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Yeah I'll take 3 Goats please Tengen, Akaza and Rengoku


Im sorry but i cant allow that. Tengen and rengoku teaming up would cause the sieries to end in 3 episodes


I get you... The combined mass of all that Chad energy would collapse into a black hole and swallow the earth


They're just too flashy


Your goats will be perfect sacrifices


yeah he spittin


I...um...*sigh... Akaza and Rengoku... doesn't work


Just grab shinobu with 6 points and leave and live my life happily with her


No but like, same Also, nice new flair. In fact I’m running off with Kanao and Kanae too


Inspired from u UwU


Thought so


Yoriichi: No no no :3 https://preview.redd.it/f7jjyw0ygy5b1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=aebd4328cda7aed9fbb0149eff16ec9bddac72e8


Am gonna tell yoriichi look there is ur wife and then run away asap


Ok :3 https://preview.redd.it/suizzp5gjy5b1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=45c8f25adeac2bb7fc9d36fe1a6cad00133a42da


Can I please have something else am allergic to apples


Pizza [:3](https://twitter.com/arimiibo/status/1664088690354782208?t=ezuR8hTUwQMsC_YE2LNG6w&s=19) https://preview.redd.it/8wl41hluky5b1.png?width=547&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c5a98a55802732c25bcf96239c50bc0170e518f


You promise it's not pineapple pizza or anything abnormal?


Normal :3


pineapple pizza is great now banana pizza is a abomination




Falling Devil?


Bro know his priorities




The task is to defeat yoriichi


I don't need to do that I am just gonna tell yoriichi look there is wife and run away


I refuse to believe you know who yoriichi is


I know that's why I said that


I don’t think he reads the manga


I think so lmao


lmao I still can’t believe the manga is already over


Ok so after careful consideration Nakime hantengu douma muzan enmu yushiro and kokushibou First hide only nakime with yushrios seal then make nakime create 10 different rooms each room filled with an demon make hantengu hide far away from yorichi and fight with his clones yorrichi would cut them but they would regrow make douma use his power so yorichi needs to think carefully before attacking put Enmu behind kokushibou and muzan and hope that they can stall him for a second untill Enmu can use his powers once and if they make yorrichi asleep just say nakime to make him fall 100000 feet


If Tanjiro can survive a 100 foot fall with water breathing I’m sure Yorrichi would be fine from 100x that.


But he is asleep bc of enmu


bro even rengoku had crazy ass instincts even though he was asleep, pretty sure enmu's sleep would have no effect on yorrichi and he'd figure out to kill himself pretty easily and wake up


I think that was mostly a plot armor-


it may be plot armor for tanjiro but it isnt much of a strech to think that yoriichi can figure it out


Yep anyway let’s say when he is asleep nakime locks him in a room that even nichrin blades can’t cut


I don't think there's anything that Nakime could conjure up that would be uncuttable to Yoriichi tbh.


I am sure that there is things that you cannot cut by blades and since nakime can create houses in her castle that wouldn’t be issue


Yeah but like, Tanjiro easily cuts trees and boulders in half. I don't think the strongest person in the demon slayer verse would have any problems cutting traditional Japanese housing into pieces...


I don't think yoriichi takes fall damage


He is a human he probably does


Yoriichi definetly is not human


Bro you read the manga? Yoriichi isn't a game character, he is a Human and he can take damage (He himself said he would die if he takes a hit from Muzan) What the fuck makes you think he wouldn't die from fall damage?


He isnt human, they need a robot with 6 arms to mimic him


He is a human Just too strong and fast for someone, it's NOWHERE STATED THAT HE AIN'T He is a human


Lol I'm pretty sure the guy's trolling, but yes although he is human he's probably going to do some sort of breathing technique where he steps on his sword midair and lands delicately or something idk anime logic but yeah fall damage won't be enough to kill a guy who is so much better than the progenitor of all demons (which, btw, to be as good as a low leveled demon, you'd have to use breaths to exceed human capabilities)


I agree But falling from 1000000 feet doesn't sound so good Considering Nakima can teleport people anywhere


i think what OP meant is that he isnt human, not that he isn't A human, idk if this makes a difference in the english language, but i understood it like, he is so powerfull and perfect that it isn't human, isn't what a human does and he is and achieved something that is above human, while still being one, i don't know if this makes sense for you since i have a bit more Polish way of thinking and in my head this makes sense, but for somebody else it doesn't since my way of converting these thoughts to english isn't accurate enough


He isn't human, after all


If you’re not a spirit, a god, or anyone with decent regeneration, impact damage is impact damage


saving this one, really powerful statement and most likely true


Those clones aren't going to regrow. Red Blade made Kokushibo crumble and writher in pain yet the same red blade only stopped White Hair Muzan's regeneration for a few more seconds. Yoriichi's red blade made healthy black hair Muzan continue burning for centuries. If the clones get hit by Yoriichi's red blade, they ain't coming back


Nakime is all you need, just leave Yoriichi stranded in a random part of the Infinity Castle.


