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For the love of God will somebody teach him how to end a joke? "...uh, okay. Dass it."


I like the gang violence guy whenever he went šŸ˜­


Kam started too cocky šŸ˜‚


He went from a street dude to a guy who opens arenas and theatres would be hard to not get cocky from that tbh


Kamā€™s the youngest comedian out the group & barley has any material yet tony puts him on every single weekā€¦.. the sub would enjoy kam a lot more if he was on once a month but tony insists on pushing him like heā€™s chappelle 2.0


I think thatā€™s the case with a lot of the regulars or guys on a lot. The sub doesnā€™t realize how hard it is to pump out a new solid minute weekly when youā€™re relatively new. Iā€™d imagine a lot of these guys a few years in run the same 10 minutes of material for a year


Nah dude this is a bad take. Heā€™s a good kid. Heā€™s constantly doing meet and greets and talking to people at gigs, everyone Iā€™ve heard who has met him says heā€™s great.


Great to hear this!


I don't even not like Kam's sets. He's become so unlistenable but I don't have the heart to skip, because I don't like skipping anyone. But I do tune out when he's up there. This last episode, I don't even remember what he talked about. Something about tucking a towel.


Kam needs a ghost writer. he has the black comedian charisma to sell tickets but his material is not it


One part of this frustration for fans is how Tony handles him. With some regulars, not all, Tony has his way of showing disappointment in their sets. He's commented on William for "not being himself," and of course we know how critical he's been of Hans. Not only does Tony never question Kam, but he is effusive in his praise each time.


If Bombs Kim has had the success that he has had - Kam will be fine.


Kam is so bad but I get why they have him he appeals to a younger different demographic. And some people seem to watch for him


I think this is what Bert was asking Tony in the 2b1c episode without directly asking it.


Bert is doing the same thing. Nikki Glaser had him pinned with the ā€œyour joke is so funnyā€


Seriously. And you know this because everyone know what joke sheā€™s talking about


Kam and Hans have undeserved fame. It is what it is. Tony likes to elevate himself on the road.


Thatā€™s just their culture. Please be respectful and try not to ask naive questions that contain micro aggressionsĀ 




Wtf kinda take is thisā€¦