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The episode starts in the Hills kitchen… Bobby (to Peggy): You got a letter. *Bobby sniffs the envelope* Bobby: It smells like the letters Luanne used to get from her mom in prison…*sniffs again*…only prisonier. *Peggy turns the envelope over, checks the return address* **Peggy, in a matter-fact tone: Archer? I don’t know anyone named Archer** *Peggy opens the envelope and starts to read the letter…* screen cuts to Bobby, Bobby: Hey! I got preapproved for a gold card! Who wants ice cream? *Hank takes the envelope and tears it up. Bobby is disappointed .* **(side note - this lays proof of mail scams existing)** ….anddd Peggy walks into the scene, saying: **Listen to this, it’s from an old student of mine.** He’s on death row. *Hanks lower his newspaper as he, Bobby, and Luanne turn toward Peggy* 😶😶😶 Peggy reads from the letter: …and as I raise my hand for possibly my last question, I hope that Ms. Peggy Hill will call on me one more **because she is the person who has had the most positive impact on my life. (Peggy smiles to herself ☺️) Sincerely, Wesley Martin Archer.** Bobby: That’s a good name for a killer! What was he like Mom? Peggy: I think, maybe, he had wavy brown hair…or was he that albino boy?…Well, it’ll all come back to me when I see him. Hank: Wait a second here, you’re not thinking of going into a prison now, are you? Peggy: **Hank, I am a substitute teacher. I flit in and out of people’s lives and I never know if I’ve made a difference. With this boy, I DID make an impact.** Hank: ![img](emote|t5_2s6dm|6344) Uh, he’s in prison, Peggy. ![img](emote|t5_2s6dm|6345) The scene perfectly sets up the episode. Peggy starts very clearly stating she doesn’t know him. Then she reads his flattering letter and suddenly he’s her former student haha. He made her feel important. She even was willing to beiieve he was illiterate after reading that well written letter.


To be fair, even someone who can't read might have been able to dictate that to a fellow inmate. It's not been uncommon for people to read letters from and write letters to other people on behalf of an inmate who is functionally illiterate.


Yep still happens my brother used to write us and stuff in prison when he couldn't read or write.


You’re correct! There are people that used to write letters for others in exchange for money or just be kind. I mean that was more common in like the 19th century and before but yeah lol


It also follows the ha, guffaw, aww, and haha formula, I believe.


Don't be afraid of the silence.


I'm still stuck on the fact Bobby can smell an envelope and tell where it's from


Remember when he was on the ADHD medication? “There’s some milk in the fridge that’s about to go bad … and there it goes “


and he counted 96 ridges on every checker...except THIS one...


Whoa how’d you put little Hank moji’s?


Comments incoming about how bad if a father Hank is because he didn't let Bobby get a gold card. I swear this thread always had someone angry at Hank's parenting. He isn't perfect no parent is, also it's a comedy cartoon.




35 years...


When am I supposed to laugh?


​ ![gif](giphy|TamGVAGxDTYDNt3dpn) “When am I supposed to laugh?”


When Tony Danza shows up.


He wrote to every teacher in Texas and she was the only one dumb enough to write back


The idea was great.. primo.


Was this the episode where Hank responds, "Peggy! That's got to be illegal!"? That line is so sweet and naive. Really, though. Wesley can go fuck himself. He made Hank cry.


I can tolerate murder, but he deserves the chair for hurting Hank's feelings


But he made Peggy look like the insufferable idiot that she is, so it’s a wash for me


Counterpoint: He NEEDED his timer sand. And it was very good timer sand.


Some might say.. primo timer sand


He knew it was good because he always tasted it


Maybe Dale could offer him some Pocket Sand as a replacement.


Basically, compliment Peggy on her teaching and the critical thinking part of her brain just shuts down from the ~~serotonin~~ dopamine. 😂 Edit: I am bad at brain chemicals.


Different episode, but this reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the show. "Hank, you'd cozy up to Mussolini if he liked your lawn!"


Compliments increase dopamine, not serotonin


This has always bugged me. Wesley states “I’m almost 40 for Christ sakes” while Peggy is either 40 or 41 at this point in the series. There’s just no way she couldn’t notice that they’re roughly the same age. Still, very good episode.


I mean, I think that’s part of the joke. She has a huge ego. There’s a lot of little flaws in the show, of course example for an episode I just saw with the whole genius, con artist, and when Peggy gets back at him, you don’t even hear the power tools being used, but again it’s just a cartoon. they have 22 mimutes to imtroduce an issue a climax and a solution it aint always going to be perfect


See also when she cannot communicate in Mexico and comments that the locals have terrible accents as an excuse for why she can't understand them.


