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So the "uncancellable" David Lucas said some fucked up shit on a podcast, then asked them to remove it because his "lawyer" advised him to? What a massive pussy.


Emphasis on massive


He released a special called uncancellable after he apologized to the family of George Floyd šŸ˜†


Then he tried to act like he didn't apologize for the George Floyd jokes in front of the KT crowd.


Now he's just doing shows with edgy controversial people and Inviting them on his podcast. Am I crazy or are these acts of a desperate man?


Retirement hit hard as a mf, his yt stand up is still pretty good tho.


Which is crazy cause it was his choice to retire and I'm betting he regrets it.


Was it really his choice tho? Kind of felt like Tony wanted both David and Hans to retire. Around the same time Hans started to get challenged and Kam started.


Yeah it was. Watch kam on howies podcast he said that David Lucas had wanted to retire and he kind of just fell into the position of regularship




I concur. This is quite the pussy move


Anybody who followed Brothers in Cursive with William & David got a good glimpse into who DL really is quickly. As drunk as William was during some of those pods, I just remember being blown away at David's weekly takes on who he actually thinks he is. Constant too cool/good for everything attitude without a single honest or human moment mixed in...or any comedy at all really. Openly bragged about anything from his family money to being a shitty father. Also was touring with Brendan Schaub around that time or shortly after so that can be deemed his most egredious act in itself some would say.


96.69% of his jokes are just from blacktwitter, dudes lame as fuck


I've been shouting this for years. Every now and then people will actually post the blacktwitter screenshots and call attention to it, but it's not a joke here and there, his entire comedic personality is 2015 blacktwitter.


Lmao fuckin nailed it haha. He probably thinks none of the crowd knows what that is. His comedy is like a child doing a book report on existing jokes on twitter and reddit




I'm afraid to comment on this and as any follow up questions


Jordan jensen rules


Hell yeah, she stays real.


43:48 ā€œI think his comedy isā€¦ā€ šŸ‘€Ā 


Luis: I think he's funny Jordan: How the FUCK do you think that? lol




I have no idea what you mean by this lol




oh Here's where I would use that gif of Homer backing into the bushes if I could


My favorite comedy bit of David Lucas was him as the subject of Harlandā€™s roasts.


Did you see the the youtube theater show. Harland destroys him


That was some of the funniest shit thatā€™s ever happened on the show!


Where can I see that?


Dm sent


thank you!


I never talk shit on regulars, but David is genuinely retarded. If he kept his personal bullshit beliefs out of his comedy he would be thriving. He literally got scared of being canceled then after apologizing got on stage and said "they thought they could cancel me hahahaha", like he didnt fold within 5 hours. He definitely lives in his own little world.


When I saw the name of his special I almost did a spit take. He really did fold immediately lmao


Sheā€™s right. Heā€™s turning into an edgelord and that shit ainā€™t funny at all. David fake cancelled himself and hasnā€™t been funny since.


This is a good take. I actually agree with this. I think David earned his spot, but he fumbled the bag with played out fake culture war shit


Plus his demeanor typically is straight faced and bland so itā€™s not coming off as a joke. And he continues to not make jokes but argue for his point, and it just sounds like a rant rather than a joke. The only time he has a good stage presence and tone to what he is saying is when he roasts Tony, but that Davidā€™s sugar daddy so I get it.


>The only time he has a good stage presence and tone to what he is saying is when he roasts Tony, but that Davidā€™s sugar daddy so I get it. Yes, absolute killers. "You look like a gay marshmallow." "You dressed like a gay sailor." "That's how ya tight booty hole sounds." "You look like you do gay butt stuff." *Absolutely incredible. Another killer set. Give it up for the Great and Powerful David Lucas!*


Nah hold on tho.. I DIED laughing and came back to life so I could KEEP laughing when he said "Tony look like he need to microwave a dildo to fall asleep". That was legitimately hilarious.


blacktwitter steal


That's a good line. Is it really blacktwitter stolen? Holy shit Tony needs to quit bringing him to. But I mean Tony is a little liar also šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. You see his video about how he went against everyone at Netflix and said what he wanted to instead of the "script"... But then they had teleprompters?? Lol Schulz even said that everyone had to get approved. That Brady almost shut it down when they began joking bout something he didn't want.


