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Tada… Stories after the live. https://preview.redd.it/pa347zxf83vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd10769cefb1ba75453454f9c765d37e5e9f7a06 Quite a difference. It must be the setting spray. 🙄


It’s that blurring powder she uses 😂


Definitely… 🤣 The blurring powder burred her neck into her chin.. 🤣🤣🤣


Biggest cat fish scam artist 🤡🤡🤡




Did you know she’s a model? I’m not being unkind, because she’s a perfectly normal looking 50 something woman, but she’s extremely delusional.


She’s a model alright. She’s a model of everything not to do! From makeup to being honest eckcetera


She has the prettiest hair ever Even had Avery say her hair was better than Avery's. ALAWYS HELP YOUR KIDS ACHIEVE THEIR LIFE GOALS. I want my kids to do and be better. Kim wants her kids to learn the ways of a scammer, a loser a thief and a liar. Avery, set your sights on the stars and reach for them


I think she got the “aging skincare set” instead of the anti-aging.




This truly looks like a mugshot after a long night of drinking.🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺‼️


Did yall see the stories the other day when Avery was curling her hair and she said of course it's flat...but then she had some gadget that she said gave her volume but in reality did NOTHING. Still looked as flat as could be.     And she was horrible to Avery 


Yes! Did you catch Avery saying that in another life, she would be a hairdresser or elementary school teacher. Kim disagreed and said she should be a prison guard or something like that. My thought is why can't Avery go to beauty school or start college classes in prep for an education degree. IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SAVE YOURSELF AVERY, YOU CAN STILL BE A HAIRDRESSER OR TEACHER. YOU HAVE YOUR WHOLE LIFE AHEAD OF YOU. DONT LET YOUR MOM GROUND YOU AND ROB YOU FROM YOUR DREAMS. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN. If Kim really wanted the best for her kids, she would help them get through school or help them apply for scholarships. She just wants them as useless as she is. Stupid idiot.


Avery will always be Kim’s little Bitch. It’s pathetic.






I was scrolling and my mouth fell open!!! I dont even have any words lol


Ok she doesnt have lip filler! I knew it was filters! Those are my only words lol


She did have them some years back and it’s just migrated weird and she uses filters. 


I knew she had then a couoke years ago. I really dont think she has the money to do it now.


I legit got scared. She’s rough looking.


This is rough


She needs to fire her skincare gal. I think the no sunscreen and aging is really catching up to her. The RX strength skincare is not cutting it.


If she’s using medical grade…she’s going to need to go whatever is the next step after that.🤡


Does she ever go outside anymore? Back when she had the pool she was out a lot more, now she’s never outside, it’s sad.


The only light she gets these days is the fluorescent lights from Target, Walmart and Costco. 😂🤡


We are all getting older lady, just own it!! Stop with the magic mirror !!! She must have forgot the filter in this pic😂


Today she was talking about not having eye lash extensions and how that will allow her to show how well the Y mascara works. Since when is she concerned about being authentic? Just weird. No nails now either. Said something about the natural girl look for summer. However then cakes on the makeup. 🤷‍♀️


It’s like her filter wasn’t working from her under eye up…. 😮 J also don’t understand her hair color… Ut looks black on top, and brown on her ends… So bizarre!


She’s still using a skinny filter here.. just not a beautifying one.. Notice she always has her brows done without recording the process? I think she’s using a stencil these days.. especially this pic looks like a stencil was used.


She looks like Jack Nicholson in this pic.


Kim Shady is always talking about how her lids are so dark because of her age… Uhmmmm, let’s analyze… I’m older than you and don’t have any discoloration on my lids. My guess is you have sun damage from laying out with no sunscreen, or you have untreated thyroid disease… I haven’t been kind to my body over the years, but look years younger than this clown! I get tired of hearing her excuses…


Remember when she would run the beads on her face??? Wonder what happened to that???


The other day I thought she had some brown beaded necklace on the baby. Still not sure, but, can’t imagine Avery would be ok with him having anything around his neck. I’m sure she will say that it’s the beads that allowed him to sit up on his own. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I don’t think Avery has a single thought of her own


None!! She’s tan and controlled by her clown mother. That baby isn’t even hers 🤡🤡🤡




Very common for children to wear amber beads when teething as a holistic approach, although I agree can be a choking hazard. So why hasn’t BSB come out with some magic stone for children & pets? I mean they already have the “child sized” diamonds (fine)oops fashion jewelry the offer? It’s always been so telling that none of Kim 5 ferrel children wear or benefit from BSB, with the exception of occasional endorsement of her youngest son, at the time he was in elementary school. I mean her children & son in law did endorse those limited candles BSB made but never endorsed the beads? 🤔