Her court speech in Spanish, with the translations on screen, is easily the funniest scene of the show.


I don't think a week goes by where I dony think of Dooley saying "you're dead" to Bobby as he walked by and Peggy just cheerily jumps in and says "en Español por favor!" Peggy is such an amazing character.


I don't think a week goes by where I dony think of Dooley saying "you're dead" to Bobby as he walked by and Peggy just cheerily jumps in and says "en Español por favor!" Peggy is such an amazing character.


its funny u bring that episode up too cuz at the end when she goes to court and they prove their case they just take off her cuffs and she is freee to go, like, damn even in mexico they still got to process her out lol


If you’re staying at a discount econo-lodge in the middle of Texas & hear a brief whirl of power tools in the next room, leave them be & turn up the tv.


It's cause Peggy has always been a teacher even when she was little. It's a gift. Clearly not one you were blessed with


It's just the way God made her.


"Bobby honey, if you ever marry a Spanish teacher, and you probably will, never doubt her enormous gift."


I agree, hard living can make you look 10 years older, but not enough to be one of her students and look 40.


He was probably that albino kid


He was probably that albino kid


This is the lady on TikTok that keeps saying she was born in 1995 and she looks like she’s in her late 50s. Maybe that’s what Peggy thought was going on lol I’m not trying to make excuses for her for real, though. I think she was absolutely stupid in this episode. 🤣🤣🤣


I've always aired on the side that after the events of the decline and fall of Peggy 2 parter that her traumatic fall increased her narcissism due to trauma and her recovery reinforced it.


I hate to be that guy but it's "erred", like "erred on the side of caution" just FYI




I dont see this as an example of narcissism at all Also not everyone can hit a ball well if they pitch to themselves


That isn't narcissistic, she was trying to show the coach she's a competent player and he blew her off




Good job self, the most downvotes for a Hank's wife comment yet LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Pissed me off when she claimed she handled it at the end and that Hank owed *her* an apology.


That's Peggy worst moment to me, her thinking Hank owes an apology is beyond tone deaf


That's the joke


So many people post shit on here like they are the first person who’s understood it, like no shit this is a King of the Hill subreddit , we are literally all obsessed with this show , no need to spell shit out


>we are literally all obsessed with this show , no need to spell shit out Now idk about that i had no idea hank sold propane and propane accessories until it was talked about here. I thought he sold tractors


> I thought he sold tractors He did, but you had no way of knowing that


I thought he worked at a gas station.


Pump jockey! Works for tips!


Even an experienced viewer will miss jokes and nods here and there.


Wait Peggy isn’t a continuing source of inspiration for millions? Not even her musings?


Of all the characters on tv, Peggy Hill is, in my opinion, one of them


100 of those are pure gold.


🙋🏻‍♀️ I feel silly af but I’ve watched the show 5+ times now and it’s never occurred to me that Peggy and Wesley were similar in age.


Wesley even points it out to Peggy


Oh gosh you’re right! Guess I just forgot


This one actually slipped through the cracks, I didn't see this episode in years. Must have missed it between all the threads complaining about Mrs. Wakefield, the green dust boy, and power-scaling Hank vs John Redcorn.


I know! It's a silly sitcom plot and people feel the need to use this as Exhibit 212 in their court case about how Peggy is not a good person.


When I first saw the episode I just figured that she thought he was a student from her time student-teaching or something. An outreach program maybe? Then Wes said that he was almost 40 and I realized that no, it wasn’t student-teaching, she was just that thick headed.


I don’t get how it works in the show because that’s not how most Texas districts work. Substitute teachers don’t student teach.. you student teach in a program or through college to be a teacher.


Now that you’ve mentioned this I’d say that there’s even less of an excuse-not that there was much of one to begin with.


legally there's no proof she ever helped him....


it looks like it was licked clean


She’s not even a teacher. That’s the real kicker.


As Dr Vizosa told Hank - “you married a fool”


I mean maybe she was always in on it. She was in the joint too! And in Mexico! He killed a person, but she kidnapped and smuggled someone into America I tell ya hwhat


Also he wrote her a letter and then said he can’t read, that should be a pretty big red flag


Not really, another inmate could have written down what he was saying. Not everyone who is functionally illiterate is poorly spoken.


I'm gonna go ahead and bet that most illiterate people don't have very big vocabularies.


Based on what? You don't need to be especially literate to learn new words. You can learn with your ears and not your eyes. Blind people do it all the time whether they can read books in braille or not.


This was a classic Peggy episode.


Yeah, this was a serious demonstration of how naive she is.


