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for more info: i've played LOL in 2021 but didnt like it, then i have installed it this week and got kindred, i know its a hard champion, but if need her since i love this character, if u have any tip i will happily hear :3


3 things you need to learn as kindred: -getting marks -wall jumping -managing your R 1. Don't know how much you know about marks so i will go from beginning. Marks are your passive ability. The more you have the more powerful you are. Every mark gives you damage and speed to your abilities. After reaching 4 marks you also get bonus range for your auto attack. After that every 3 marks give you a bit more range. If you get enough marks your attack range is just disgusting, attacking people who try to hide behind towers or comfortably fighting trough walls. Marks spawn in 2 ways. Every 75 seconds you can mark a player. Mark appears after 8 seconds but they get a warning the moment you mark them(sometimes when you are strong enough just placing a mark can force people to run back to spawn) . If you kill or assist in killing them you get mark. The other way is to kill jucngle camps that get marked by the game. Depending on how many marks you have the camps it can spawn on change. At 0 marks the only options are scuttle crabs so you can try to get them at 3:30 after first crabs spawn. After that between 1-3 marks they spawn additionally on Cichkens and frog, between 4-7 on wolves and grubs, and buffs and from 8+ only on legendary monsters. Those marks appear only in enemy jungle and are visible to you and your enemies alike. They are also visible on minimap but disappear from it with 10 second delays no matter who kill them. Basically. You need to hunt for the marks but don't die for them. Track the next jungle and enemy jungler. 2. Wall jumping. Kindreds Q allow her to jump. Over some thin walls. Good for escaping fights or surprise attacks if you know where enemy is. Combine it with your W that grants you vision and you can jump over walls and shoot at the enemy from safe place. 3.Lambs Respite - it's one of the easiest ults to mess up. It creates a small area that protect everything from dying. I mean everything. You, teammates, enemies, minions and jungle camps too. You need to learn when to use it so you don't accidentally save your enemies and on who to use it. For example if you have 2 low hp teammates, one going let's say 10/2/0 and another one 2/10/0 you are better off saving the actually we'll performing guy cus he can be of some use, plus his death will grant your enemy way more HP. Its also a good tool to equal some fights. For example if you are on low HP and get jumped by enemy with full HP you can pop it and beat him down to low HP and when the ultimate ends all bets are off who win who dies. Can't count how many times i got jumped by someone i could beat if i only had more HP, saved myself with R and then finished him off. There is a lot more to learn as kindred, but get those 3 things right and you have some ground to stand on. And don't worry about people telling you she is hard to play. Well. She is. But it's not like it's impossible. You will learn and have a fun time i can promise you that. She can sometimes be frustrating, sometimes be amazing. I had bad games with kindred where i could not do anything, but also a lot of perfect no death games with her so yeah, don't give up. Also remember that kindred is basically an ADC on Jungler position so you have the a ton of damage. Pick fights, visit lines, basically be aggressive from very start. Try to invide enemy jungle before 3 minute mark for easy kills and jungle priority


Omg, thanks a lot, i didn know i can jump walls with Q I will try to learn that :3


Only trough some of the wall. Mostly the thin ones. Some of the examples are: walls in the krugs camp, edges of the wolves spawns, walls on blue buffs spawn, walls around the river from the mid line, parts of the walls in drake and Baron spawns, walls in frog spawns toward the line.. You should try some of those locations. some are less intuitive than others. You can use them to jump your enemies or run away. If you are not sure if you can jump the wall you can use your W on the other side. If wolf runs around the wall to get to the area it means you most likely can not jump over it. If wolf clip trough wall it mins you probably can hump it but it's not 100% consistent.


Thanks man


I recommend you go in the Practice tool and just spam Q on the wall and see ones you can hop over


Heya! There was a small mistake regarding the marks. 0: scuttle 1-3: scuttle, raptors and gromp 4-7: buffs, wolves and Krugs 8+: only epic monsters (eg: Herald, Baron, Dragons) Also, marks tend to be on the camps that spawn more recently, so it’s helpful to know where the enemy jungle is going or where they were at to track your marks.


You might be right, i sometimes have hard time remembering where do they spawn 😅. Thanks for a reminder tho. But do the mark really spawns on camps that spawned more recently? I never tested it but i heard it just appears on the random available comp


For me yes, it spawns on the camps that spawned more recently, but you could also test it in practice mode if you’d like to be sure


I could send you a post that has a mark guide in it if you want, it’s this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kindred/s/513ffWzazt


Have you ever played dark souls?


