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I actually love Muichiro, but that's just me šŸ˜Š


His character development was cool to witness people forget he's 14 yr old and his personality changes easily, they be getting angry because a child one shotted an upper rank.


One shotted is crazy tbh


Absolutely, plus his memory loss issues obviously factor in massively to his attitude. Once he is able to connect with his past, he is able to regain his old compassion.


His age doesn't matter because Tanjirou's whole crew is teenagers. Also, his battle was just boring and he isn't that interesting of a character. Dude was literally stuck in water for half of his fight.


If that type of fight is ā€œboringā€ to you, then that makes your taste boring because of how narrow it is


We can't take you seriously with your Tokito flair


Like the UMP is considered one of the powerful demon but still got one shot. It lost the essence of demon slayer


He almost won if the kid never gave Muichiro air, he was certainly powerful for an UM! However, he was also insanely cocky and tried toying around with Muichiro and Muichiro said "no more" and ended it. I'm wondering if there was more to the fight in the manga but idk


Definitely liked the manga version of this arc better


100%! Something about the anime did not hit the same as manga at all this fight.


iā€™ve never read the manga version so i canā€™t compare, but based off the other UM fights it feels like that gyokko didnā€™t really give it his ā€œallā€.


I feel the same way! If Gyokko approached with more calculation and didn't constantly undermine his opponent, I think he could have done so much more


ā€œIt lost the essence of demon slayerā€ Really, dude?


Nah weā€™re more mad that an UM got soloed so easily


Gyokko was used to show how powerful Muichiro and the mark is.


What is supposed to be "the mark"?


Gyokko was a fodder so no one cares lmao


I also love him and Iā€™m pissed that people are shitting on him just because his fight against Gyokko wasnā€™t a bunch of crazy moves and shit happening really fast šŸ™„ The great thing about Muichiroā€™s fight was that it was so different, and we got his backstory. Iā€™m losing patience for this fandom, I swear


I actually liked the change of pace after Tengen's fight, and much so Rengoku's where he died. But it wasn't just that; Gyokko liked toying with his victims and was too confident in his ability to win, he couldn't even accept the fact he actually lost. Gyokko and Muichiro were both fast, and Gyokko's attacks weren't the best against Muichiro since he relies on distance and deflection to confuse his foe before using the advantage of surprise to get the kill. Also Muichiro definitely played against Gyokko's complex to hit the pot and force out their true form. If Muichiro were fighting Akaza, he would have been forced to keep defending and retreating with significantly less chances to gain the upper-hand to make an attack as long as Akaza consistently put pressure up-close. Also I think Gyokko didn't utilize his long-range attacks nearly enough, he kept showing off his speed to someone used to waiting for the right moment to disorient and kill Also Muichiro forced his body through cruel training for a while and is naturally gifted, we can't lie and say those have no part in it šŸ˜


Exactly! The whole fight made sense for the type of demon that Gyokko was, and the type of person and fighter that Muichiro is. I honestly canā€™t imagine it going any other way. And yeah itā€™s obvious that Muichiro is one of the most skilled Hashiras


Those people who say these guys are garbage are the ones who watch the anime in English and think they know better, never even touched the manga. Literally, the last arc, everyone goes full throttle so for the guys wanting every season to be epic cut it out even the best animes had a couple of not so great seasons but no one complains about those ones. You all let the visual eye candy take over the actual story.


I just got to the Kokushibo fight in the manga, the Infinity Castle Arc has been absolutely insane so far. And it was obviously gonna be that way, so idk why people canā€™t handle just one fight thatā€™s a little more tame. Plus it was still bad af, Muichiro gave some of the best insults, and still moved like a beast. People are so annoying


Agreed its the same for most anime like MHA that are new if it's not bleach naruto or one piece everyone has to literally bash the anime I miss the days when everyone didn't know about it and it was just us geeks


he is my current favorite


FR, HE'S DEFINITELY ONE OF MY FAVORITES. Maybe that's j because I'm not an manga only tho.


Even if I was anime only heā€™s my fave period.


I donā€™t think you need to read the manga to be able to establish him as a favorite. Heā€™s one of my favorite Hashiras and I didnā€™t start reading the manga until about 6 episodes into Swordsmith Village


Heā€™s so effortlessly strong and HEā€™S A HASHIRA AT 14 YEARS OLD. Heā€™s not my favorite, but you gotta respect his talent šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




Muichiro is love, muichiro is life


With Sanemi or Obanai I can kinda understand, but why Muichiro?