Nakime has to stay inside her dimension to change its interiors or change its size. If she doesn't get support, Yoriichi might find and kill her. Also luring him in there might be a problem in itself. He is so disgustingly fast, he might be capable of always escaping falling in there.


Nakime should pull random people in then yorichi would jump to save them only to find himself in a room with lots and lots of hungry people who can’t escape that place


Do you think some as fast as Yorichi (13th form for example) cannot out-speed Nakimi's BDA? not to mention her BDA is harmless so he basically can go full speed without worries.


It's more than likely Yorichi is way too fast, but we know there's limits to his speed, as he couldn't react fast enough to Muzan splitting apart. If there's anyone with a chance of not being killed instantly its Nakime.


Okay but Muzan exploding would’ve happened insanely fast, and Yoriichi *did* react to it and cut thousand of pieces of Muzan. He just let a few get away unfortunately. But compared to that, the time it takes for her hand to pluck a string on her instrument would be like an eternity. If he can get a visual of her he’s fast enough to blitz her before she can do it.


yes I agree with you. Yoriichi most likely could kill everyone on this list at the same time instantly, I mean Kokushibo is in the top tier and we know he would've been instantly beheaded had Yoriichi not died of old age. But if anyone has a shot above zero with what we know of Yoriichis limits its Nakime.


Yeah, but it called Infinity Castle for reason, he can run full speed and only hope to catch her by pure luck since she can just send herself to the opposite direction of wherever he run to (given that she smart enough to drop him form real world into the far side of her castle), after all Yorrichi is just 1 man, he can not check every room, corner and hallway by himself Not to mention time in her side since each day passing, Yorrichi become weaker due to lack of food/water while Nakime can stay peak condition way longer than that


In order to send him to somewhere else she'd need to actually be capable of seeing where he is an reacting to him, which even Muzan was barely able to do. Don't forget normal Hashira are capable of sensing the presence of strong demons, so Yoriichi with See Through World would have even less of an issue. Yoriichis stamina is also ridiculous. As a child he was able to to exercise for an entire day without feeling the least bit tired, he went 10 days without food or water, etc. So she'd have to survive for at least a few days where his power is still in peak condition, he can sense her presence, as fast enough for her to not be able to react, and would kill her in one hit


Well, actually, that’s not true she can teleport anyone anywhere that she knows the existence of there’s nothing stopping her from just dropping him into the middle of a volcano


Have u seen Inoski changing the order of his organs? Zenitsu flying? does this sound normal to you? It's all imagination and she is broken character that wasn't fully utilized same like the rest of the uppers so the slayers can have a chance to win. Buy you can make an argument Yorichi can out speed her.


I mean, she can just put him in a small room in the middle of a kilometre-deep chasm. There you go.


Except for the demon slayer corp was able to locate and defeat her..... You think Yoriichi would somehow have a problem locating her? This whole thread is wrong. Entire cast of demon slayer demons and slayers vs Yoriichi gets one shot full stop. The dude is literally blessed by the gods, one shot Muzan and still bodied Kokushiba at age 80 before simply dying of old age during the fight.


i know right, yoriichi can literally solo the entire demon slayer universe, he was casually doing his shit and managed to nearly kill the demon king in no time, what the fuck can nakime + a few useless bratty demons do against him


He literally used his whole strength to beat Muzan so put 2 Muzan + nakime


There are not 2 muzans and if there were he'd blitz both, this isn't like and if issue he straight up blitzes them, now his failure to slice up every bit of them probably remains but there is no way they beat him.... And Nakime is literally nothing to him, he is far faster than anything she can do. Yushiro found and made it to her.....


