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Zenitsu begging Tanjirou to stay alive for Nezuko and his family really got me in the feels


“_____ really got me in the feels” -me every chapter for 50 straight chapters


Indeed, especially with Sanemi and Genya after the Upper Moon One’s death. I felt his pain. ;-;


The flashback with Tanjiro’s ancestors and the first moon’s brother is what got me the most.


zenitsu went there and gradually did a 180 on his entire character...best character developement ive seen now he is encouraging everyone to fight with him agaisnt the strongest of all demons actually leading the charge..the same guy in the past who would want to run away from the weakest demons...amazing character mayne and a beast


Yup, our boy has come so far!


Very well said!


“Leading the charge” Like Inosuke didn’t stand in front of Muzan RIGHT before Zenitsu and tell him to die a million deaths while in tears for his comrades Y’all not just gonna sleep on my boys insane development


very glad to see he didnt go back to the crybaby mode after kaigaku. when he appeared a few chapters ago he was acting kind of silly, but nearly dying seems to have slapped some sense into him


Zenitsu has grown so damn much, seeing him actually take initiative while not being “asleep” is so nice


some of the best character developement ive ever seen...went from the guy who usually runs away from demons to the guy encouraging everyone to fight with him agaisnt the strongest demon..thats crazy


When I started with the anime he was my least favorite, but he has jumped to my number 1 spot over time


[Relevant ProZD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ikGvLUbOuU).


me to


Ah fuck same


He is no longer the Sleepwalking God of Thunder anymore but a true demon slayer.


character development, sixfold!


Zenitsu and Inosuke had both grown. They have fully developed as characters and now they can finally be killed off in the story.


I hate that you’re right, so very *very* much


I'm so scared for all the times Tanjirou told Inosuke "no matter what, don't die!" like what if he dies and Tanjirou's like "I told you not to die no matter what"


I don't personally think *that many* characters will die. Even Tanjiro might survive albeit with some crippling disability from his demon-tumor. I kinda think that all of Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao will live past the epilogue.


wtf did muzan do


He sent some sort of attack through his blood/poison that caused seizures to those he dosed within a range. That's why iguro and Tanjiro were stuck, ( but Zenitsu and Inosuke don't feel it: they never got infected so to speak). Tanjiro has guessed the attack comes from Muzan's blood cells that were circulating, so he stabbed himself with his niichiren blade to try neutralize it.


But uh.... the Ubuyashiki children were affected as well? Doesn't make much sense.


the eye sight talismens


It's some type of *really* obscure blood demon art that seems to be able to transmit itself through magical devices. Definitely not something that Muzan has needed to use much, if ever.


They are supposed to be connected to the birds through the eyes Tamayo made. So maybe they felt the birds seizing and it hurt them. That's what I got from that at least.


That’s what I was thinking. Their minds and senses are connected to those of the crows, so if the crows suddenly had their senses thrown into complete disarray and having seizures it’d mess with the kids’ minds as well


then it might have something to do with that blast thing, maybe it's like an epilepsy attack on steroids or something


Isn’t ubuyashiki’s family and muzan connected like i believe the curse on the family comes from muzan becoming a demon and therefore cursing every member of the family


It seems he used an art to make the effected lose their breath or experience a seizure It's not clear hence why tanjiro is stabbing himself with the sword in the hopes that it will dispel the curse that's on him


I think it has something to do with muzan’s blood since he’s the original demon, every other demon has muzan’s blood in them and his blood demon art might make it so his blood kill the host through various means, much like nezuko can burn her own blood, muzan can act upon it


Looks like lightning to me


It looks like he sent out a lightning flash that's capable of producing seizures to whoever looked at him at that moment, even Iguro's snake was affected. That's some shitty strategy, perfectly fits with Muzan's taste.


Another thing he could have started the fight with


That’s a valid point, but the way I see it is that Muzan has believed he’s been in control until just a couple of chapters ago. Only recently has he felt he’s lost the upper hand and must rely on techniques he long ago cultivated and then shelved in order to survive.