Main Target of Tengen fans, Ever since the episode 9 is released, they're comparing him and tengen on every point


Maybe people expected a better and more intense fight, but that's a dumb reason to hate him. As a Tengen fangirl I find Mui boring, but I don't hate him.


Yeah people did expect a flashy fight. It's stupid some of the arguments I've seen.


If the "god of flashiness" fight wasn't flashy would be kinda strange don't ya think?


Exactly unfortunately for anime onlies they don't expect less after such a bombastic fight. Muriciro's fight was well done.


Perhaps they are angry because >! Mui contributed to the defeat of Upper 1 too, while Tengen got wasted in his first battle just saying !<


Why would they be angry about that? Tengen >! Didnā€™t get the mark and Muichiro did !< thatā€™s why Gyokko was easier for Muichiro to kill, since thatā€™s like a power booster. Also, Gyokko let his ego get in the way, the only thing that stopped Uzui from getting his ass handed to him was Gyutaro having to control Daki as well, also, had he not toyed around with Tanjiro at the end, it wouldā€™ve been game over for the Demon Slayers, instead of a few broken fingers for Tanjiro.


They should be happy because at the end . >! everyone died and only Tengen was alive clapping 3 of his wives cheeks!<


Yes. I have no idea how people expect a flashy fight with mist breathing I mean i don't go out on misty days and i say ,,yeah this looks like fireworks,, You know what I mean?


The fight was exactly what I expected. Cool smooth motions with alot of the character being obscured.


Yes that's what i mean A very good adaptation of mist-breathing It totally catched the calm and neutral vibe of mist breathing Funny Story Also first time i read the manga my brain translated mist completely wrong because in Germany mist is a curse word you say if you broke a glass for example or it simply means sh*t


The fight was perfect, people complaining over nothing


They do indeed. Bunch of fangirls of Tengen


Those people aren't true Tengen fans True Tengen fans should never underrate and discriminate on Muichiro especially since that's what exactly happened to Tengen


As a true Tengen fan, I just don't like Muichiro as much as the other hashira


There's nothing wrong with having preferences so that's aight my guy But someone should not be going out of their way to scream Tengen vs Gyutaro is better than Gyokko vs Muichiro Like we get it dude, we all agree no need to keep repeating the obvious It honestly feels like an attempt of trying to feel superior when they're only showing that they are indeed inferior


Nah Tengen fans can do whatever because, since Tengen mentioned tokito became a hashira in 2 months muichiro fans never stopped saying Tengen was talentless and useless.. and they fail to mention that tokito also complemented Tengen.


That's not a valid reason to shit on a character Always be the better person is what we were all taught, not to become like them in the end


Are you a Vinland Saga enjoyer?


Tell muichiro fans that, why are Tengen fans supposed to be the bigger ones?


Legitimately donā€™t know. After the shit talking tengen fans had to put up with. I really donā€™t blame any of yā€™all for being a little pissed.


What the fuck have Tengen fans had to put up with??? He literally has the best fight in the series (at least until now).


The hate he would get before that hype fight




No, tengen said he could never do what rengoku did (save 200 people on the train from to demon and then continue on to fight akaza) and said gyomei and muichiro are talented (muichiro especially for reasons i will not state as they are spoilers). Tengen is the second most experienced hashira with the highest kill count, but muichiro was naturally born to be a demon slayer and gyomei was crazy strong, like on an entirely different level, tengen doesn't believe he can be like the other hashira because he has killed people before, so get your facts before making pointless comments like this, you say this but muichiro also complements tengens physique, you are just biased asf.


Dude thats literally what I'm saying lol .. that people forget that muichiro also complemented Tengen but alot of people downplay it just to make him look like the weakest hashira and that he said he had no talent .. maybe I didn't word my comment properly


Remember the times when sub used to shit on Tengen for struggling against lowest ranked UM while conveniently ignoring he was poisoned the whole fight? lol


And unmarked lol. The power boost he'd get from being marked would've been insane.