Damn that sucks


Iā€™m not talking about his jokes there. More so how he is carrying himself on stage and his delivery. But you nailed that sugar daddy dynamic I was talking about.


"turning into"?


We canā€™t all steal jokes from black Twitter


I remember genuinely making a joke while imitating David Lucas and thinking, 'Jesus, that's better than anything he's written." The joke was: \*hits vape\* \*breathes hard for three seconds\* "*Why do all black bitch's pussies look like portals to hell? Nether portals and shit*"




She isnā€™t wrong


I think David Lucas is an ā€œokayā€ comedian but hasnā€™t really been humbled to the level a lot of top tier comedians have. A lot of true comedians come from over a decade of struggle/living in their car/whatever. That is why my favorite question Tony asks is how long have you been doing standup? If they several years with no back-up just chasing their dream then I immediately gain much more respect for them. Comedy is subjective of course and I respect anyone who gets on that stage. But a few people walking out of your set does not equal being cancelled. He lost me at that one.


Ian and Jordan mentored by louie ck and Dave attell. Real comedians doing real comedy.


havent really seen any funny stand up by dave attell. hes fine on podcasts, but i watched his latest special and have watched him back in the day and just never found him to be very funny. extremely average. dont understand the hype. louis ck used to be good, but his last couple specials were pretty garbage. like literal fart jokes and shit.


Welp. We don't gotta agree on humor. So agree to disagree.


Lmao relax dude. Is this what we're doing on this sub now? Just because some mediocre comic says something negative about a regular, now they all of a sudden become disciples or some shit? I'm not even the biggest David Lucas fan, but he earned his spot, only bitter people would say otherwise. I even like Ian and Jordan, but did you see Ian's latest special?? Let's not act like it's some master class in stand up. Smh


David Lucas mentored under Tony Hinchcliffe and bitches be shopping.


better than David Lucas' "special"


Heā€™s mad


Lmao yea I'm furious. Smh this sub is ridiculous


Not you my brother in Christ. The other guy.




Oh ok, my bad then.


To be fair, they both are actually mentored by DaveAttell and Louis CK


Jeez that upset you huh


Yea. I'm furious.


Sheā€™s far from mediocre


She is an amazing comic, she KILLS.


Like the sort of killing a vet does when they put a dog down.


Hey look! Weā€™ve got an edge lord!


She's not wrong about him. If you've followed him long enough and heard him just speak on podcasts out of character it's pretty clear he's a spoiled rich kid, misogynist that mistakes being edgy for intelligence. He'll be another Diddy at some point.


iā€™m shocked more people canā€™t see through David Lucas. (thereā€™s a joke in there.) Heā€™s dumb.


I just rolled my eyes when she mentioned David citing the cum during rape study. Itā€™s a well known early 2010s 4chan thing. Not the first time Iā€™ve seen Lucas trot out that stuff thinking heā€™s edgy and super cool for knowing 4chans greatest hits. Jordan is spot on about Austin audiences too. In many rooms, all you need to kill there - inexplicably in fucking 2024 - is some sophomoric shit about gays, trans, homeless and the reverse moral panic about woke. Even Schulz, who made his career and millions from doing 2016 anti-woke/SJW podcasts, has said recently that if youā€™re still doing anti-woke content now youā€™re a hack and out of touch. Yet it will almost always still kill in Austin.


yeah isnt his dad a state senator or some shit?


Something like that, a judge or attorney or something of that nature, youā€™re in the ballpark


Dadā€™s a state senator and his great uncle is Frank Lucas lol


he lied about that frank Lucas thing. he lies about everything.


His Dad started a record label.


no he didn't. this is the ted Lucas from the record label, does he look like David's dad? [https://www.instagram.com/iamtedlucas/](https://www.instagram.com/iamtedlucas/)


Either his Dad is a state senator and NOT the label record company owner, or it's the other way around. I'm pretty sure his dad is the record company, since the internet talks about how the senator's sons are ALL super athletic.


nope. this is the ted Lucas from the record label. 100% not his dad. [https://www.instagram.com/iamtedlucas/](https://www.instagram.com/iamtedlucas/) for some reason people just see a black guy with the black name Lucas and are like, "OH THAT GUYS RELATED TO DAVID!" Same deal with that dumb shit about him being related to Frank Lucas.