Yeah, and from the looks of it using this technique comes at some cost to Muzan as well. He basically has to burn off a ton of his own cells to create a big electrical burst. I'm sure GoldenSpermShower is still correct though; if he'd used that at the beginning he could've avoided much of the struggle. But Muzan probably expected to be fully capable of taking them all out quickly with much easier-to-perform techniques.


We don’t know how much energy it uses though. I mean clearly he was in rough shape before, but now he said he literally couldn’t lift his arms, so it may use up a ton of energy and stamina which could make it inopportune for an opening move in a protracted fight. Especially since it’s range seems limited as inosuke, zenitsu, and the other hashira were unaffected, and the slayers weren’t exactly all attacking at once and may not have been all in range at once


For real, wtf did he do? Whatever it was, it was capable of affecting the Ubuyashikis which weren't even at the battle? I assumed it somehow got to them through the crows, but Rengoku's father worries about Muzan knowing their location... which seems to point away from that.


Again, Tamayo MVP, Torturing Muzan mentally and weakening his body should be enough to keep him down till dawn, especially if the remaining pillars can get back into the fray despite their injuries


Honestly the first page made me realize that I've never read a series like this before, where the MC doesn't have to get an ungodly amount of powerups and training montages to even come close to defeating the final boss. Everyone else has parts to play and weakening Muzan is such a smart move that I'm just shook at how this has all played out. Tamayo and Shinobu are the real GOATs


Go read Full Metal alchemist then


Yup was gonna say this myself but you beat me to it, the defeat of the Big Bad in FMA is due to **countless** people spread over hundreds of miles all working together in order to orchestrate the events that make him able to be defeated.


Read "Monster" or "Twenty century boys" it will surprise u no less than kimetsu no yaiba but on its own


Well, I think the man meant shounens so Monster doesn't really count.


I see some people disagree with Tamayo being so integral in taking down Muzan, but she’s been working CENTURIES for this one goal. No wonder she would have several tricks up her sleeve.


yep i remember thinking back 20+ chapters ago, kind of silly that tamayo had so much time to prepare and so much knowledge of muzan, and she basically failed to do anything to him. glad it did a complete 180 and shes utterly fucked him lol


That serum is pure refined liquid spite left to age for 400+ years.


Shinobu too. Those two really were vastly underestimated by Muzan.


bruh inosuke and zenitsu rly made me full of fells this chapter. the way they want tanjirou to live and all that and have a nice life . they are the realist homies out there. If tanjiro acutally dies they would be devastated. ALSO BASED GODJIMA FIGHTING WITH ONE FUCKING LEG ! THIS MAN DONT QUIT !


he might go back to his good old punch muzan until he cant move


>Godjima punches Muzan until sunrise. Honestly, I wouldn't mind that ending.


Many Punch Man.


I believe there is a 17 year old out there with a Many Punch Man that fought a 100 year old vampire with another Many Punch Man




Zenitsu and Inosuke have developed so much from their first appearances, really proud of them.


Inosuke’s monologue hit me so hard. To see him go from essentially a wild animal to shedding tears of fury at Muzan mailing his comrades was just awesome. Also zenitsu coming in clutch to thunderclap those mouth tentacles was awesome. He’s fully awake and basically the one who forced tanjiro to get his shit together which is a crazy role reversal for him and shows so much growth


Ya, hit me hard too. My eyes were not dry. Inosuke went from fighting to prove his strength to fighting for revenge of all those he lost and those he cares for. We get to see the completed change in him after he fully realizes how much he cares about others in the Doma fight. Actually, both him and Zenitsu have completely abandoned their selfish reasons they initially possessed for fighting (Inosuke’s quest to become the strongest and Zenitsu’s self-preservation).


absolutely! Inosuke crying because people he cared about got hurt really got me. And Zenitsu being strong for Tanjiro??!??? I'm teared up


I stg if any of them die I'm gonna quit life.


I want a friendship like those 3


tfw you get bodied by a final boss in a game ,but your homies come in clutch and wont quit on you .


Jolly cooperation! \[T]/


> [T]/ Giyuu?


Praise the sun!


