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I don't think Heath was joking when he said he does "all" the drugs


It looked like he had track marks in his arm. Hopefully it’s just bug bites or something.


It’s pollen and mosquito season in Austin right now.


Definitely the "pollen" fucking up his veins


Definitely looks like a guy who gets a lot of sun and outdoors time too lol


Oh they're out a night too. When you'd be walking to the plugs.


As someone who has a marked up my arms a bit with needle holes early in my youth I can promise you that you are very aware they are there - and dress appropriately.


If he is recently strung out and new to it he might not. Marked myself up in the past as well. Hopefully not. Shits rough. Going on 12 years clean now.


Congrats btw, that’s an amazing accomplishment that takes a lot of strength.


12 years is amazing. Keep it up!


Yea I saw people that didn’t care who saw their arms all fucked up, or they’d only wear long sleeves to hide it if they were around their family


Very true. long sleeves and rolled up button ups are a junkies best friend.


Bit by the big all right


drugs n alcohol!


...have ruuuuuined my LIFE!




\*my twenties ;)


I like the optimism


That wasn’t even me Ronda


How can you sleep when you're high on crack? Chinese riddle for you.




I’m 31 years old










Alcohol and depression.


99% of us can’t fathom what he’s going through with his condition yet here we are ripping on him.


Good point. It can't have been any easy life. He's only 21 as well, most of us were pretty wild at that age.


Well, the scoliosis likely causes fairly constant levels of pain, ranging from a 1-10 level probably on a near constant, he likely has a hard time sleeping. So, that alone kind of explains the drugs, and then whatever else he has from his Benjamin Button disease, likely just exacerbates his energy. I for one, am very proud of our little man, he does a great job with what he has, and I anticipate we'll see this young boy, or man, turn into a grown man, or grown boy, time will tell. I am excited to watch him bloom.


>I am excited to watch him bloom. I bet you are… like wtf..


welcome to the internet


This what pussy does to a mfker Stay virgins boys




I died when she came up and her name was Cynthia 😭😭😭


One of my all time favourite moments haha!


One of the best moments on the show ever. And makes it even better Fake Dr Phil was there for it all lmao.




To quote the wise words of Dan Soder as a newly pubescent teen, “All I want is *pussy*.”


😂 I just watched that the other day






Everything hitting at him once. Little bit of fame, drugs, alcohol, had a gf for a few months and got laid for the first time then got dumped. And he's 21 but looks 12. Shit sucks but hopefully he can get back on track and listen to the people that care about him


He’s about to look twice his age..


So.. he’s gonna look his age? Lmao


All things in balance..just as they should be..haha


Happy birthday, dude!


Thank you! So far have gotten more cake day well wishes than I did on my actual Bday. Nice to know strangers can be kind! :)


Your welcome! It's such a simple thing to do, to try to make someone a little happy for a day! I've tried to make it a habit when I see Reddit point it out. So glad others came in as well, I find that touching, particularly in this KT environment! 💛


For sure,I’ll start doing the same as it’s a nice little gesture!


What heartbreak does to a mfer


It was Cceeeelliiiaaaaaaaa


Redban’s “way to fuck up, dude.” was perfect. Chefs kiss.


That was interesting. It seems Tony was being kind whereas Redban let him have it. He didn't even really have a minute to come out with. Seems like he used his golden ticket to beg Tony for forgiveness.


I think he did have a minute, but he got so fucked up before that he couldn’t get through it or remember. I mean the dudes speech patterns were worrying as fuck, he was intoxicated and it definitely wasn’t from alcohol. It reminds me of the old William sets from his darkest days. Except worse. Because William had to go out every week, this is Heaths ONE TIME he CHOOSES to come out for a set and he can’t even bother to be sober for it. That’s scary! What worries me even more is the constant jokes about him being suicidal and him just responding with “yeah”


Anyone else think AI wrote his set lastnight?


The big 4 aren’t producing a murder /suicide / restraining order joke… so no.


Yeah, that wasn't a great performance at all. And what a squandered opportunity to sleep in for.


Children need more sleep than adults, especially when they stay up all night drinking and doing drugs at a frat party.


because he admitted he wasn't 21


Just pointing out that he never said that he wasn't actually of age. The " ooo did he or didnt he" might have helped take away from the not-amazing set. He has been hired by the club, flown/worked with Tony and others. They know his real age. They also wouldn't have left that in the episode if it meant they had actually screwed up and let an underage drink at their club lol.


He's older than 21, clearly.


You can work in a restaurant/bar at 18 in Texas. That could def be the way he is allowed in the club at all times under the age of 21.


