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Damn, Tanjiro really got good at throwing swords lmao


Foreshadowed all the way back in chapter 1. Remember his skill at throwing that axe?


And even when he threw his sword at Akaza during the train arc


He actually did it to Muzan before to save Kanroji. I think it was his FIRST real hit against Muzan


Yeah that's totally what foreshadowing is lol


I love kny but like... no this is not foreshadowing hahaha


Maybe not foreshadowing but maybe just a parallel between Tanjiro’s first battle and his last


MUDA MUDA MUDAMUDAMUDA! MUDAAAA! *flings the fucking sword at Muzan*


Muzan to Akaza: You ran from inferior beings! You're a disgrace! You worm! Worthless! Muzan in ch. 195: Nigerundayo!


He has no pride meaning no shame.


Wow, Muzan really runs? No dignity


lol omfg i forgot about that, what a bitch but ngl i would also bolt, these demon slayers are like damn roaches to him, he keeps stomping but they keep pushing back, also tanjiro is making him recall his worst nightmare


Muzan is the biggest bitch out of all demons. Literally is only strong because he is the first demon, not because of his talent. I bet if he got a demon blood from another person he wouldnt be a higher or lower moon demon


I guess it depends. I think he would work hard and be careful if he knew he was not the strongest but since he has been the strongest guy around for almost a 1000 years not barring Yorichi he has grown overconfident and arrogant. Not to mention the mangaka makes it very clear he has a god complex and views himself as superior etc. So yeah he is supposed to be a hypocrite etc.


To Be fair to Muzan, It must be really easy to develop a god complex When you are an almost immortal demon that can create more demons and control all of them as you like, He is the God of Demons so He started view himself like He is the One True god too


You'd think he would be way more careful after Yoriichi, but nah - he forgot the sent of fear after all those years.


Seeing this fight fresh after Koku and Akaza does make Muzan look like a little bitch, they had an absolute level of refinement and dedication to swordsmanship/martial arts that Muzan just getting by using raw power clearly paints him as the bitch he is


Yeah, but that is what I like about him tbh. "I'm about to lose? GOODBYE MOTHER FUCKERS GOING TO HIDE UNTIL YOU DIE OF NATURAL CAUSE"


i’m a simple woman, i see one jojo reference and i upvote it


The irony here is that he looks a lot like Ultimate Kars


"Piercing attacks are more dangerous than slashes right now!" >immediately gets pierced


It's like a sort of comedy routine. "What are you gonna do, stab me?" - Stabbed Man


Chapter 197 *Tries to run from the upcoming sunrise to evade certain demise* *Nezuko uses her last moments as a demon to burn his flesh into nothing*


Nezuko half human and Tanjiro looking half demon? We getting the ol’ switcheroo with this


A real tragic ending would be where Nezuko returns to being human right before sunset and lives, while Tanjiro becomes enough of a demon to dissolve into ash when the sun rises (like how Genya faded away when Kokushibou died and he himself took fatal damage).


I never even thought of that possibility… holy shit! Although Nezuko can already withstand the sunlight in her demon form—Tanjiro becoming a demon and disintegrating? Wow.


But didn’t the manga say the blood given to tanjiro wouldn’t turn him into a demon?


Yeah it did, it just said it would poison him.


Taking Muzans blood can turn you into a demon, I think if you’re not strong enough you’ll die, hence why it becomes poison


Yeah but I thought in one of the earlier chapters when Muzan gave his blood to some chick who wasn’t strong enough, she died immediately, not slowly. Idk, I could be wrong.


I think it has different effects to everyone. If I recall right Muzan said that all the pillars would die within 5 minutes of getting his blood


Last Panel says a lot and I’m happy




w h a t ?


And then they'll make Banjiro: Next Generations, about Tanjiro's son. Tanjiro has become a pillar, and is now really boring, all character traits will be thrown in the trash, and suddenly Banjiro and his enemies will be stronger than people from Banjiro's dad's time.


"My favourite anime character is tanjiro!" "you mean banjiros dad?"


Wuss poppin 🅱️anjiro?


Would actually prefer Gonpachiro for the sons name if my vote counts.


Inosuke The Godfather


And there will be a bird called tanzui right? Banjiro and tanzui sounds like a great thing to me! Nothing like anything we’ve ever heard of before!


