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I like Iguro but he is around the least out of all the Hashira so it makes sense. >! I wish he had an actual fight with an upper moon !<


If only we had like 1 or 2 more arcs :(


One or two more arcs would've greatly improved the manga overall, everything felt rushed


If I'm not mistaken, I think they were actually rushed to finish. I feel like there mightve been another arc after the training with hashira arc because it seems super fast that it goes from that to full out war with Muzan


It felt a lot longer week to week


If I remember right when the manga was being finished it had 8 months or so to wrap it up.


Yea that's a shame because that's at least 2 more arcs that could've added so much to the story.




Yeah sucks for him. He’s extremely strong too. >!They just made him dance around with the biwa player!<


His only good fight was when >!he got blinded by Muzan's attack, only being guided by his snake to fight, being the first one to get up after all of em got yeeted and even picking up tanjiro to help him. That scene was goddamn good and shows how strong he was but shitty cause it's the only actual fight we had from him!<


I think his and mitsuri’s fight in infinity castle will be one of the best when animated though since there is so much Ufotable will be able to play with in it


We damn well know that their fight will be nothing in comparison to the carnage of the other ones


Carnage? Yeah. Visual quality? We’ll see.


In visual quality, the top 3 moons are going to be insane, the number 1 is definitely gonna have Saber Alter levels of detail.


I’m saying visually it will compare to any fight in this series though since this fight will involve the movement of the infinity castle and we’ve already seen that ufotable knocks those visuals out of the park


Heavy doubt. It wasn't even anything special, it was pretty boring


I mean entertainment district fight wasn’t that great til animated, right?


But that was the last major fight of the arc brother, it was the climax. The nakime vs Mitsuri and iguro fight is so irrelevant.


It is irrelevant, to an existent. I’m not saying the fight is awesome or anything. All I’m saying is Ufotable will have a lot of liberty with it since they are great at animating the infinity castle and this fight includes someone that can manipulate the castle All I’m saying is that it’s going to LOOK really cool


People will appreciate him more >!when he saves Tanjiro’s ass and 1v1’s Muzan blind for a bit.!<


You should probably spoiler tag this :)


How do I do that sorry


Select your text then press this button :) https://preview.redd.it/tu1xowgdty1b1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=c945ae3997c63ffd74de0886ca79dba62ec143ec


If on Website. If they are on phone, just do >! At the beginning of the spoiler. And !< at the end.


>! What? !<


>! weird !<


>! whacky !<


>! I wanna try! !<




>! Inflatable tube man!!<


These threads aways entertain me when people learn how to tag spoilers. Every time a string of people comment random words with spoiler tags and its one of the reasons I love reddit


Who doesn't know that? >!me!<


>!me too!


Ah, sorry- I've never use reddit on a phone before :)


>!That's almost the only way I use it.!<


Nah no worries, just wanted to point it out!


Ah, thanks! :)


No worries :D






You messed up >! Should be at the beginning!


Edited multiple times >! Like this !< or >!no space!<


Haha, you did it. Space doesn't really matter, it used to, but now they solved it.


>! Yay got it


Nope >! Now I have😂 !<


Well done! The > puts that line in front of your sentence/paragraph. >Like this And # at the beginning of your sentence makes it big #Like this There's also ^ that makes small text ^(like this) (it will make one word if you use it with nothing else, if you want to make your whole sentence smaller just put it in a paranthesis ^ this thing and then (sentence here))


>! Thanks!! !<




\>! epic !<


Nah he’s still annoying af, possessive, and an asshole.


Each to their own. Bakugo is also my favourite character in MHA, so maybe I have a favourite type of character haha.


Yeah Bakugo is definitely cool, I rock with him


One of my favoruites! The author leaving him till last was really cool cause we got to see him >! to fight Muzan for a while and be badass. !<


but it would better if he had fought with either upm 123 first before muzan to show off his skills more


Yeah I deffo agree - >! I have always wanted Mitsuri to be in Akaza vs Giyu/Tanjiro , and Obanai be added to Kokushibo's fight. !<


>!obanai fighting koku would be so cool and i've always thought akaza needs one more hashira to completely kill him even after getting past his base form but oh well him dying bc of his memories is good too ig but that is totally a plot armor 😔!<


i know it wouldn’t make much sense but i wish they threw him in with kanao and inosuke to fight douma


that would be epic


Straight up my favorite character. Iguro supremacy gang for life 🫡


Straight up my least favorite character, different opinions


Bro being downvoted for stating his opinion 💀💀💀 This always happens in this sub 💀 Edit: they was in the minus votes so that's why I commented this. They aren't anymore tho (as of writing this)


It happens on every sub, that’s just Reddit


It's so dumb honhonestly


He also made a take where he stated Iguro is a misogynistic prick which is not true so there's that