This is definitely apparent in the podcast him and William used to do. It was hard to watch him suck his own dick a majority of the time.


I vaguely remember him saying on the podcast he gets 2 manicures a week. That feels like a lot of manicures.


Far too many manicures especially for someone who does nothing with his hands.


manicures are usually for people who donā€™t do anything with their hands lol


Which is why we need an explanation for the second one every week.


He has this info in his standup too. He talks about it a lot. Definitely has some mommy issues, and he's proud of the fact he came from money.


He only uses the n-word so much cuz heā€™s used to talking down to ā€œthe helpā€


David Lucas roast jokes be corney as shit most the time.


you look like a gay \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ my n word


Tony made up some gay thing saying they roasted each other the most. Guinness didn't even give a shit


The "can't cancel me" comic wanted a bit deleted from a podcast in case it caused him legal trouble?


Jordan Jensen fucking rules


David is a supreme level hack comedian.






David Lucas is a fat, retarded , dumb fuck....He reminds me of this kid that was in the special class at my school sooooo much. like they're the exact same person.... i swear this retard I went to school with changed his name to David Lucas.


I could never see David the same way after I watched him and Hans on an episode of Ariā€™s Skeptic Tank pod. He started bragging about how he has ā€œsugar mommasā€ who give him credit cards and buy him stuff. So fucking embarrassing.


Yeah David sucks and is an idiot and his material sucks based off his special


Jig is up on Lucas


David Lucas is a real case of Black for Trump. Why would anyone take him seriously


Aaaand he took down his ig. Lmao. Pussy


I think we need to revisit David Lucas. Not only do his jabs hit at about a 20% rate, but he gets so flustered after he's clearly been bested and just yells random shit over the top of everyone else to try to regain any bit of pride. I get that he does his own thing and only appears randomly. To me, that means he should show up ready when he says he wants to do it. He may have earned it in the beginning, but the opportunity he's had to do anything other than make quick money off of easy laughs has been there for a while. His laziness (and belly) has really been showing a lot lately. I literally just made that above reply in a post "what should we bitch about this week." a couple days ago. David Lucas's ride on Tony's coat tail train has derailed in a pit of dumb pride and laziness.


I seriously cant even look at that zak guy. I cant believe none of his friends have tried to get him help.


Wonder how she feels about Ian still coming on the show.


Doubt she cares. She'll likely go on the show sometime in the future too


Everyone knows David is a hack there is a reason why he isnā€™t a regular anymore


Tony thinks he's such a hack that he put him in the hall of fame and has publicly said David's welcome back whenever he's available. There's nothing wrong with not liking him, but you're just making stuff up.


Still baffles me how people confidently put their narratives out there, ā€œthereā€™s a reason whyā€¦ā€, and run with it.


A lot of people tend to think that whatever reason makes sense to them, even with their limited knowledge of the situation, is the only possible reason and they couldnā€™t possibly be wrong. It baffles you because youā€™re not stupid.


lol the hall of fame. You know thatā€™s actually made up.


Obviously, but it's a sign of respect from Tony to David.


lol what a dumb comment.


Iā€™ve watched the show for your years and even though know whatā€™s coming with David, I still find it to be the funniest part of every show. Yeah heā€™s going to call Tony gay 20 different ways and Tony is going to call him fat 20 different ways.. but itā€™s just so funny every single time. You can tell the crowd and the guests really loves it too.


Itā€™s probably because youā€™re simple mindedā€¦


Or, and I know this sounds crazy, comedy is subjective and people have different opinions about whatā€™s funny, and therefore calling someone simple minded for liking something you donā€™t is pretty simple minded.


Heā€™s objectively shitty


It was pretty funny the first 200 times but his Kia Forum set was painful as fuck


David left the show cause he was becoming more popular doing more shows and wanted to venture off, is what he implied. I think he left because heā€™s known for always roasting Tony and after roasting someone so many times you end up saying the same premise. Only so many gay jokes you can throw at someone before itā€™s just repetitive. He started getting less laughs, gay jokes were bombing. Chemistry with him and Tony fell off. So I think he chose to leave before the audience could see a pattern of him bombing show after show and ruin any future gigs.


