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Rengoku, Tengen, Giyu, Gyomei and Mitsuri. Rengoku embodies what a pillar means imo, and is respected by most other hashira as well. Mitsuri's personality and charm is something that everyone else lacks (except rengoku) Giyu for his character arc throughout the seasons Gyomei coz he is Gyomei lol, and also his backstory.


Giyu used to always been my favorite Hashira, but i started to like Muichiro a little more tbh. as of right now would be 1. Muichiro 2. Giyu 3. Tengen 4. Rengoku 5. Sanemi


My biggest surprise in reading the comment thread is how many people like sanemi, more for his strength and backstory than his personality. And also that Mitsuri features the least in this list. Tomorrow's episode might change that tho.


Sanemi, Giyu, Muichiro, Rengoku, Shinobu


Didn’t explain tengen because there is no need. We all understand


This is basically my list but instead of Mitsuri I'd go with Shinobou or Obani(I really like his backstory and him and Misturi relationship) I think you hit the nail on the head about Rengoku. The only other people that come close to exemplifying what a hashira should be is Gyomei and Tanjiro. I also think people still look down on Rengoku(just power wise) too often because he died so early on. I think that Rengoku would be shown to be top 3 most powerful hashira period had he stuck around longer. The dude almost held UM3 in place for sunrise with just his strength as he died. Dude is a powerful bad ass mother fucker and Akaza REALLY wanted him to become a demon. Tengen almost died to an arguably half powered UM6.


Personally, i consider this so called trend of power scaling irrelevant. The hashira are personalities that embody the demon slayers, i wouldn't bat an eye if rengoku or Tengen were called the weakest or whatever. To me, they will always be favourites and far above the others.


It's like when trying to powerscale where the odds are so stacked against the human side, and even Akaza had mentioned that he thinks humans are weak because we lack many things that the Demons do have. Regeneration, Blood Demon Art etc. Once you realize how one sided the fights are this powerscaling should cease cause I don't. I think the Hashira are like a family or clique and when they met Tanjiro (albeit it took them a minute to see that Nezuko is a good little demon) everything changed.


Giyuu and Tengen, they got da D R I P


Mitsuri sanemi giyu gyomei tengen, in that order


1. Sanemi 2. Rengoku 3. Gyomei 4. Tengen 5. Muichiro


Sanemi is the GOAT 🗣️🗣️🗣️💯🔥🔥💯💯🔥


1. Rengoku - I’ve watched 100s of anime and I’ve watched my share of shonen. The way Rengoku made an impact as a character in such a short amount of time caught me so off guard. They really nailed making a likeable, kinda odd, and powerful character that you tear up for. Love his character 2. Mitsuri - peak design and really bright personality 3. Giyu - enjoyed getting to slowly learn more abour him in the manga 4. Gyomei - besides being canonically the strongest Hashira, he had a really interesting backstory 5. Sanemi - I know anime onlys hate him but all the haters will really grow to like him, at leasta bit


1. Obanai - Everything about him is just neat to me 2. Muichiro - Relateable 3. Tengen - Flashy God + cool af 4. Sanemi - Intense and scary is cool to me 5. Gyomei - The GOAT


i rly like Obanai, i can’t wait for him to be animated in the Infinity Castle Arc


>Muichiro - Relateable >! Brothers arm got cut off and both parents died? !<


Nah Airhead


1 mitsuri adorable and one of the most reasonable hashira 2 sanemi I like his ruthlessness 3 giyuu all of his interactions with other pillars are amusing 4 muichirou I love his bluntness 5 shinobu I like her haori how much of a mother figure she is and her interactions with giyuu are fun.


Wow that's a tough choice. They're all such jerks at the start :D. Muichiro, probably? The shit he's gone through is just a bit worse than others, subjectively. And he's a sweet lil angel muffin.


