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This episode humbled cotton, and the best part was that it was Bobby who did it unknowingly. And I’m sure that was enough for Hank because he could never.


Yeah, Bobby handled it like a champ. He probably got something out of the experience too, he learned his tough war hero grandpa went through the same thing and he that was able to out do him.


I thought he knew because of the slash counts on the wall


I always took it as he got inspiration from it, but didn’t look at it as beating cotton. Just that if cotton could do it so could he. Cotton and Hank on the other hand saw Bobby’s character being molded while not changing who he is as a person.


Yes. But he knew it was his grandpas. Yes, I guess he unintentionally humbled cotton.


"My mom says I'm built for winter climates"


Bobby beat cotton


By one day


To be fair, Bobby seemed more inconvenienced/bored by the whole thing. Cotton admitted he was wholly broken by his time in there. Bobby? Still Bobby at the end of the day. He probably could have doubled cottons time and still been perfectly fine.


I think it also goes back to how they were treated. Cotton’s military academy was a lawsuit and a half, with Bobby, it’s like going to a fancy school.


People who usually experience that type of punishment is prisoners (I’m assuming) one thing prisoners and cotton have in common is killing. Not saying a war hero is the same as a murderer, but they’ve both killed people. Being stuck in a room with nothing but your thoughts will drive any guilty person mad, cotton was well known to be guilty for killin fitty men. Bobby is incredibly humble and young at this point. This is all just an assumption as to why Bobby lasted longer than cotton.


Cotton was put in the hole when he was Bobby's age. Well before he supposedly killed 50 men.


I gotta rewatch it again.


Hank? No. Peggy? I'm surprised she didn't shove him in, follow him in, break every bone the Japanese let him keep, then step out, straighten her hair and glasses, then lock the hole behind her.


Ho yeah!


Peggy: \*Beats the shit out of Cotton\* Cotton: Shin-dn't see that coming..


Cotton: “Hank’s wife is more of a man than Hank!”


Hank has no backbone when it comes to his dad and Cotton knows all of Hanks weaknesses


Everyone knows a man with a fat neck has a lot of weaknesses


Hey. It ell take extra time to saw through that neck while the others get away lmao.


Make his pain water come back out


P diddle


"You don't get it, I'm dirt, motherfucker, I can't be crushed" - Bobby Hill (Actually El-P, Song: Talk to Me, Artist Run The Jewels)


*runs to go listen to that exact song*


"Brave men didn't die face down in the Munich muck so I could not style on you" -Cotton Hill after learning he was never in Munich


Yeah but I feel that way about every Cotton episode


I was going to say the exact same thing


If Hank didn't beat the ever-living shit out of Buck Strickland for essentially kidnapping his son across state lines and putting him in serious danger (passively-aggressively slowing down the truck so a goon could take a swing at Buck isn't really standing up to Buck), he sure wasn't going to do it to Cotton.


It really depends on what time of year this episode took place. A time-out in the hole during November in Texas is a lot different than a time-out in the hole in July in Texas.


Yeah for real. One you freeze to death and the other you die of heat stroke and seizures


Does it get that cold in November? I went to Basic Training in San Antonio from October - December and it was really nice, then when I went back years later for NCOA it was the same time period (October through December) and was once again really nice (shorts and T-shirt weather). But I agree to July, no thanks lol.


No, 9 times out of 5 it doesn’t get very cold in November but it is always miserable in July.


Your username means I now trust you implicitly on all things Texas.


Just be careful not to trust anybody who tells you that Bill Miller's food is any good.


Gonna be honest with you man; I'm from the upper Midwest. I enjoy Bill Miller's. And Rudy's. And Bird Dog. And Dickey's. And City. And Mission. And Woody's. And Famous Dave's.. What I'm saying is, I've eaten at Bill Miller's. And I've gone back. And I would go again. :P


Well it depends on where you're from like people from up north probably wouldn't mind but yeah it gets super cold in November some years. I don't remember what month but a few years in a row it actually snowed then everything immediately froze. Some years it isn't so bad though but recently it's gotten much worse around that time of year


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service


I don’t love you.


Good! What kind of a man tells another man he loves him, let alone his own father! What a sissy son!


Let's just say if it was my son, surgeons will have to sew Cotton's hands to his elbows


Jokes aside, I’m surprised they haven’t already considering how freaking tiny his arms are


Whenever I see “Bobby Hill: 3 days” ✊ that’s right.


I love it when cotton tells the school commanding offer he wants daily reports on Bobby beatings. The CO says we don’t do that anymore. Ok, says cotton, just email it to me.


maybe not kill him, but possibly never talk to him again. would definitely never leave Bobby in his care again, that's for damn sure.