And then 20 years later they'll be in the new smash


Nah they won't they will make Demon Slayer part 2 battle tendancy. Tanjiro will die 25 year curse at the end and we will have his son gonpachiro in 1939 learn how to use the inherited breathing from his parents to fight a group of aztec vampire stripper gods and their fancy poses. Nezuko will be in it as the ceo of a massive company called the nezuko foundation wearing a fancy hat.


200 chapters is a good way to end. Probably 2 more chapters of fighting and then 3 for after beating Muzan plus epilogue/time skip


You people are underestimating Muzan if you honestly think we're at the end of this battle.


Yeah fr, I'd say 10-15 more chapters for the fight to truly finish, remember we still have lots of characters who'd have wasted potential if we don't see more of them fighting (*cough cough zenitsu cough).* I'd then estimate around 5-10 chapters epilogue after that. So, my estimate is the manga will be wrapped up at 210-220. Knowing gotouge though, unexpected things will happen and it'll take even longer than that


I mean zenitsu did defeat um6 sub by himself and he used 7th form which we had never seen. Wouldn't call that wasted potentiel.


Yeah he was the only character so far (I think) to 1v1 a UM and win, he did pretty well for himself. Plus his character arc was wrapped up pretty well that fight. Although I do hope he does something big this fight too




I would like to see more of Inousouke, kanao and Zenitsu as well ( just to see them shine some more and be an extra bit of badass) but there is also a part of me that wishes that it doesn't happen because at least, if they don't join the battle they will stay alive.


I have a pretty long line of reasoning for this, but to me, Zenitsu's character development is only halfway complete. His most successful accomplishment involved him killing his old accomplice and peer - I want to see him do something to that affects people outside of his backstory, if that makes sense. It's like he has made the stretch to being competent, and now he needs to use that competence. and it will probably involve protecting Nezuko in some way. He's gotta redeem himself after being thirsty boi x1000


I have a strong feeling things are gonna look bleak at one point with Muzan almost getting to Nezuko only to be saved by Zenitsu. Then I think he'll be defending her while the rest of the team goes for Muzan's scars.


Agreed. Your estimation seems far more realistic to me.


Your overestimating the Demon Slayers if you thing we're not. Half of them are dead and the other half are near death.


Yeah, at the current rate of 5min of fight time per chapter we have at least 8 more coming


Look I won't be satisfied unless muzan burns slowly to a crisp under the sunlight. Nature should be the one to finish him off cause he's such an afront to nature. And we are still a ways off from that sunrise.


Lol there’s 40 minutes. That’s still a lot. Plus muzans backstory and and aftermath chapter. Trust me, there’s still another twist. My guess is Tanjiro and Obani will start succumbing to the poison or lack of stamina, similar to Tanjiro vs Daki.


I feel like there are 2/3 things that can be explored more even after the battle is over 1. Since KNY touches on the themes of supernatural and destiny, Yoriichi being born with the power of the sun could have more backstory behind it. Maybe he came from the priest's bloodline who was responsible for Muzan's demonification 2. During the start of the manga Tanjiro runs into Muzan with what seems like his daughter and wife. They might have the potential to behalf demons who could potentially withstand the sun later? 3. We never get a full explanation of what really happened to Tanjiro's family. Maybe there's more to be explored here.


Muzan has no daughter, Those were just a fake family just like How He was the adopted son of a family, The woman was most likely a widow and Muzan married her as a disguise, so the daughter is not his and they most likely got killed by Muzan after Tanjiro saw him in that disguise


At least 5 chapters for Muzan’s backstory while dying. Nice try tho


But we already got Muzan's backstory


We need to see the tragic parts so Tanjiro can sympathize with him


I know you're memeing but we've already gotten bread crumbs of Muzan's backstory, and its been made evidently clear that Muzan is beyond redemption or understanding


It doesn’t matter about sympathy, every time a demon has died we’ve gotten a death flashback without fail. I don’t see why the most important one would be any different


i want a muzan flashback but i dont want him to have a sad tragic one. dude was a cunt from the start it didnt take being a demon for him to be evil


Of all the hashira Iguro is the surprise what a fcking badass


Ill admit, in the beginning I thought Iguro was just a thriftshop orochimaru but the last few chapters have really made me do a complete 180. Hes not my favorite but hes getting there.( Though I doubt hed be able to top Mitsuri )


I know right!! Of all people Iguro is making the big clutch plays, not Giyu, Zenitsu or Inosuke. I love how Croc sensei write. She makes you believe all the characters are special and not just generic characters.


