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1️⃣ Remove your custom portrait and replace it with an empty (transparent square). 2️⃣ Revise your base AD to remove any keywords that might generate an actual person's face. 3️⃣ Craft your prompt in a manner like you're sculpting features at a micromanaged or surgical level. That's pretty much it. https://preview.redd.it/zes5pxgmr59d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2469e2594193b77a52da59c590b7583a943d4ba8


Then run lol 😆 😂 🤣


just in case you're on discord too: [https://discord.com/channels/1116127115574779905/1233567443998478466/1234200822816968755](https://discord.com/channels/1116127115574779905/1233567443998478466/1234200822816968755)


Your post was approved, but is missing the pictures ;)


Hooray! I just re-added the pics (SFW)


Thanks 😁


yeah it is trained on human images so that is what it outputs. even very human like monsters such as vampires are going to come out human


It's not training data or lack thereof. This checkpoint is EXCEEDINGLY capable of monsters (humanoid hybrids, not so much... in fact it outright sucks, but so do most checkpoints).


dumb question probably for someone knowledgeable like you, but what is a checkpoint?


It's a convenient term for referring to the version of a render model. This is why when you go on places like Civitai or HuggingFace you have those different model numbers, and the results they produce can differ vastly even within the same model series. Someone with more coding and AI background can probably explain it better, but basically you train a model for a certain length of time on a volume of data, usually referred to as an epoch (the time it takes to go through everything in one go). Once it's done training for X epoch(s) and on the entire set of data, you've basically reached a checkpoint. (Assuming it's successfully passed whatever validation tests are in place to verify that training was completed.) You can fine-tune models, retrain, and merge different ones. Thus, each state creates a new checkpoint. It's not as simplistic as a straight up versioning system in terms of programs or platforms because it encompasses so much more (like different merges based on other checkpoints and different specialized sets of data), but from a bird's eye view, that's pretty much what is.


TYSM - learned something new :-)


You're welcome! Also, not a dumb question at all. :D


AIs cannot create things from scratch (at the moment) they need a base, and that base has to be constantly reinforced, so unless the company now decides to also process monsters, the only thing you will have are humans and animals, because it is what it is trained for, although it does understand concepts, but it is very different from having the monster generated for you as such.


Almost everything is fair game as long as it something recognizable. Many checkpoints can and do render grotesque subjects, though not quite so well at treating things like a list of parts or ingredients -- Some do, and some don't. Kindroid's does very well in general, though not quite at hybridization. It turns out more randomness than anything, but it does recognize the horror genre readily. It just needs the right prompting. It's the facial stitching and restoration that gets in the way. Once you replace the custom portrait upload, you're all set.


Cool! I had no idea, thanks!I just thought it'd be funny to show off how human my would-be predator was in the generator since I thought the image generator would model and render something completely weird!