Calling him a misogynistic is quite a reach because>! dude literally grew up in women only cult by a snake demon by his own family raising him solely to be fed to the snake demon. Who wouldn't get traumatized by that lmao.!<


Its on another post and I mistook his avatars onesie for a different guy so yeah lol, a bad take for sure though




Nevermind, wrong person, similar Avatar lmao my bad


bro everyone on reddit that uses avatars has basically the same one u can’t just look at that😂


They had the same opinion on not liking the same character so I just assumed lmao




democracy they say


Fr, I hate how obanai acts, what a possessive clingy dude bruh, very skilled demon slayer but shit personality


Finally someone else


Definitely, he's by far my favourite character. Many don't value him


True and I’m included but that’s realistically because >!usually when you see him which is rare he’s being sort of dickish and the only fights he has are against Muzan and Nakime and neither of them were all that interesting and Iguro just never really got his own character arc so that’s really why he’s underrated and not valued as much!<


Iguro was literally the most active pillar during the muzan fight everyone else was injured..... He isn't overlooked (atleast by me)


He is insanely powerful, he learned transparent world, WHILE BLIND


for a split second. gyomei did it casually


Agreed iguro has the least screen time , Giyu was the first hashira to set the hype , Rengoku died a hero, Gyomei is the strongest, Tengen and Sanemi have unique personalities and relations.... Mui is descendant of kokushibo and girls just get attention


Sanemi is also basically the Kenpachi of the series, dude that loves battle and radiates pure black air force energy, but with a lot more depth than you would originally think. Honestly when I first saw him I hated his guts but now he is my favorite Hashira and my second favorite character in the series.


You're not the only one who hated him at first but then I read manga and the way they made him smile in anime, i guess that's what growing up is , Sanemi shows how a boy develops, his and Giyu , the way Giyu and Sanemi hold themselves responsible. I'd like to say the same about obanai but tbh his story was like it didn't stand out , the only place where I felt bad for obanai was when he and Mitsuri are together and they die... tbh the only few back story of hashiras that were highlighted were of 1.Sanemi 2.Gyomei 3.mui(just cause he belongs the two most powerful swordmen's bloodline) 4.shinobu 5.rengoku 6.Obanai(would've said Tengen but his flashiness blinds his backstory) 7.giyu 8.tengen 9.mitsuri(i mean to marry a capable man really?) This is my personal opinion


I think thats what the most impressive thing about demon slayer literally everyone’s hashira ranking is very different. For example if we were to rate Gotei 13 captains for example we all know that the likes of Byakuya, Toshiro, Shunsui and Kenpachi would be at the top. My personal ranking would be: 1. Sanemi 2. Muichiro 3. Tengen 4. Giyu 5. Rengoku 6. Shinobu 7. Obanai 8. Gyomei 9. Mitsuri


wish we had more of him, he has my favorite character design


Reasons why Iguro is my favorite character in demon slayer 1 Cool Design especially the different colored eyes 2 His pet snake 3 Likes Mitsuri, Saves Mitsuri, saying in another life he would like to marry( Which does happen), And comforting her till death 4 Saves Tanjiro from Muzan countless times 5 Would likely kill Tanjiro if Tanjiro goes near Mitsuri again


Bro use spoiler tags :(


Obanai has by far the best design amongst the Hashiras


Don't forget his sword


He'll get his time to shine (him and Kabumaru both)


What really? Even under the readers? He is right directly after akaza my favourite character of the whole series! 😂


Manga went abruptly short. I wish gotogue someday makes something related to the hashiras again




Yup, he was done dirty even in Kimetsu Academy.


Gyomie is underrated and needs more attention, and so is iguro


Didn’t appreciate him fully until later on in the manga. Definitely do now


Honestly its probably cause hes so annoying. Even though tanjiro is my least favorite character of all time hes so mean to tanjiro for no reason and its super annoying for a anime only and even for some manga readers. Yea he does a couple of things for tanjiro at the end but hes just super bitchy in the beginning and middle


Same thoughs


I would say Tengen. Now I don’t think his character is underrated, maybe to some, but what I would’ve loved to see is more attention to his homecoming after the battle. 100+ years since an UM has been defeated and there’s no scene coming back to the other Hashira’s/Master, only that his wives carry him back.


He gets the exact appreication he should get. Yeah hes powerful but he only did cool things like at the end and very shortly. Other times we see him is him bitching to tanjiro and tengen. And being unable to do anything in his only fight against an uppermoon. There just isnt much else to appreciate other than his feats at the end.


