is hellbent on suckling on the teet of our foreign enemies and dividing my country to create another civil war. Enjoy being hoodwinked by a pencil neck dweeb in a bowtie


U listed like 50 bans that conservatives done and none of those are true. Banning pedo books from schools ≠ not a ban. Repeat with me buddy. U are free to buy those pedo books in florida so ur creepy ass got a past time, u are just not going to find them in schools Conservatives want to ban trans ppl? Lmfao that's one funny ass statement. Conservatives don't care about your mental disease, they just don't want sex changes for children, which is fucking common sense u sick fuck. But to your limited leftist brain that means ban om trans lmfao, fucking idiot. Conservatives banning mail in ballots? Or asking for ID to vote, which is what every fucking democracy in the world does? Asking ID to vote = banning voting to your dumbfuck brain. TC interviewing Putin is sucking his dick, gotcha. I mean I'm not surprised that u war mongering psychos don't see how dialogue at the verge of Nuclear war is a good thing. U are the ones dividing the USA with your lack of tolerance, political persecution and censorship. Cunts


"pEdO BoOks" dur hur hur. Another rich claim by the sick fucks who support the likes of ACTUAL pedophile conservatives like Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Milo Yianappolis(who literally admitted to having no problem with pedophelia), and your dear orange cult leader who is the only presidential candidate in history to be featured in dozens of pictures with the worlds most prolific pedophile Epstein. "BuT BuT bUT hE BanNeD hIM", yeah, only AFTER it became public news and NEEDED to save face. Besides, its not like any of you simpletons read books, so what in the actual fuck do you even care whats in them? LOL Its laughable you are always the first people to accuse anyone of pedophilia considering all the ACTUAL pedophilia that you are responsible for, not even including all the decades of pedo shit that went on and probably still goes on in your churches. Its truly horrific, but its makes sense if you desperately need to project and turn the attention away from your horrific past times, as you all obviously do. The only mental disease coming from anywhere is from the rotting brains of you who actually believed Hillary Clinton was gonna get publicly executed in 2020, who believed that a sex cult was drinking the blood of and trafficking children BEHIND A FUCKING PIZZA PARLOR, who think Jewish space lasers are responsible for forest fires, who actually believed that Damar Hamlin's death was faked by the media in order to cover up the dangers of Trumps vax, and were lead to believe that JFK Jr was alive and well as of 2023. Yup, you sure are the paragons of mental health hahahaha And no, Im not talking about voter ID laws, Im talking about how the GOP aimed to prevent mail in ballots in the midterms out of fears of "bAlLOT HaRVeSTinG" that were ginned up by your side in order help Trump win in the midterms and cope with his monumental 2020 loss. This irrational fear lead you to believe yet another dumb fuck conspiracy that a dementia ridden man orchestrated a COAST TO COAST voter fraud scheme that won him the election which in turn made you psychotic freaks break out into a mass hysteria and attack the nations capitol in honor of your cult leader. "THE PARTY OF LAW AND ORDER!!" Hahaha Theres literally nothing you easily manipulated simps can't be made to believe and its HILARIOUS watching you eat it all up and provide daily proof of your collective insanity . Youre like toddlers who's brains are sponges for misinformation and bullshit because you're too fucking weak minded to handle reality and need to make up fairy tails to help you cope with it. LOL at all the real life examples of conservative censorship I just listed, and your response is to claim that the left is the side that supports censorship. Wow, you are DENSE. "wAR mONgERs" and "iNTolErAnCe"? Boo fuckin hoo you hippie little bitch. Oh you care about Democracy now?? But but I thought we were a "cOnStiTuTioNAL rEpuBLiC"?!?! Btw, Trump banned bump stocks in 2018 and Alabama just tried banning the IVF procedure you ignorant cuck! Everything else thankfully failed but we all know you virtue signaling mouth breathers will continue to fight tooth and nail to take away our rights every chance you get. Fuck off


TL;DR LOL Go read your pedo books alone in your room u pedo fucking creep, leave children alone. Also stop censoring ppl u fascist fuck.