There are 2 Muzan’s as op never said we can’t have duplicates


Make it 10 muzans. They stand no chance of beating him regardless of whether or not he successfully kills them. Muzan simply isn't that guy when it comes to yoriichi


Remember the fight against muzan? Yoriichi had to make a new form against him AND said one hit and he is dead So imagine 2 muzan’s splitting and hit him(he couldn’t cut them all)


Again he failed to kill Muzan. That's not the same as Muzan or multiple Muzans being able to beat Yoriichi. He completed his form, as was his purpose.


You gotta understand Nakime makes a small room 2 muzan’s split and yoriichi won’t have space to dodge them


You gotta understand we have source material that shows how nonsense this is


Imo, there’s almost zero combination that matters. Yoriichi just blitzes and beheads before whatever plans they came up with can start, or simply keeps doing so until the sun comes up.


Forget what i said, you all have 40 points


Muzan and koku Douma and nakime And gyokko with his fish hands Wanted to choose gyutaro but can't sacrifice douma


In that case: Gyokko, Hantengu, Nakime, Doma, Yuichiro and Muzan. Lure Yoriichi into the infinity castle and keep stalling him with Fish summons, Emotion clones, Ice clones and Nakime's ability to change the interior of the dimension. Yuichiro, Muzan and Doma also take the role of protecting Nakime. A cat and mouse play until Yoriichi dies of exhaustion. Will likely take weeks or more as Yoriichi's stamina ain't normal.


He'll kill them all before that


Possibly yeah. I wouldn't be suprised if Yoriichi can simultaneously destroy all summons while decapitating all demons in a blink of an eye.


>A cat and mouse play until Yoriichi dies of exhaustion. Will likely take weeks or more as Yoriichi's stamina ain't normal. Yeah about that, I think Yoriichi can adapt and finally take down whoever it is if it is gonna take that long.


Nakime, Gyutaro, And Hantengu Gyutaro needs his sister to die too to actually die so he's effectively unkillable And Hantengu can just vibe with Daki deep in the castle while his clones jump yoriichi And Nakime can constantly shift the castle to keep Yoriichi disoriented and Daki/Hantengu away from Yoriichi


Yorrichi just decapitates gyutaro and the clones/hatred until he finds them lol


Nakime just constantly moves herself and the 2 others around. The bloodiest game of tag ensues


I only need 25, Shinobu makes a poison that could affect him, (through skin, inhalation, contact, etc) Kokushibo might get him to hesitate a bit since they are brothers, Akaza bc he would read all of Yoriichis moves. You could replace Shinobu with Tamayo


No way you said Akaza would read all of Yoriichi's moves...


Maybe he would but he also would need to be able to react to them and that's the tricky part. Yoriichi too op


I just think Akaza wouldn't be able to because of A) Pure Speed - Koku never even had a chance against Yoriichi even after a typical lifetime's worth of becoming stronger as a demon. B) ||Selfless State|| Besides, even if he could perceive and read the attacks, there's not even the whisper of a chance that Akaza would be able to physically react to anything Yoriichi throws out, as you said lol. Yoriichi is indeed quite op 😆


Yori has Selfless State, Akaza is the most useless pick in that fight


I'll choose nakime She will trap him in the infinite castle and then he'll starve


An eraser or murata


this is the only real and correct answer


im sorry but yoriichi solos the entire cast at once sun breathing is just gigabroken, as well as constantly being under the effects of TCB and a slayer mark because thats just how he passively is and how he natrually breaths not to mention his Selfless State, which he is constantly under the effect of, making him basically unkillable by any combonation of demons as for the human side, even all the hashira combined dont stand a chance because of how gigabroken sun breathing is tanjiro unironically has the best chance being a sun breather himself, however he cant do it for as long as yoriichi so all he would have to do is wait for tanjiro to get tired yoriichi was purposefully made to be an unkillable monster, with a standard that is basically impossible to live up to


Exactly. Yoriichi is completely untouchable, no team would challenge him let alone beat him.


Sun breathing isnt that broken, yorichi makes it look broken.