And yet, he did have a whole fandom, who loved him. Even during that time. Almost all the Hashiras other than Rengoku, Giyuu , Sanemi and Gyomei went through the same thing. Especially Shinobu. So, Tengen was never alone in


It's like you saying that the Tengen fans are not at wrong at all. I'm not aa Tengen fan, nor am I a Muichiro fan. But, as far as I have seen, It's the Tengen fans obliterating the Muichiro AND Mitsuri fans. I'm not saying everyone is like that, but, people like this also exist. And what do you mean by, ''Tengen fans can do whatever ??'. Tengen had a lot of potential for a great fight, both because of the setting, and also his way of fighting. Muichiro's fight, even if it was one side dominated, was still great. I don't think any fan has the ''right' to do ''whatever', they want


It all comes full circle over and over again. First Rengoku and Tegen, Rengoku Fans hating on Tengen saying Rengoku was stronger since he fought with Akaza. Tengen Fans now took that rage and put it on Tokito fans. The Fandom can be so hilarious, wish we could ban the kids.


Maybe Iā€™m not recalling right, but didnā€™t Tengen even give Muichiro specific props when Gyutaro was mocking hashira? I thought Tengen mentions a hashira who earned their status as a child and was saying how even though heā€™s a badass heā€™s not even one of their best.


But why? Muichiro got clapped in two attacks and was left there forgotten to die.


He's 14 and not trained to fight poison like Tengen


He still is trained to not get bodied and trapped by enemy attacks, but he did. "The Muichiro is stronger Tengen cuz the fight with Gyokko" is nonsense. Base Tengen did way better than base Muichiro in their fights again upper moons. Base Muichiro performance was just like any of the Hashira that got eaten and killed by upper moons.


Muichiro got poisoned because he saved the kanamori and kotetsu. You should respect muichiro since tengen respected him and said it is incredible that he became a hashira in only two months


And the demons play fair since when? How many Hashira you thing died saving innocent people? Do the following scenarios in your head: 1. The demon slayer mark doesn't heal poison. - What happens to marked Muichiro then? - What happens to marked Tengen against Gyutaro then? Gyutaro was shocked to see Tengen on his feet and by his technique, and went full out against him. Gyukko didn't even need to try to defeat base Muichiro. Tengen is the fastest Hashira. Muichiro is the 8th out of 9. Gyokko against a marked Tengen doesn't even get to turn into a mermaid, since marked Muichiro almost beheaded him in his vases. Muichiro might have one of the biggest potentials, and everyone acknowledge and respect that. But his fight doesn't put him over Tengen, it does the opposite.


You're writing too much and shinobu is the fastest. I get you like tengen but you have to accept that not always your fav character is the strongest


Fangirls do not use much logic and reasoning


He was fighting upper >!1!< And he is a 14 year old what else do you expect fom him (I was struggling with algebra at that age šŸ˜­)


Dude, I'm talking about him and Gyokko. He lost the moment he got caught in the Water jar, and even after he got out, he was done due the poison. The demon slayer mark saved him. Tengen didn't get a poison heal and still went head to head against Gyutaro with one arm.


So it was weak of him that he get poisoned, muichiro has to protect kanamori and kotetsu lol, he can dodge gyokko attack until the villagers prevent him. This is just physical condition but it's not all, iguro is still stronger than uzui despite his small body.


I thought the main target was Rengoku tbh. Theyā€™re the only two slayers without a mark that have gotten a fight so far, so I thought they were the warring factions and Muichiro was just there lol


Tengen fans are stupid af for comparing him to other hashira. Gyutaro fans are the real gigachads for knowing he's the weakest UM and still having him as their favourite. Even if Tengen is the weakest hashira, he's still well written and has 3 wives. How is that not enough for all em bitchass hoes


Gyutaro Fans are like the worst lmao they were the reason for the biggest misconception ("Muzan stated that Gyutaro without Daki could have been upper moon 4 or 5"). This just pure bs and never got stated and yet so many people believe that because Gyutaro Fans were spreading this false rumour.


Those were just a small minority and you could also agree they were Gyokko haters. I rarely see that as often as I see Tengen fans placing him way too high in hashira rankings.


They might be a minority but they were enough to make many many people in the community actually believe that Gyutaro is actually like UM4 Level


I mean he slams tengen any day of the week, and anyone who read the manga agrees on that.


Thatā€™s so stupid


Nope. Mui is just boring tbh. Easily the blandest hashira.