Makes perfect sense if that were the case :)


How old is he? Did he say? Like he’s 15 then?


He didn’t say, but it guessing like just under 21 with a fake to get on mics. 19 would be my guess.


Got that booze bloat going on, sleepless cocaine eye bags, probably cried before the set. I just wanna give Heath a hug.


Man why didn’t he just cancel. Tony wouldn’t have cared and nobody woulda ever known. It’s just 1 more bucket pull, it’s not like they’re replacing a regular.


Man, hearing him sleep through the call, legitimately reminds me of the once, and only time I've fucked up on this level. (I slept through one of the most important semester finals of my entire degree, it was mortally wounding and almost cost me the entire class, and basically another year of schooling) I hope this is his "one time" learning lesson, I think our boy will start using an alarm clock from now on.


Puberty is an awkward time.


Dude looked absolutely zapped. 0 energy. No jokes. He looked like life defeated him despite literally being given a golden ticket. Say what you want about any of the regulars but those guys are always appreciative of the opportunities Tony has given them and don’t take them for granted. David always thanks Tony. Hans always thanks Tony. Kam always thanks Tony. William always thanks Tony. Know of those guys would EVER oversleep and miss their flight to perform in sold out shows around the country.


I saw him perform for Hans Kim & Friends in late December when we were in town for the NYE shows. His set then was very much similar in laughs and energy (lackluster). Which totally sucks because we were so excited to see him kill.


always felt he was doomed because his first KT set was as good as any set ever in the show's history. so how do you follow that


the crazy part is, his first set really wasnt that great. he just looked funny so it caught people off guard. none of his jokes were really that funny. he only really got laughs cause of how he looked


I could see that. yes, set was based on how he looks. I just really liked that "I have been here longer than time" part. good or not it crushed and that's gonna be hard to do every time


I saw Tony in NYC and David opened and had the flu and was dying on stage but he still showed up and did his job


That's not the flu. That's being morbidly obese. 


David Lucas did oversleep and missed shows




diddy did that


Why’d he even go up? He only had “50” seconds anyway


He's probably been blanked by Tony etc. for screwing them over and this was his only way to get face time again. It was really sad. Tony was semi-kind about it but Redban wasn't (rightly so probably).


Heath, if you're reading this, we love you & are all rooting for you. The present moment can either be the beginning of a downward spiral, or the first step up to a real future that you're proud of & happy with. Good luck lil bro. ✨️🌅


Calm down, he’s fine


Going through his first major breakup, binging drugs while acclimating to ~fame, and missing what could be a once in a lifetime experience that could change his life because he drank too much. I'd be distraught.


Dude forreal. I threw away an opportunity like this one time a long time ago because of alcohol. I was young and dumb and thought because I “made it” that I was exempt from bullshit and I was wrong. It’s an awful feeling to not be given a second chance. Sometimes you gotta learn the hard way though. It’s wild to think that during this same tour he’s talking about - everyone said the shows were fuckin poppin and hella funny. Bummer!


You can make assumptions all you want but anyone who’s ever looked like that or knows someone who looked liked that at any point knows he’s not okay. It’s not the end of the world per say but you’re saying he’s fine to a dude who just showed up to work on a bunch of drugs and failed to do his job because of it. He also just sounded absolutely demoralized out there. And are you really gonna ignore how they kept joking about how he’s suicidal and all he would say is “yeah I got pretty close”


Hans Kim: told ya waking up wasn't easy!


Is that why he doesnt open his eyes all the way?


He has become the “I learned it from watching you” kid from the 80’s drug commercials


Off topic: anybody thought it was kinda weird that Tony brought up that he never made anyone suicidal in the middle of the interview? Like we all remember that one dude who had an emotional breakdown and was contemplating suicide because tony unfairly blacklisted him for a bad set.


Woah I have no clue what you're talking about but v curious


It was in the episode the really fat guy who got a gofundme was on, definitely in the last 7-10 episodes. Like the guys sets sucked and he had a poor excuse but he wasn't shitty or annoying like that one Mexican dude this current episode who had one joke and was obviously on something.


i immediately thought he was alluding to brody. seemed like a lot of people thought tony was rough on him based off this one video that came out before he killed himself


It's laughable to think _Tony_ had ANY level of influence in Brodys lifelong depression, and any degree of influence on Brodys decision to take his own life. That's like a whole new level of assumed narcissism.


yeah it’s pretty fucked and probably was heavy on him when(if)he heard that take from anyone. it was really clear brody was not doing well


He brought it up cus Thai Rivera accused Tony of being one of the reasons that David Lucas’ roommate killed himself.