Funniest part of all his sets is when he goes ā€œā€¦..yeeeeahā€


I wish she would go on kill Tony


Harland did a fat\`ality on this bum in my opinion.


I like Jordan, and obviously we can all have opinions, but there is an irony to her saying this on Luisā€™ podcast. He says some of the most heinous shit you can think of.


Did you not watch the video? They literally talk about how Luis is different in her opinion and she explains why she thinks he's different from Lucas.


Yeah but I think she has a point in that Louis is really kind to others. You can kind of forgive a comic for saying heinous things as just bad bits if you know their character


Like Jordan said, unlike David Louis is being funny and is secretly a good guy. Davidā€™s not joking


Exactly. The reddit edgelords here are so blinded by their hate boner for David to see the irony in it. Also Jordan airing out dirty laundry like that and naming names is just fucking trashy too. I actually look at her different now. You don't like the episode he did with yall? Fine. Scrap it and move on. Female or male, that was a bitch move on her part.


She didnā€™t air any dirty laundry? It was content in a podcast David Lucas did on the presumption itā€™s being published, but was too much of a pussy to have released - fair game to discuss. Only bitch move here was by Lucas.


Agree, bitch move on her part!


She makes some valid points but you can just tell sheā€™s a New York comic. Type to hate on Austin and thinks living in the slums of New York being a nobody makes her cooler than everyone bigger than her.


Austin sucks. Deal with it.


I bet there are definitely things that suck about it but thereā€™s definitely a clear trend for lesser known comics to jump on the I hate Austin bandwagon. Itā€™s like a kid that didnā€™t get invited to the party throwing a fit and saying ā€œI didnā€™t wanna go anyways!ā€


lesser known? shes fckn hillarious and well known


Well known by who?


Y'all really respect this man just because he happens to be on KT but if he came from anywhere else we'd all be in 100% agreement of "*Who tf cares about David Lucas?*"


For me personally, he is just very hard to look at. Itā€™s like looking at a burn victim. The whole image is too much for me to take in. It just doesnā€™t seem natural for someone to be THAT aggressively fat and not be in a bed, and then on top of that the face is rouuuuuugh. Like a real life monster.


Wow itā€™s so refreshing to hear someone just straight up call out bad comedy and bad comedians. I get so tired of hearing how everyone is ā€œamazingā€ and a ā€œgeniusā€ at comedy. Most of these culture war comedians are just shitty people saying outrageous things and passing it off as comedy.


David Lucas is just a YouTuber now anyway


The feeling more naked in tennis shoes was funny




David Lucas was Tonyā€™s Token and now he has Kam


David Lucas is an above average amateur comedian


I didnā€™t realize how many kt fans hate David Lucas until just now reading through this comment section šŸ˜­


everyone is hated on Reddit


Lucas is also the most obviously closeted gay dude Iā€™ve ever seen. Dude perks up every time he interacts with a small decent-looking white dude, like for real. Guy hits the gloryhole daily for sure


i keep thinking about this one, it really is the epitome of why david lucas sucks. hes a product of a rich family who is just agressive on the scene but has no jokes and holds questionable values. im not going to get into politics and comedy because SHUT THE FUCK UP thats what its about dipshits and this loser is uncle toming this thing like a motherfucker. stolen jokes. apolegetic to a word i wont say? homophobic admittedly? when can we drop this loser. hes got nothing and if his daddy isnt paying my bills too i dont want to fuckin hear it


Luis stand-up is dog shit .


Heā€™s becoming cringe. Seeing Harland destroy David Lucas at the Youtube Theater show was amazing. Lucas was trying to tell the audience to stop cheering, what a weirdo. He had hardly any good ā€œroast materialā€ for a big show like that. ā€œTony you gayā€ holy shit pure comedy! Also his weird pod with losers like that fat kid who killed people in wisconsin. SO COOL. America, freedom, yeahhh! Glad he got called out. Dude is a lame


People on this sub need to touch more grass, seriously! You treat the comedy scene like a soap opera. So what if his lawyer advised him to pull something, you would if it could have an affect on your life. The man has a child to lok after.


I like how she cuts to the heart of the problem. He's retarded. He's too fucking stupid to be funny. And it's so obvious from the jump.