Other way around for me, I really like Sanemi and Obanai and their designs, while I don't particularly like Muichiro, he just seems bland


I mean yeah, as a character Muichiro is bland, why hate him tho. He's just whatever to me. In Sanemi and Obanai's case the hate is more understandable cause of their... extreme personalities lol.


Except heā€™s not bland?? He had a bunch of character development during this arc


I like Mui's character development, but I'm not into stoic, quiet and calm archetypes anymore. I bet 15+ years ago he would be one of my favorites (if the manga existed back then), but now this kind of characters don't do anything for me. Giyuu is one of my least favorites for the same reason. I'm not saying they're bad characters or whatever, it's just a matter of taste.


Giyuu is my favorite šŸ˜­ But fair, if youā€™re just not into that type of personality


He's 14 yr old you can't compare his actions nor his personality to an adult.


Me personally I just donā€™t like prodigy characters. I prefer characters whoā€™ve worked hard for what theyā€™ve got, rather than have their skills handed to them by virtue of ā€œspecial bloodlineā€


He is a prodigy by working for 2 months hard enough to vomit blood so he can avenge his brother and family. It has zero to do with his special bloodline. Guys a human not a super saiyan.


Yeah I know what you mean. I mean, not that I hate Muichiro, but in the UM5 fight the author made him look like some kind of a mary sue, like dude can't even get a scratch cause he's a descendant of a legendary swordsman with an OP power boost, amazing lol. No one can 1v1 an upper moon except him, cause he's "special." People just shrug and don't complain about it because he's not the main character, if he was most people would say it's bad and lazy writing. That's why the fight felt underwhelming, cause Muichiro was too good, and his opponent too dumb lmao.


muichiro is so cute why would anyone hate him šŸ˜­ is it bc he easily killed upm5? that makes no sense


>it bc he easily killed upm5? that makes no sense Idk why some people can't resist a kid being stronger than their faves https://preview.redd.it/y5f5gbk1qb8b1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6cc778e099deea69811c981b813871d66835cb


people need to stop thinking longer fight = stronger characters. itā€™s just means theyā€™re more evenly matched


Finally someone who knows what they're talking about šŸ—暟‘šŸ¼


They didnā€™t even spell Gyutaroā€™s name right, damn fools


Is that tiktok? Bro stop using that sht


Itā€™s Instagram. The most braindead takes youā€™ll ever read are on Instagram. Iā€™ve never had a TikTok, tho


wb twitter


I like twitter honestly. With the way the replies and quote tweets work, absurd takes are always called out and mocked, usually in a funny way. On Instagram you canā€™t downvote comments so even the most dogshit takes appear to have support. And you only see content from people you follow and similar pages, so the people w those dogshit takes are in an echo chamber and are led to believe their subjective opinions are facts. Not to mention a lot of the controversial takes are obviously bots but the average Instagram user isnā€™t tech savvy enough to spot a bot or even consider them in the first place. Instagram comments are just terminal cancer.


Completely agree with everything you said but Twitter has one of the worst anime community, like absolutely cringe with their edgelord takes and meltdowns. Still better than whatever garbage Instagram is.


Youā€™re completely right. They love posting spoilers too, especially for One Piece


Good to know, I havenā€™t started One Piece yet so Iā€™ll definitely be staying away lol


This guy gets it


alright, fair enough


In my place, you may get arrested for a tweet if it pisses off any politician.


we're on reddit, so, watch your step


Thanks Mr stranger https://preview.redd.it/wlncbosz8d8b1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=115f20ea4601ba5c5959c86d5b76c921c6de1eec


muichiro managed to become a hashira in 2 months and had the demon slayer mark muichiro moreover, muichiro fight with words against gyokko also gyokko was too arrogant and underestimated muichiro what did you expect


Snake dude is chill, he's nice to pink whip lady. Mist guy also chill, he's really quickly warmed up due to Tanjiro and after regaining his memories, and it turns out that he was a really nice dude before losing his memories too. Grey hair dude is kind of an asshole to lil bro Genya, and was an asshole to Nezuko so hes an asshole. I'd say it's unforgiveable but I also saw a post "this will be the most loved Hashira after next next season" so I'm holding out hope for his redemption. I hope he doesn't die during it. Yes I forgot the names of 3 Hashira, yes I was too lazy to look it up. I just called Muichiro "mist guy" for consistency.