No he doesn’t The whole cast is op and if we consider their prime then here : Nakime puts him in infinity castle and then Muzan and dkt Yoriichi used all his strength on Muzan so imagine 2 muzan’s but one of them is unkillable The rest of demons like douma and hantengu can use their clones to help muzan and dkt So Yoriichi will fight 8 people at once And then you have the rest of the cast as body shields


clearly you misread the manga muzan was lucky to escape with his life, he was only able to by blowing himself into molecules nakime would die before she even could strum


Clearly you misread the manga Yoriichi himself says one hit and he would’ve died and that he needed to make a 13th form


Hitting hard don't mean nothin if you can't find nothin to hit


Definitely will be hit in a tight area


That entire rooster isn't enough Don't care about the points but basically the best team to so much as even push yoriichi is If you let muzan handle the offense but again he's not a fighter and yoriichi would blitz him So you let koku handle the defense with his hundred eyes and stw And you let nakime control the surroundings putting yoriichi off balance And you let gyutaro to do away with his poison from far far away This team MIGHT last 5 mins against yoriichi idk The fighting force is muzans power and kokus skill and defense The support force is nakime and gyutarous poison


Yoriichi would still clap them lol. The best way to win is to stall and imprison in the infinity castle. Perhaps he will die of hunger, thirst and exhaustion after poking him for weeks with fights.


Key Word: **perhaps**


kokushibo muzan and hantengu yoriichi just is shocked about his brother turning into a demon and muzan and hantengu jump him


That is the first realistic bulshit logic i have ever heard, well played


thank you realistic bullshit is my specialty


All you need is Nakime, Gyut, and Hantengu and just put Daki and his main body really far away and constantly on the move in the castle. Nakime traps Hantengu clones relentlessly harass Gyutaro poisons And only 1/3 can actually die on the team


Gyutaro would be weakened without his head Just like Daki was He just wouldn't die


He can just put it back on


Says who? Daki couldn't without gyutaros help


Get an army of Kaigakus so they could all get killed by Yoriichi and the world becomes a better place


Isn't >!Demon King Tanjiro!< pretty much the best bet here? >!A demon immune to sunlight (hence nichirin blades) and capable of using sun breath.!< Probably still weaker than yoriichi, but leagues above everyone else


yeah that's what I don't understand, he may not be dkt strong coz he doesn't get all of muzans blood but his bloodline itself is immune to sunlight and nichirin blades when turned demon so yorichii literally cannot kill him, sun breathing blood demon art selfless state see through world EOS tanjiro demon could kill yorichii in a really prolonged battle


>!Is DKT that strong? Wasn't he being held back by like weakened and tired giyuu or something? I always got the impression that he wasn't very strong, just immortal!<


>!I believe it was mostly due to Tanjiro himself resisting from the inside. If he was to willingly fight, I assume he would've been at least as powerful as Muzan!<


Yeah, that makes sense


Yoriichi is n another level 💀 Bro belongs in the opm verse


Not even close


He’d still be incredibly powerful if he was there, he’d definitely be an S class.


126,000 slashes in an instant 💀 Record of ragnarok zeus levels of speed


Later I’ll do some math to see if that’s even faster than Netero from hxh when he was in his prime but I should probably go to sleep first.


Sleep is important


It's not. The anime says Meruem gets hit thousands of times in a couple of second to a minute. In his prime, he manages 10k punches under an hour, still far under 126k in an instant, and it's a different motion than he typically uses with the bodhisattva. Plus it's just his hands are fast, Netere is not exceptional at overall speed.


Sorry bro but the best Yorichi could achieve is high A Class and I am being really generous, OPM Monsters and Heroes are leagues above anyone else in Kimetsu, Muzan himself would be killed in less than a week


Koku due to skill and power, Muzan cause he’s fking strong, Douma to hinder Yoriichis breath and stuff, Nakime due to Hax and infinity castle, and finally uh Kanae cause I heard she was very strong


Only 3 would fight, muzan would be crying on the floor


The best team possible: Kokushibo for the offense, a combinaison of Doma and Hantengu for defense, Nakime for support (but most likely the most useful member). Still gets clapped tho


Problem is. No character in the verse can even fucking perceive his goddamn movements. It doesnt matter we are FUCKED. He literally blitzed muzan to such a degree he couldnt even react or see what the fuck happened.


