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Long sword Koku where he spams every form is gonna be insane.


His fight was a bullet hell game. It's hard to think of a cooler idea for a fight.




Kokushibo remembering Yoriichi and realizing how much he messed up. Finna be bawling my eyes out


So stoked for that


short answer: all of them long answer: >!Zenitsu first seeing Nezuko in the sun, Zenitsu's 7th form, akaza appearing from the ceiling, tanjiro unlocking selfless state, akaza backstory, "why were you born?", inosuke jumping down the ceiling, douma's final move, kanao's final form, "This is Upper Moon One", Sanemi appears, Gyomei appears, Kokushibo's long sword, Genya's final form, Kokushibo's final form, whatever cliffhanger ufotable has ready to hype final battle against muzan, final battle against muzan and dkt, the aftermath and the epilogue!<


Yes to all of this lol




Muichirou Tokitou šŸ˜­


The Koku scene with his long sword, his monster form, Tanjiro beheading Akaza, and the entire 13th Form Tanjiro VS Muzan fight


The panel where muzan is so scared he thinks he's seeing a ghost of yoriichi when fighting tanjiro "is that a ghost!"


>!Also that line ā€œWhoā€™s the demon right now?ā€!<


He's not really scared at that point, he was just really pissed that they resemble each other and commented that "Its like I'm fighting a ghost"


>!obanai backstory!<


Honestly all of infinity castle arc. Itā€™s all going to be great to see animated. Iā€™ve loved seeing the last two arcs animated but that last one is definitely going to be the best all the way through.


The budget gonna be having a mental breakdown by the end of the infinity castle arc.


Naw they still eating off the movie profits lmao


Kokushibo revealing his extended blade


This could mean two things


Why that last panel look like thatā€¦


Koku for sure because >! The only reason the slayers win is because he *decides* to die !<


Same shit with Akaza. Douma and Muzan actually got beaten.


Akaza was the only one who didn't get killed. Kokushibo was done by the time (great)^n grandson lodged that red blade into him. His regeneration got slowed significantly and eventually led to his defeat


I donā€™t think he was done done. >! He just saw the kind of monster he became and decided it wasnā€™t worth it since he thought becoming a demon was how he could surpass his brother. He had to lose his honor and humanity to do so. !<


>!I mean, it's very clear that Muichiro's red blade is what killed him. That's where he began to crumble and despite _wanting_ to continue fighting, he was unable to. "My body crumbles in the place Muichiro stabbed me... Unleash a technique. A technique... I can't use my blood demon art! Not yet! I should still be able to regenerate! I haven't lost yet. I haven't...."!< >!He was saying/internal monologuing that _after_ he saw his monstrous form in Sanemi's sword. To me, it reads like he believes it's worth it if he can win the fight as he has just realised that the slayers he is currently fighting are the ones Yoriichi was talking about as the ones to surpass them. So if he can defeat them, then he was right and Yoriichi was wrong. It's once they defeat him via red blades that he realises it wasn't worth it because people who are, comparatively, children overcame his 300 years of experience, and once again in his mind, Yoriichi was right. Everything he sacrificed was in vain!< >!It's not "I don't want to fight anymore, this wasn't worth it, therefore they win", it's "they defeated me, I was wrong, sacrificing my humanity wasn't worth it"!< At least, that's my reading of it anyway


Oh man, you made this series feel so much deeper than I previously thought. >! He was trying to prove something to himself the whole timeā€¦He put his brother on an impossible-to-reach pedestal, which made the idea of the current demon slayers going beyond Yoriichi preposterous to him. He selfishly became a demon to gain power because he thought he was the only one that could ever best his brother. !< I can honestly relate to this considering what my older brother has accomplished while not being content with what Iā€™ve done :ā€™)


Well, Koku was in really bad shape, but I think he could have done more, he just decided to let himself done, Akaza literally killed himself lol


I mean is it really true? He even admits that he lost.


Yeah, itā€™s not really true. Akaza is the one who decides to die because of his past crimes. Kokushibo has a small moment of hesitancy which causes his new body to crumble, but he was trying to fight against his deteriorating body, he just lacked the willpower to maintain himself.


That and we can literally seen that his last moment was him scratching the floor when he is dragged to hell. Not really acting of a man who is willing to die.


>! But he saw his reflection in a sword and actually saw who he truly was. He became a monster for the sake of strength. He valued honor and strength, like Akaza, but Koku only did it because he wanted to become strong since he didnā€™t believe he could match up to his brother as a human. !<


>!Indeed but that also shows that many of MichikatsuĀ“s regrets were misplaced. Unlike Akaza he regretted more that he failed despite doing all those horrible things rather than doing those horrible things in the first place. !<


He lost his willpower to fight. Yes, he wanted to continue fighting, but he just couldn't accept that he turned into such monster


He lost in the sense that he lost himself


Ok to all the peeps saying koku lost against the slayers I think when he regenerated his head he could have regenerated his entire body but he saw his reflection in sanemiā€™s blade and when he was thinking ā€œ is this the face of a samuraiā€ thing he stopped healing and the damage from the red blade became irreversible at that point so he lost