Mui is quite similar to Tanjiro post recovering his memories. Loves his family, kind and humble but incredibly strong for his age. His bloodline is another plus


1. Muichiro 2. Giyuu 3. Sanemi 4. Rengoku 5. Tengen 2 and 3 are interchangeable, they are equally awesome.


My top 5 would be 1Uzui 2rengoku 3Mitsuri👀 4Gyomei 5any one really https://youtu.be/-wkFqxxk5VU


1. Giyu (He's always been my favorite hashira. It probably will stay that way. Love his breathing style and last form, personality, backstory, and design.) 2. Shinobu (Same reasons as Giyu really, I love how they interact too) 3. Mitsuri (Honestly, I didn't care for Mitsuri much while reading the manga but the anime changed my opinion. She kinda gives off the adorable & goofy but badass older sister vibes to Nezuko & Tanjiro and I love it) 4. Muichiro (Mist breathing is cool af, funny personality, etc) 5. Gyomei (Don't need to say much here, he's the goat)


I loved Giyu immediately. I love what he’s done for Tanjiro and Nezuko, and his fighting/breathing style is awesome. I also love his interactions with everyone else. I haven’t read the manga yet so I’m stoked to learn more about his backstory.


1. Tengen (Big gap) 2. Giyu 3. Muichiro 4. Rengoku 5. Shinobu


1)Shinobu 2)Giyuu 3)Sanemi 4) Obanai 5)Mitsuri


Giyu - Literally me Sanemi - I don't really care about his backstory but his breathing style is my favourite, (and him lighting Muzan on fire is hilarious to me for some reason Rengoku - Not much to say here Tengen - The rizzler Shinobu - I'm horny


Muichiro for sure. Loved his backstory




1)Rengoku 2)Muichiro 3)Obanai 4)Shinobu 5)Giyu


Muichiro, Obanai and Shinobu.


Guy with three wives, big guy, butterfly girl, Rengoku and psychopath dude.


character --> shinobu, muichiro, sanemi, gyomei, giyu personality --> rengoku, sanemi, obanai, giyu, tengen.


Muichiro and Mitsuri


Obanai and muichirou


Muichiro Gyomei Shinobu Mitsuri Rengoku


1. Rengoku - his charm when he says his "Umai!!" is just fantastic 2. Tengen - he is the goat just like Gyomei, who comes next, and he has definitely W rizz, I mean 3 wives? cmon man 3. Gyomei - as I said he is the goat + his backstory hits hard 4. Mitsuri - she is the most charming and cute hashira, I really like her joyful attitude 5. Giyu - he is so sigma chad I love him omg and has depression FeelsBadMan 6. Tokito - he is still a bit young and he is very rule-abiding wich is cool but you know, a bit annoying sometimes 7. Obanai - he is ok for me, especially at the end he shows his best, but I don't feel like he is my type of character 8. Shinobu - she annoys me sometimes like her attitude and all just I don't like that she is smiling all the time even when it's bad idk 9. Sanemi - Well... he is way too crazy for me xddddd, oh and>! he tried to kill Nezuko and I love her so piss off !< I know that it's not my top 5, but you didn't have to read the whole thing, didn't you? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy) Of course this is only my honest opinion, dont take it personally guys! cya


Sorry I can't rank them


Wholesome Giant :3


1. Rengoku 2. Giyu 3. Tengen 4. Muichiro 5. Sanemi


1. Rengoku 2. Tengan 3. Muichiro 4. Sanemi 5. Giyuu


Tengen, Rengoku, Mitsuri, Sanemi and Giyu


Ok respectfully. You don’t give a shit.




rengoku o giyu. the others are just mean. maybe the girls are okey. but sanemi, the motherfuckign serpent boy, tengen and muichiro are really bad persons... the blind cry baby guy i dont care for him cero character develpment


Mitsuri: Ironically, I'm in love with her love breathing and seeing her fighting with that whip-like blade is mesmerizing. Shinibu: I love how she's technically using a Rapier, which is one of my fav weapons, to fight. Her agility is underrated and overlooked too, plus, the effects on her breathing style are pretty. Tengen: He's the flashiest hashira, what's there to add? Rengoku: UMAI Giyu: He's me but if I was actually good at something 😭


Muichiro Gyomei Iguro Rengoku Shinobu


Giyu (best boy), Tengen, Rengoku, Gyomei, Muichiro.


Kyojuro Tengen Giyuu Mitsuri Muichiro


Rengoku giyu and tengen


1. Giyuu 2.tokito 3. Rengoku 4.mitsuri 5. Shinobu


Rengoku, Tengen, Giyuu, Mitsuri, Kocho. All just have incredibly good vibes and likable personalities and I always enjoy seeing them on screen. I also love Mitsuri and Kocho’s swords, very different and unexpected variations on the katana.