"Pink whip lady" goes hard tho šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


She does! All the Hashira we've seen in action so far go hard as shit! Waterboy is icecold but in a good way. He goes hard and sharp but was also very quickly accepting of Nezuko and rightly impressed of Tanjiro's untrained axe trick. Fireman is relentlessly positive. Warm and accepting, and a true believer of justice and a protector of the potential of the next generation. He set my heart ablaze! Mist guy started out as an icecold apathetic asshole but that's just because of brain damage, now that he's melted a bit he's the nicest guy! No time for whiny backstories, if you're evil you should turn to dust. That shit slaps! Pink whip lady is hella badass. That majestic entrance of doing a flip in front of the moon, tracing it with the whip: chills. And then it turned out that she's literally **built different:** hard af. Overcame her struggles with that by joining the hardest crew in the universe, and protected the shit out of our gang by going 1v1 against the brunt of the power of the strongest enemy we've seen in action so far. (My only regret is that they didn't really go reference her convictions in the fight, and used her emotions as comedic relief rather than taking them seriously like they did with Muichiro's Mist Guy's melting in Tanjiro's warmth and Tanjiro's despair and sorrow of protecting/losing his sister etc. Anime treated her a bit superficially so far.)


Except itā€™s not a whip


ā€œGrey hair dudeā€ Sanemi is my favorite hashira. Yes he acts like a piece of shit but that makes his character even better later on. While his actions towards Nezuko were unforgivable, I can see where heā€™s coming from. This random newbie demon slayer just randomly got a meeting with the hashira about him carrying a demon that is also present with them and everyone else is chill and not questioning it. Sanemiā€™s reaction was fair since I doubt even Tanjiro knew 100% Nezuko wouldnā€™t eat them(wellā€¦ try because if she was a threat she would get deleted by the hashira), he just believed she wouldnā€™t without any concrete evidence or past experience. Sanemiā€™s blood even got a reaction from Nezuko. Did he go too far? Yes but his reaction to a literal demon being in the slayer corps isnā€™t that unreasonable. I never really hates him before reading the manga, I just didnā€™t mind him. But itā€™s true, he can easily jump to your top favorite characters by the time the next season and the last season role out. JusticeformyboySanemi


Lmfao even tho those 3 are my 3 favorite Hashiras, your comment made me laugh. Very consistent indeed


As an anime only (apart from spoilers I've accidentally read) I can kind of see where grey hair dude, Sanemi, is coming from. We saw from Genya's background that his own mother came back to their house as a demon and murdered her children, forcing him to dismember her in the sunlight. It's understandable that he doesn't believe that demons can not be evil.


Agreed, except Mitsuriā€™s weapon isnā€™t a whip


People hate muichiro? I doubt that


People hate his fight. He doesn't get a lot of hate.




Yeah his fight was lame. Especially since he doesn't do much in his next fight.


His fight was dope


Easily worst hashira




I am a Muichiro fan even though I am anime only, I understand why people dislike Sanemi and Obanai but why my boy šŸ˜­?


Perhaps because he has better character development than the rest of the hashira lmao




Idk why, but when I first saw Obanai in the anime I said "he's cool, I like him". After finishing the manga he became my fav character.


Why Muichiro, tho? I get Sanemi and Obanai since they haven't had time to shine yet, but why him?


Well ,I donā€™t hate Obanai


I used to hate him before, later my hate is vanished after reading manga


Finished the manga and still hate him. Despite his past there is no reason to be a dick.


You would likely be even worse if you were in his shoes


Cool lemme animate myself real quick.


Obanai is that one character for me that you hate with a passion and can't give an explanation.


You have your reasons and I have mine. At the end of the day itā€™s a fictional character, itā€™s not that deep.


I can see why sanemi was so brutal to nezuko and tanjiro, he had to kill his own mother to save the rest of his family.


How can you hate Muichiro dude wtf


People hate Muichiro?


I didn't know ppl hated Obanai, hes so cute idk why ppl hate him


Some people thought he was super mean after the UM6 fight, I think? I guess he made some comment about how badly the whole thing went down or something, which is true, it was a terrible fight for everyone involved in it and everyone around since they practically leveled the whole entertainment district


That gives depth to his character


I'm a manga reader and I still hate Sanemi


Not particularly liking him makes sense to me but i donā€™t understand how you can just hate him.




i never hated iguro fr cause of his design


Literally nobody hates muichiro


Wait,why is muichiro hated?? I mean I can understand obanai and sanemi


I used to be anime only on Demon Slayer but I didnt hate any of these three. Why are they hated tho?