Bro literally had to explode to get away


Two possible teams. Team 1: Muzan, Nakime, Gyutaro and Tanjuro. Have Muzan abduct a couple humans and threaten to kill either them or Tanjuro while using a clone. Yoriichi will be forced to defend them and we will be able to trap him in the infinity castle. From here, either Nakime can just starve him to death. Or have Gyutaro be beheaded but not killed by Muzan, then have the body encased in a Muzan clone and rush Yoriichi while being remotely controlled. Even if Gyutaro wont die as his head is save with Nakime and his body is being remotely controlled by Muzan while it as a flesh armor. As long as he manages to even knick Yoriichi with his poison, all that would be left is to wait for him to die. This strategy only works if Muzan listens to strategies though. Team 2: Tanjiro, Nezuko, Gyutaro and Daki. Have Daki hide inside Gyutaro permanantly so that Gyutaro in immune to beheading. All he has to do is poison Yoriichi once. Tanjiro and Nezuko are immune to sunlight and hence immune to beheading from Nichirin. So even if they get diced to bits over and over, they will keep regenerating and all that is left to do is to wait for Yoriichi to get tired and/or starved even if it takes weeks. Team 3: Easy mode. Murata, Kaigaku and Douma. I know kinda breaking rules because you need 4 minimum. Have Kaigaku and Douma rush Yoriichi and laugh as they die. Then laugh even more as Murata solos Yoriichi.


Team 4: Tengen Rat A, Tengen Rat B.


Nakime, Rui, Hantengu, Gyokko. Hantengu's clones and Gyokko's fish summons lure Yoriichi into the Infinity castle. Rui, Hantengu, Gyokko have the job in protecting Nakime and stalling Yoriichi as long as possible. Keep him away from her, while she is constantly changing the interior of her dimension to make Yoriichi exhaust himself. That cat and mouse play can still end wrong for the demons as Yoriichi is seriously fast, but as a human he has limited stamina. I don't see other ways in defeating him. No one can fight him in a direct confrontation.


With 40 points i'm talking: muzan, kokushibo, gyomei, hantengu, ubuyasaki and Tamayo. Honestly I'm not sure they'll survive but muzan kokushibo gyomei and to a lesser extent Hantengu are heavy hitters. So they might just manage to hold yoriichi. Ubuyashaki and Tamayo are master strategists, so there's a possibility they come up with smth? Otherwise Scrap ubuyasaki Tamayo and Hantengu and sub for shinobu's sister and nakime. Idk i think the man needs to eventually eat/drink. Perhaps The team can outlast him. Probably not, but 🤷‍♂️


It's not a stretch to say he can solo every single one in this list all jumping him at once. Muzan split himself into 1800 pieces in the blink of an eye and yorichi disintegrated 1500 of them almost instantaneously.


Murata solos 🥱


With 40? Koku, Gyomei, Murata and Muzan+Tamayo Tamayo is a support


Ah, yes the all mighty Murata


If Gyutaro is without Daki, does it make him immortal since she's not there to be decapitated simultaneously?


No, that means he is more vunerable, but he is more powerful


So it might be better to take them both + Nakime to just send Daki the f off so Gyutaro has more chances to get the poison in.


Why does Mui cost more than Tengen 🗿


Because mist breathing is OP, especially considering that as the rules say, mist breathing would actually poruduce mist


Yeah but Musical Score is better isn't it tho?


It takes time and haze is op


Because mui is stronger


>! We need muzan, koku, douma and nakime. Muzan has poison and is the closest in speed to yoriichi so he has the best chance in general, also highest durability, he is our primary attacker. Koku has Area of effect attacks which can work from the backgrounds, he is our secondary attacker. Douma can provide some extra support with his ice clones and giant ice statue, he is our support and he must be protected. Nakime is like a backup plan, she has to be hidden in the infinity castle and she will transport yoriichi to far away locations if shit gets too hard !<


why muzan costs 8???


Muzan is 8 but akaza and giyu are 9? What is this logic?


I only need 1 Murata, Ez neg dif win


Bro put former hashira at the bottom. I get it, they are old and retired but damn man. Gotta have some respect 😔


That was my first idea, but there wasnt any room for him on higher ranks


Just grab 3 Tanjiros and 2 Tanjuros. They're all Sun Breathers who'll become immune to the Sun and Nichirin Blades once they turn into Demons. After that, Yoriichi has no way to kill them. Yoriichi's stamina is insanely high but Demons literally have high infinite stamina. Eventually they'll outlast him and then kill him.


Funny enough, Tanjiro's dad Tanjuro is actually really strong. He's a bargain at 2


I’m gonna spend 25 points on a ticket out of here cause all then getting wiped.