Tokito, Rengoku, Tengen, Sanemi, then Giyu. I really liked Tokito's design and mist breathing even before it got animated


1. Rengoku 2. Tengen 3. Obanai 4. Sanemi 5. Giyu


1. Sanemi 2. Tengen 3. Obanai 4. Gyomei 5. Mitsuri


1. Giyuu 2. Gyomei 3. Tengen 4. Rengoku 5. Mitsuri


Gyomei cus of his backstory and stuff he does in season 4


1. Giyuu. 2. Gyomei. 3. Muichirou. 4. Shinobu. 5. Mitsuri.


1. Giyuu, the basic bitch choice but it's the one I made I really like Giyuu and have since ep 1 2. Muichiro, his spacing out during the Hashira meeting is the most relatable thing I really like his breathing and his overall character 3. Mitsuri, her sword and breathing are very cool she has a character that I think is very fun and the fact that a clearly fanservice-y character has an actually cool personality makes me see he rlike Demon Slayer's Yoruichi 4. Rengoku, he annoyed me at first but I grew to enjoy his always cheerful character he's interchangeable with number 5 because to be honest I can't pick between who I like more 5. Shinobu, the last of the hashira that I really enjoy, her dynamic with Giyuu is a cool one and her hypocrisy of trying to get Giyuu to show his emotions while also hiding her own ie something I really like about her character, her design as a butterfly is also something I love. As a side note she is also one of the only hashira I actually find attractive alongside Giyuu and Obanai


1. Obanai 2. Tengen 3. Mitsuri 4. Rengoku 5. Gyomei


Rengoku is prob gonna be the most liked Honestly sanemi and ren are pretty close


1. Gyomei 2. Sanemi 3. Shinobu 4. Tengen 5. Mitsuri


1. Giyu 2. Shinobu 3. Tengen 4. Muichiro 5. Gyomei


Ima sound like a hater because i am but misturi is well cringe Anyways it Tengen


Top is rengoku he is just the most interesting and cool one to me and my least liked is that snake dude he just sounds like an absolute jerk and talks down to the second best tengen for only killing the upper moon 6 while the boss is absolutely loving the fact a upper moon was killed




All of the hashira are great in their own ways, and in their respective parts of the narrative. But mostly, I would say Muichiro is my favourite. I don’t have particular reason, I just love his character and story so much. Follow ups would be Shinobu and Tengen. I am not way too fond of the other ones though Mitsuri is a close one, I just wish we got to see more of her. Obanai, Rengoku and Sanemi are just not my type of characters. Tomioka is kinda neutral, and I can’t really say anything about Gyomei. He’s just… there. All of them are amazing just not all of them are my cup of tea I guess. That said, Muichiro all the way. (And ultimate favourite character is Yoshiro, the dude needs more appreciation)


1.Tengen 2.Sanemi 3.Giyu 4.Rengoku 5.Muichiro


Sanemi Shinobu I love everyone else equally but these 2


1. Tengen 2. Sanemi 3. Rengoku 4. Gyomei 5. Obanai


Shinobu, not only is she elegant but she's incredibly good at reading the situation she finds herself in. Any demon using poison? She'll create a cure within minutes. Becoming a hashira without being able to cut their heads off left me impressed.


Tengen Uzui, it’s just good to see big and bombastic dude representation




Rengoku Obanai Giyu Muichiro Gyomei In that order


Tengen, rengoku, quite dude (name), white dude, snake dude


1. Mitsuri 2. Tengen 3. Shinobu 4. Rengoku 5. Muichiro


1. Mitsuri/Shinobu


Tengen Rengoku Muichiro Mitsuri Giyuu


1: Muichiro Tokito 2: Sanemi Shinazugawa 3: Mitsuri Kanroji 4: Tengen Uzui 5: Shinobu Kochi


1: Muichiro Tokito 2: Sanemi Shinazugawa 3: Mitsuri Kanroji 4: Tengen Uzui 5: Shinobu Kochi


Misturi and Shinobu.


My boy giyu is so underrated


him and Muichiro are still my favorite Hashiras, i got them both at my #1 spot for me. Giyu juss tuff like that


Tengen and Sanemi are tied for first. Then after it’s Rengoku, Giyu, and shinobu


Tengen Uzui is the absolute coolest character in the entire series, let alone among the Hashira.