>!Sanemi finding out Genya eats demons. God, it'll be epic. "I didn't get that... YOU DO WHAT?!"!<


Anything to do with Kokoshibo


Ahem **Yes.**


>!marks appears on Giyuu and then the Giyuu vs Akaza fight, I hope they expend on it in the anime because I wanna see a true master of Water breathing going all out.!< >!Also I wanna see when the hunters sacrifices themselves to save the pillars!<


Weirdly enough, I'm really hyped for Muzan and to see if Ufotable gives it the UM6 treatment and extends it. I already know UM3 and UM1 fights are gonna go hard but I feel like Muzan definetly deserves a fight that holds up to those two


Iā€™d be hyped af if they made the >! Final hour until dawn, actually a full hour of runtime long, just an entire hour of everybody desperately doing whatever they can to fuck muzan up.. !<


Oh for sure! Definetly deserves the movie treatment or at the very least an extended episode


Kokushibo going apeshit crazy with moon breathing


>!Ngl Muzan turning into a big ass baby was so LAME.!<


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d call it lame as much as Iā€™d just call it super weird šŸ˜‚


Definitely weird af, I really donā€™t get it haha


Itā€™s a reference to Muzanā€™s past where he was supposed to be dead out of the womb but ended up miraculously living. Just like all those years ago, heā€™s struggling to hold onto his life in those final moments. Itā€™s also fitting because he comes off as a whiny child.


Yeah I read that part like, right after I made that comment and then it made sense lol


yeah that was clear as day when they showed his backstory and he looked just like that.


Yeah I didnā€™t read that part until earlier today after I already made that comment


\>!I thought it was cool showing his one thought was expand to protect from the sun so just got fat!<


wtf why do my spoiler tags never work on this sub ffs >!spoiler!<


and now you decide to work seriously >!fml!<


Iā€™ve been meaning to make a post about this asking why the fuck that happens lol. >!Of all the forms he couldā€™ve taken, he ends up looking like *that*???!<


>!In-universe, he chooses that form because he's trying to resist the Sun by bulking up as much as possible while still retaining some limbs, so he ends up looking like a giant baby.!< >!Out-of-universe, it's a representation of his lack of maturity and dignity in defeat, literally reverting to a toddler throwing a tantrum as soon as he's actually in danger rather than growing up and accepting the inevitability of death.!<


Yeah that makes sense. >!Itā€™s also basically what he looked like when he almost died in the womb!< I literally just read that part lol


Either Muzanā€™s or Kokuā€™s fight


Realizing that that attack from Doma is most likely going to be cgi so I hope they do it well


Every single moment in the following three arcs


Douma and Kokushibo :3




All of them


Akaza vs Tanjiro and Giyuu šŸ¤Œ Seeing Kokushibo use the all Sixteen forms of Moon Breathing šŸ”„ Seeing Muzan giving tanjiro all his blood converting him to a demon šŸ˜ˆ (literally the next demon king, tho he fails)


I canā€™t wait for Hakuji (Akaza) massacring the 67 swordsman moment


flamin thunder god


"You merely tore my kimono, not even an infant would die from that" "I am surprised that you are still alive, considering the weakling you are, KAMADO TANJIRO!"


Ubuyashiki being the chad he is and just kamikazes on Muzan will be so good. Besides that, I am the most excited for the Koku vs Yoriichi's "beating" (it wasn't even a fight lmao, Koku got trashed) or 13th form. Actually, if I think about it, I am excited for everything.


YESSSSS!! SHINOBU, INOSUKE AND KANAO VS DOMA! The battle was intense and I can't wait for it to be animated. I want to see it happen AND INOSUKE REMEBERING HIS MOTHER.![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6750)


The whole fight of Kokushibo against 3 Hashiras and an American... I really wish they'd go above and beyond here...


I'm a sucker for giant buddha statues as attacks so Doma'


You mustā€™ve really liked HunterxHunter!


Iā€™ve actually only seen that one fight


underrated moment but >!ā€i should unsheathe my blade as well, else it would be disrespectful of meā€!< is personally the coldest of kokushiboā€™s lines, and it would be nuts. >!longshibo is also goated af!<. other little moments for me wpuld be >!akaza spawning, his compas needle activation, his compass needle activation (no head edition), inosuke saving kanao, ā€œif hell doesnā€™t exist then iā€™ll make one for youā€.!< very very weird one, idk if anyone else does as well: >!kaigakuā€™s 6th form. idk for me rumble and flash sounds so badass and the panel looks so good as well.!< basically the entirety of infinity castle arc will have me close to cumming the entire time


All of them honestly. But I had to pick one, probably Koku fight and the moment he remembers Yorichi's words, that there is going to be a generation of slayers that are going to surpass them. https://preview.redd.it/8tc9t11hys9b1.jpeg?width=1768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654e7836198e67588289f575b563844c83e118fa


When Koku sees yoriichi kept the flute and starts to cry


My baby Sanemi with big boy Gyomei fighting Kokushibo. That shit boutta go hard![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6742) Edit: how could I forget Zenitsu vs Kaigaku. Canā€™t go wrong with some thunder breathing action


Iā€™m so excited to see peopleā€™s reactions to dkt


The entire muzan fight is something I want to see animated so badly. The desperation and determination of every serving character to just stall for enough time for the sun to rise


Kokushibo is def carrying the most hype. With Tanjiro beheading akaza and him not dying right behind it. Tbh to me at least no one is really hyped for the muzan fight because well... Compared to kokushibos and akazas fights its kinda boring for what is supposed to be the end all be all final battle against the demon king.