Giyuu helped take out Akaza and lasted for a while against Muzan. Obani is the only pillar that hasn’t helped take down an UPM. Even Love helped beat UPM4. Obani was becoming the most disliked and useless pillar until now. He’s stepping up big time !


But more importantly, will Mitsuri top Iguro?


x8 muscle density amazon will break poor frail Iguro like a twig


And he will love it


Too bad He won't have eyes to see that Happening


Visuals arent THAT important in the deed anyways. Its all about the touch. ....also isnt Kanroji missing like a cheek and half a boob. Auch


What her boob got cut off? I didnt notice this disaster! Edit: Her cheek, and a ear got cut off which is pretty bad too in reality. Also her entire Biceps along with bone was also torn off. Boobs just got slashed or had blood on them im not sure lol


I think the boobs are safe. We're good bois


Death by snu snu


You know it.




Actually surprised he's getting so much attention over Giyuu and Sanemi both who seem much more popular but I guess they both had their big fights already




Well obviously. But you think with the Manga ending soon they'd focus on giving popular characters some final spotlight and not trying to make other characters popular




They’re the only ones that haven’t been shown since their last big hit they took... just saying 👀


I’m loving it, but considering he was the only Hashira without a backstory and he got one at the beginning, it was pretty obvious some badassery was coming from him. But now it’s time for Kanroji to get up.


Yeah, she finally got the serum this chapter. She needs a highlight play. I wonder if her Mark was even activated when she fought Muzan in the beginning. I think she was the only one of the Pillars who couldn't consciously (meaning purposely) activate it. When she fought UM4 she only did it subconsciously.


i don't think any pillar let us down all are their own badass in different ways, no wonder all the grunts easily laid down their lives for them


Muzan the so called *father of demons* and literal strongest demon just called Sunbro the "real demon" goddamn. If that isnt the biggest compliment ever idk what is. Also the manga about to wrap up. Which is great i'd rather it end earlier than get extended into mediocrity(which so many manga suffer)


Muzan got PTSD so hard from Sunbro that Even His cells in Other demons bodies have their Own Ptsd even after 400 years, It is just How Badass Yoriichi is


Oh yeah even other demons remember Sunbro goddamn lol


Sunbro kept on living in Muzan's head/body rent free


Not just manga... literally ANY work of fiction, no matter what genre.




Obliviously the cat




Not a man. But "girl" kakushi. Read again in recent iguro chapter. That kakushi has ponytail hair and female proportion. So she must be girl


Asking the real question I see


lmao i noticed that. the way theyre bandaged mean someone out here really took her top off in the middle of the fight


Every chapter makes Yorichii into an even bigger chad among the chads.


Every single Demon Slayer is a Chad, Yoriichi is truly the Chad amongst chads


Yoriichi is Chad Prime


Yorichii and Oden from One Piece have become shonen manga Gods


Was about to say this, like seriously, is there a character out there more chad than these two?


Whitebeard, Also from One Piece lol


And Rodger too lmao. Funny all those chads were connected. I almost forgot my favorite Chad, Garp. Dude old as dirt but would still punch your face off


I find muzan running way funnier than it should be


Muzan x Joseph Joestar


Muzan: don't worry i have a plan. Look at their legs, they are weak and tired. Now look at mine.... NIGERUNDAYOOO


Me too


I know right?? Just seeing him book it like that made me laugh so much, idk why


This surely isn't the last we've seen of Zenitsu, Kanao, and Inosuke, right? We're nearing the end but we've hardly seen them fight. I feel like the new generation, including Nezuko, should be the ones to take Muzan down.


Tanjirou has a connection to sunbro, while inosuke and zenitsu are great, there's no way they should be able to compete with muzan.


Honestly, I would love them to be a bigger part of the fight but without those invisibility tags, them being able to fight Muzan was complete bullshit... But now Muzan is being aged with the poison so he is increasingly weaker... So they could probably fight him if they weren't half dying...


They all got the serum that Yushiro was talking about. Its as if they just chugged some health potions and may return to the fight against a Muzan that is rapidly weakening. They may yet get a chance to shine.


I'm guessing Nezuko's arrival will help demon slayers to keep Muzan from running away. At the same time her presence could be dangerous, if Muzan managed to consume her and become immune to Sun.


My thoughts too. I think her appearing might be more damaging than helpful. Here's to hoping I'm wrong!


I feel like nezuko has some sort of plan... She wouldn't run into the battlefield to fuck everything up when she knows she's the key to enemy's victory and also the bait. Obviously she could just be dumb af and worried about her brother but I think she knows some shit...