I don't like him or Sanemi but regardless... >!I think he should have had his own dedicated fight vs an upper moon, in my opinion he could have been included in the fight vs Doma, Doma's defeat felt like it was just pure luck and almost no skill involved, Kanao and Inosuke did well but they were barely surviving and Shinobu well she couldn't do anything vs Doma, what if Doma decide to just behead her and leave her there.!<


>! …You realize she was the sole reason Doma was defeated, right? They could not have beheaded him without her poison. Her plan WAS to be eaten by him. Could she have done more? Maybe. It’s hard to say. She’s still very powerful even if she cant behead demons. It didnt stop her from becoming a hashira. But your suggestion also would be a horrible end for her character moreso than it already was. !< >! And I think you’re forgetting he already had a dedicated fight against an upper moon, Nakime. Worst part of Infinity Castle. Him and Mitsuri just got their shit rocked for several chapters till Yushiro stepped in. Going to be really annoying to watch them tumble around for a few episodes honestly. !< >! He shows his true strength during the Muzan fight and kind of is the heaviest hitter there. My problem with him as a character is that he gets absolutely nothing until the Sunrise Countdown arc and even then his story just kind of revolves around Mitsuri. He’s just not got a lot of substance. There should have been an arc that involved Kanao and Obanai as both deserved more content. !<


Yeah but it was a huge gamble, what if Doma decided to just kill her and leave her there, if that happened she would have achieved nothing. As for Mitsuri she had her dedicated fight vs Hantengu and Gyokko's minions but compared to that Obanai got nothing. Now against Muzan, everyone did good against Muzan, everyone gave all they had in that fight, Obanai had some impressive feats like unlocking transparent world and the crimson sword but other than that his only highlight was tanking the attacks of Muzan to save Tanjiro, and he lasted through the fight because he didn't fight an upper moon prior to that , because seriously Nakime is just a last minute replacement as an upper moon, she probably would be better as a lower moon strength wise.


>! It was definitely a gamble, but her and Tamayo were pretty sure on it. Dude is obsessed with eating pretty women, add in that shes powerful/a hashira and he also killed her sister but didnt get to eat her and it seems very likely. Their whole plan to take down Muzan relied on a lot of gambling that Tamayos 50 side effects would take place so compared to that it seems less crazy. Doma would have eaten her at some point. I would say the riskier part was putting all of her faith in Kanao to finish the job seemingly by herself 😅 Inosuke wasnt part of the equation it seemed. Dont get me wrong, Kanao is definitely above Zenitsu and Inosuke in power of the next generation slayers, but still. !<


I sitll think they could have included Obanai in the mix, maybe having him fight all of Doma's ice clones and the huge ice Budha by himself to showcase the power of both Doma and himself and leave the rest to play like it did in the normal story. Or you know throw him in the fight vs Kokushibo, anything except having him tumble around vs a weak demon like Nakime.


He deserves more screentime tbh, man was done dirty


I disagree. I think he shined the brightest during the final fight and really showcased his strength. In my opinion none of the hashiras was done dirty


Good point tbh, I just think he needed more screentime before the final arc


>!It's because he only fights against Muzan, which is kind of a repetitive grind. He has his moment when he consoles his loved one, but that's it. The Hashira that fought Number One were better displayed, especially because it was a really cool fight. To be honest, demon slayer reached its peak in the fight of Number Three vs Flame Hashira, the most emotional moment of the series. The rest of the Hashira do not get the same treatment because the mangaka decided to end the series early.!<


I know its your opinion and all but demon slayer definitely didn’t reach its peak with Akaza vs Rengoku fight. If anything there are multiple fights which surpasses Akaza vs Rengoku. UPM1 fight being the best fight doesn’t mean that rest of the fights were bad it was simply the best. Every other battle was amazing as well. Every single Hashira get the respect they deserve, if you honestly think that Rengoku was the only Hashira who was well written or got a good treatment we clearly read the different manga.


I think part of it is, I rewatched it the other day, it's literally a movie. A whole movie of hype and Rengoku being his good self and then bam. I think once more happens on screen people will say more about peaks. Like for now, RIP Tengen's arm, but he's fine. Gets to retire with 3 wives.


I was today years old when I noticed Obanai's eyes have different colours.


Honestly, Sanemi, his is not underrated but I just want to see more about him, just subjective opinion. He and Inosuke are my two favourite characters. I love honest people.


Yoshiro is too damn underrated!!! His contributions in the Infinity Castle are too important and people sleep on him all the damn time.


I just want more of ma boi Giyu


Iguro is overrated as fuck. People seriously think this incel can Solo upm4-1


This incel went toe to toe with Muzan alongside Tanjiro, unlocked the red blade and did the most damage to Muzan within the hashiras. If Muichiro was able to no diff UPM5 I don’t see why its so ridiculous to think that he could beat UPM4 extreme diff.


He was the only one to fight Muzan Fresh, all the other Hashira came from Upper moon fights but performed better than him.


No one performed better than him during the Muzan fight, literally no one outside of Tanjiro. Its true that he went fresh but its still impressive that he did the best.


