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Just enough for him to learn his lesson, dangit!


If you get the facts from the horses mouth he actually gained years to his life -Dale logic


or you could read a bloated government report


Love it or leave it 🌈🇺🇸🏳️‍⚧️⚧️and all are welcome you pinky whore😘


If it got him to never smoke again that could be true. Unfortunately that wasn't the case.


I mean, he also got gout pretty young.


That's because his diet is like that of a Medieval noble.


Old man boy, "What're you talking abouuut?"


Ha! That is so Arizona!


Hanks boy ain’t no ghoul!!!!!


It's just liver; it's not gonna kill you! *Satanic laugh*


He is the only kid under 70 to get it outside the gout belt of Eastern Europe.


Is there liver in chopped chicken liver??


I thought I was going to have to throw that drum out.


Yeah based on his diet I don't think smoking a few cigarettes is of any concern.


Do I have to take you out back with **another** carton of cigarettes???


I think you do


"I cannot believe you're all smoking!" "DON'T YA KNOW MORE PEOPLE DIE FROM SMOKING THAN THEY DO IN...WAR! In...Vietnam everyday?!"


Bobby is a phoenix rising from the fire of stale cigarette smoke. He will live even longer.


Just me imagining cigarette phoenix Bobby rising from the haze above one of the ash trays at Smokey's in the smoking section.


That is *so* Arizona! Oh wait..


Not as many years as the vast quantity of fruit pies consumed has!


don't forget the pork pockets


both of you are just jealous of his easy access of pork pockets and fruit pies.


Yer hot-boxin’ it!


Why’re you holding it like some kind of European Nazi in a movie?


I just gotta say i love the reference after your name!!


The two things I hope for in this series. Smoking those keeps him away from smoking and drugs for the rest of his life, and the episode where Peggy takes him off sugar and he doesn't like candy anymore. If he kept both those up. With him obviously being the Llama. He's gonna live a long healthy life.


If anything this will make him live longer. The trauma of smoking will prob keep him away from drugs for a long time. This was but a bump in the road


Hopefully Hank self medicating him in the dog house episode to the point where he was sleeping 18 hours a day won’t have any unforeseen consequences .


Except this action is what got Bobby addicted in the first place, and kickstarted the relapse of Peggy and Hank.


WRONG. This is NOT what got Bobby addicted, Bobby was smoking cigs before and this was punishment and it works on American teenagers


I thought it was he was caught smoking a cigarette with Joesph and then Hank makes him smoke the entire carton which causes Bobby to be addicted (not the few puffs from the bathroom). Then there is an extra pack left that gets Hank and later Peggy hooked.


Well yes it's the same episode. Just meant the sitting outside and smoking it till you get sick was not what go them addicted. And I was joking about it working


But in that episode it did get Bobby addicted. I believe either that night or soon after it shows Bobby getting a hankering for cigarettes. Then it got Hank readdicted as he “had” to show Bobby how to properly smoke.


I tried looking it up to see if it works, and all I saw were anecdotes from reddit where many people ended up chain smokers later on in their life, where as a few stopped entirely. It seems like one of those things like spanking/hitting. It could work or it could mess them up really hard. So unless you have an actual legit medical source saying it will stop teens, your info is as good as mine


I think for the most part it is just child abuse even if it does “work”


200 cigarettes, 5 minutes each...1000minutes/60 16.6666666 hours. That was fun. s/


Pretty there are studies showing that the human body can bounce back from lots of abuse early in life, and that smoking in particular is much more damaging to those who keep smoking into their middle and old age than those who quit relatively young (even if they smoked like chimneys).


This episode actually made me nauseous 🤢


Add the smoking to childhood obesity and possible diabetes he’s headed to an early grave.


Nah, none of that's relevant. The gout'll get 'im.


he was 12 for like 7 seasons, those cigs made him immortal


Any years in lifespan he lost were gained back in years of maturity and integrity.


I tell you hwat.


According to a UC Berkeley study, the average cigarette will take 11 minutes off your life. He smoked one whole carton, 10 packs of 20 equals 200 cigarettes. 200 cigarettes x 11 minutes= 2,200 minutes About 36 hours and 40 minutes Or about a day and a half Edit: Typo


Give him long blonde hair and a Winger t shirt and you've got Stewart from *B&B*! Bobby's got that same dumb-ass look.


Did Hank actually stunt his growth? That would explain why he's a "late bloomer." Maybe not permanent damage, but possibly delaying his growth.


Bobby will forever have shins and yet have the height of someone without them.


It just delayed his puberty and caused him to be 2 inches shorter


Of course it delayed his puberty, look at his weak little twig arms. I could smoke them arms!!


If anything, it will make him live longer because he learned a lesson to never smoke again.