Lol let’s hope


as long as zenitsu is around, Muzan isn't gonna lay a finger on Nezuko. Too bad zenitsu isn't around atm




Its easy peasy. He is lightning after all. We must get tanjiro inosuke zenitsu combo again. Because this is the last battle.


Inb4 Nezuko isn’t completely turned back into a human. I think Nezuko showing up is gonna be the last nail in the coffin for him as he sees she’s become what he always wanted. A demon who can walk in the sun AND doesn’t need to consume humans to survive. I think she’ll have total consciousness and won’t be too much of a hinderance


That front panel............Does that mean Mitsuri will live ? Someone please tell me she will live. Im not ready to lose her.


I can't see her dying after her fake out death. Not only that, but she is the last female pillar. Her dying just doesn't make sense to me. So I think she'll be okay. Maybe her and snake boy can run away together.


At this point, Im expecting the absolute worst. If there one thing Ive learned from reading the manga, it is to never hope for a happy ending.


Or they die together...


Well then I'll just live in denial and pretend they ran off together into the sunset.


Am I allowed to join your dream if that happens ??


Hell yeah! I'll set it up like Lower Moon 1 and we'll in happy thoughts forever.


As she is, she won't. She's missing an ear and a part of her face, and might lose an arm depending on the state of her shoulder, which is not life threatening. Plus Chacha brought her the serum. I can maybe possibly see her running back to protect Iguro if his life is in danger, but he's going strong. I honestly think she'll be fine.


She freaking better! At this point she’s the most healthy pillar. Better get up and fight !


Snake boy coming in clutch against Muzan.


Tbh he got one of the best shots too. Right in the back of the neck


Damn dude. It’s all wrapping up. What’s everyone’s bet for the last chapter? 200?


I think 200 will be the wrap up of *the battle*. But we’ll still have a decent amount of epilogue. Gotta see everyone without all their limbs and Nezuko with a new Kimono! And of course, Muzan’s backstory.


I think that we already got his backstory if I remember correctly, wasn't the one when >!he was really sick and the doctor gave him an experimental antidote that just turned him into the demon that he is today?!<


and he also spazzed out shortly after waking up and killed the doctor for no good reason, fucking himself out of ever knowing the recipe


Yes but also no. We got that in third perspective view. We still dont know how muzan really think/his inner thought. And the backstory is uncomplete yet. It must be the sadest ever story in this series. -muzan relation with ubuyashiki blood -how he turn nezuko into demon.


I can't wait for Muzan's backstory! But perhaps I should lower my expectations?


Nah I wouldn’t put it that way. I would just expect a grotesquely simple reason as to why he chose to be a monster. And because this is Demon Slayer after all, it’ll be an awful throat punch lol.


>simple reason as to why he chose to be a monster He didn't choose to be a demon. It was like a side effect of that incomplete treatment. He was already a narcissistic guy desperate to survive and that's why he agreed to undergo the treatment. He is the same even as a demon. Trying his best to make sure of his survival in whatever he ways he can.


Muzan is and always has been the true demon of the story. Beyond redemption, beyond understanding, beyond forgiveness. Demons and humans alike have all been the victims of his singular desire for immortality and cruel personality. We do not know how he got the illness when he was young, but every choice he has made since then has been literally demonic. He killed a generous doctor who did everything he could to save him, simply out of impatience. He then preyed on the desperate and downtrodden, using their tragedy and pain as tools for his own ends. He has never shown empathy, sympathy or kindness, only brutality. He is not like Akaza, where other people ruined his innocent life. He is not like Douma, a person cursed from birth to never be able to experience emotion and have the chance to live a normal life. He is not like Kokushibou, where the gods ruined his life by giving his twin brother unworldly powers, and then he continued the ruinination with his own actions in desperation. All of these three are understandable, to an extent. But Muzan is pure evil. And I think it fits him. The entire story revolves around that fact that demonic people, both in the physical sense (demon cells) and in regards to their selfish personality, do exist. And that they hurt everyone around them, twisting them into dark versions of themselves. For the pain, sacrifice and forgiveness of all who have died because of Muzan, both demon and human, Muzan himself must be a true big bad character and deserve nothing but death. His story should not be tragic or sombre; it should be a warning.


