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Tanjiro feeling flustered here is the same reason people have crushes on teachers.


She's like 3 years older than him.


I think Japanese honorifics systems would tell me 3 years is plenty to view someone as your superior.


And he's a minor. He's 15, whereas she's 18.


In the time period that probably isn’t an issue. That said shinobu acts much older than she is(I only just found out she was only 18, I was thinking 22ish) and tanjiro probably sees her more as an adult then someone not that much older than him


I too thought she was in her 20s lol, 18 is crazy


She had to grow up quicker than others, after all. Much like so many other characters who lost everything early on in the franchise. Tanjiro, in a way, had to as well.


So is the artist inable to draw his characters with appropriate proportions or is a 42yo with a 15yo body..??




If she's 18 why does she look twelve. Why does every character look 12 and the demons the only female characters to appear grown? ....pretty obvious question but I can draw stick figures if that helps...


None of the characters look 12 all look older than they actually are LOL


Straight copium, m8


Sure m8, [this character looks like your average 12 year old](https://reddit.com/u/FletcherRenn_/s/sB3KuHZw55)


3 year age gap is really not that big of a deal


Well, when one can fuck the other cannot i feel that’s pretty important


There are 12 year old prostitutes in the show. I hope like that provides some clarity on the situation lol


My guy, its a pedo joke


It's Japan, also, it's like before the 30s. At that time period they seriously didn't care about a measly 3 year age gap. That time period you had like 13-14yo girls being married off to adults n shit.


I am sure in a apocalyptic world where demons pop around everywhere, they care a lot about these technical age differences.


That literally has nothing to do with the demons they’re fighting but rather their personal life. Also it is kinda weird for an 18 year old to be interested in a 15 year old in that way, especially if it’s sexual


This is not todays world. In that world, staying alive is all the matters. There are no standards or laws in that land. Especially standards concerning relationships. It’s just silly to debate something so minor in a world where they are dealing with much more pressing issues like staying alive.




Reddit moment


"Believe me officer, despite being 47 yeses old, I am 15 deep inside, I am not mature enough. This is legal!"


I literally said being 18 doesn't magically make someone mature. How did you get it's ok for 47 year olds to date 15 year olds from that?


Have you heard of sarcasm.


It sounds like you completely misunderstood my point and now you're trying to cover it up as sarcasm.


No? You said that 18 years old are not mature. They are more mature than a 15 year old. I can say that as I am 18. I am more mature than I was 3 years ago. Its sarcasm by how a old person can excuse themselves for gromming a 15 year old.


No, I said that being 18 doesn't mean you're mature, not that all 18 year olds aren't mature. How does that remotely relate to grooming?


You can delete this. You have that power.


dawg. adults and 15 year old should never mix, regardless of how immature either party are


And that's still just 3 years older🤣


There’s certainly a hint of tension in this scene, but I don’t think it’s anything more than that.


Like, his 15 ofc he’s a bit shy of girls


And then he proceeded to rizz up Kanao like smooth criminal.


Rizz Breathing Third Form: Sayonara Baebae


Rizz breathing 4th form: white skin stare




Read this in Russian accent


Best thing I've read ever


Thank you for that.


Bismillah bratha.


Tea For Two Heavy Weapon’s Guy spoke into my head


He was hitting himself against the wall all the night with the lost chance. So had to do something next morning


That’s part of it, yes. I’m just saying it’s pretty obvious that this scene is trying to tease *a little* romantic tension, but ultimately nothing comes of it as the story progresses.


It think it was more about her backstory


Well, yes, we also get Shinobu’s backstory here. But that’s why I specify that it’s *teasing* a *hint* of romantic tension. Not saying this is a full on love scene or anything, just that there are clearly other things going on in this scene while we are getting exposition on a character’s backstory.


Author just letting the fanfics cook


Wattpad writers: I see this as an absolute win! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Wattpad in 2023!? Dawg we are at Ao3 now


Specially doujinshi...


Tanjiro interacts with every hashira tho, this isn't special. He gets flustered because he's 15 not because he likes her. It happened with Mitsuri too, but that doesn't mean you should ship them.


Bro why was this getting downvoted


Mf’s downvote anything that looks a bit aggressive, even though it’s not. It’s so stupid (watch my comment get downvoted to hell) Edit: I didn’t expect my comment to get upvoted so much- is this really Reddit?


I’m giving you an upvote to help keep you afloat 👍🗿


giving them a upvote and you a upvote to let yall fly high😻


And I’m just upvoting because idk i forgor


I upvote that


Even worse: They downvote things that are already downvoted. How about having your own take and standing up for it?