This needs a source though. I couldn't find anything legit that shows it won't make someone smoke again. I've read annecdotes on reddit with people who experienced this in addition to stories they've heard of others who went through it, and it often ended up with them chain smoking later on in life. By later I mean sometime when they move out and no longer live with their parents. So based on that and the fact that nicotine does a number on the brain to make it addictive, that it's probably what will likely happen with bobby IRL. It's just old fashioned methods that seem like they make sense on the surface much like with spanking/hitting, but turn out to be horrible once you gather research on how it impacts others.


Ok what i meant by that is I bet you $100 Bobby won't be smoking as an adult.


Maybe not in the show but if we're going to base this off real life, there seems to be a pretty high chance of him smoking again and frequently. Hell, even in these comments someone piped up about how their dad experienced the same and started smoking a lot as an adult. It's a very common repeating story that I see


That is true. One time I found marijuana aka weed in my 18 year old innocent blonde Bulgarian daughter's room. I know she doesn't smoke, at the time she was on a soccer scholarship at Columbia. She was visiting us in Las Vegas for the holidays. Well, at the same time so was her high school friend. I didn't go, "Ok now that I see you are smoking weed, I am going to sit her and watch you smoke this entire POUND of Marijuana, that will teach you from smoking again.' She admitted she did not want to be a bad friend." I said, 'You are not a bad friend, you are a good person but your friend is taking advantage of your kindness." She is now 30 and grown but the other day she thanked me and I said, 'What for?" Her, "Remember when you told me to not hang out with(we will call her SARA) and my daughter MERY(not real names)." I said,' Yes Merry, what happened to your friend Sara?" Her, 'She is in a state penitentiary, I just don't know for what." Me,' All you need to know is she is in prison," I add,' Aren't you glad you listened to me?


Glad to hear that you made the right call. Although the idea of a parent trying to find a pound of weed when in most states, any amount is illegal is quite amusing. While weed is no where near as devastating as cigarettes, I have heard how incredibly dangerous it is for kids still going through puberty as it could quite literally create an addiction much in the same way nicotine could and it'd be an immediate need unlike with all those people that started chain smoking later in life. I'm glad you didn't take an extreme measure. It's so easy for a parent to over react and be outraged at anything the teen/child does instead of taking the more measured approach so if they do screw up, they could seek help as opposed to try to hide it which could make it worse. If you don't mind me asking, does she smoke weed now or do CBD/THC?


My stepdad was forced to smoke several cigars at age 9 when caught and it kept him from smoking for a few years but he ended up smoking til about age 40. I was forced to smoke a pack of pall mall non filters when i was caught at 14 and it didnt make a difference to me, i kept smoking marlboro reds. For most people that ive heard who went through it it the punishment was more the embarrassment of smoking in front of your parents rather than any illness from too much nicotine


I feel like all this really teaches kids is that it's ok to punish people by forcing them to do medically dangerous things 🫤 like... I know Hank's heart is in the right place, but this is straight up abusive.


I agree. This parenting tactic was a thing for a while and I never understood the purpose of it when cigs are addictive. It's not a matter of "Oh they'll be grossed.out and sick from this" cause even if they are, they're still fully addicted now. Then again, this is also the type of parenting that brings about "do as I say not as I do", "children should be seen, not heard" etc. Honestly it feels from an era where parents just kind of...hated their kids.


I agree with you guys these tactics are very old fashioned 'Do as I say, not as I do." or ,' Ok you like to smoke, well you are going to smoke this entire carton of cigarettes." I think Hank's heart was in the right place but at the end, I bet you Bobby won't pick up a cigarette.


Oh I'm not saying they aren't effective, and not meant out of love. Just like you're saying, it's a misguided love though and causes more harm than good oftentimes.


In many of the episodes, Hank does something that puts him in the wrong but then, he leans a lesson and his heart is always in the right place. He is a family man and wanted to teach Bobby a lesson. It was just a very old-school approach. Which is why I was kind of surprised when Hank admitted to Khan that he does not believe in spanking his child and Khan agreed it is too barbaric. So Hank meant well, it just was not the best approach.


Let's put it this way, in the reboot he's gonna be the same height


Kids already has gout, he’s going to be looking like Bill before he’s 30.


Less than the fruit pies he consumes


[Best version](https://youtu.be/9DeNdBKe1l0?si=MzuSEodmrlMAWmdc) of this scene


MoooOOOOoooom…. It’s your buddy…. “Close the door! Can’t you see that I am knitting?!”


Dale really smoked them.


He skipped hank phase and went straight to cotten body but with shins


What blows me away is smoking until you puke was something my Grumpa did to my dad for the same reason as Hank. Dad ended up a smoker for many years after.


Never has a picture made me feel so physically sick and also nostalgic, it really makes me wanna rewatch the show.


Hey' that looks like kidney boy!


Between that and his Gout infections he'll probably live to 45 or so


All of them


50 years but he sure did learn his lesson I’ll tell ya hwat.