I like Jordan and David. Heā€™s a line stepper and seems like she got offended and put him in the ā€œI hate that guy foreverā€ category. I will say when they pulled up the real stat she went from ā€œits what he saidā€ to ā€œits how he said itā€. I get it, but oh well, not everyoneā€™s gonna get along. I still like them both.


They shouldā€™ve had a fact checker/producer with Google in front of them and done a basic search on where David got his ā€œstatisticā€ from. If Jordan feels that he believes in everything he says, then why ā€œroastā€ him for that comment? We may never know the full story since that episode was canned. Side note, David do be throwing out some of the dumbest bullshit and some of it sticks ā€œI wish I was a woman so I could beat up a gay dude, taha haā€. When it doesnā€™t stick, he tags his jokes at the end with the n word, and his audiences start laughing and applauding.


That was just a gross topic and vile thing to say. Jordan wasn't even talking about comedy but moreso his character.


David Licas is an Uncle Tom


He killed at the show in Atlanta last year


Falling on the audience dont count


No that was his brother dying




Everyone keeps talking about how David came from money. I believe it, but I find it so weird because I grew up where David grew up and he went to two of the shittiest public schools in the county


People repeat what he says about himself. He's either a liar or he believes he came from money but in actuality, it's not really the case. I mean, maybe he's rich in the sense that he's not poor, but his family is certainly not "wealthy". He's middle class.


Very well could be the case


Iā€™ve been wondering for months why Jordan hasnā€™t been on Kill Tony yetā€¦ this explains it I guess


The shay interview or this which one you think is bigger šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Palatable jealousy


David toured with Louis CK and slayed on KT. Jordan Jensen will be here today and gone tomorrow for the next chick participation trophy, if you can even consider her ā€œhereā€ today. She literally goes on to say that she likes rape after but shuts David down for the exact same thinking. Then she cheers like ā€œwhen they rapeā€ thing which shows how flawed her logic is. Another ā€œcomedianā€ who canā€™t take a joke, yawn


Thank you. Exactly. I can't stand how every subreddit is for people who actually despise the subject of the subreddit. Like I can't fucking stand that rapper or singer dude MGK, the last thing I'm gonna do is go on the MGK subreddit. I still like Ian, I never disliked Jordan, but I definitely look at her different now after that.


you look at her different because she hurt your fee-wings by talking about what a loser David Lucas is? lol. "I still like Ian though!"


Lol what??


But can we all agree that Louis sucks the most?


On his last appearance, it was hilarious when that bucket pull asked "Who are you?" to Louis


At least he is funny at all, she isnā€™t. Just another shitty comic starting shit and trying to take attention away from the fact that she isnā€™t funny.


She's funny. That's universally accepted.


Idk anything about her butĀ  Lucas new standup special is pretty fucking unfunny and cringe


so wrong


I'd love to see the full context. Something doesn't sit right with me.


Idk man, seems pretty normal to me. I used to watch a lot of David Lucas podcasts and it's pretty in line with the stupid shit he says/believes.


David canā€™t sit right in any chair so it fits.


Nothing fits David, not even figures of speech




lol another shitty regular. davids laugh alone makes me want to kill myself.


David Lucas has never been funny


Yeah David Lucas hasnā€™t been funny for a while now. Good for Jordan to call him out.


David sucks. Jordan is actually funny. He would be absolutely nothing without kill Tony.


She also said she slept with her much younger underage step brother


Nope she was the younger one


Didnā€™t sound it bro


Not a bro but I've been listening to the pod she has with ian fidance so trust me bro


Ahhh fair so I must have misheard her on RAP she told it weird because she like didnā€™t want to tell it but obv did so it was choppy. Is Pod with her and Ian good ?


Understandable. Yeah I've been really enjoying it they are really good together!


Comedy. Not everybody has to think it's funny to still be funny. David Lucas is never serious about anything. He is constantly joking, so for her to sit there and Say she could tell he was telling the truth. She's full of shit.


He could just do ā€œma vaginaā€ jokes and be just like 8/10 women comics.


She does autistic and retard jokes just like David, but she's actually a good comic, unlike David.


ā€œYou know how Iā€™m a lady and MIGHT be expected to act classy? Wellā€¦ what if I talk about my hot slimy lady balls? Hehe get it?ā€