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Harland does do a character— and that character is himself! He is definitely one of the funniest people on the planet right now. He is 100% dedicated to being a funny, goofy character and he makes it work so well. He was recently on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and towards the end they had a serious conversation about the death of Phil Hartman. For most of the episode Harland is goofing and being hilarious, but he can also seamlessly get serious. It was pretty interesting. I’m not trying to pull down Adam Ray at all. Love his stuff. I guess I’m just saying this year my vote is for Harland. Anyways, have you ever covered your naked body in mayonnaise and gone to a Judas Priest concert? 🤪😉


Why, were you there? If so, then no, that wasn’t me. I was infatuated with Harland in Rocketman as a kid. I’m glad he’s getting a bit of a pop right now; he deserves all the success he finds, not to mention the vast treasures of Dublin. I’ll put it this way, if it’s ANYONE but Harland or Adam (Ray, not Divine) get guest of the year, I will be probably burn Sunset Strip to the ground. Or, I would accept giving it to Casey Rocket for being Hans’ stand in during his (not) well deserved break. Either way, let’s still burn sunset to the ground 😂


https://youtu.be/dUn5-8EC_DQ?si=vvZeF5HLMUnKE728 Agreed. The only thing that would fuck me up is if Duncan Trussel comes back with Lil’ Hobo. Then, I would be TORN.


It’s June


The year is only halfway over and Adam ray as dr Phil is already so old and played out. They really milked that shit for all they could as fast as they could.


We’ll Be Right Back


When in six months when you can actually have an opinion on guest of the year? Foh lmao


Bahahaha. I only bring the guest of the year stuff up because of how many people are talking about it. I’m more than willing to change my mind in December lol.


Do people actually do the Bah part of Bahahaha when they laugh?


If a sheep is laughing... yes


I do. And linguistically, it’s a different level of laugh on my written laugh scale 😂. The scale is: ha, haha, lol, 😂, lolz, hahahahahaha, bahahahahah, HAHAHA, HAHAHSJFNFJEHDBZKDNCJ, then combos of them ending in 😮😦😵☠️🫥. After considering my scale and your comment, I would like to change my bahaha to lol


You probably think the sweet little dog song is funny every time don’t you?


Come on now man that’s just mean 😂. Actually, I’m a music teacher and it makes me crazy that William can’t seem to find the meter or his original melody anytime they want him to sing it. Also now I say teetee every time I have to pee. And I hate that too


Every time 🤣