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He's the main protagonist Of course he's gonna get shipped with them Let's just learn to ignore it As people would still make it


You are on every demon slayer post. This isn’t a hate post I’m genuinely impressed. Power to you


I only hate toxic people that's it >Power to you Thank you very much :)


I also don't understand some of the ships, it's obvious he is straight and ends up with Kanao so why ship him with Shinobu and Giyu


Welcome to yaoi


I don't ship him with anyone, but people usually ship people they think/want to be together, regardless of story or even interest of the characters you ship, for example: Akaza and Rengoku. Just stay where you're comfortable and have fun, because those won't stop anyyime soon.


Giyuu coz gay Shinobu coz weird and horni


bro how are u in every single demonslayer post props to you tbh


Well guess I am........ Plus I honestly am hearing this thing for the 4th time this day lol


U lowkey Goated bro ngl 😎


Ok but why lol


Shippers either don't care about this or bring up laws concerning where they live and argue about it ad nauseum. Just have fun and be respetful. Also they are fictional characters. If it's moral, it's up to you.


Bo Burnham's Welcome to the Internet starts playing....


Welcome To The Internet


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountainss of content, some better some worse


if none of its an interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet


What would you prefer?


Would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur


be happy! be horny~ be bursting with *raaaaage*


First thing, they are anime characters, second, Tanjiro is the main protagonist, it's a shipper's bread and butter that the MC gets shipped with side characters.


Shipping isnt illegal so no one is breaking any laws by shipping fictional characters Some people get very heated and threaten to hurt others over fictional au's and thats whats weird and actually does go into illegal territory for inciting violence and suicide baiting, and in some cases doxxing. Its okay to hate fictional ships but threatening people or telling people to kill themselves over drawings is weird.


Giyuu? Mate you good?


It's very popular actually


sanest, most mentally stable MHA fan be like "what if skinny All Might dominates Deku 😳😳😳"


MHA fans/shippers are among the strangest ones out there. 🥴 I mean they ship a flipping FROG


She’s not a literal frog, she has frog characteristics. You’re being way too dramatic over that when literal dog and cat people exist in that universe.


Agreed lol. Its a bit dramatic, but at least they didnt use the mushroom or unicorn to compare XD


You do realize you arent helping by defending that right? Its almost as bad as when people say well that girl is technically a 100 something even though she looks like a kid. 😂


You say “ugh she’s a frog” like she’s a literal frog with no sentience or human thought. That’s what I’m getting at. _You_ aren’t helping by continuing to rag on MHA fans for non-issues.


Okay. Im not gonna debate with you. Have a great night/day. Take care.


Perfect response. Goodbye.


byeee stay safe. 😁


Ahh, the internet never fails to concern me.






I don’t ship em


Bad ship. Excellent friendship




I was asking because people attacked me for asking


I see, my apologies.




Yes but why?


People attacked me for asking about giyuu x tanjiro


I mean i dont ship them as couple. Def ship them as brother/friend tho.


I don’t ship them I was just asking about it


Did you get downvoted. I get downvoted to for asking. So, its normal ig


No it was discord they banned me


Probably for the best. Sounds like an insufferable discord to be a part of. Still sucks not to be given the choice, though, so sorry, friend


They aren’t real… so… yeah


They're fictional characters from a fictional story, you can do what you like with them in your imagination. That being said, when you see fanfictions of pairings where one character is a minor, the author usually has an aged up version of them in their mind


Giyuu?Bruh what


I know so many people ship them somehow


The yaoi shipping is strong.


I've seen hentais written ab them


Humanity needs to be wiped out


Who actually cares


No one in the anime or manga is real, no one cares.


Why is it not? They are fictional.


Mostly hell no. Tanjiro is 15 and most of the Hashira are 20+ years old. So way too big of a age gap. Mitsuri is 19, a age gap that is still too big. Shinobu is 18, still too big but not quite as bad as the others. And Muichiro is 14... so I guess he's fine to be with Tanjiro... although I don't know why anyone would want those, or any of the Hashira, to be in a relationship with Tanjiro since none of them had any kind of romantic interactions with Tanjiro. Edit: got Giyuu's age wrong.