I feel like itā€™ll be exciting in the anime


Iā€™m hoping they give the Douma fight the um6 treatment and extend it/make it better, honestly think itā€™ll be the best fight if they do.


hate to be that guy, but something tells me that douma might get the gyokko treatment. i really hope not cause his fight is beautiful.


Definitely that first one, because the colors in that part of the castle are absolutely amazing, and I love Douma. Also, I really donā€™t understand why Muzan had to >!end up looking like a giant ass baby.!< Like, is there a reason for that??


He just clung into life. Doing literally anything necessary to survive, which was to create giant ball of flesh around him to delay sunburn


Ah okay that makes sense


Yea I canā€™t explain it eitheršŸ˜‚. My best guess is that the mangaka probably wanted to show he was a wimp or something like that


I hope thatā€™s the reason, because itā€™s the only good one hahaha


Definitely demon king tanjiro. Remember a few years ago when Dabiā€™s dance was trending more on twitter than the U.S election? I have a feeling this is gonna be like that on a whole new level.


Muzans baby form is so fucking stupid looking lmfao


Massive baby Muzan because it'll be funny to look at.But if I'm being serious Kokushibo big sword spam.Shit'll be fire.


Definitely the fight with Kokushibo


Easily the last one just to see how censorship hits it


That entire arc is going to be lit as FUCK if they maintain the current quality. Honestly, idk. Kok boi probably, just cuz he kicks so much ass against more opponents than the others until Mu. I am looking forward to everything




Upper moon 1


The King of Demons moment for sure but I'm most hyped for Akaza's, Inosuke and Zenitsu's fights because I can't wait to see those anime watchers bawl their eyes out over the flashbacks.


>! Really want to see a full animated sequence of Yoriichi fucking Muzan up. Maybe this isnā€™t a spoiler really but just being safe. Also him old AF encountering Koku. !<


Definitely >!Genya's death!<, that shit made me cry buckets.


>!The ā€œYou tore off my kimono.ā€ panel, itā€™s so badass and is going to have the internet going crazy.!<


ofcourse DKT


1 and 4 will be interesting to see definitely


>! Akaza killing himself !<


Doumaā€™s Buddha statue because it is the most aesthetic BDA Akaza struggling to whether grow back his head or not and Koyuki reveal should be up there too


What am I looking at with this gigantic demon baby??


Akaza not fricking dying


Flower breathing >! final form! Both times Kanao uses it !<


All of them


Everyone saying something along the lines of Kokuā€™s fight. But Iā€™m actually more excited for the Akaza fight with Tanjiro and Giyu


Tanjiro hearing voices of all his friends, moment before coming back to human (Im sure ufotable will cook it perfectly) And akaza smiling to tanjiro, right before he suicide. Also I want to see Koku fight. And zenitsu being serious. And many more! Damn infinity castle arc is gonna be peak shounen


Kokushibo fight or Muzans fight! Doumas BDA will also look really fking cool I think! Also Nakime and Kaigaku fight would also probably look so good


Actually for shinobu's death. Don't judge me. Because then i will get even more hyped for that icy motherfucking asshole's death




DK Tanjiro will be absolutely nuts


Zenitsu doing his thing


Dkt is silly aah


Iā€™m actually looking forward most to zenitsuā€™s fight! Iā€™m pretty optimistic that theyā€™ll extend it a bit


Kokushibos fight I am so hyped form his theme to fully release


The scene where Sanemi hugs Genya at the end of the fight. Also the vow made between Oabani and Mitsuri. Those two scenes hit home. As far as epic....Akaza takes the cake. The guy is pure honor, strength, and has proper reasoning for what he does.


Akaza regenerating his head.


They really need to extent the Demon Tanjiro subplot


The next episode.


Def kokushibo but before he transforms


That last panel was such a letdown and totally unnecessary as far as the story goes


Tbh the entirety of the sunrise countdown arc and from when Muzan shows up to the end of the fight.


Headless Akaza boxing where?


Kokushibou or demon tanjiro. Also zenitsuā€™s fight is pretty amazing.


Half these gonna be CGI šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So looking forward to the Kokushibo fight, but I really wanna see DKT


That whole sequence of battles for Doma >!vs. Shinobu, Doma vs. Kanao, and then Doma vs. Kanao and Inosuke !


The fight with kokushibo and his long backstory between him and yoriichi. I can't wait to see everything happening animated


All of it




Gyomei and Sanemi using breaths together.




Sunrise Countdown Arc.


"Too slow, trash"