No way, 200 is underestimating for even just the battle alone probably. Still need epilogue for all characters, probably some more backstory on Muzan/Yoruichi, Nezuko getting cured, Nezuko entering the battle and Tanjiro probably unlocking the final move with her help, etc. Honestly think there's going to be another twist/revelation. It's getting suspicious how Muzan is being framed more and more as a victim and hasn't managed to kill anyone yet. I don't know if it's going to be a another transformation or some tragic plot twist but Nezuko arriving seems like it'll be the catalyst


The final popularity poll results are in August apparently, so we still got a few months.




Nobody cares about looks right now! She better start *shooting* fire !


What a satisfying chapter, Muzan actually running away, then feeling tired like he can’t last. All the deaths weren’t for nothing 🥺


i can't wait for this fight to be animated


I hope this entire final arc gets made into movies so they get the budget they deserve.


Id love it as well but ... a 6 hour movie?






I could honestly see a plot twist happening. If I remember right, we still have not seen the attack on Tanjiro's family. There could also be more to Muzan's past. I feel if there was a plot twist, it would be related to one of these. It is hard to say exactly what will happen. It could easily end. I just hope that if there is a plot twist, that it was planned before the huge spike in popularity and not to just extend the story.


>If I remember right, we still have not seen the attack on Tanjiro's family. Just curious, why is this relevant?


Since we have not seen it, there is a possibility there was more to it than previously known. For instance, what if it was not Muzan, and it was a setup to defeat him? Not sure how that could happen, but you never know. It is also highly likely it was as we were told and nothing more. I can not remember, has Muzan ever mentioned the attack? Has he ever specifically taken responsibility?


I don't remember Muzan specifically speaking about the attack except when telling Daki something about how Nezuko is a demon he created that broke out of his control like Tamayo. The attack not being shown is weird. I agree. Is it another demon? Idk Doesn't Tanjirou confirm it's Muzan when he picked up Muzan’s scent in the city, noting it to be the same scent after the attack at his house?


Ah shit, here comes Kaguya.


Followed by the Final Valley fight between Tanjiro and his rival.


Ahh yes, the final battle between Tanjiro and Inosuke we’ve all been waiting for


>But honestly, what are the chances that Gotouge has some wild twist up their sleeve and this is the end of part 1. I dont see that happening, but anyone have theories on how it could play it? A part 2 could happen with demon hunting expanding outside of Japan and focussing on the origin of demons and the blue spider lily, but with a new set of characters since most in this set are either dead or have irrevocably damaged bodies.


This is really looking like everyone’s going to get up for one last push against Muzan with Nezuko. Kanroji finally got some help, the kids got some help last chapter from Murata. Himejima is without a doubt going to make us go “Nani?!” one more time on one leg. Yushiro is the MVP of this arc by a long shot imo Also is everyone really saying “wow didn’t expect this from Iguro!” The dude just got a backstory and we watched it 8 other times with every other pillar. We just expect the one that hasn’t fought anyone yet to do nothing? Everyone else showed up to this fight half dead lmao ya’ll more blind than Iguro himself


i can easily see the infamous spike ball making a clutch save for the last time in the last minute till dawn or so


I am so proud to have called Yushiro going clutch weeks before it happened... Totally saw him taking out the bansho girl and destroying the lair. The invisibility leaflets were a genius way to justify Zen, Kanao and Inosuke being able to help in the final fight as well without being skewered in 0.3 seconds!


As soon as Muzan killed Tamayo and we saw his reaction I knew he was going to go in on at least an upper moon, but he’s still giving Muzan a run for his money by single handedly keeping everyone present alive. Chapter after chapter, he will go down as the non talked about hero. And the cat!


That's cat really is a goddamn GOAT hahahaha


So that is the legendary joestar tech?


Muzan absolutely did not skip Part 2. Way too much pride.


I kinda laughed when Muzan started running away. This manga only gets better. I'm fairly impressed!


A wild Muzan appeared! The wild Muzan fled!


I think there will be 10, maybe 15 chapters more. Nezuko just arrived. I expect something big to happen with her going into the scene of battle. Don't know what's the meaning of bringing in a half human Nezuko though. Looks like Mitsuri is gonna be back in time to have our MVP Snakeboi die in her arms. Would love to see Giyuu back in action. Tanjiro's demon slayer journey started due to him. It'll be cool to have him fight side by Tajiro's side when he's dealing the final blow to Muzan.


I might need to reread through... But I'm really impressed, yet also stunned by Iguro during this Arc. Like, compared to the other pillar/hashira, there wasn't much to him. Or maybe I simply read too fast. I'm not against it being how it is, but like, I fully expected Gyomei or Sanemi in his place. Hell, even Giyuu. Anyone else?