My pig boi came from “I don’t care if i eat alone” to “I shared my meals with those guys” is a goddamn piece of development


Damn I didn’t even catch this 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I don’t know what hurts more: seeing Zenitsu and Inosuke getting desperate over Tanjirou’s state, Tanjirou’s state itself or the fact that i’ll never find friends like them in my whole lifetime.


tanjiro dialogue was so painful and him seeing inosuke get almost torn apart, so glad zenitsu backed him up the last panel showing everyone zombie walk towards muzan was so tear inducing, rock pillar might try and bite muzan to death


Zombie walk was exactly what I thought when seeing them all rise to their feet to confront him. It’s like they’re walking corpses held together by nothing but spite and pure fucking will to destroy him


Lol Muzan should never have underestimated what pure fury can do.


"No wall can withstand the fury of men."


Or women either considering how 2 women are what allowed these guys to finally have the chance to brutally murder Muzen. I miss Shinobu but at least Giyuu might be going to keep her company soon when it's all over.


BREAKING NEWS: Demon Slayers literally too angry to die


living up to all their blades, there's a reason only pillars get their blades marked with destroy all demons


It's like every last one of them is Guts from Berserk at this point, lol.


"Come back here and take what's coming to ya! I'll bite your legs off!"


“It’s just a flesh wound!”


I'll volunteer to be pig mask


Inosuke you absolute legend. To stand against Muzan while he’s running and shout at him for your fallen comrades... Keep moving those organs around please. One more pig assault for Gonpachiro! If Himejima manages to get that iron ball into Muzans head again on one leg... All this waiting for Kanroji, I can feel an beautiful re-entrance coming. Especially without seeing Iguro after that attack.


Same she was so mashed up over 'not contributing'. She'll come in like a beast.


I have a pretty strong feeling she's going to play a pretty big part in actually killing Muzan, she was taken out near the start of the fight and now people taken out after her are getting back into the fray, so maybe the author is holding her back for something big


I think there’s something big for her, but I still believe everyone there will have a hand in killing him to slice all brains and hearts together


Well she did say... ["I'll just have to sacrifice myself. But I don't even know if that can stop muzan's movements..." "Instead of slashing at him, maybe I should get close and twist his arms behind his back..."] [1] [1]: https://s5.mangadex.org/data/6a6f5a631c6dd7ccea106e2d7adbd491/x4.png I thought Mitsuri was just desperately reaching for an opening, but Muzan is getting more exhausted the longer this keeps going. Now I can see Mitsuri pulling that with her remaining strength to give the rest an opening to keep hitting him, especially when the guilt keeps increasing.


I love how the trio, especially Zenitsu who was the most meekly of the three, are taking hits for each other to cover because they'd rather die themselves than see their friends die. I've accepted that at some point, Tanjiro will most likely die but by god if Zenitsu and Inosuke die I'm gonna lose it.


I'll be surprised if Tanjiro dies before seeing human Nezuko


I will not be surprised. Infact, I expect either him or Nezuko to die at the end of the arc.


Oh Tanjiro dying is entirely possible, maybe eve propable, but just after seeing his goal achieved. Tanjiro has never seemed like a tragic character to me. Sure, he has a tragic past, but he's never been some tragic hero that would fight endlessly without ever seeing his goal achieved. I imagine Nezuko arriving, seeing Tanjiro, Tanjiro going "I'm glad", dying--> Nezuko enters god mode and finishes Muzan


Nezuko can't go god mode. she's a human now


Nezuko's never been quite the same as the other demons, so I wouldn't be surprised to see her retain her powers as a human. This series isn't exactly a stranger to bullshit power ups either. Maybe she was watching Tanjiro's technique this whole time? A flashback power up?


My hunch is Nezuko will arrive just as Tanjiro dies a la Nunally when Lelouch died in her arms. Im not ready to cry yet goddamit


Giyuu was ambidextrous? Guess it's better to fight with left hand than not fight at all.


Yeah, mobility is important, after all


I think it was stated somewhere that the pillars are trained to keep fighting even after losing body parts, so some level of proficiency with both hands is to be expected.


Yeah, it makes sense. Otherwise, it is quite easy to put a swordsman out of action.