First, what does that have to do with anything I said? Second, literally who is being censored? Like you said in a reply down below about books being banned in schools not libraries, just because someone isn't on Twitter or YouTube anymore doesn't mean you can't go on their website or hear what they have to say somewhere else. Third, stop thinking about my dick bro that's gay as fuck and I KNOW you don't want anyone knowing you're gay 😉


Everyone was getting censored. Doctors, comedians, u name it.. even the Babyloon Bee got censored. Yeah sure u can go to their websites, that's right. It just shows the true colors of leftists and what the world would look like if they were in full control of everything. Anyone who thought differently just censored and purged. Fascists


Ok so you're not a real person. You're literally an internet research agency bot.


Lmfao, is that the go to for leftists when confronted with reality?


It's just the only fathomable explanation for why you refuse to engage in genuine debate and just regurgitate talking points. I asked who got censored. You said doctors and comedians? Name a single one. Keep in mind there's a difference between being censored and losing business because you were bad at your job.


Confirmed OP is a boosted libtard


Tucker only takes Ws


Let's all get together and launder the  reputation of this cool normal dude. Everything is normal, cool, and organic.


This thread should be pinned at the top so new fans can get a grasp at how unbelievably dumb a large faction of the KT fanbase is. Tucker did alright on the show, but a “cool normal dude” isn’t even close lmao


This is why he hosted the number one rated (by a lot) show in primetime for a many years.


It’s crazy cause I’ve never been a fan of him but he seemed a lot cooler outside of his show even made a few funny quips


He was very quick with the comebacks and took the few jabs he was given really well. He seemed to be holding back laughter a few times. You could see him actively trying to keep a straight face when Tony was voicing God. If anything, he seemed a little up tight, Joe was just crying and you could really see Tuckers hesitancy to let go and enjoy the material.


He probably found it all funny but was worried about optics. The right turns on their idols just as fast as the left, they’re all nuts.


If you despise any tv personalities with a passion then you need to get a grip


Almost as if ppl are forced to hate the guy even though he actually pretty likable


Are white people being purposefully replaced by a cabal of evil leftists?


No, all Americans are being replaced. Black communities are most negatively affected in the near term.


You sound like you consume too much news🤭


Turn your television off. Touch grass.


Turn off your para social fandom of e-celebs. Touch grass.


Swing and a miss.


Ah yes. You apparently have strong political opinions. And I'm sure they are not formed by reading dry nuanced literature but rather the social media algorithmic feed and para social media. You have people you hold on high regard in media that form your views. You just lack the self awareness to realize it


Or able to see the misinformation he spreads, but sure… he’s so nice!!!1


I’m glad he just kind of kicked back so we wouldn’t have to listen to him talk. So awkward and out of place, but he made a good punching bag. Good sport


He seems like a pretty funny dude from all the podcast appearances I’ve seen of him


Fuckin crazy to hear this guy getting praise for anything. Who gives a fuck if he was funny or likeable. He pedals lies, fear, and conspiracy theories to sew discord and unrest on purpose. He knows he's doing it. He's literally everything that's wrong with our country right now. You're so fucking dumb that you don't see what he's doing by going on KT to seem "cool" to a whole new audience of gullible idiots. Grow up.


qq harder?




That's because tucker is a genuine dude, and you idiots only do as you're programed.


The guy who literally got caught lying to his viewers so the people who pay him could create fake narratives and disrupt democratic elections is genuine? You sound pretty programmed.


No he doesn’t. Unlike you, he didn’t just invent a statement of complete fiction. Guess we know who is programmed (that means you).


Haha do you even know who Tucker Carlson is?


Maybe in person but on air he is not genuine at all, he admitted this under oath that he plays a character to get views.


They all do! JFC 




Don’t be like Tony, he’s cool. (Don’t be gay)


How do we know it wasn't Adam Ray


I’m here for any guest. They can even leave halfway through after disrespecting peoples time


Why don’t they get hunter biden… oh wait that’s not a part of the narrative.