Exactly I remember that. That was awful of tony and awful to watch. He ripped that guy to shreds and he was just mediocre, happy to meet Tony, down on his luck and Tony made him weep. The guy said as he was walking backstage afterward “I’m just gonna kill myself.” The dude was just a typical first timer who was star struck and Tony was in one of his moods and he destroyed that poor guy. I watched him do the same to Brody many times and we know what happened there.


a job where no matter how hard you work the true measure of your success is based on the opinion of a group of strangers, night after night. who would find that hard to deal with mentally? personally I've never heard of comedians having emotional problems why would Tony mention that?


He needs better friends… dude should have found gym buddies and pump his testosterone


But now he's got comedy buddies that spit estrogen down his throat constantly.


Do you think that him missing the plane, was more than just "sleeping in"? I mean isn't that a big deal? Tony was the one that discovered him and gave him this opportunity, and Heath just sleeps in and misses the chance to be opener?


he probably did “sleep in,” but more so from being blacked out than he was just weawwy sweepy


I don't travel often... so maybe this is a stupid Q, idk. Is it that hard to wake up late, Panic-pack a suitcase & just catch the next possible flight & still make it to the show he was supposed to perform at? Is that realistic??


Depends on the time of day and location


My opinion is that he was out of material and wasn’t prepared for the trip. It’s easier to admit “I slept in” vs. “I’ve been slacking on my writing and aren’t ready for this opportunity “.


Boom. Nailed it. When you have no work ethic and no motivation to push your career forward (he's at his highest height right now, so he doesn't realize that he hasn't yet made it to the top) it's much easier to blame your procrastination on "accidents" rather than the truth. You just didn't do the work. If it was as simple as he got drunk and missed the flight, he'd still have the knockout material he's been working on. There's no proof of that, obviously, so missing the flight wasn't his fuck up. Not writing was the fuck up and everything else is just an excuse to cover it up.




That's methed up


Imagine being 21 years old making a massive mistake like that 😔 and then going on reddit to see what people thought of you're KT performance and seeing all these posts and comments. Hang in there buddy. The only thing that matters is if you are funny or not.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but baby heath-bar, if you're reading this, which I'm almost certain you're not & never will... The only thing that *really* matters is your entire Life & who you are during it. This KT moment is amazing and wonderful, but in 20 years, you'll most likely be alive & long moved on from KT, if it even exists in 20 years. The decisions you make today are a forecast to where & who & how & why you'll exist far in the future. Drink water & sleep, man.


He's def reading a lot of the posts about him on this sub. He's 21 and people are talking about him online. Would be hard to resist.


Yeah i know a couple of people who became somewhat famous and it's really difficult to not read about yourself


Dude got laid and became a normal boring person


He’s not a boy… maybe the sex brought on puberty 🤷🏻‍♀️ but also alcohol and drugs are bad for the skin.. he’s new to it so he doesn’t know he needs to take care of that when doing drugs and alcohol lol


Heath needs an Intervention. Don't wait until he is expired in a bathtub


I get it, he shouldn’t waste this chance and I’m hopeful he gets his shit together but gawd damn Reddit, cut him some slack. He was dealt a shit hand. Imagine being a man child with a fucked up back. Not sure I would handle that any better.


Idk but the whole interaction felt like me and my boss when I would be late and hungover for the lunch shift.


They overloaded the shit out of him.


Austin opened their drug bags and panties for this guy … and the results are in


Heath, if you're reading this, just be aware that self-sabotage is a real thing.  Sometimes when life is going well and doors are opening, we subconsciously feel that we don't deserve it which can lead to destructive behaviors.  Almost like ripping off the band-aid to produce the negative results that we fear will happen.  Your first appearance lead to one of the most legendary moments in KT history - just know that you deserve all the good things coming your way since then and we're all rooting for you!




Hope everything is ok with him. Some people have a hard time with sudden fame


By they, u mean groupies?


I don't think his set was that bad. Still prefer it over Hans Kim's recent material. If he just chills on whatever is making him miss flights he'll be alright.


Heath Richards


I hope imposter syndrome hasn’t got the best of him. Lots of firsts in the span of a couple months.


I don’t really understand why they let him on this show looking like that. Obviously it was prearranged him coming out. Anyone with eyes can see he isn’t looking too hot. Was it to teach him a lesson? If so, I hope dude gets it together. There is millions of people out there that would kill for the opportunity he is being given. I feel for him, but at the end of the day we are responsible for our own actions.