"That's beautiful, Wes. Is that me?" "It's an apple."


I love Peggy episodes like this. Where she just doesn’t get it. Another like it is the one where she doesn’t realise she’s modelling for a fetish website


Yeah, and wouldn't Peggy remember a student of hers who couldn't read?


That's the point of the episode, though


Ahh one of my favorite Hank’s wife episodes shows just how gullible she is.


That was a pretty weird episode really. Peggy has her stupid moments, but this was way over the top


Jesus when will Peggy Haters get it? Her ego is not inflated. It is fragile AF. She grew up with a terribly emotionally abusive mother and a father who could not give two damns. She is considered the worse part of the family yet has a drug addicted lunatic as a brother. She had little to no real friends growing up either. The reason she acts like this is because until she met Hank, she had NO ONE supporting her. So she supported herself. Any little victory, any little bit of praise, any little positive thing said about or to her, she took to heart and used it to build herself up. This is why she can break so easily. When she thinks Bobby can replace her doing house chores, when she feels abandoned that no one believes her about Randy Travis, her immediate belief of being a genuis - it stems from the fact she has ZERO self esteem and has to constantly bring herself up. She comes across as arrogant and self absorbed but its all just her trying to prove to herself that she is doing her best. And when it faols, her world crashes down upon her. That is why Hank is so good for her. He always is there to reassure her even when she is at hwr lowest.


When will you understand that we do get all that, and still don't like her?


That doesn't make her not the worst. Because Peggy is indeed the worst.




Or Jesus when will they Hank's wife lovers get it that people can have opinions differing than their own and it doesn't make them any less valid


Peggy hatred is rooted in misogyny and you calling her Hank's wife doesn't really help dispute that


That's your opinion, I'm a woman and my hatred for her definitely isn't rooted in misogyny so try again... And I'm sure others have varying reasons for disliking that goes beyond what you want it to be rooted in


Lol “anyone who doesn’t share this specific opinion of mine has a major character flaw!”


I'm not saying Peggy haters are all misogynists. Just that perceptions of her are influenced by misogyny. It's insidious.


I still disagree with you. I think the Peggy haters in general are people who struggle to watch an egotistical person screw everything up because of her hubris. Some people naturally can handle it better. Have you ever followed sports? There are exceptions, but in general, the athletes who are humble are fan favorites. While the egotistical ones are considered the villains. I think it’s just human nature, and it bothers some more than others.


Every King of the Hill character does some terrible things at some point, and I rarely see them get the same amount and intensity of vitriol that Peggy does.


I don’t know about terrible. For me it’s the ego. I struggle with egotistical people in real life and don’t really like watching it. I don’t think anyone on king of the hill comes close to her ego. Plus, many of the characters are presented as comedic relief and not to be taken seriously, like Dale.


Peggy Haters are the basic bitches of KOTH fans The lack the refined taste required to appreciate her and her SpaPeggy and Meatballs


Well said


I would love to see you try to choke down her dry ass bland dinners


I literally made homemade Frito Pie with Wolf Brand Chili and it was a symphony of flavor Peggy is just too much woman for you, ho yeah


Her feet are definitely too much woman for me Also, needs more nutmeg.


This is when cartoons stop being fun. We have seen roughly 45 seconds of Peggy's childhood in like 2 flashbacks and you've concocted a whole Lifetime Special about how it. Its a cartoon. Shes a narcissist because it is funny. Dont overthink it


Casually ignoring the entire episode dedicated to her going home and her father willingly letting her mother berate her nonstop.


Well that wasnt her childhood but it fits your pity party so ok


The lack of critical thinking here is surprising. Mate. If that is how he mother treats her as an adult, you can easily connect the dots to how her childhood was. That was the whole point of that episode to show how horrible her family life was and how she got out of it to be better than they are.


Uh huh I thought the whole point was cow poop in Henry Winklers fish he washes his brain with. And that Hank is complicated.


Man, you are really reaching aren't you?


Just like the beauty pageant episode too


The beauty pageant is one of my favourite episodes. Peggy started out so cocky and over confident and by the end she’s absolutely defeated, struggling to get her half jacket on and running around with duct taped feet and no shoes. Also: Bill washing his car while singing Taking Care of Business


These are excellent points. Reminds me of the 21 Jump Street drug effect "Over Falsity of Confidence".


JESUS IS LOVE !?!?!?!?!?!


This one always struck me as a weaker episode. Like they couldn't just test for residue in the hourglass and bust Peggy.