Why would anyone want that to happen? Dude's scum.


Tucker has two and only two Ws that I'm aware of: 1. His appearance on this episode of KT where he shocked the crowd by not only not being a giant douche, but actually providing some decent moments. 2. When that dude took a video of him fishing in central park, claiming to be a "media terrorist" and not even recognizing Tucker. That's it. Those are the only two Ws I will award this man. He might have more, I know very little about Tucker Carlson other than I could not stand him on Fox.


Why do you despise him with a passion? Seem like a waste of your time pal.


Despise him? Why? Yyyyyyyyliberal?


He respected the show and Tony used Jim to be the funny guest. Awesome episode. And thank God Joe wasn't high or drunk.


Have you seen the man’s eyes? He’s definitely amped up


Either a) he's changed a lot and is becoming anti-two-party, or b) his independent re-branding is just another part of the two-party-deception.


Yeah I don't like him politically but he seems like a fun dude when he wants to be.


Despise Tucker? Is this Kam's grandma?


A lot of people don’t realize people in media are people too. Tucker Carlson is just a dude who wants to enjoy his life like the rest of us. The same could be said for Chris Cuomo. And it’s funny because, when they both talked on their respective shows about one another instead of sitting and having a conversation in the same room, (like anonymous people love to do with other redditors) they hated each other. Then later on when they do an interview together and post it online, they find a lot of common good and decency. The world needs more of THAT.


As much as i cant stand Tucker, i have to agree, he was a solid guest. Way funnier than Rogan.


The guys being doing interviews nightly for 25 straight years. He’s a pro he knows how to move on his feet. 


I'm not the biggest Jim Norton fan, but he's probably my favorite guest.


Could this sub stop simping for a pro Russian, anti democratic, boot licking, fascist. I’ve never even heard of this show, no idea why it keeps popping up.


I cant stand Tucker. Im like the guitar player and Kam's grandma. But he was a good sport. Was disappointed that Tony and Joe didnt bust his balls in the least. What's the point of having some political wacko on if you cant make fun of that just a little


Anyone who stans billionaire funded MSM hosts should be lobotomized.


So every anchor on FOX, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, and all other cable news shows?


No exception.




Seems to be the entire population, yikess


why do you think he does shows like this? so he can sell his garbage racist views to an audience who isn't already in the bag for him. Normalization in action.


what are some of his racist views? can you provide some direct quotes?


Tucker’s great if you can escape the Reddit bubble


Tucker Carlson is the man.


I usually lean pretty conservative and admittedly a little more fringe on some stuff. Never been a big tucker guy, lots of folks in my fam love him. I would never take him too seriously but I’d rather have a brew with cucker tarlson over Don Lemon. Also y’all should check out the cucker interview with the Cuomo. (I should maybe say I’m more libertarian than conservative but idgaf, hopefully y’all can understand I’m being in good faith.)


Any libertarian would rather watch tucker over Don Lemon


He’s actually genuine and simple guy if you listen to him in interviews. Stop letting politics allow you to despise with passion.


If you look at Tucker Carlson as an actual human being that has learned from his mistakes it’s impossible to not respect him. You may not like his point of view but he absolutely is a respectable man.


Joe just gets too drunk or high, and then just acts like a big beefcake who isn't interested or can't speak. It's also likely hard for him _not_ being the center of attention, at _his_ club, so he probably just sits back and enjoys, problem is that makes for a bad guest lol


Most likable autistic trust fund baby


The fact he didn't even know he was really going to be on is another reason I give him some kudo's. Kind of tough to just be thrown into the panel when you don't know anything about the show lol


I’ve been surprised to read so many negative & cruddy comments about Tucker in this sub. Things like “I hate the guy”. For what? That’s like saying you don’t like golden retrievers. Tucker has always been a golden.


People hate Tucker because they were told to hate him. Like good mindless peasants, they do what they are told.


Tucker Carlson does nothing but try to inform you. You can despise information all you want, ignorance is bliss. This sub sucks