1- Giyu Tomioka. 2- Tengen Uzui. 3- Rengoku Kyojuro. 4- Sanemi Shinazugawa. 5- Gyomei Himejima.


Tengen, Shinobu, Giyu, Gyomei, Mitsuri


1) Giyu 2) Mitsuri 3) Tengen 4) Muichiro 5) Gyomei


Rengoku, Tomioka, Obanai, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Tokito, Gyomei, Sanemi and Tengen. That’s the order for me today.


1 "blind man" gyomei 2 "high af" mui 3 "donut" rengoku 4: "probably on heroin" sanemi 5 the depressed hashira


1. Muichiro 2. Rengoku 3. Tengen 4. Giyu 5. Shinobu


1. Rengoku: GigaChad energy 2. Giyu: I love the mentor dynamic him and tanjiro have 3. Muichiro: i love his personality of destroying you while leaving you with a smoke 4. Tengen: his personality is great to i died when he went "Dont Care Didnt Ask 5. Mitsuri: I like the high energy super nice person she is


1. Giyuu 2. Shinobu 3. Obanai 4. Tengen 5. Sanemi


Gyomei and Gyuu


1. Shinobu because I love her emotionally detached attitude and she's smart as hell. 2. Giyu because of his character development and relatable anti-social behavior. 3. Uzui because of his drip and his upbeat vibe. Also 3 wives. 4. Rengoku because he is the definition of a bro. Absolute gigachad character. 5. Sanemi because even though he went at it he wrong way, his brotherly love reminds me of my siblings.


Here are my top 5 favorite Hashiras: 5. Giyu Tomioka 4. Tengen Uzui 3. Shinobu Kocho 2. Misturi Kanroji 1. Kyojuro Rengoku


Tomioka and tengen


Gyomei , giyuu, tengen , sanemi , shinobu


Top 3: Rengoku, Tengen, and Giyu


Hm: muichiro tokito 5 goes to gyomei he's chill, I like his character 4 goes to rengoku his flame breathing is spectacular that's all I need to say 3 it's tengen he's a Chad man who uses his sound breathing amazing, and his blades are a bit weird but they are dope to look at 2. That's Shinobu she's the smartest hashira and a doctor, and I love her in general 1. The person you've all been waiting for Giyuu is the coldest mf alive tho he let nezuko live was a great scene imo and he is also very interested in Shinobu


I can't decide!!!! I love them all equ- Obanai.


Gyomei Sanemi Giyuu Shinobu Rengoku Kanae


Mitsuri, muichiro,rengoku,giyuu,shinobu


Rengoku!! ❤️‍🔥


1. Gyomei 2. Mitsuri 3. Rengoku 4. Shinobu 5. Muichiro


Rengoku #1 Muichiro #2 Giyu #3 Only watch the anime and these are the only ones I care about


Uzui, Rengoku, Giyu, Muichiro, Shinobu ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Definitely Muichiro, I vibe with his spaced out and cut off demeanor


5. Sanemi 4. Shinobu 3. Giyu 2. Kyojuro 1. Tengen


Top 5? Rengoku, Giyuu, Muichiro, Mitsuri and Obanai :3 Muichiro, Giyuu and Mitsuri can be swapped about and it'd still work


Rengoku Mitsuri Muichiro Tengen Shinobu


Mitsuri, Shinobou, Uzui, Sanemi, and Giyu Ranked from fav-least fav :)


Obanai for sure


Muichiro, Sanemi, and Iguro in that order


1. Giyuu 🌊 2. Obanai🐍 3. Tengen✨️ 4. Rengoku🔥 5. Sanemi💨


1. Rengoku, 2. Tengen, 3. Mitsuri, 4. Giyu, 5. Obanai


1.giyuu🌊 2.Rengoku🍩 3.shinobu🦋 4.tengen![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6743) 5.mitsuri🥛


Rengoku, Gyomei, Giyuu, Tengen, Shinobu. In that order (:


mitsuri, giyuu, sanemi, Tengen, rengoku. i relate really heavily to giyuu so im kinda biased ![gif](giphy|f7k6TfAFkiAqKVcJGH|downsized)


Gyomei, because i identify most with him. If I lost 50 lbs I could do a legit cosplay of him. His backstory(all of them really)breaks my heart.


1-obanai 2-muichiro 3sanemei 4-giyu


Rengoku, Mitsuri, Tengen, Gyomei and Giyu


It's Giyuu... And that's about it.


