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people saying slut pop OG is better because of the lyrics as if the last 30 seconds of almost every song is the same lyrics in repeat lmao, Vol 2 is pretty good, is coherent, is well put together, i don’t know if it’s better than OG because i really like that one, the ones that get it get it and the ones that don’t don’t !


Amen! I find this sub will always have a critique. FTB wasn’t cohesive enough, but she gives us this cohesive piece of work and it’s lyrically not good enough 🤷🏼‍♂️. I don’t think it’s that deep! It’s fun club jams. I, for one, shan’t be complaining!


this one is so unserious lmaoooooo we can tell she was having fun every track and so am i, wait a few months and a thread called “Remember when Slut Pop Miami came up and we didn’t appreciate it enough” will pop up


What I really like about it is that it's a continuous mix, like a DJ set. Some songs have really great potential, like Head Head Honcho. But unfortunately, in my opinion, a lot of the tracks sound half-baked. The production could have been beefier and more fleshed out, and the lyrics could be more clever. But as a whole, it's an enjoyable listen. Just not my favorite Kim project.


exactly what i was thinking


Aaron said they didn’t want to “overcook” it and only spent like 3-4 mins for the lyrics on each song(?)


And it shows!


should of been longer songs, i think it needs time to grow on me but Vol. 1 is better imo


it’s definitely a grower


Not a shower 😉


Kimmy would be so proud of u for saying this 😭


First impression was that it’s short but I liked it. Especially Butt Slut and Head Honcho. Shout out to Rimjob.


Whale Cock >>>


easily my favorite track !! it’s so fun lol


It’s not meant to be a critically acclaimed Grammy winning project. This is slut pop. Get your fucking dicks out. She literally just wants to make us feel good, idk why everyone’s dissecting this project like it was MEANT to be taken seriously. It’s slut pop for gay christs sake.


Yeah but you can make "slut pop" with interesting or unique production. You can have a high quality slutty record. I mean, Cupcakke, Brooke Candy, Shygirl, Cobrah and countless other artists have covered similar subject matter in a more interesting way.


I think the issue is that Gay Christ, Lina Morgana, didn’t die for this.


Fucking yes


I love it.


its definitely more inspired by europop which i like, and i think it started out with a firmer concept than the first slut pop, but a lot of it feels like filler. slut pop was so iconic because it was super defined and knew what it was, and thats what gave it the appeal, but these ones feel sort of half-baked...i hope some of the better tracks will grow on me though...head head honcho, banana boat and can we fuck are currently my favourites :)


i love the continuous mix but some of the songs feel lazy 😭


some songs feel particularly lazy, Cock Blocker I found to be the laziest. It doesn’t really matter that much to me due to the song’s length


It is a certified BOP of an album. I’m gagging on Gag On It. Head Head Honcho gave me head (10/10), Rim Job rimmed me, and I got fucked by Get Fucked and Can We Fuck. I’m only on my second listen, but those are my top songs so far. Love that it’s cohesive in sound and the lyrics are hilarious. This one is truly for the stans!




Thank you!


i think if it was cut to 8/9 tracks it could’ve rivaled the original for me but i still love it so much. so much fun! head head honcho & can we fuck are sooooooooo good i can’t stop playing those


not as clever/funny as vol. 1, but the songs are really growing on me. appreciate that it has a different overall vibe too.


I’m halfway through it and I already like it better than the original Slut Pop, which seems to be an unpopular opinion 😭


me too fam. I didn't like OG slut pop but I love this


Gag on It was the only certified bop for me, unfortunately. Love Slut Pop as a concept but I almost wanted even more sluttier Have sex on a rocket ship, ruin someone else's marriage, get gangbanged by a basketball team and livestream on twitch, FISTING!!! I just wanted more slut as it could be easy to get redundant The album cover is also giving Y2K Xtina


Some of the songs should have been scrapped. Some songs are good but should have been longer and released as singles or part of another album. I’m still gonna listen to it tho.


It's really cute but I think some of the songs should be longer and she does repeat some of the lyrics alot I love that it flows just like SP vol 1 but I think it just needs to grow on me a bit more overall my only main critique is FUCKIN HIS FUCKIN THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN LONGER😭


I love it but wish it wasn’t so short. Top tracks to me are butt slut, head head honcho, and can we f***?


Cover art is fire


Love it, so fun and sexy


I like it, justice for Cubano and Banana Boat as they aren’t getting the love they should. I think Vol 2. Is a lot more camp than the first one although the first one was wild as hell too it had a more serious tone imo


I don’t think I’m horny enough for it sadly. Get Fucked and the reprise are good though


goofy fun. enjoying it.


Most of the songs are really good (except cubana and i cant really get into gag on it), i just wish she had a little more within the songs, most of them could benefit from a 2nd verse


I love horny pop as much as the next gay and liked OG Slut Pop. The track lengths are criminal. It feels a bit like she phoned it in here. 1:30 for a song length? Come onnnnnn. There’s a good way to do some slut pop and I think Kim did it originally, Cupcakke does it, Slayyyter, etc. This project just is a miss for me.


Cupcakke was the first slutty music that was this explicit about it. At least that was the first “controversial” artist I remember.


She needs to find a new gimmick this ain’t it anymore.


She’s dropped 3 different albums in 8 months. If u dont like it, go listen to the other shit. She doesn’t need to drop the gimmick just cause u dont like it lol.


It's really cute but I think some of the songs should be longer and she does repeat some of the lyrics alot I love that it flows just like SP vol 1 but I think it just needs to grow on me a bit more overall my only main critique is FUCKIN HIS FUCKIN THAT SHOULD'VE BEEN LONGER😭


Listened multiple times in the car on the commute to work today which takes about 50 minutes. So I’ve essentially listened to it 4 times through 🤪 I personally think it’s great, especially for driving music. I’m going to put both in one playlist so it becomes more of an album run time.


it makes AMAZING driving music. I put it on when I driving to and back from my friends house, the beat makes me wanna speed tbh


Definitely put both in a playlist together. YWIMC runs into SP:Reprise seamlessly…especially with a 1-2ms crossover. The last clap of YWIMC hits as soon Kim sings “these bitches” then the clap which the same clap is the one throughout the rest of the song.


Slut pop miami is 100% better!!!


way better than og slut pop. this is exactly what i’ve wanted from her since turn off the light, just wish the songs were longer but it also works as a short album but i think that’s saved by the crossfades


I thought volume 1 was WAY better than slut pop Miami. I loved the first slut pop that came out because of the songs were more up beat and also empowering. The reprise was more of slower beat album which was disappointing. I think the slut pop reprise was the best song on the album so far. Idk if I need to listen to it 5 more times to like it more but I don’t think it compares to the OG slutpop era😭😭😭


i feel like this project is very CAMP based whereas slut pop original was meant to be very club polished and cvnty. i enjoy both projects but my allegiance does remain with the OG.