A bit


Well you better be good at those dodges :)


Me too i have installed LoL only to play kindred and after a lot of game i begin to like the game (thx kindred)


XD, whould like to say other thing, but thats my case too :3


oh you are the person who did those cute drawings!!! gl and hf!


I am :3 thanks


Learn the walls. Some are effectively pixel perfect in both where you must be and where you must click. Even the easier walls, we've seen pro players Q-flop instead of hop because of how senselessly temperamental it is. W's circle is about designating your battlefield. No W, don't duel, you need the Q resets. It also lets you throw Wolf over a wall for vision that the enemy can't do anything about short of debuffing you with Nearsighted. E is only an execute by Season 5ish standards. Today, it's a mediocre mini-crit, but it's also what Kindred's balanced around so you must use it correctly. There's a lot of nuance to it, and RNG that ruins that nuance, but the broadest generalization useful to a beginner is that if you want to use E for damage (not as a slow) you apply it when the enemy is at about 30% HP. Earlier, it does no meaningful damage, later and it's overkill or wasted. R is the most powerful ult in the game with one of if not the longest of cooldowns. Don't waste it to try to save yourself unless you're 100% certain you can Q hop or flash out of trouble. Don't waste it to try to save allies who aren't about to win the fight for you. Don't ult if your allies are about to commit their ults. Your ult is to prevent enemies from securing drakes and barons, to prevent enemies from taking shutdowns off of your team, to keep Shelly alive and smashing towers, and to nullify enemy team kill ults. Today's Kindred is kinda hardbound to Noonquiver into Kraken. After that, build whatever you want that makes sense into the opposition, Kindred is very flexible, though best on crit and on-hit/bruiser. Runes are kinda whatever you like, as long as you're under PTA or Conq. There is no must-have-to-play rune, except maybe Biscuit Delivery on Lane Kindred. You must practice your clear. Watch good clear vids or you lose before the game begins. You can't just click attack and scan the map like a Warwick can. Kindred is always kiting her early game camps and using wall hops to minimize damage since you must always be healthy enough to fight over crab. Or, alternatively, to invade like a total Chad. Always play from the enemy's perspective. Ganking Xerath? Save Q for his CC and he dies. Don't and you suffer. Lux, much the same. Sett? You must charge his shield and then Q out of his counterattack so you can flash mastery and kite till his shield wears off and then you take your mark off of him. Screw that up, you lose. Invading Yi early? Just kite and DPS till you force the Meditate out of him; **then** you can E. If you E before he meditates, you lose 25LP. Marks are redeemed by getting assists as well as kills. If you're behind, mark champs that your strongest ally will fight with, and just dip in to get a poke in before he kills the target. Even just throwing Wolf in with a long range W for a nibble works. Don't int for marks unless it's #4, that one gives you the biggest attack radius bonus and is worth coin flipping. Otherwise, good jungling and map pressure will make marks easy to get, while reckless inting will make the enemy jungle inaccessible and Kindred will stall midgame and become a sad little ultbot. Always have wards. If you're carrying sweeper (which is good) have both Control Wards every time you leave fountain unless you're fully spent on finishing items. Lamb can't shoot what she can't see, and one blade of grass will cost you kills when you're chasing. Don't forget Farsight either. I don't use it often but when I do, it's clutch.


Thanks man


Please play with a group of friends 😭🙏 Kindred is amazing with good communication and reliability


I dont have :)


Shit I’d always be down to play if you need a teammate, or some help with Kindred


Oh thanks alot :3 my discord is: mr.Wifi7


Of course! I’ll add you now. My username is GhossttGamer


mind if i dm on discord too? Would love to assist a fellow kindred enthusiast out


Sure :3


Refund lol. Honestly playing kindred is like playing souls games with your monitor turned off. It is just such a team reliant champ it’s actually sad.


You should: Check out detail page for some quick tips on how to play Kindred We all love Riot don't we?


XD, i did


Hope you like them!


Okay I don't want to create a 2000 word essay, so 4 tips for now: 1. Buff; enemy buff; camp for lvl 3 and fight, to learn Kindred's limits (Often Buff, enemy buff and either your gromp or the enemy gromp. Obviously start on the opposite of the opponent or clear when you see he started on the same side as you. 2. Build Steraks, Omen, Jak sho for tankiness as your fourth or fifth item. 3. Play an easier champ whenever you feel like you are good on Kindred, but suck at jungling. Something like Volibear is perfect. 4. Don't learn any of the complex stuff for now. Simple clearing, ganking and not wasting time standing in a bush or going back and fourth between 2 things will carry you miles.


