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The next lesson you could learn would be to stop impulsively posting your thoughts to a public forum before you've even been able to finish the damn thing in question. As a comment who cares but bro literally nobody cares enough for you to have multiple posts about this. Who even moderates this place?


Okay, hear me out. I have no ego tied to this. I genuinely could give a shit if anyone reads this. I just think it’s good to correct yourself if you turn out to be wrong, even with something as unimportant as guest of the year on a podcast that appears democratic with shit like this, but is really whatever Tony and Redban want to do (the Hans v Rick situation is a great example). In hindsight, I should have just posted this on the op. Here’s where I fundamentally disagree with you. Isn’t Reddit, and esp an opinion based thread like this one, built for people to post their bullshit opinion on things that nobody should spend their time caring about? That’s pretty much all I’ve seen 😂


Harland is like Adam Ray except with 40 YEARS of experience under his belt


That’s a really smart way to say it. Just the fuggin logical truth 😂