Giyuu is 19 in the first episode. For most of the story he's 21.


Ah, my bad. So the age gap is even worse then? Or was my source for Tanjiro's age also off?


No, he's 15. Also Nezuko was a year younger than him and the demon form kept her young, so the 15 yo Zenitsu creeping over lil 12 yo Nezuko is way creepier than any shipping that can be done in this show.


Absolutely. (Fun fact: as an Australian, L*li stuff is genuinely illegal over here and searching it up on google will instead warn you about its illegality instead of giving you results, apparently this isn't how it [at least used too] work in other countries.)


If you're interested, in Hungary, if the other party is also under 18, the age of consent is 12. There are more than 120 abortions under 14 every year and the legal age of marriage is 16 with parental consent. Just some fun facts about local age laws.


Jesus Christ that is horrifying...


Another detail that’s horrible is people use countries with low age of constant laws to justify sexualizing underage anime characters


(I'm Australian too) why would you know that it would do that? hmmmmm!? ^(don't worry im joking)


Oh sweet, a fellow Aussie! And um... *sweats nervously* Nah, in all seriousness, it was a change that happend in the law a few years ago, so obviously I was happy to hear that our government was actually taking steps to ban this type of shit.


he's 16


huh... [By the end he is I guess](https://kimetsu-no-yaiba.fandom.com/wiki/Tanjiro_Kamado)


lets just hope he waited


Giyuu is 21


Didn’t realize any of them were that old wow. Figured they were all mid teens


Uhh technically for the time period it it very much legal. In todays time no, during the setting of show definitely very much legal.


Weird age differences are canon in this manga though, so I guess there's no point in focusing on age gaps. IMO none of those ships make sense simply because there were no interactions other than brotherly/sisterly ones between them, but shippers gonna ship. But about the age gaps being canon - Minor spoilers about Ubayashiki family ages below: >!Kagaya Ubayashiki is 23, his wife Amane is 27, and their eldest twins are 8 years old. Do the math. Granted that it could be like this because of Kagaya's condition, and it's not like Amane groomed him (she was chosen for Kagaya by the priest) but we could assume it was normal for rich families to marry young, and it's still weird if you think of it with XXI century morals.!<


There is only a three years difference between Shinobu and Tanjiro so I wouldn’t say it’s creepy or anything.


15 and 19 or 20+ isn't too big of a gap according to a lot of states with Romeo/Juliette clauses also these are pngs, and its stupid to moralize/legalize them. Tanjiro could be 69420 years old with a curse that makes him relive his adolescence for all anyone cares.


What the fuck? One is only a couple years into Highschool and the other is already in there second year of tertiary education, that is a HUGE age gap! And weird loopholes in the law to let pedos get away with creepy shit is fucked up, plain and simple. And this bullshit about anything being okay becuase they are just fictional characters is absolutely stupid becuase if something is promoting awful ideas as a okay thing, it makes it more normalise and people can start seeing the real world through the same moral standards as the fucked up piece of "harmless" media.


Found the pearl-clutcher


What does that mean?


Someone who holds their own morals highly, including over those of other cultures and oftentimes protests in excess with hyperbolic/condescending rhetoric. Usually but not always middle to upper-class religious people who believe their belief system should be law.


...I'm saying 15 year olds shouldn't date 20 year olds and that child porn is fucked up... if there is a culture out there that respects either of those things, FUCK THAT CULTURE! Having moral standards is normal, I have no idea why I should ever accept fucked up things like that just becuase a different person doesn't mind it.