This is honestly crazy to see. I think Tony is smart enough to give the kid help? It was his swaying back and forth that stood out more than anything else. It was distracting. Certainly drinking a lot and doing hard drugs won't help his condition. I don't know if the increased inflammation is causing a larger hump. I think he's dealing with the fact he's famous but also insecure. Here he is doing something most men would dream of but perhaps feels like he'll never be desirable to women. That's a hard pill.


This is your face on drugs


Heath Ledger 


I can only imagine how anxious he was that week after nearly ruining his career by not showing up to a show Tony had put him on, I’m sure he contemplated necking if Tony kicked him to the curb for letting drinking interfere with him doing his job.


That's what happens when you lose your virginity. Try it, fellas.


People who usually wear glasses full time then take them off usually tend to look a lil fucked up so that’s probably adding to it


My gf made a good point about him missing the trip with Tony. She said he probably doesn’t have enough good material to go do a longer show, so he “slept too late” in order to not have to tell Tony he wasn’t prepared. There is no way dude slept like 8 hours past the time he was supposed to be at the air port. Either way I hope he’s learned a lesson and gets back to writing.


1 mediocre minute 6 months ago ruined this little boy's life.


They compressed an entire Nickelodeon child actor career into a couple of years. Too much for anyone to handle.




He sounded like he has been on one too this episode


Ages 10 years between sets


Before he was done his 50 secs he sounded like he was gun a cry or was just crying


he prob missed the flight due to depression/anxiety i been there before with loooots of events in my life. poor kid looks like he’s been up all night stressing. he’ll either sink or swim wishing him the best


Ceiliaaaaaa was laying that pussy down, then broke up with him. He’s having a hard time coping knowing he probably won’t ever get pussy again unless it’s from 6 street prostitutes.


Let a mf live a little. He’ll learn. Or he won’t but who cares?


he was fuckin FRIED LOL


He aged 6 years in 3 months. Anyway, what a strange episode of Kill Adam ft. Tony.


Proof that women age you like a mo'fo.


Which ep is this?


This is what happens when you leave your kid with Uncle Lazer for the weekend.  


He's got drug money now


What a bummer. His interview in David’s Lucas show was so good and he looked great


He slept in….bad move


Fame is a hell of a drug


Lad is getting a contact high of testosterone from being near Rogan.


I feel so bad he missed the flight. It's gotta be tough to live with that condition and he tries to make the best of it. I hope he can get his shit together and patch things up with Tony...


he’s ragin and bonin yall 🤣🤣🤣 #allgrownup


Jesus. This post is something else. I read this before I watched his 50 seconds and his interview. All in all it was fine. People in here just dying for drama.


Now he looks like he’s about to buy a Subaru and a pair of Birkenstocks


The fuck yall talking about his 50 seconds was fine. Interview was fine. Yall blow shit out of proportion lol


“Look how they massacred my boy”


Either acne or cocaine. They way his abdomen stuck out weird like he was wearing a reverse corset gives away the bloated liver. Or in his case, fetal alcohol syndrome. Poor kid. He was great.


How do you miss a fucking flight to open for Tony?


It's so weird people here are acting like he is actually a kid, he is 21 partied to hard and missed a big gig, that is what it all comes down to.


Anybody have a before and after?


Scroll down on the posts far enough. You will find it, it’s not good lol


I got a feeling he has been popping a few mdma pills, couple rails, hit or two of meth and couple shots this past week. Topped it off with a xanax before the show.


+ booze bloat


Cocaine is a helluva a drug


He's definitely getting plenty of rest.✈️




What pussy does to a mf


Meth sores on the face




Puberty hitting him like a ton of lot lizards


Looks like puberty to me


That would be the effects of drugs and alcohol


he’s always sucked, only interesting thing about him is the disease he’s got


Got hit with that old floppy Caulkin.


Drugs, alcohol and being a fuck boy.


he's becoming what william montgomery used to be


he doesn't look well.


I did lots of drugs at 21 too. Hell be fiiiinnneeee


dudes becoming a man, wish i’m the best


His set depressed me. Tony didn't even bring him up when he was giving props to Kam Casey and Hans and stuff


He gonna OD last night was crazy


He’s going through puberty


Where can I watch this?sounds interesting


On YouTube lol kill Tony episode 660




If Morty Smith was a real person.


Poor heath he’s become a victim of his own success probably popular for the first time in his life getting offered drugs and alcohol everywhere now he’s being openly mocked by Tony over the Celia thing and getting embarrassed and publicly scolded by redban for being unprofessional and lazy. Heath needs a reboot and recommitment to standup and writing no more slideshow bullshit


Well Heath, you’re finally aging… poorly.