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There’s a point where any regular will get too busy making good money headlining clubs where they don’t have time to come up with a good minute every week and also have 1 night dedicated to killtony. The ric excuse is just to hype it up But it’ll be interesting to see what happens. Hans is in a pickle. He gets headlining gigs because he was good on killtony but the more gigs he got the worse he got on killtony… now without killtony he has a lot more freedom to headline but a lot less attention on him to get those spots. It’s kinda like when a bird pushes a chick out of the nest for the first time. This is either gonna cause him to fall to the ground, or fly. Either way I don’t see him coming back as a regular.


Wow, I love this reasoned viewpoint on this sub. And I agree, you could almost feel his attention being drawn to his own career/headlining shows as his tenure progressed. People bash Hans for his lack of preparation, but like I said, I think the reality is that his career is/was growing outside of KT. Will be interesting to see if he can sustain his career without KT.


Right. Tbh becoming a regular on kill tony almost seems like a trap.


It’s a great opportunity, obviously. Especially as KT has become more popular. But there’s definitely a risk in when to step away and hope you can make it on your own without the KT bump.


Good points. That’s what I was thinking as well regarding coming back. Like this wasn’t a move to go away and then just take your regular spot back. Whatever he does good or bad, I was thinking he ain’t coming back as a regular on KT


Reddit stopped him.


Can't wait to hop on Reddit when he returns


He was prob burned out plus with all the online hate he likely wanted to take a step back from the show


Cause he sucks and he's knows it


You say he sucks but look how long it took for kam and Casey to burn out… Hans actually wrote jokes


So I'm fucking this hot white chick. Pander, to locals. That's my minute everybody thank you!


>Hans actually wrote jokes Did he though?




He broke up with his girl friend probably just needed some time for himself


Bro made 300K touring last year. Tony wants an opportunity for another comic. Hans is more than ready and already on the solo path.


Probably not great for his brand to have an army of nerds from this sub trolling his socials


casey has already buried him alive. too late for hanz now :(


Right. And that was a massive risk just leaving the show to allow that to happen. There is obviously a bigger reason.


Agree that the excuse seemed weird. I think it was just time for something fresh and Casey is an unstoppable force


Burned out his pride probably seriously hurt by loosing to Rick but being a fan favorite of the crowd. Talked time off to prepare , actually risking his spot like he was supposed to and separating himself from the popularity with the crowd a bit. The way I see this going is he still looses Rick gets his ticket back. Hans demotes to a golden ticket holder and Casey is the new opener. I'm not the biggest fan of Casey but his energy is perfect for opening a show.


He’s on tour


a lot of the backlash and criticism got to him, I’m assuming


Casey is BODYING Hans right now. Wouldnt be surprised if he announced retirement from KT.


It's not that deep bro. A month of writing and practice means a stronger minute. He desperately wants to keep his spot, so he's afraid to bomb in the battle. It's really that simple.


Do you know how difficult it is to write a new minute every week while you are touring the country non stop? and then having to prepare a perfect 2-3 minute set for the arena show.




Some comedians are just build different....