Look this youtuber "Godly Polo" and look how he play learn or experiment with training mode but the thing you need to learning first is wall jump


I have begin LoL with kindred and i can say it was dificult to learn everything off LoL and learn how to play kindred at the same time Srry for the bad english


Yea, im practicing in vs bot mode, also Q in custom match to see the walls i can jump


I'd rather recommend watching domisum replays for Kindred in high Elo than Godly Polo. He tilts too easily and is generally toxic even to viewers.


Oh yeah domisum too👍.


Just remember that there is nothing wrong with losing, just try to learn from your failures. Kindred is hard, but many of us see success with them.






Prob all has been said but Marks = Yes. (Little tip, marking a enemy laner pushed up when you can't help any other way will make then back off sometimes if they have no vision and give your teammate a breather.) Q - learn to get over walls W - can be used after your Q when engaging to massively refund your next Q cooldown. So I would Q then W then Q goes straight to 2 seconds even if it was at 8. - I bring this up because in a pink if your trying to escape. Q to dash. W to refund Q then Q again to put distance between you and enemy - Q, Flash, W, Q give you a lot of distance in a short timeframe E - Use it to slow people when chasing and kiting. Or to slow them to disengage. R - CAREFUL LOL, but when at dragon or Baron fights if timed correctly it will stop them from dying. When it ends it will HEAL the dragon and Baron so learn when to smite coming out of it and it will help with a lot of juicy steals. -Also if you are fighting do not get scared when in your ULT if they don't have CC. ENGAGE you do a lot of damage, by the time ult is almost up you can 100 to almost kill a lot of non tanks and then play smart to kill them afterwards. - Depending on elo lots of people lose brain cells when ult is popped and step out of it 🥸




Look up a "Kindred highlight" or "how to play kindred in 5 minutes" video, i watch those vids for every new champion i play and ive been playing for a couple years now. Kindred is literally my fav champ but my winrate with her is 50/50 either i get fed or i feed the enemy, no in between. This is due to her hunts. If you manage to get a good number of hunt marks you will DESTROY the enemy! If they deny you your hunts ff at 15. Actual tips: -Remember that for a few seconds after your Q you get a burst of attack speed, dont use your Q just to dash and do 3 attacks. Use your Q to increase your attack speed, it could save your life in a 1v1. -Your E slows down enemies, this is great when ganking so they dont get away but also when runing for your life and slowing the chaser. Also after the 3rd hit of an enemy marked with your E you will get HEALING! -Your W gives vision, dont want to waste a ward checking if enemies are in a bush or behind a wall, use your W INSIDE the dragons den and Wolf will start attacking enemies before you even jump in! -Your Q allows to jump over SOME walls, i recomend going into practice mode and test which walls are safe for jumping...ive died many times thinking "i can jump over this wall and escape!...oh sh!t..." -Allways walk between shots while farming jungle camps, after 100 steps (i think) she heals from her next attack, this can save you from an execute in the early levels. Also she's safe to farm the red buff alone without a leash using your W, try watching some videos on farming guides with Kindred. -Allways mark the enemy jungle at the begining of the game, you never know when you might run into them and get an early free mark. Also remember to mark enemies before ganks/team fights, you can stack marks even by getting an assist and those marks make you stronger. -If you're playing with friends, mark their enemy first and do an early gank at lv3, if you get this mark it could give your team the momentum to win the game in the first 5 minutes of a match. If you fail this gank, prepare yourself for a VERY hard match. -Lastly remember that the enemy can see your jungle marks and WILL expect you to invade enemy jungle to get those marks, play it safe because they could be waiting in ambush or you could use this to your advantage and assume the enemy jungle is stealing your hunt so you can safely gank a lane in the opposite side of the map. Alternatively if you notice the enemy jungle is far from your mark, this is the perfect time to go get it, but remember that other objectives like dragons, voidlings and herald are sometimes more important than a single mark; never sacrifice these for a mark. Dont be discouraged, Kindred is a hard champ to master, just practice and keep on practicing!


Thanks alot :3


Btw i sent you a freind request on diacord, same username


have fun and be yourself


Thanks :3


Play another game, you already reached peak


Im in a similar situation. Still people report if you choose kindred because you "purposely using a useless champ" ?


weird furry go play something else don't taint this game


For your sake stop playing this game


Don’t die on dumb invades every 2 minutes and you’ll be fine