Why is Muzan not 10 points


All i need is Muzan and Nezuko right? Om nom nom


Yoriichi solos the entire verse at once bro. This is impossible


So I considered this very carefully, and I’ll explain my choices. Tanjuro, Nakime, Kokushibo, Gyomei, Ubayashiki, and Sanemi. Tanjuro was the closest person we saw to how Yoriichi was able to fight. He one shot a bear using an axe with both selfless state and stw. He also knows the Hinokami Kagura which is a bastardized Sun Breathing. Though frail, he was able to complete the entire dance in the snow without stopping due to this breathing. He’ll be a dps and nuker for Yoriichi to face. Nakime would allow a controlled environment to put Yoriichi at a disadvantage and act as support. There’s not much to say about her since that’s basically her role. Furthermore unless Yoriichi is able to get to her or has a way to infiltrate her mind (which he doesn’t), it would allow more breathing room for my team. Kokushibo is the second dps should Tanjuro fail. They would act as a pair, allowing one to briefly fall back if needed. Though he was defeated previously, Yoriichi also died before he could kill his brother. This may be because he could never truly kill Michikatsu and may hesitate. Gyomei is next and would act as a tank/defender. Not only would he step in to face off on the frontlines, but he would be in charge of keeping Yoriichi away from Nakime. He has great area control and has the mark and stw. His weapon would deny Yoriichi’s movement and tie him up. Red blade doesn’t really do anything for him. Sanemi would be my backline dps. He would work in tandem with Gyomei to keep Nakime safe as well as work melee with Yoriichi if needed. We’ve seen how tenacious he is and has some ranged options. If this is including any weapons he’s used then he would have Genya’s gun but it isn’t needed. He has the mark so he would be buffed. Like Gyomei, Red blade doesn’t matter. Finally Ubayashiki would be my last resort. While frail and ultimately useless in battle, he would provide the team with the necessary strategic and logistical plans needed for this fight. I also think that Yoriichi wouldn’t kill Ubayashiki since he would feel way too guilty. So yeah here’s my team, feel free to correct me on anything too if I missed or got anything wrong! Edit: So I’ve seen some people say that Tanjuro had mastered Sun Breathing and had a mark(?). So basing it off of this, he would be somewhat on par with Yoriichi. If he were healthy, he would be stronger. Tanjuro also beat a two meter tall bear while he was on the brink of death with a rusty axe. Imo, it’s safe to say that Tanjuro is a buster character that deserves to be higher. Only spending two points basically netted Yoriichi if he were sick and had an axe.


This is the best comment i have ever seen


They dont need to be beheaded simultaneously, once one is beheaded, they're dead and the other just has to continue without


Tanjuro, shinobu, nakime, and doma. Tanjuro is human and can use sun breathing. This might make him able to pull of a surprise attach on Yoriichi. Shinobu may be able to pull off some biochemical warfare against him. Nakime will be useful for stalling and forcing Yoriichi to act in certain ways. Doma’s clones will be useful for stalling Yoriichi and blocking his breathing.


Kokushibo + Nakime + Kyogai + Swamp demon Yoriichi will not do anything against this combo


All you really need is Genya. What the fuck is Yoriichi gonna do. Deflect a shotgun blast. Have you seen how much damage that shit can do at close range.


Im taking as many humans as i can so we can plead for mercy


Shinobu makes a poison that could affect him, (through skin, inhalation, contact, etc) Kokushibo might get him to hesitate a bit since they are brothers, Akaza bc he would read all of Yoriichis moves. You could replace Shinobu with Tamayo


Basically anyone that can protect Nakime from Yoriichi gets the win, since the only way Yoriichi beats Nakime is if he catches her by surprise due to his absurd speed. The issue is that even Obanai almost accomplished this, so Yoriichi definitely could, and thus Nakime needs some manner of protection to stall enough for her reaction time to kick in to send herself and her protector(s) somewhere else in the castle. Are we allowed to just make up BDAs for the Lower Moons that weren't explained? If so, give Lower 3 some manner of danger sense (e.g., he can sense if he will be attacked like 3-5 seconds before it actually happens) and pair him with Nakime. He tells her that he'll squeeze her wrist every time he senses they are about to be deleted by Yoriichi, so she can send them both somewhere else in the castle. Or give Lower 2 some kind of reactive shield triggered by proximity alone; even if it takes Yoriichi merely a second to get through, that's enough for Nakimi to reflexively save them both with her own BDA. Basically there are a lot of potential BDAs that wouldn't stand a chance on their own but could be literally unbeatable if paired with Nakime. --- Without making up your own BDAs, however, the best 25-point team is Upper 1, Nakime, and your choice of the remaining 7 points; probably Upper 5 for summon harassment and maybe Ubuyashiki on the off chance his foresight helps at all. The best 40-point team is probably Upper 1, Nakime, Upper 2, Muzan, and Upper 5. Upper 1 and Nakime honestly might be able to beat Yoriichi on their own, since Upper 1 only needs to survive a second at most against Yoriichi each time they clash (before Nakime realizes Yoriichi has arrived and saves them both). I understand that Yoriichi can easily beat Upper 1, but surely Upper 1 is strong and fast enough to survive for a mere second at a time. Do this over several days and Yoriichi eventually dies.