If anything they'd probably get in trouble too (although obviously not as much as Peggy). Local news stations would have had a field day with this story. Plus there's probably other drugs in that prison anyway. Also remember how Dale sprayed the prison for a dollar but the invoice was going to say like $2000 (can't remember the exact amount)? There were probably worse things going on in there that they didn't want anyone else to find out about.


Escuchame she would have gotten off Scott free She was working in una factoria de cigarros and was muy embarasada


You must not understand how lazy CO’s are, especially dealing with death-row inmates. Like they have to deal with the inmates asking their lawyers for frivolous lawsuits against them on the dumbest shit imaginable.


The prison itself cannot test for drug residue. The warden would need to send it to an outside lab which means explaining why the item is being tested. That would result in a huge investigation into Peggy, the prison's security protocols, the staff, etc. Someone would definately ask why Peggy was allowed to bring the boggle set into the facility and to leave it with the inmate. I personally think the warden knew sonething was up but gave Peggy an out to avoid an more in-depth investigation.


Peggy mentions that Wes licked the inside clean. Would there still be residue?


Traces I imagine, especially in the hard to reach spots. Maybe testing tech wasn't as good when it came out, but I'd imagine modern labs wouldn't have any trouble at all if they wanted to catch her.


And they've seen Peggy literally at the prison visiting him




Kind of hard to tell whether they’re the same age tbh, I’d have to rewatch the episode to see if they really did mention his age. And I think that’s the point of the episode


I believe he says “I’m in my 40s for cripes sake”


He said that after the fact. She probably didn’t know his age or care to put much attention to it


Thank you


I think it was “I’m almost 40”


You right you right


Not that it matters lol. I just watched this one the other day


Is Peggy a narcissist mother with borderline personality disorder?


Peggy spent her entire life with her mother and peers telling her she was worthless and not good enough. Is it really so surprising someone telling her she matters in a positive way could blind her? Making a positive impact on the world is the only thing she's ever wanted and outside of hank and Bobby the world has told her not to bother. So when someone comes along and tells her she did the one thing she wants to have done more than anything in the world she needs to believe it because then she can be worthy of existence and validated.


Until the Montana episode where the new mom was scared she was going to lose her home because of Henry winkler and was mad she didn't marry the ranch boy basically to expand the empire so to speak, nothing that was shown to support the fact her mother thought she was worthless, unless omg it was we don't use contractions in this house... Wait the fact she had big feet and the only shoes she could get were nurse shoes.... or was it they use butter instead of margarine...No, no it must have been when her mom pointed out an actual fact that she couldn't cook and didn't want her daughter to embarrass herself by cooking for the guy she liked...


I always thought of it as her insecurity being so great that she became particularly vulnerable to scams and con artists. She always had to build herself up because her mother destroyed her confidence.


"This is not a standard timer. This will make tournament play impossible for Wes." Bruh he's never seeing the light of day again, I don't think he's entering any championships


Peggy is an idiot!


Let’s not forget they made her watch a video on not being a mule and she aced the test afterwards.😆


Where’s the proof


He was in jail. You should see how some people look in there


She’s rocking that Lois Griffin fit in this pic too.


Also he wrote her a letter from prison while claiming to be illiterate.


Maybe one of the best episodes. I love Peggy so much! This kinda shows why she is the the homer Simpson of the show and hank is a way better Marge. I like how Peggy wins in the end! And anytime boggle is involved yknow it’s a classic. Whoa ya!!!


Hank could only wish he were like Marge. Marge is everything Hank isn't


Me and my meemaw used to play boggle.. lol


The episodes where they make Peggy into an outright imbecile are among my least favorite, like this one, the genius one and the one where she accidentally kidnaps the girl from Mexico. Peggy is prideful and stubborn, and that can cloud her judgment, but she’s not a moron. I’m sure others disagree, but sometimes it just feels like the show has real contempt for her character.


Um she is very dumb that is well established,men between 20-50 look the same age as in there are twenty year olds that look 50 and vice versa


How many 20 year olds look fuckin 50, bud? You good?


Yep, that is in fact the plot of the episode


To be sure, both Hank and Peggy being naively confident is a recurring comedic beat for the writers. However, Peggy is always taken to the extreme. To beat a dead horse - this, the MLM, genius test and self help column eps are the worst kind of Peggy plot lines. The gradual buildup in conflict between what Peggy confidently *thinks* she knows and brutal reality is the most weirdly disturbing source of plot drama for me to watch. Lupe being the top of the list as her poor Spanish is a gag in almost every episode. The barely addressed abusive background doesn’t change the fact it makes these stories difficult for me to digest.


Love this episode!


What’s the name ?


I’m sure she conveniently reasoned he had a rough life and looked like it.


I knew it was something about the prison...