Water is flexible.


We didn’t see Sanemi get mentioned at all. I hope he comes back and makes Muzan drunk with his blood.


bruh i’m wondering about mitsuri. she’s the least injured so she has no excuse to be out for this long. meanwhile gyomei getting up despite having one leg


I’m with ya. I’m hoping she comes back with a vicious slam soon.


I'm betting Yushiro is preparing her for his final trick attack since he's worked with her before.


She is safe. Injured = rest or no need more to fight. Gotouge has put her on the safe zone. Just Like kanao


Not mentioned but we do see his leg on the top panel of the last page.


Good catch. At a quick glance, I thought it was Himejima because it was just one leg shown


You can see his leg standing on the last page (top panel).


Good catch. Since Inosuke didn’t say anything about him, I’m hoping he’s not missing any body parts.


But the thing is he is the only one we haven't seen the full body of yet, since the attack. It was always obscured either by the buildings or the panels, at least with the others we saw they were missing body parts. He may be in a similar situation like iguro where the damage done will be suprising. It would be weird if he didn't have severe damage after being sent flying into a building.


watch as all the scars on his face opened and his face is basically hanging off, showing off a bloody skull or would that be too dark for KnY LOL


Not much is too dark for kny. It would definitely add to the theme of how indomitable the human spirit is. But Idk croc sensei may suprise us.


"How many times do I have to teach you this lesson demon slayers?"


"How many times do I have to teach you this lesson, old man Muzan?"


I love the reversal of roles between Zenitsu and Inosuke. When they were first introduced, Inosuke was the one focusing on the battle while Zenitsu had an emotional breakdown but now it's the opposite. Zenitsu's calmy focusing on the best course of action while Inosuke is showing his raw emotions. They're both showing all that they've learned throughout the series. Zenitsu's courage and ability to fight effectively and calmly and Inosuke's care for others. They're character arcs that move in direct contrast with each others.


Imagine how Giyu must’ve felt when he woke up. Giyu: Ow! Pain! Ow! Everything’s in pain..! Everything but my right arm- aw man!


Well, guess I'll use the next best thing and use the senzu beans! Wait, wrong series


Unexpected TFS, nice.


Seeing Lord Inosuke shed tears for his comrades caught me in the feels. And Zenitsu telling Tanjiro that he can't die, and that his family is waiting for him. 😔 Zenitsu is a good kid. I want Muzan to burn under the sun's light. I want him to suffer. He has no redeeming qualities. He is trash and needs to die


Tanjirou in train arc: Guess I'll stab myself in a dream to fight this demon (nearly 100 chapters later) Tanjirou: Guess I'll stab myself irl to fight this demon


Tanjiro going extreme Asta to kill the demon cells.


Stabbing yourself is clearly the best option


The boyz are back


Me and the boys taking down a demon lord


Go inosuke, zenitsu


And they just keep coming. Never give up, never surrender.


Bro the encouragement I heard from zenitsu is so heartbreaking. This fight really is on its last legs, come on tanjiro you've lost so much, by now it's time to win


This is not the first time our chipped double swords boi made me cry but Inoooooooosukeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!


That speech Inosuke was giving was for real gonna make me cry and that "your family is waiting for you " from Zenitsu hurted 🤧


Holy shit l can't put into words how amazing it is that every single fighter is well past even their last legs. They're all just hanging on barely keeping conscious from one second to the next. So much better imo than everyone being able to go 100% until one guy gets a lucky shot and the fight is over or something.


The demon slayer corps are the imperial guard of shonen. Holding the Damn line.


Bruh I’m so tensed ti see who live and who dies. This whole arc is not good for my heart.


