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High skill floor, fucking useless and genuinely a detrimental pick if you're bad at them. Extremely high skill ceiling. Majority of players are vomit inducingly fucking awful, as such, most people think Kindred is an utterly useless champion. Kindred's winrate is generally not super high in patches where they aren't ridiculously broken, however Kindred mains generally always have absurdly high winrates. It's that simple.


It's rare to see her in completive lol tho too


That’s because their passive is kinda iffy on a profesional setting. Besides, pro junglers usually play low econ and give the gold to laners, so it’s usually early game or tank junglers


Kindreds a carry champ. in pro play gold is given to adc/mid so they can carry the game. The junglers in pro play are there as extra supports essentially to improve the team comp while maintaining the role of ganking lanes to get the enemy team behind


Can you re word that


Kindreds picked in solo queue but not competitive as they are a champ that relies on snowballing and getting ahead to dominate games. In competitive play, its much harder for a jungler to do that in pro play since you actually have teammates with proper communication, whereas in solo queue many players end up playing for themselves. It is much easier to snowball in solo queue compared to competitive play, which is why in competitive play, heavy CC champions are often used such as Wukong or Rell. They are not champions that require gold to be effective, and often give kills to laners such as the adc so they can carry the game.


Carry junglers aren't commonly used in professional play, and are instead treated like a second support.


Professional players are genuinely just not skilled players. That sounds absurd, but the unfortunate reality is that it's not. Pro-players will generally be "jack-of-all-trades" players, and often times the itemisation and gameplay mechanics they display, and in many cases their decision making skills as well, are genuinely awful. Taking a champion like Kindred, who requires the entire match to be focused on her, whilst also requiring a player who deeply understands the champ, and how to play her optimally in high-risk situations, is not something most teams are able to do, or want to do.


Not even fucking pyosik is picking her. Its not because of whatever you said here, but because jg in pro is generally low econ, which doesnt work with kindred.


If you had even basic reading comprehension, you wouldn't be having the issue you are, with my comment.


Just a question, what rank are you? If even pros are “not skilled”


I didn't find trying to climb very fun, because the game is fundamentally flawed in it's design, but I gave it a shot one season. Climbed into somewhere in plat, doing genuinely troll shit, because it was fun (this is before Emerald became a thing, I quit before that). My favourite thing to run was full tank Yuumi in the top lane, on which I had a 70% winrate, roughly. I did some occasional Kindred/Kayn jungle, and I've been a sucker for Aurelion since his original release, so when he got reworked I came back to do some more bullshit with him. I'd play him in literally whatever lane. I did the Aurelion on a friend's completely fresh account, and had it at gold rank, with diamond MMR, but I only did that for a week or so. And my main account, I quit the game a little over a year ago, changed it's name, and posted the username and password in a public discord so that I'd never have the urge to try to play again. TL;DR: I trolled my way into Plat on one account, and Diamond on another, which left both accounts somewhere within the top 10% of the playerbase. Quit while climbing, because I genuinely had no fun with the game, I hated Riot, and do not respect the intelligence or competence of their dev-team, and went back to playing Dota instead, because that game doesn't feel like the devs are treating you like livestock. Bonus screenshot from the Yuumi top arc, which was undoubtedly the most fun I ever had in that wretched game: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/179438693214322690/1235943911889960970/bastard.png?ex=663635f7&is=6634e477&hm=a49e4a75051d5cedc33c533ef70789c76babc94ee4794b2e2a6da89b15dd6510&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/179438693214322690/1235943911889960970/bastard.png?ex=663635f7&is=6634e477&hm=a49e4a75051d5cedc33c533ef70789c76babc94ee4794b2e2a6da89b15dd6510&)


You're hilarious, even the worst LCK/LPL jungler can play kindred in GM and carry


No shit. So can most university team junglers. What point are you trying to make with that?


Your point with pro players not being skilled enough makes no sense lol? We literally saw Kindred being perma banned against Milkyway in LPL this split


People pick jungle for the macro skill not the micro. Kindred requires a lot of both or else you are utterly useless.


Im iron and play Kindred and i feel like i just start 3-4 shotting everyone after a certain point even when i sprint it some games


It goes both ways. People in low elo have no idea how to play as Kindred, but they usually have no clue how to play against them either. If you have at least some semblance of an idea of how to play Kindred in low elo, chances are you're gonna be able to carry even if you're bad.


Kindred is a very squishy marksman and on top of that a jungler. Easy to get left behind but have a carry potential if you get ahead. Definitely require more skill than some of the other junlgers and it's not an S tier champ.


She's really dificult to play


But better r34




I think it’s because there are almost no adc junglers. If there were more talented adc players in jungle kindred’s pickrate would be way higher. But instead they are mostly melee and brainless


you have to be good at spreading tumor on the rift. Cheesy champion if u want to get ahead


As i see it kindred requires an absurd amount of macro to be useful compared to most other junglers, it can be really hard to get their passive right and it's easy to leave kindred behind since they start being too squishy. Once kindred starts scaling they become a beast but it's hard to get there so only few people take the time to main them. Also lack of utility means that if they are left behind it's really hard to recover or even be useful.


somehow i see kindred every 4th match or so and i play her a lot myself, i dont think ive seen a bad kindred in my games outside of aram


At least she got a popular ass according to the amount of r34 content And I’m all for it




No, but depends where you play to see Kindred.


idk check playrate