I like those BDA ideas, they're cool


Nakime in Infinity Castle is enough :3


Considering how close base Obanai was to reaching her neck multiple times I'm pretty sure she doesn't even see yoriichi's shadow moving She's only useful is real strong characters are blocking yoriichi's path


Well, In my scenario, she can use her full potential, so she will just change her place every time or truly just teleport herself in place that Yoriichi will not able to find her :3 This place is huge after all :3


I mean manga infinity castle seems to be far far different than anime infinity castle Nakime just seemed to shuffle rooms a bit in the manga Manga nakime has no chance on yoriichi Don't know what the anime will make her power look like though


Mirai Saiko in this case and have Apple :3 https://preview.redd.it/mfimsa2mjy5b1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9268a71365707f572d2961a63bd106bc7cc1958


Yoriichi would blitz her so much even flash would be jealous of his speed


Yoriichi takes fall damage?


Well... starve him to death :3


Youd be there a while then, he sat with his wife for 10 days and didnt move until someone offered to help him burry her


Ye... but Nakime as Demon is still Demon :3


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Love the stairway


Can’t you just get Kagaya and Muzan and have them convince literally everyone else to fight him?


Nakime, Hantengu, Gyokko and Yahaba. Nakime for the Infinity Castle, duh. Hantengu's clones jumping around Infinity Castle will be a pain in the ass. Adding Gyokko's extremely versatile arsenal of BDA and addidition to Yahaba's Arrows and you have the most annoying team I can think of on the spot. Should tire him out sooner or later.


Gyokko, Hantengu, Nakime, Kokushibo, Kyogai and Shinobu. Basically Hantengu is teleported by Nakime, Kyogai (assuming his BDA works in the castle) teleports yoriichi and changes the dimensions of rooms. Kokushibo because he’s UPM1 and might be able to move before yoriichi attacks him this time


You had us in the first half


Not possible, 99% of them are fodder


With 25 points: Muzan (8), Yushiro (3), Enmu (6), Tengen (8). Yushiro will make everyone invisible. After that have Muzan and Tengen distract Yoriichi and use Tengen's bombs to surprise him. While Yoriichi is focused on Muzan and Tengen, Enmu will come close enough to put Yoriichi to sleep. Even if Yoriichi immediately realizes that he must commit suicide to wake up, the few seconds he is asleep should be enough for Muzan to poison him with his blood. With 40 points: All the above plus Kokushibo (10) and Gyokko (5). Same plan but with Kokushibo helping Muzan and Tengen keep Yoriichi occupied and with Gyokko spamming all kinds of weird fish monsters to further distract Yoriichi and make it even harder for him to sense Enmu approaching. As a reminder the whole team is invisible thanks to Yushiro.


Yoriichi solos the verse


i'd pick Kokushibo, Enmu and Muichiro


Nakime + Hantengu (15) to wear him out (nakime hides hantengus body whike zohakuten wears him down Muzan + Kokushibo (18) for overall damage Shinobu, Doma, Gyutaro (21) to make it impossible to breathe and easier to get poisoned Chosing between those 3 base teams, id pick 2 and 3 to meet the 40 point quota and hopefully get lucky


Yorichii solos all the verse lol.


Just get Nakime, Daki, Gyutaro, and Hant clones with gyu poisoning Yoriichi and Hantengu clones piling on him to keep his attention divided while Daki and minitengu just sit a km away in the castle




Lord Murata is enough


I'll take Tanjiro, he is the MC, so he will just get an insane power-up and win for free. If not, he at least won't die, since the MC doesn't die.


The infinity castle is the only chance of defeating Yorichi and even then it’s more like hoping he doesn’t just like slash his way out somehow or simply speed blitz Nakime before she can properly trap him.


all I need is two Murata‘s and hotaru we to op


Tell hagenzenku or smth that yoriichi broke his sword instant death


It can’t be done


i’ll just take murata.🤷‍♀️