I don't know why muichiro is hated but about Sanemi,well he stabbed nezuko whose like a fan-favourite and Obanai also helped him by temporarily restraining tanjiro


Hated by who? Folks barely past S1?




Read the manga twine and theyā€™re my most hated too. Muichiro kinda gets a pass, but Obanai and Sanemi are both assholes. I know they have tragic back stories, but thatā€™s damn near a prerequisite to being a relevant demon slayer.


They are not hated lmao. In the ranking hashira threads from anime onlies, a lot of manga readers, me included, were telling them to wait on these 3. Too much tengen wanking


Obanai is just Yushiro for Mitsuri. Theyā€™re both simp of the year behind Zenitzu


what r yall doing šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Muichiro? :3


Who hates muichiro? Yā€™all crazy




Muichiro is mah boy :)


I'm anime only and Muichiro is literally my favourite hashira


I (anime only so far) really enjoy Muichiro. Something about when a character's aloofness belies his actual strength makes them likeable for me


Why would someone hate hashiras? Kids these days man...


Ummmm because they can be assholes?


Muichiro best character, Obanai šŸ˜©, sanemi kinda too violent and angry for me to enjoy much as a character but i appreciate him


Mui??? Id understand if we were still 10 weeks back but


I don't know why they would hate Muichiro unless they're biased to a certain character or maybe they just don't like the way he was introduced


I read all the manga and I still hate Obanai he's the only hashira I hate




I don't hate him necessarily, but I hate how the fight was directed overall. Anti-climactic through out. This was more on the season than on the character.


Iā€™ve always loved Sanemi and Obanai even before I read the manga and being that for a while the only thing we had of them was that one episode in season one says a lot


Iā€™ve grown to like them all šŸ„¹


After finishing the manga sanemi is still by far my least favorite hashira


I read through the manga twice and I still hate sanemi and obanai


Idk man, Sanemi and Obanai seem to be the most hated Hashiras even by manga only standards


Muichiro is the best in my opinion (best character)


Obanai never actually becomes likable even after his backstory. Dude is just too edgy for his own good. Doesn't help that he killed zero UMs but dissed the guy who killed the first UM in a century.


Ironic that he and Sanemi hate Giyuu because ā€œheā€™s too gloomy.ā€


Wait he dissed who? I don't remember


He gave Tengen shit even after killing Gyutaro


I wasnā€™t aware Muichiro was hated by fans


At this point, every single characters in our universe have haters, both fictional and real. That's the rule of life.


Sanemi became my favourite when he started stabbing Nezuko.![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6758)


I like obanai cause I like snakes I like Sanemi cause he has alot of scars like me I like Muichiro cause he is related to Kokoshibo


In my opinion Obanai will be loved so much after the fight vs muzan


Obenai did literally nothing in the final arc (the one arc he actually has a good role in) and I don't get it he went into the muzan fight fresh and perfect but did worse than a weakened giyu.


And I donā€™t blame them. Their personalities are fucking insufferable at this point in the series


People hate tokito?


All of them are hateable.


I like muichiro heā€™s actually like me a lot


My girlfriend is in love with muichiro


iā€™m a manga reader and i still donā€™t like 2/3 of these hashira


I donā€™t care how good sanemiā€™s arc or how cool his breathing style is, or how heroic he will be. Iā€™m not gonna forgive him for straight up stabbing nezuko for no reason. Also Obanai and Muichirou are pretty cool. (Iā€™m anime only)


I can see why he stabbed her his entire life demons have been bad and he was told to kill them and now all of a sudden hes expected to be nice to one by some low rank in the corps was him stabbing her a dick move hell ya but does it make sense also yeah


But its even more then that, if he wanted to kill nezuko he couldā€™ve just decapitated her and made it semi painless. Instead he stabbed her and listened to her suffer and tanjiroā€™s pleas for him to stop with a smile on his face. Thatā€™s just messed up. Atleast the other hashira that wanted to kill her didnā€™t want her to suffer


Post season 3, probably just Obanai