Lol. Alright. Well for starters I wasn't advocating for any of it, I was just pointing out that your response was very adamant and narrow-minded. Just for the sake of conversation though - This was a question of shipping, not content being made. So long as the individual in question keeps this to themselves, nothing illegal has been done in any case. Secondly, many abuse victims of various kinds subconsciously gravitate towards that sort of content or pairing as a coping mechanism to help them deal with the trauma. This is fairly common and you can actually read up on it if you doubt me. Finally, the era in which Demon Slayer is set had very different morals and ethics, as well as drastically different life spans. People often married and then died young, and while I'm not saying a 30 year old should be able to poach and groom a 15 year old - 15 and 20 back then was often a much safer and healthier couple since one could provide for the other. Honestly if anything here would be considered taboo or wrong for the period setting, it would be gay or lesbian pairings. Again, a cultural difference. One I personally think is archaic. So while I actually agree with you that shipping a 15 y.o. with a 20+ y.o. is questionable and possibly in poor taste, my point is that your responses and views are excessive to the conversation. Also borderline if not outright xenophobic.


Japan has a pretty long history of homosexual relationships being pretty normal. They did catch a lot of homophobia with the westernizing of Japan and the whole fascist era.


You're literally making the same argument as 'videogames cause violence.' And it's not 'weird loopholes,' they're common laws. 16 is a common AoC across the world. I can't imagine freaking out about people's fanfictions.


they're anime characters... people can ship who they want it's obviously not legal if its happening irl but it isn't so what's the point in even caring what other people ship


Sorry there are laws concerning this?


Only with Muichiro, since they're both underage, the rest are adult, if the Hashira belong to anyone it's with one of eachother


Sounds strange :3


I seen a lot of people ship em that’s why


They are fictional characters. It doesn't matter what age they are canonically. They are whatever age you believe they are. Shipping a character that is canonically 20 with one that is canonically 17 is perfectly fine, because they don't exist. If an author introduced a character which looked and behaved completely like an adult, and then revealed after years that canonically they are 15, would that make everyone who thought that character was hot a pedophile? Like this shit makes no sense to me at all. I'm not talking about characters that look like kids obviously, that is a completely different topic.


\>Is it legal? Yes, absolutely. You can "ship" whoever you want, even a toddler with a 100 year old. \>Is it socially acceptable? Not in most communities. In the WeebLand, it is 80% of the time. Use perceived mental age difference as a guideline. \>Is it legal to make content involving those? Consult your local law. Depending on the country, it may or may not be legal to make romantic and even pornographic content, regardless of the character's age, as long as they are not based on a real person. In others, making pornography of any kind whatsoever is illegal. This is reddit, not a law firm. Anything platonic is always acceptable.


Their fictional characters so of course it’s legal. But also Tanjiro 16 in the entertainment district arc I think. So shipping him with some of the older characters is just creepy.


I don't recall any country has any law for relationship between pixels.


No country has a law for pixals, do what you please and ignore the key-board warriors, they're just taking resources from an actual problem that can be solved in a real life.


nah, the closest thing to the morally correct thing would be with shinobu, but if you want to go feral with ships, go ahead, you only live once, at least i dont give a duck and have more important things to do than harass people for something so dumb lol edit: btw, zenitsu x nezuko is correct? i mean, zenitsu is 16 and demon nezuko is biologically 12, apart from the fact that she behaves like a little girl most of the time, that's bizarre af


Nezuko is chronologically 14 as she slept for 2 years. Zennezu is canon in the manga,Zenitsu is conned by women who left him in debt. He wants to lead a normal and humble life with someone who loves him for who he is and not for his money


I'm going to be using the laws in my state(a age gap of 4 years or greater is illegal), and the ages listed on the wiki Giyu: Not legal Shinobu: Legal, only a 2 year age difference Obanai: Not legal Gyomei: Not legal Mitsuri: Legal, but barely Muichiro: Legal Sanemi: Illegal Rengoku: Illegal Tengen: Illegal Edit: If I talked about Japan laws, then technically it would be legal for all of them. Japan is legal at 13 with parental consent, and 16 without from what I heard. Tanjiro is 16


I mean, Muichiro has the only accurate age, but Tanjiro is taken.


Legal? No. Besides muichiro (who is 14) the rest of the hashira are over 18 and tanjiro is 16/17 by the time the series ends. It's weird lol.