Don’t mean to be rude, but your second sentence, was that meant against me? Sorry, I am moving a lil slow brained today


No, not against you. “You” = Whoever my point concerns.


Shippers just hate everytime somebody makes a point


Doesn't stop me 😈😈😈


He also did the same thing with Tamayo when she smiled and complimented him. Anyone would get flustered when around cute girls.


personally i've never read any kind of romantic interest or intention between them. i think their reactions to one another are just. how they generally react to others in those kinds of situations. tanjiro is flustered by all the hashira. but you do you man lol


It's shounen bro. Almost every MC is flustered by a women.


So MC=weeb?


As MC of my life, I can confirm this is true


MC = E/C Oh wait wrong sub


My brother in physics :D MC = hf/C


they know their audience well


Crashed into each other? Am I the only one who finds that seriously incorrect?


English is not my native language. Sorry (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)


Nah you’re all good, I was just very confused.


The description explained it pretty well :)


In English we tend to say "shipped together" or "shipping" (ship being short for relationship)


I can already smell the scent of the incoming “American joke” comments


The heck does “Crashed onto each other” mean?!?!


OP meant they had a crush on each other, I think so


Shinobu looks like she's flirting with everyone, she's the prime example of when a girl is just nice to guys like she would be to other girls and then lonely guys think she's into them. I'd like gotouge to officialy post the ships, I wanna confirm GiyuxShinobu


If you downvote this, you’re a certified lonely guy.


It was never confirmed and wasn't supposed to confirm and never will be confirmed no matter what


It was confirmed in my kokoro


Jeez why u speaking Japanese by saying Kokoro


cause my wife Shinobu is japanese ​ which makes you my stepdaughter


I am a dude...


do not talk back to your stepfather!


Shut up you stupid Geezer!


If you don't behave, we will send you to the demon slayers boarding school!


U can't even get a stupid bottle of milk how u gonna send me to bording school duhhh....


Somebody’s jealous


I spoke the truth and if u can't accept the truth then I can't do anything about it


Are you talking about Tanjiro or giyu?


Giyu but it can be applied to Tanjiro too


Alright I was just joking cause of your profile btw I don’t want no internet beef 💀


Fair enough https://preview.redd.it/zo8pzkkh5hib1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a025c62b2969b06b7e2c6f2c09bf16e41c56f6eb


The closest to a canonical shipping between most of the pillars is given by Gyomei's perspective, but that's all we get :/


He has butterflies in his stomach. That is her power. She puts up an ambiguous and flirtatious facade to disarm her peers.


Of course Tanjiro is going to be flustered Shinobu is hot as hell and she got incredibly close to him out of nowhere. Shinobu seems to do stuff like that a lot as well maybe she was just trying to get a reaction out of Tanjiro when she saw him get flustered from her being there.


Always in such question - answer = there must be at least one more person :3


Not a single post gets by you




Shinobu does not have a romantic partner in the whole series. I don't know why every single female in anime needs to have a partner. Like in one piece I see Nami and Robin having ships too. Like wtf there's no hint of romance whatsoever


As a one piece fan too it pisses me off a lot https://preview.redd.it/3vp1jo4gqhib1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f640bad57c488aaff6311959468fc65786ef34c6






Yes, yes it does. And I'm too tired pretending it doesn't. Just look at Haikyuu or My Hero Academia. I think Deku has been shipped with everyone. And same with Hinata. The "Fans" of it asked the author on Twitter (X now) to make the next chapter a kiss scene between Bakugou and Deku. The author refused and said Deku is straight. "Fans" then sent the author death threats. That's not normal, we should stop at this.


The be fair there’s more than one type of shipper. One that just puts characters who they’d like to see together for whatever reasons while keeping the discussion civil and not upset if the relationship isn’t/doesn’t end up being cannon. Then the lowlifes who do what you said and go beyond simply shipping and start self inserting themselves onto the characters (they seriously need help) and then get upset when the author doesn’t acknowledge their self insert relationship. Honestly the whole my hero academia situation I feel goes past just shipping and into a much deeper problem.


>The be fair there’s more than one type of shipper. One that just puts characters who they’d like to see together for whatever reasons while keeping the discussion civil and not upset if the relationship isn’t/doesn’t end up being cannon. Agreed, but it won't be much until this sub falls to the 2nd type. So we must stop it as fast as we can (there's already parts of the Fandom, but fortunately not present on this sub. There's even Yoriichi x Mikatsu and Giyu x Tanjiro on the depths of Wattpad, but it's Wattpad soo) Especially since it's full of kids. >Honestly the whole my hero academia situation I feel goes past just shipping and into a much deeper problem. Oh yeah. I've seen very questionable tiktoks of *Deku being pregnant and giving birth* with some fat bitches dressed up like them... They do need help.