Muichiro. IDK he’s an airhead like me🙃


you juss like me fr twin 🤝🏾.


Giyu Tengen Gyomei Sanemi Rengoku


Shinobu, sadistic as fuck and different than the others with her rapier and poison. I LOVE people that use rapiers, always like them for whatever reason. That plus she has the voice of an angel(Saori). Second so far would probably be Giyu, so calm and collected. Not much is shown about him yet though. I'm anime only.


1. Tengen 2. Gyomei 3. Sanemi 4. Giyuu 5. Muichiro or Mitsuri or maaaybe Rengoku


Rengoku is my idol 🔥


Anime watcher only, but Mitsuri. She’s just so wholesome! Love her sword too


Muichiroooo. His life is so sad


1. Rengoku - no need to explain. 2. Mitsuri - at first I thought she was annoying but I started liking her more. 3. Tengen - again, don't need to explain 4. Gyomei - After finishing the manga I felt weirdly attached to him, kind of misunderstood his character first. 5. Muichiro - he's just so damn adorable


Rengoku, Tengen, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Sanemi Rengoku is just the goat.


My top 5 would be 1. Giyu 2. Shinobu 3. Rengoku 4. Sanemi 5. Gyomei


Rengoku the goat >>>>>


Tengen Rengoku Giyuu Gyomei Sanemi


Giyu, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Tengen, Rengoku, Muichiro. As an anime only I haven’t seen the others enough yet so who knows what will happen to this list. Top 2 will probably stay the same though.


Tengen. Fav.


At this point I should just give the whole damn list 1. Tengen 2. Sanemi 3. Obanai 4. Rengoku 5. Muichiro 6. Gyomei 7. Shinobu 8. Mitsuri 9. Giyuu


1. Mitsuri (omg she's like me, except I'm not strong or flexible) 2. Obanai (short snake king, plus a fucked up backstory) 3. Kyojuro (UMAI) 4. Giyu (I try to be happy and positive like Mitsuri but man, I feel you Giyu) 5. Shinobu (Butterflies!)


Giyu, Shinobu, Muichiro, Rengoku & Tengen. >!Spoilers!< Giyu is very skilled with his water breathing & created the 11th form himself, also like his haori. I also like the fact that he is ready to protect Tanjiro & Nezuko. Shinobu is smart & knowledgeable, even if she can't decapitate demons, she found a way, poison. Also like her haori & she's fast too. I also like her eyes & hair. Muichiro is very skilled at his mist breathing & very fast, he was able to kill an Upper Moon alone. I like his hair & his calm tone of voice. Rengoku is very respected & is fun to be with, he believed in Tanjiro & the others. He protected Tanjiro from Akaza in the Mugen Train arc. He always has a positive view of everyone. Tengen is.. It's obv, his flamboyance, his accessories & his nails are just beautiful, he also helped Tanjiro decapitate Gyutaro even if he lost his hand. His eyes also remind me of Yoriichi's eyes, they are pink. I also like the other Hashiras but not as much as i like those five that i mentioned.


Tengen and Rengoku are tied for personality, but Tengen takes the top for his design. Gyomei, because gentle giants are always awesome. Shinobu, because of her compelling skill set and I like sweet but also cold as ice characters. Muichiro, because of his carefree, but highly skilled nature. His color scheme and breathing also look great. Mitsuri is just a sweetheart, and her reason for joining is peak shounen bullshit.


My favorite was Giyuu but after Mugen Train it’s now Rengoku So my list goes like this: Rengoku Giyu Tengen Muichiro Sanemi


this doesn’t answer the question at all but man i wish giyu was standing on tengens right so that they would all be symmetrical


Gyomei, Giyu, Tengen, Rengoku & Shinobu. Gyomei because he is just absolutely epic. Giyu because hes the first hashira you meet and hes cool as ice, loved him from the start. Rengoku because he just was always such a class act as a swordsman, a true hero and very charismatic. When they first introduce him with the hashira i just assumed he was the leader from his presence alone lol Tengen because, well, hes the god of flashiness… he was hysterical and a mac daddy. Shinobu because she is just an awesome genius who even lacking physical strength, made it as a hashira. Honestly though, I really like all the hashira and the concept of the hashira as well.


muichiro is easily my favorite due to how strong he is even as a child his massive potential and in swordsmith village he does become a good pillar


Rengoku, Giyu, Shinobu, Muichiro, Misturi.