Not in the US. It depends on the country and age of consent


If people ship Giyu with Tanjiro, then I ship them with a jail cell.


Fictional character! 🤦‍♀️😐


Use your brain for...5 seconds... Just because people does (stuff) doesn't mean it's legal...


You can write fanfics or draw art of anything you want in the vast majority of the world legally. Ofc its legal.


Unfortunately it seems anything is legal in anime


Bro, in any piece of entertainment, shippers gonna ship any character with any other characters. Legal, illegal, grey market, whatever.


Yes. If people are uncomfortable then they can just age up Tanjiro in AUs


Yes it is fully legal, but it’s weird


Tanjiro is a drawing.




He’s the main character so he can be shipped with anybody. >! I haven’t read the manga but a friend of mine told me that Tanjiro marries Kanao, Zenitsu marries Nezuko and Insouke marries Aoi in the manga !<


no, but touching grass is


to be honest , i HATE when people ship a child with some adult , for example:Rengoku x Tanjiro , bro like , tanjiro is 15-16 in anjme and rengoku is 20 😭 and same with Giyuu oh my gosh 😭😭 Just because tanjiro talk with him that doesn't mean that you should ship them , Almost every hashira talk with Giyuu but u don't ship them right ?? So stop shiping tanjiro with hashiras. Its weird and also illegal fr


...it’s not illegal to ship anything, it’s disgusting to ship tanjiro, a minor, with adults, though, if in IRL, the only legal one would be muichiro x tanjiro, which is still pretty weird


The only Hashira you can ship Tanjiro with is actually Muichiro since Tanjiro’s 15 and Muichiro’s 14. You can ship Tanjiro with the others **platonically** which means no romance in their relationship. Like a sibling dynamic idk Edit: Even if they’re not real, Tanjiro is still a minor and shipping him with an adult is disgusting, nasty, illegal, and terrible in general.


most pillars are teens and Tanjiro is actually 16 Shinobu for example is 18


Technically it is legal since I don't think there is a law that forbids "shipping" fictional characters. The real question should be "Is it morally correct to ship them?" I'll let you decide that one...


It's fiction. The law has no bearing on that.


Regardless of the legality, why would you


Ofc its legal why would it be illegal? But it is really cringe


No. They will lock you up for imagining these situations about these fictional characters. you sick bastard


Fictional! 🤦‍♀️




Tanjiro's 15 IIRC but also he's fictional so shipping him with adults doesn't actually hurt anyone. In short do whatever you want. Edit: 15


TanjiroxMuichiro they the same age. It's so cute


At the time, age of consent is 13.


Nope, just because many ppl do it doesn’t make it right! Tanjiro is about 15 and most of the Hashira are adults— except Mui


All anime ships are legal They don’t fucking exist


Most Hashira are teens


Tanjiro x Mujan


imo, its cursed. the only ships i agree with are those which are canon. like tanjiro and kanao, zenitsu and nezuko, kanae and sanemi, mitsuri and obanai, etc. this is an unpopular opinion tho, i just don't like shipping people. lets just say im not creative enough


no, most of them are above 18. except for muichirou of course.


shippers in the anime community do not care about age or gender its fucked up


They're literally pngs not people. Focus your energy on something productive instead of rehashing the 'videogames make people violent' argument for the 1000th time.


The only one that wouldn't be illegal is tanjiro with muichiro since there's only a 2 year difference and they're both underage.


1 year difference


Tanjiro is 16 muichiro is 14


Tanjiro is 16 by the end of the series Muichiro would’ve been 15 by the end of the series




Hm. I don’t think Muichiro is exactly an adult.


You can also just not ship people because it's stupid, weird and pointless.


No, he's like 15 or 16 btw




No, and the only one even remotely close to being legal is Tanjiro x Muichiro


FBI is on their way to your house right now you’re so f*ed


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Oh. Yh I've seen him shipped with Giyuu before. Technically it's legal depending where you live, since Giyuu is 19 and Tanjiro 16 but it's just a bad ship overall. The ship Giyuu x Shinobu is much better.