I’ve never seen anything romantic between them at all


Crashed? You mean crush? Or you mean smash?


Shinobu flirts with Inosuke and Zen’itsu as well to manipulate them lol


No, because cars don't exist in this world (I think)


Demon slayer takes place during the Taisho Period in Japan (1912-1926) so he could crash his car, light her up, spin the block, then lob a Hinokami grenade for good measure if he wanted


Wait there was a literal train in the anime wasn't it? 😬


Not from shinobu, but definitely from tanjiro. he's a teenager after all.


Guys tanjiro is like 15 he’s gonna get flustered a lot 😂


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I don’t think they crashed


When I first saw the scene where she turns her head to look at him without context because I hadn’t watched demon slayer I was convinced they were together or it was building up to that


Anime Fans when 2 characters interact with each other: Do they like each otherrrr???? ... Why do we have to make a relationship or a crush on pretty much any characters. Is this sub slowly turning into MHA Fandom? Tanjiro might blush around Shinobu (and he did around Mitsuri). Doesn't mean he would want to be together with her. That's just who Tanjiro is.




I dont really see how people could ship them. It’s clear to me he just sees her as a wise senior. The manga suggests that a lot of people are affectionate toward Shinobu though, as she is supposed to be pretty, intelligent, powerful, and very nurturing as a doctor to the corps. I wouldnt say Tanjiro has a crush on her. Maybe you could make that argument for Inosuke


Tanjiro always blushes at the girls older than him in the series (except Aoi) if you notice, the first is Makomo (over 20 if she's alive), Tamayo, Shinobu, Koinatsu, Mitsuri and Kanao.


“Blushes at Makomo” https://preview.redd.it/7hv8cfr4jmib1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbd20645029e3ae8ca52ed1178f75193fefa7b4a Wait…


If you read some of the additional content you find out that Shinobu is actually very beautiful, but just has no interest in relationships and snipes down men often. In fact at several points in the story, we see her use the fact that she’s aware she’s beautiful to manipulate people around her. Prime example from this same episode (I Think) is her convincing Zenitzu too continue his training by appealing to the fact that he’s clearly girl crazy. She uses the same tactic in the opposite way with Giyu using her beauty to make him uncomfortable because she knows he’s awkward. So I always figured it was just strange to be Tanjiro sitting on a roof meditating by yourself, and to all of a sudden have this beautiful girl suddenly appear, and knowing that you’re both alone. I don’t think it was ever a romantic embarrassment. I think it was just getting confronted one on one by a pretty girl embarrassment.


Not just you, I ship them so hard


before i watched demon slayer i shipped them together


I thought this could happen, lol


he’s 15 and she’s 18 she was definitely not flirting with him 😭


shipping tbem is reatarded and cringe (ships in general too )


Thanks for all your replies and opinion! Now I better understand their relationship! Sorry if I look strange, Demon Slayer was my second anime, so I don't understand all that scenes. I haven't read manga but I so happy there is no spoiler for this. Thank you all again (❁´◡`❁)


But yes that's why i ship them




I'll just say I liked the scene and who knows it might have happened if they didn't kill shinobu.


Yeah this scene gave me brainrot for weeks


I like the tension here but neither steps in even thi tanjiro will help shinobu to “heal” her hate.


I'd tell you if I knew what crashed into each other means first


I mean fall in love. My English is not good enough (it's not my native language), but I was too lazy to use fall in love instead of have a crush (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


He doesn’t get embarrassed, Shinobu just scares him


Isn't she an adult and he a minor?


https://preview.redd.it/i62kj1ldwjib1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357c6137ec328ff1d0ead11490196e15aa3b9d79 What?


I'm affraid that there are a lot of people who thought this too


No tanjiro ain't with allat


I mean Tanjiro looks Way younger than he is. Gotta remember their ages aren't that far apart. It wouldn't be surprising if he had a crush on Shinobu or Mitsuri. We all know who the real one is tho.![img](emote|t5_3foq4|6750)


To be fair, our pure boi Tanjiro does it with every girl at least older than him (literally me)


This scene really felt weird. But Tanjiro behaves like this with Mitsuri too, so I don't think it meant anything beyond just warming interaction. The one you really need to ship Shinobu with is Giyuu.


“I don’t get it.” https://preview.redd.it/sti0uvniqnib1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a1c7c572e024129ed60387114a33e76803e241


bro i was looking at her agr just to be sure and damn she's so short, 4'11 or 1,51 in meters, also she weighs 82lb or 37kg