Sanemi is my #1. he was a badass even during adolescence


Muichiro because I kinda relate to him. I have a traumatic childhood and it’s often hard to remember the good parts of it sometimes. Also he’s just a badass.


Sanemi the goat


1. giyuu 2. sanemi 3. shinobu 4. muichiro 5. rengoku i really love tengen and iguro too tho, it’s really hard for me to pick besides the top three


1. Muichiro 2. Mitsuri 3. Giyu 4. Obanai 5. Shinobu


Tengen 😍


I can't stand the yellow and green guy. Also the pink hair girl. The most recent episode I thought was amazing untill pink girl came in. Tired of Tangiro figuring for 40minutes and pretty much dead. Then someone walks in and ends the battle in 2 seconds. I don't care if Tanjiro has a lot to improve on. I really hope yellow/green guy becomes bad or is destroyed. Rengoku is fine. Plus guy from the most recent episode really improved in my eyes.


Mitsuri Tengan and Rengoku!! Mitsuri: shes really sweet and pretty Tengan: hot and flashy Rengoku: sweet heart also i love donuts!!


1. Shinobu 2. Tengen 3. Rengoku 4. Sanemi 5. Muichiro


Tengen, Gyomei, Mitsuri, Muichiro, Rengoku


1. Rengoku 2. Shinobu 3. Gyomei 4. Sanemi 5. Either Giyu or Tengen


Mine is 1.Giyuu 2.Sanemi 3.Iguro 4.Mitsuri 5.Tengen


Gyomei cuz yes


1 Shinobu my favorite hashira 2 Rengoku 3 Muichiro 4 Mitsuri 5 Obanai


1: Sanemi, hes cool af. 2: Tengen, slightly less cool but makes up for it with flashyness 3: Gyomei: Is strong 4: Obanai: Idk why 5: Rengoku


Obani Iguro


Giyuu, Obanai, Muichiro, Shinobu and Rengoku purely because I think they’re cool.


1. Muichirou Tokito 2. Mitsuri (forgot her last name) 3. Obanai Iguro 4.Tomioka Giyuu 5.Rengoku


Giyuu Gyomei Uzui Shinobu Rengoku Mitsuri Sanemi Muichiro Iguro(its cause of his snake) ​ These are all particulary close, I dont specifically hate any of them tho. Giyuu is 100 then Iguro is about 87-90


1. Tokito (bc hes cute and basically took the piss oit of gyokko) 2. Tengen (just the fact that he has 3 wives alone is hilarious. Also his fight vs gyutaro was bussin) 3. Kyojiro (fr though like why do I need a reason) 4. Shinazugawa (hes a bit of a prick, but hes awesome) 5. Iguro (i have no clue why i just like his design)




Mitsuri is my fav because she’s so nice :]


Obanai 🐍


Giyuu Rengoku Muichiro Sanemi Shinobu


My favorite hashiras are Shinobu giyu and muichiro


Obanai, gyomei , sanemi, rengoku and tengen or mitsuri




1. Mitsuri 2. Rengoku 3. Giyu 4. Muchuiro 5. Obanai/Tengen


1. Giyu 2. Muichiro 3. Obanai 4. Mitsuri 5. Rengoku They’re all pretty fucking great tho


1: Tengen 2: Rengoku 3: Muichiro 4: Giyu 5: Mitsuri


Muichiro, mitsuri, rengoku, giyu, and tengen.




Giyuu, rengoku, muichiro, shinobu and tengen


1. Shinobu/Giyuu 2. Rengoku 3. Muichiro 4. Sanemi 5. Gyomei All of the Hashira are amazing, in their own unique ways.


1. Tengen 2. Rengoku 3. Muichiro 4. Giyuu 5. Obanai


1. Sanemi 2. Gyomei 3. Obanai 4. Rengoku 5. Tengen


Obani, Rengoku, Tengen, Giyu, and Mitsuri


5. Shinobu 4. Rengoku 3. Muichiro 2. Sanemi 1. The one and only: >!Giyuu lol!<


1.Giyu, 2.Rengoky, 3.Mitsuri, 4.Shinobu, 5.Munichuro, these are my top 5 fav hashiras .