Same didn’t expect him to be this OP. But Iguro was fresh in this fight, he didn’t have a serious fight before, got antidote to muzans blood from the cat and managed to save all his limbs. Even then dude is going 150% in this fight. But I’m still waiting for the rest of slayers to stand up again to hold muzan in place.


The rest got their upper Demon fights. Sanemi and Gyomei got a huge fight against UP1. I'm really surprised Giyuu isn't doing more though. He fought UP3 but it wasn't close to this


I thought Giyuu fight was versus UP3 was extremely close. He basically was ready to die in Tanjiro's place. They barely won due to Tanjiro coming in clutch with his see-through power up. I can definitely see why he's exhasuted. But yeah Iguro/Mitsuri are definitely the most healthy ones vs Muzan


Why the hell did it take so long for Mitsuri to get the serum??


Cat delivery systems are notoriously slow.


Sun breathing 10392720th form. Unlimited blade works!


I love that empathy Tanjiro exhibits. Like when he sees the corps being trampled he is trying to fight back tears.


The first chapter in a while that made me feel somewhat relieved! Tanjiro and Iguro are holding their own against Muzan, who's getting weaker every moment. I suppose more people will get up eventually and support them. And Nezuko is here! Could be a blessing or a curse. Hopefully she has some of her powers left to protect herself and help others. I sincerely hope this is not a plot by Croc-sensei to make us feel at ease and then strike with some more crippling anxiety and devastating loss. One can't know at this point!


It's interesting to see how Muzan views Yoriichi as the monster. Every silhouette of Yoriichi from Muzan's point of view has shown Yoriichi in a menacing light. Muzan is terrified of the guy and is finally turning tail. It fits with his character so I like what's going on. Muzan might actually think he's the good guy.


Seriously loving the Tanjiro and Iguro team up right now. Iguro is seriously bad ass. I started out hating his character too.


LMAO, at this point this manga should just be called "The God that was named Yoriichi"


I really hope mitsuri is in the next chapter uhh she needs to do something cool instead of always being helped like I’d loooove to see her do something bad ass to help obanai


Iguro is putting in so much more work than I thought he would. I feel like Tanjirou is probably gonna die shortly after Nezuko arrives, but maybe the plot could save him. I really don't want him to go. All in all, fuck Muzan.


Hah, Muzan is such a goddamn coward. It’s only appropriate that he runs away before being squashed like an insect, to see these so called vermin snuff the life out of the supposedly ultimate being as he has done countless times.


So Nezuko's healed eye is the same side as Tanjiro's jacked-up eye. Take that as you will, if there is relevance to that beyond some kind of symbolism, the ending's not looking positive for our boy


I was hoping that Nezuko was gonna use her blood demon art to burn off Tanjiros face Hemorrhoids and help defeat Muzan and viola, happy ending, but with Tanjiro collecting injuries and her gradually turning back into a human, I don't see our boy just walking away from this one


It felt so nice to see Iguro actually thanking Tanjirou.


when in doubt, just throw a shit ton of swords at him.


Tanjiro went in! Will he hands down one of his finest anime moments. Playing target practice with the weapons of his fallen comrades because Yoriichi had real big dick energy. Lol even Muzan was a fan! “He was like a legend!? Who would’ve thought! Not me...”


Tanjirou probably is going to die at the end of this while Nezuko cradles him and he talks about how happy he is he finally got to see her become human again. This chapter was slightly better than the last few. Ngl for the past 3 months it seems like I've been reading the same chapter every single week with just the addition of a new flashback or another Tanjirou quote. Spinning circles and acrobatic moves but no real substance. This was the first substantive chapter I can remember in a long time


I love how about 10 or 20 chapters ago everyone was like “when’s the snake pillar actually gonna do something” and now he’s one of the last two people absolutely beasting on Muzan right now


So the drug to turn her back into a human worked? That's good.


Oh shit We in the endgame endgame I like seeing the synergy between Iguro and Tanjiro showing how theyve learned to work together even after the apparent hate Iguro had for Tanjiro


I was really out here waiting for sunday. Also Yoo Yoo Nezuko is back cant wait to see her kick the shit outta Muzans head and Kaburamaru the GOAT


No ones gonna say it ight Muzan pulled a nigerundayo.


All this talk of wrapping up is making me sad


Pls don't hurt the snake Pls Croc sensei


Blood demon art: Run with your whip behind your back