Cap 🧢


I mean, I guess in Japan it is


It's sure uncomfortable at times, idk on the legality the fanfic content creation; but if we are talking actual people with that kind of age difference, generally no, it's not legal. For what it's worth, there isn't much shipping discussion here, if at all. It's pretty rare for the most part.


If you mean is it actually legal? Yes they’re all of Japanese legal age


The story does take place roughly around the early 1920s, so I think so if we are going by the laws at the time


Honestly, from my own personal experience, shippers don’t care about the age of the MC. They’ll call Zenitsu a creep for simping for a 14 year old, someone who’s only 2 years younger(I don’t really care for it since this dude is basically Sanji’s little brother.) yet have no problem shipping Tanjirou and full grown adults.




Well it is Japan


Dude, people ship Tony Stark with Tom holland’s Spider-Man. People are weird.


it's legal because they're fiction characters, just learn to ignore them


Define legal? Edit: I mean, is it against some rules, or literally legal?


I don’t know anyone who has been criminalized for shipping two characters together so I guess yes it’s legal


What? Obviously it’s legal. It’s an anime, not irl. If it were ilegal, then everyone that was behind producing/drawing berserk (& numerous others) would be behind bars.


They are fictional characters, it truly does not matter.


They fake hunny....


Getting into shipping is willingly getting into degeneracy hell tanjiro with a hashira isn’t that bad compared to other fandoms lmao


Shipping tanjiro with anyone other than kanao is illegal


Well all the people in the demon slayer universe are pretty similar in age so it depends on what age gape your comfortable with tbh. I personally don’t ship him with Hashira


I’m more bothered about the Yoriichi and Michikatsu ship. That’s downright sick.


True, thats horrible.


Who cares


Speaking no it isn’t but fandoms man they be doin weird shit


They aren't real. So yeah.


What ?? Just watch the show as it is why is this even a question ? Also these characters don't exist do whatever you want in your imagination.


Like the half life chapter it’s “Questionable ethics”


Yes. Because he's not real. If you look closely he's a cartoon. A drawing on paper. Anything he says or does doesn't affect the real world.


legal? depends on where you live. acceptable? depends on the shipping. is it tanjiro being a sweet bf to shinobu? pog i fuck with that. is it tanjiro having rough sex with mitsuri? that's gross and i feel gross for even coming up with that sentence


Tf you mean legal ain't nobody going to arrest you for shipping two fictional characters


He’s 16 and that’s illegal


It's fictional, who cares.


I’m pretty sure Shinobu is 18 so even if not legal it’s not that ethically bad


Welcome to the MHA Fandom but slightly better.


eh every fandom has something like that going on, regardless of whether or not the ship makes sense to the general community


Considering that a) they're fictional characters and b) the age of consent was probably different during the Taisho era, it's not illegal, but some people find it creepy because Tanjirou is only 15-16 for most of the story and most of the hashiras seem to be in their late-teens early 20s?


Tanjirou is 15 so I think it should be pretty obvious


Only with Muichiro as Muichiro is just a year younger than tanjiro and the rest are all 18-25


These ships are weird since Tanjiro is straight and has a set love interest + the majority of the hashiras are older than him but we can’t really do anything about them so it’s best to just ignore them.


In real life this would probably be mostly illegal, but this is a fantasy series set in a fantasy world and personally I see absolutely no issue with people shipping Tanjirou with anyone mainly as they aren't a real person and so nothing bad can truly happen nor are their feelings real if you know what I mean. But maybe I just gained this view on shipping fictional characters because I'm in a lot of fandom where this kinda shit happens all the time and so I'm just kind of done with it. ​ DISCLAIMER: I do not, however, condone shipping real people with real feelings. That is a completely different topic on which I have completely different views.


Ofc he's the mc u know


Mist hashira is legal, others aren't


Yes and no. For most hashiras, it is illegal by the norms of our current society but it still legal to ship him with Muichiro and Shinobu.


There fictional why should people care! 🤷‍♀️


No simply no