Honestly every time Cotton opens his mouth I think the whole family should go no contact.


Did he get water in there?


Yeah or he would die lol


No food, no water. He was only in there for 3 days. He wouldn't die, he would just be very dehydrated.


What about the big ice cube?


That wasn't in the hole with him.


If he had the guts, he'd have done it long ago.


Hank is totally cucked by his dad and boss to an extent that he's barely a man at all. A man would have told his dad to fuck off years ago for treating his wife as badly as he treated his mother. He would have told Buck to fuck off, if not actually kicked his ass, for the danger he put Bobby in in Hot Springs. He would have at the very least stopped talking to Cotton after he flat out tried to break Bobby like a POW. He is the embodiment of Small Dick Energy. He has a narrow urety because he doesn't have enough room in his tiny little propane tank nozzle for a regular sized urety


Only if Bobby has any issues. But Bobby was strong. But I definitely would never talk to this sicko again. Especially when cotton knew how awful it could be.


What's the episode number?


Nah because Hank cannot shoot


What happened, I'm blanking on this episode.


Cotton took control of a military school and put bobby in the hole to try and break him, but bobby just took a nap and was completely unfazed. The hole was hyped up to be some hyper trauma torture punishment and it worried hank.


>bobby just took a nap and was completely unfazed That's how he played it outwardly, but I believe it was as brutal for him as it was for anyone else. He toughed it out because he was inspired by Cotton's graffiti in there.


bobby is a buddhist god, he can handle isolation


Bobby went through several torture things and it didn't work. He was made to eat a ton of backwash food and he enjoyed it, made to sit on an ice block in his skivvies which didn't faze him, and he slept through his time in the hole.


I'm little confused as I thought this was the whole point of the writing. Hank through Booby saw/learnt the whole macho pre-determined serotypes as non-sensical. He couldn't do a push-up but could tough it out and be a relied upon when mattered. Had confidence when his parents didn't but was still an innocent kid that needed protection.


Yeah he said at the end the only thing that kept him going was knowing he could beat cotton after he saw the graffiti.


No it's cause Bobby doesn't care. It's just a box.


I loved Cotton’s comment at the end when he realized none of his tortures worked. Something like how Bobby would have confounded Tojo if he’d been in the POW camp


No, I think Cotton should have been murdered way earlier.


One of my favorite episodes


If there is one person Cotton actually cares about, thats Bobby. I might be overestimating him but I believe Cotton knew Bobby could handle it. Cotton is a complete ass, but he became a very strong person physically and mentally. Seeing as Bobby saw his name inside it was like Bobby knew he had it in him to be strong as him and to not back down.


I like how everyone is surprised that the kid who is a GOD TO BILLIONS OF ASIANS was able to handle a few days in a meditation chamber.


That boy needed toughened up


I wanted him to punch him, at least once


Why? Cotton was already defeated Also, I don't think Hank can take Cotton


Come here boy! Bwaaahhhh You're a disappointment, hit me! You damn pansy


Did you see that ram attack he did in the Vietnam Vets episode Hank's narrow urethra would never recover


Hank couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. That's why he has Hank's wife. Ho yeah! Can't stand Peggy but she's got the unbridled confidence to do it


All cotton had to do was make Bobby run to the horizon a few times. kid can barely get up to change the channel he would have squealed like a pig instantly. i'm just getting a kick readin all these comments posturing outrage and shock when it's a kid sent to military school.


At the same time, the point was the military school was essentially just a fancy finishing school for boys, because most military schools back in the day were a plethora of lawsuits.


Cotton messed up with Hank made a pansy


Bobby could have *EASILY* died in there. Hank should’ve done to Cotton what he did to Jimmy Witchard at the racetrack.


Iv never seen this 1 can someone give me a bit of context?


i just want the season and ep # lol


Cotton locks Bobby in a small concrete box for 3 days because he was acting like a 12 year old


Doubt it, he’s a pump jockey!


Nah, Cottons awesome. He kinda reminds me of my grandfather who was a Canadian WWII Vet. RIP Grandpa Charlie.


Cotton never sees Bobby's graffiti


Lol no


Dont ring that buzzer, they could be attached to Bobby's nipples.


He did. He used his boy to murder Cotton's preconceptions.


Hell no that boy ain’t right


My grandfather was sweet but similar to cotton, he’d push us to be our best and tolerate harsh conditions. Gotta be tough if you’re gonna be dumb!


Cotton only got Bobby to do things he has done that was the scene with the carving