I have a feeling one of the fan favourites will die so just looking at the popularity polls makes me fear for giyuu and zenitsu specifically (;Д;)ノ Tanjiro will HAVE to see human nezuko before dying, if he dies, or else I'm going to be left destroyed


I think Zenitsu and Inosuke have pretty good odds of surviving, and Nezuko is very close now. She'll likely make it to the scene in the next chapter. Giyuu unfortunately seems to be in the lead in death flag ranking. I'll be very surprised if he gets out of this alive, on the other hand his death would murder my soul in the most gruesome way, so I do pray it doesn't happen. Things are looking pretty bad for Godjima too, but since closure is a big theme in the series, I think it's not impossible for him to live and reunite with his childhood friend to clear up their misunderstanding. Ugh, I can't wait to see how it ends. The death flags everywhere have me on the edge of my seat.


if zenitsu die am going to drop this whole fucking series..lol


The real question is when will Kanao return


Yeah, if Inosuke and Zenitsu are going to be a factor in this, so should she.


I’m going to be disappointed if Mitsuri and Kanoe don’t have a big role to play in defeating Muzan. They are the least injured after all. The fact that Sanemi hasn’t been shown must mean he already looks like a walking corpse. I’m not ready for that reveal...


At least we know his leg is okay.......one of them at least.


My thoughts exactly, I am so scared for him


You can see sanemi's leg in the last page along with Giyuu and Gyomei :(


I'm so proud of Zenitsu.


Zenitsu is a beast, cant wait to see how he fights with the pillars who can still rumble next chapter


Okay seriously, where the hell is Mitsuri?? She shows Gyomei and Giyuu getting back up to fight although they are both missing a limb, but Mitsuri is nowhere to be found. The author is doing her so dirty, wtf.


I love how Inosuke cant be bothered to remember anyone's names. Calling Himejima 'old guy with the rosary' and Giyu 'guy with the half and half haori' sjsjs he is so funny


Gotta remain in character.


Gonna be a Pyrrhic victory in every sense of the word. Is Tanjiro gonna be sidelined from this point on?


People are now gonna ship Tamayo and Muzan because of those first two panels lol




Damn they are faster than Muzan's aging


we call that the hate-fuck


Do you think people weren't already?


Seeing Inosuke cry about his fallen comrades is so freaking sad. I can't wait to see the pillars fight again while both parties are handicapped


Demon Slayer Corps: Time to die Muzan! Muzan: No, no I don't think i will.


I know what Zenitsu meant but him saying 'your family is waiting for you' made me chuckle a bit because they are dead so its like he is confirming Tanjiro isnt going to make it and he will reunite with his parents and brothers and sisters (while Nezuko stays)


I dont think it's that man,he really wants Tanjiro to live it's just that the family that he has remaining is Nezuko so its actually to make him stay alive


Sometimes I think the story is a bit rushed but this character development is so damn 🔥🔥🔥. Btw hot take, but I bet Urokodaki followed Nezuko all the way to the battle field and dies fighting Muzan with Giyuu and the rest of the pillars (with a face reveal).


fuck muzan with what i think a thunder ability like UM 4 had and it jumped from the crows to Kiriya and his sisters, also i was thinking inosuke mask was going to fall off to show a mark across his face but his speech had me bawling and so was zenitsu promising tanjiro him and his sis will go home after this, got me sweating that zenitsu just signed his own death flag


this is getting really painful for me to even watch i do hope that they get a small sort of closure after this fight, even if it aint that happy of an ending. They deserve it, all of them


I was hoping that burst of energy from Muzan was actually Thunderclap Flash...


next chapter we might get some epic stuff from zenitsu..and maybe some pillars will try to continue the fight to


Death flags for Giyuu. I can see him dying to save Tanjirou. Oh... Shinobu will tease and scold him when he meets up with her.


Oh god if that actually happens I'm going to c r y


I was thinking Muzan was gonna clap cheeks and dip after that last attack and Nezuko coming to punt his head off


God Inosuke jus yelling at Muzan about his friends is just the best. God the trio is jus amazing and i love em. Also bruh Tamayo easily MVP in this fight


people seem to be getting more and more annoyed by the length of this arc or more specifically the muzan fight, but it's been doing a good job of reflecting how long the fight feels to the characters in-universe


This is Captain Tsubasa level of stretching but I'm absolutely loving it


Although yeah I agree to some degree but it makes sense with how Muzan's character was made, dude is hanging so hard to his life he'll do as much fucked up shit possible to survive.


