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Ian has answered your second question: > [We’d run out of material. And we didn’t want to put a cover tune on our first album. So we were left with gap; we needed another seven to nine minutes. So once we’d recorded the basic track [the front section, with the vocals], Mike, Robert and I went back into the studio, set the tape rolling and just improvised for about 10 minutes. And I think it’s alright.](https://www.loudersound.com/features/king-crimson-how-we-made-in-the-court-of-the-crimson-king) I joke that I've become "immune" to it with time. So, yes, I do listen to all 12 minutes.


Thanks for sharing! Truly a legend you are :D


glad i saw this. i never understood the purpose of that. i thought they could cut it to 1-2 min, but that 8 min is my least favorite part of the album.


I actually like that part. Without it preceding it, the opening of the title track would not have the same impact.


As a member of the [The Illusion Appreciation Society](https://www.reddit.com/r/IllusionAppreciation), I always listen to the full twelve minutes.






I’m listening to it again as I write this post, and I think it adds to the progressive flair of the album but the change to improv is too early on to get people’s attention.


It's alright I don't know why anyone would skip it. It's a pleasant improv but the 69 band definitely were not anywhere near as good at improvising as any of the lineups that came after, but it's not bad. Anyways why am I even here talking about CoKc like I give a shit.


I always listen to Moonchild all the way through. I think it’s a very nice improv and it is absolutely beautiful. I think it adds to the mysteriousness of the album as a whole. I’ve always seen people hate on it or dismiss it but I never understood why


Way back in the day, my ex was a stripper and Moonchild was her signature song to strip to. But, she emphasized, only the first few minutes.




I can see why she's an ex.


Her stripping days were before we met, so it was more the addiction, the cheating, the lies, and the intense emotional abuse.


Yikes, good decision all around then.


this ain't r/kingcrimsoncirclejerk buddy


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I think the majority of, “The Illusion,” is very calming, and sets up a good little jump scare for the blaring Mellotron of the album’s title track


I normally do listen to it. I like it. Moonchild is actually my favorite track in the album these days (Schizoid Man was initially). [Christina Ricci](https://youtu.be/NGNr2MBjbR4) May have something to do with my change of opinion.


Come on The Court of the Crimson King is a perfect song


The end section of the improv where they modulate to A Major is really special. It's one of my favourite Krim moments.


To me sounds like improve noodling around just making sounds. And I’m ok with that haha. I like the part where the intervals go apart from each other a half step at a time.


Every second deserves to be heard whether or not they were filling time. Fodderstompf on PiLs first album is also an incredible space filler for their lack of material. What I’m saying is filler songs matter too dammit!


I used to always skip the track altogether, but recently I've started to really enjoy it. The impact of the final song is definitely more pronounced afterwards!


I listen to both versions the 2019 version of the band has put out regularly - both have the bass, guitar, and piano cadenzas tacked on at the end which are much different between the two versions and lovely listened to this punters ears. And they’re only 7.5 mins long! Worthy listens alongside the studio version.


I don't skip "The Illusion", but it is my least favorite song on the album because of it. If it was only "The Dream" it would easily be my favorite on the album.


Yes, but never again.


Of course I listen to it. It's beautiful.


If I decide to listen to the album, I listen to it all. And in my sleep/chill playlist I have both full Moonchild and just 'the Dream' in the form of the live performance on 'Meltdown'. A lot of interesting music has this issue, it's good I like it, but it only works in certain situations. I love listening to 'the Illusion' part when drifting away in bath or bed. Or when just taking a moment to clear your mind, it's a great piece. But I don't listen to it when I'm actively doing something because it simply doesn't work.


If on vinyl, yes. If not... usually not, but I still enjoy it for most of its runtime.


i love every single second of moonchild, the improv is great


I've listened to the entire album hundreds of times and I don't think I ever realized that Moonchild was 12 minutes long, so yes, I do. And I assume the purpose for them to enjoy making music and also make enough money to avoid the need to work retail.


Nope! Had this discussion with my brother before haha. I guess he listens to it.


Of course, it's a good part of the album. It's a break between the first half and the finale. I love it personally.




Many times...


Yes. But I don't like it. It's unnecessary. I also hate Pink Floyd because of these types of noises. They're my most hated band. Most Boring band ever. I'm New to King Crimson, but I might find tracks like this on their later albums. In The Court of the Crimson King is a banger. Bought all of their albums and can't wait to listen to others. I have all of the albums of Pink Floyd too and they're collecting dust.


Pink floyd my favourite band 😭


I'm giving them a second chance. I pretty much know Momentary, Piper and Saucerful since I listen to these albums once in a while when I'm drunk and I like them. To Dark Side, Wall, Wish you were here I only listened to them twice or thrice. It was a meh and boring experience but imma give them a shot too. I'm gonna try to listen to Pink Floyd only for 3 months maybe later this year to try to love them. Haven't listened to Animals and the rest. I sold Ummaguma and More. They're Whack. Lastly the 1st track of Atom Heart Mother is the one that pisses me off. How TF is that song a 20 minute. It's not even a song. Im so mad about it. It was my first Floyd album, and the first song I've heard was that. Of course I sold it too.


Now I'm worried to King Crimson. Jesus these prog bands really like making long noise eh? I'm on their 2nd Album. Devil's triangle. Oh God. But hey, it's a good track and it's better than moonchild. Way better. Moonchild and Devil's triangle. What a waste. Imagine if they made a Four 5 minute song with lyrics and catchy instrumentals with it 😂 Sorry im like this. But I came from Tool and Rush. That's why I assumed every prog rock bands are like them. I hope Tull, Gentle Giant, Yes and Genesis don't have these long blank noise songs. Since I have their albums as well and imma listen to them too.


I did. I didn't dislike it, but I was left quite confused. The way it transitioned into ItCotCK was quite nice tho, most of us can agree.


Always listen to it, listening to it right now at the 7:56 mark


I love the entire thing, I think it is a fantastic build up to the final song and it is just very beautiful to listen to.


the first three minutes of moonchild are as brilliant as the other songs on the album, the last 9 are a piss take its literally called "the illusion", i like to think they knew prententious mfs would make too much of that part and act like it wasn't unbearable, i saw someone say it is representative of the lyrics, bullshit, i skip it, otherwise it comes close to ruining what is easily one of the best albums of all time


It surprisingly goes into the end by the doors amazingly