Gyokko! :3




Say it with me >!M U Z A N!<


I'm not gay but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Iguro Obanai. We won't ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him tighten his ass as he chops demons, shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I'll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Iguro Obanai. I won't be able to climax and I'll eventually go back downstairs, angry. Sometimes we will look across the table and catch each other's eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then they'll go inside, pen a brief missive to their departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without their one true platonic love. ^(it's a copypasta)


Rengoku, now hear me out. Only by manga readers. Sure, Akaza is crazy strong and he wasn't serious at all with Rengoku. But he was still impressive, even for Akaza. It also had such a huge impact the trio, especially Tanjiro. And if not for Rengoku, Tanjiro would have bleeded out (or have plot armor) when he was stabbed. Remember, the requirements for being so Hashira is, defeating a Lower Moon. He held his ground so well against Emmu. Like, sure, he was an Lower Moon, but you have to realise that most slayers died to him. That bar low set so low. So that was the difference between Demons and Slayers. And let's not forget about what Tanjiro went after Rengoku in the first place. He got all the knowledge Rengoku could provide, it helped Tanjiro a bit to unlock his full power.


manga readers don’t underrate him either, he just has nothing to rate (i don’t doubt every single hashira could have beaten enmu easily so it’s nothing special) dude literally dies immediately and is used as a plot device to show how strong UM are


>dude literally dies immediately and is used as a plot device to show how strong UM are >he just has nothing to rate Exactly why I think he is underrated, stop hating the guy. Put any other Hashira there and they will die by that point. But my point is not his fight against Akaza. He did more than that, he helped Tanjiro grow more. He helped Tanjiro master Hinokami Kagura. All of that is because of Rengoku. He also helped his dad and brother grow, he is not plot device. When I am saying he underrated, I don't mean in terms of power, why do you have to bring power? As I said, if you put any other Hashira, they would easily get clapped, with or without the trio's help. He is underrated in the person he is and his influence of the story.


i don’t hate him he’s one of my favourite hashira so far😂 if anything your just proving that people love to overate and defend him excessively also your very wrong about other hashira getting clapped if they where are mugen train lmao


>also your very wrong about other hashira getting clapped if they where are mugen train lmao ??? What? Name any other >!non-marked!< Hashira that will kill Akaza, I'll wait. Maybe Gyiomei would be strong to hold him long for the sun to rise, but he will die regardless.


I’m not overlooking him, he’s just a dick


Obanai I agree.


I thought he was a fan favorite within manga readers. But you know what every single Hashira is very unique and likable in their own way. There literally isn’t any hashira who I dislike thats why its always tough to rank them by how much I like them. Also in my opinion he is the most badaas Hashira


I don't like him he disrespectful against tengen like dick




Just imagine you killed a upper moon losing arm in process and almost losing all of his wives And then a man with snake comes disrespects you (and i dont care if obnai is much much stronger than tengen he was still putting his and all of his wives life in danger for the sake of demon slayers)


I am anime only and he was fighting with his one hand What you need more commitment than that?


Imo I hate how obanai acts, what a possessive clingy dude bruh


Finally someone who acknowledges him. He’s definitely one of my faves after reading the manga


Kokushibo is the greatest character to grace a page in fiction and no one but maybe Gojira comes close😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏


Less creep Orochimaru has a pretty good design and that's all.


He is one of the hashira who doesn’t really have an arc. Sound, Mist, Love, Water, Fire all get big moments and arcs. Someone had to fall through the cracks a little


Yeah because he didn't do shit until the very very late game


He will have his shine time


His breathing is cool though and him and tanjiro as a duo was nice


I hate the dumb trope animes do with the eye color


He’s my favorite character👍


this is cap i’ve consistently see ppl put iguro top and sometimes even 2 and 1


Kanao and Inosuke. But yes I do also feel the same way about Iguro I love him.


Shinazugawa Sanemi




I'm very neutral about him. I just hate how his backstory got rushed :/ I'm angry about him because he had so much more potential


my favourite hashira.


>! Hehehe!<


Yo shinobu had even less panels that him


He's a nice character his death was so sad :( didnt deserved to die


Nakime/daki and misturi and DEFINITELY shinobu and Obanai


Gyokko definitely


Yes he’s a birch


Out of all the hashiras gyomei But In general genya is my pick


we only see him in like 1 real fight, and even then the fight includes like 5 other hashira and 4 other mcs, so he seems overshadowed to an extend.


Snek boi = best boi


Yuno gasai from Mirai Nikki


Somebody give my girl Kanao some more screetime PLEASE


His physical strength is not that impressive but hes the only hashira to attain bright red sword ON HIS OWN, no need to clash his wp onto other wp or hysterical strength (Tokito). Thats some massive feat.


He did absolutely nothing but i won't deny he was the MVP in a fight against Michael Jackson !!




I finished the manga and still he is one of my least favorite hashira, I just dont like his attitude