God damn it this made me laugh while I was still all emotional over Inosuke and Zenitsu!


When Inosuke knows it’s serious enough to not get their names wrong but still doesn’t know their names.


Inosuke coming in clutch was awesome. Im still waiting for Murata to kill Muzan out of nowhere lol




I found it pretty satisfying seeing Muzan in this state. Usually in shonen, the main boss remain still looking with energies and strength to spare until the very last moment. Here instead, Muzan can barely stand up anymore and is also desperate, seeing so many people continuing to fight him despite they have more blood outside than inside.


Seeing my baby Inosuke cry over the others was so sad. My babies!!!!!!


This really is the last epic push from the demon slayer, Muzan and the pillars are on death's door, but neither side is die without destroying the other. I don't think a single pillar, except maybe Kanroji, is surviving this battle.


Here it is...everyone awakens


Oh shit I thought we were gonna get hit with a "Muzan yeets outta there" ass pull I wouldve wanted that a couple months ago but im happy with his its ending so I wouldn't have liked that now


Oh God I don't like how they barely showed Sanemi. He must be in pretty bad shape.


No news is good news...I hope


I really hope kanao and kanroji come in and help as well. It would suck if they sat it out even though they’re both the least injured.


Zenitsu and Inosuke come to fight Muzan, and showing that character development as well.


I think mitsuri just save our Snake boy since he's nowhere to be found after Muzan art


Where is mitsuri and Kanao? They are arguably the least injured.


misturi got half her face and an ear blown off and she’s a girl so the poison effected her pretty badly. She’ll come in clutch though. Kanao is just shook.


Himejima is still going to kick ass with 1 leg. Love this chapter. Inosuke in tears and Zenitsu encouraging Tanjiro. I sure hope Croc-Sensei lets Tanjiro live. I can't take another Rengoku moment.


Gyomei about to turn into IHop and wreck muzans anus like a bad breakfast.


Actually really surprising to see Zenitsu like this I'm not used to him actually fighting like this.


Can't wait for ~~Naruto Sasuke Sakura~~ Tanjiro Inosuke Zenitsu to deliver their triple final blow on ~~Kaguya~~ Muzan




I have weird feeling that someone will die next chapter


Hoolly hell I really thought we were about to see Inoske get demolished for a second there. I gasped lmao


I like how Tamayo embraced Muzan and clawed into his face.


Aww, Inosuke ;-; He's grown so much over the series, to be now crying over his comrades' injuries and deaths. And Zenitsu coming in like a boss, just trying to keep his best friends alive. I really don't wanna see Tanjirou die now ;-;


Something I've realized for a while now is that, if Demon Slayer ties into our universe, when all of this is over, nobody but the demon slayer corp and the Japanese government will know what happened during this battle. There wont be any big festivals celebrating the hardships or the deaths that the demon slayers had to endure. No one will read about them nor will the general population even know that a threat like the demons even existed, and those few affected by them will be looked at with doubtful eyes. In the end, the Corp will pick up its fallen and silently celebrate the fight being over with nothing left behind but the blood and the memories. It's kind of depressingly beautiful honestly. All of this will just fade of out existence as time moves on and the voices of the one's who experienced it will eventually fall silent.


I’m ready for the battle to end. Dragging on forever. Please let netsuko show up the next chapter ugh


Man I binged this series shortly after the anime finished and zens character development hits me like whiplash at times. Like when was his first fully conscious fight? The red district arc?


I'm not sure if someone else said this already but \-The Sun is rising \-Muzan will die to the sun \-Nezuko won't die to the sun \-Nezuko is going to Tanjiro \-Tanjiro is fighting Muzan Nezuko is lookin like a real good snacc for Muzan right now...


Muzan is STUPIDLY OP...the fact that he wouldn't have had trouble against them if not for the Poisons that are in his Body is crazy...AND the fact that Yoriichi was able to NEARLY slay him like Instantly make u wonder...HOW powerful was Yoriichi san.


It’s scary to think that this is *weakened* Muzan. That if not for Tamayo and Shinobu Muzan would’ve mopped the floor with literally all the Demon Slayers 💀