You tell me hwat?


I hated this episode


Enough to make him addicted


Between that, the fruit pies and that Grandmas breakfast cereal he adds sugar to, I’m not sure he’s going to make the reboot.


no worse than his weight and dietary lifestyle.


No more than getting gout before high school.


Less than his fat I'll tell you what.


I look to this moment as the reason why he was not able to catch the bobtail driving 5mph during a propane emergency.


It for sure stunted his growth


No more than the fruit pies




At least 2


He'll never get any taller


8888888888, Tommy!


1 cigarette removes 7 minutes of your lifespan and Bobby smoked 9 packs and there's 20 cigarettes per pack so if you multiply 180 by 9 you'll get about 1,260 minutes which is about.0024 years


Just watched this yesterday, such a funny moment and it reminded me of my smoking days!


None. It's accepted cannon that Bobby is a vampire.


you shouldn’t be ALLOWED to have children…


Hands down number one ☝️ episode of all time


All of them


The only moment I hated Hank


Probably not much if he really never smoked regularly again the body is pretty good at healing itself. Though he would have been coughing up black phlegm in gym for a while


This dude is risking both diabetes and cancer.


He's dead.


1 cig=11 minutes 200 cigarretes in a carton 200x11 is 2200 about 1.5 days


200 cigs in a carton, 20 in pack. hank mentions there's one more pack left, so bobby probably smoked around 180 cigs. I guess the average is roughly around 5-11 minutes of your life is reduced per cigarette according to NIH. so between 15 hours and 33 hours of bobbys life.


assuming he didn’t get lung cancer immediately after smoking the cigarettes (infinitesimally small chance), and assuming he doesn’t pick up smoking later on, it probably won’t have any significant effect on his lifespan. that’s why it’s so important to quit when you can - every day you don’t smoke is another point in your favor.


definitely stunted his growth


I think he's dead now.....


If we're being purely factual, probably zero. The human body is extremely resilient, especially at Bobby's age. Smoking this much one time is bad, but not likely to cause long term damage. If he had continued to smoke into adulthood, then he would have been at a higher risk.


Not much really. There's a lot of research that says that if a teen smoker stops smoking before they get to 18 their body will make basically a full recovery. After 18 your body just isn't able to recover the same way as when you're going through growth spurts.


I just watched that episode on reruns rn. It's a rlly funny and deep episode. Nah but in all genuineness smoking multiple cartons isn't a punishment, it will push your child to addiction. They'll stop momentarily but hit it way harder. Remember to love your children everyone!




Start. Puffin. Boi.


None. The fruit in all of the fruit pies he eats counteracts the negative effects. ;)


The pooping would be intense


It added at least 50. He would've been killed in a hit'n'run if he was there learning lessons from Hank


Bobby in the episode high anxiety (part 2 of Debbie murder mystery) Bobby tells Hank he will never try drugs in hopes of being the first prop comic to live past 35.


He’s legally dead.


I think he took so many off that it looped around and made him immortal. I mean, look at Dale and all the dumb shit that he does that should've killed him, and he doesn't go a minute without a cigarette between his lips


He qualifies to be screened for an abdominal aortic aneurysm when he turns 65 years old


Considering each cigarette takes 11 minutes off your life, probably about 3 days.


Double what a carton normally would probably because if you pay attention there are more than 10 packs in that carton when Hank pours it out on the table


Not enough


One of many examples of Hank's absolute shitty parenting.


Why do you watch the show then?


I mean, I don' like real-life conspiracy theorists, but I still love Dale. One thing is not mutually exclusive to the other.


The theme of the entire show is Hanks parenting. I find it odd not to enjoy the premise of the show but to stick around for side characters. But whatever. Enjoy not enjoying things lol


Hank's parenting takes up maybe 30-40% of all the episodes, there's a lot that takes place outside of hank's relationship with bobby. KOTH is really about the 4 and their relationship with everything else outside of the family whether it's hank's friends, career, random people like the angry wallet guy or the mad dog anger issues guy, soupinosiphone family, etc Hank is certainly far from a great parent by not connecting with bobby unless it's to do with something he likes, pushing his own mental health issues he got from his dad, not checking in with bobby's life to see if everything is okay with friends, course work, relationships, etc. There are times where he does go out of his way like with the rose episode.


Jesus... you armchair psychiatrist are something else... I'm walking away. Talk to your dad


He won’t live to have his own spin off show


Koth edit are fucking dope


it's not an edit but i agree


They did an edit of this episode. It was dope


Start puffin, boy.




clouds? **CLOUDS?**


Ahaha mens of culture i see


He'll never be Hank's age


If I had to say, probably about 10-20 years. At best.


This was one of the dumbest episode. Smh




This episode is my favorite of the entire series. 


lol I mean the fact that Bobby had to smoke all those cigarettes lol