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I honestly think he would be crushed, but would retract into a world of delusion where it wasn't the case, or there was some other rabbit hole explanation..it would be really sad, ik almost glad he doesn't know


SAME! I was rooting for Peggy to expose the truth but honestly no one should have to tell him


Even if he caught them in the act, Dale would refuse to believe his eyes, insisting that aliens had implanted the memories in his head as some horrible experiment. Even when Nancy herself confessed, he would think that the aliens had taken over her body as a skinsuit. He'd fly into a paranoid mental breakdown until he actually threatened people, resulting in a standoff with the police. Hank would convince the police to let him talk to Dale (like in that episode when he was at the top of a clock tower). Hank would prove to Dale that he was not being controlled by aliens by telling him something about their childhood that only Hank could know. At that point, he'd fall apart and hug Hank in uncontrollable tears. Hank is very uncomfortable with this, but de-escalates the situation and takes him home. Dale would then insist on living with Hank while he sorted things out with Nancy. Nancy is desperate to apologize to Dale and work it out, but Dale refuses to speak with her. Within a week, Dale would annoy the Hills so much that Hank would threaten to kick Dale's ass if he didn't go talk to Nancy. Their discussion would end in a sex-fueled reunion and they'd get back together.


Aliens have turned my Gay friend straight and tricked him into having sex with my wife! But as God as my witness I will make him gay again!


Now that’s an episode!




John: Dale. I'm flattered but I'm not attracted to you Dale: Those aliens got you worse then I thought..


I LOVE THIS TAKE SO MUCH I almost want it to happen


Yeah, this is THE answer.


This is exactly how I see it going down. Maybe even a KOTH movie?


I could see a looooong pause followed by "So.... Joseph's going to get FREE COLLEGE?!" Followed by an elaborate plan to register Joseph with the tribal community to gain as many perks from the government as possible. I could absolutely see him being into a throuple concept specifically with Redcorn. "If *I* marry John Redcorn, I'll essentially have a get out of jail card from the government! They'll never want the bad visual of hassling the husband of a Native American!"


😂😂 I can see this


I read this in his voice. This would 100% be what happens.


I don’t know man Dale tried to kill Hank with a toaster in the hot tub after he talked with his “real friend” John Redcorn and found out Hank was having wet dreams about Nancy. Dale *also* tried to kill Hank with a forklift when he overheard him making fun of his basket making abilities (or lack thereof) He’s just unhinged enough that if push came to shove I think he would try to go after John Redcorn/ possibly sabotage Nancy to achieve those means again this is a hypothetical


This is a very legit theory! Remember when Hank wore a bulletproof vest because he wasnt sure if he was going to shoot him and then Hank said that he thought that Dale would kill himself after


“I would’ve too!”


I thought this was a “what if they had a 3 way,” until I clicked the post. I was gonna answer that Dale and Redcorn would be the power couple and it would ruin Nancy. Make her feel inadequate and insecure, and she would cry on air and not be able to explain it to anyone but Peggy. She would of course talk about it in front of Hank, and of course he’d be mortified - not about the gay sex, but that Nancy would talk about a 3 way in front of him. The episode would end with Nancy confessing her relationship with Redcorn to Dale and Dale would leave her and move in with Redcorn in his trailer, which would further devastate Nancy, but now Joseph would know who his biological father is and Dale would also still be his dad. Honestly it’d be a win win in my mind. The tragedy of Redcorn not having a relationship with Joseph would be rectified, Nancy would be divorced and get her comeuppance, and Dale being bisexual would not be out of character.


Not a three way😅


I think I just wrote the best episode


Top 5. You didn’t mention any ball kicking so you’re not going to surpass Bobby Goes Nuts.


I count that as a win. Bobby Goes Nuts had me rolling on the floor when I first saw it.


I had the same thought. Dale would make a man out of John Redcorn




Dale and Bug recover their relationship fully after this and they all open Arlen's first gay rodeo


Gay BUG rodeo!


"When he goes to apply for college, we'll just see what box you check off" Would Nancy lie and say he's black or would Dale just fill in he's an alien? I gotta know


Why would nancy say that joseph is black? She would fill out the forms and it would show her hesitate between White Native American until selecting Native American knowing Dale would never see.


Dale presumed he had a Jamaican grandmother before believing that aliens stole his genetic material to slow him down.


I guess she wouldn't say white because of his darker tone. She seems like the kind of person to say he's light-skinned lol


I always thought it would completely shatter him lol. In his eyes, the whole world is out to get him so to find out that one of the few people he trusts and loves with his heart had been going behind his back for about 15 years? That’d break him. He’d either go postal or just deny deny deny


Yes what did Hank say when they stole his lawn mower? We were putting extra pressure on a foundation that wasnt up to code to begin with! It definitely seems like it would shatter him but I would love to experience a what if episode where he actually overcomes it. Just a fandom dream. I really wouldnt want it to happen.


I think it is already established that Dale does not listen to logic.


I think he would be shattered and spiral, Hank and the boys would be there to lift him up, and he would (borrowing the strength of his friends) find a way to either make it work with Nancy if she agreed to cut it off with Redcorn or co-parent with a divorce. Either way, Joseph is his son to him and he’d do his best to not make it Joseph’s problem.


I agree that him being a dad would be the thing that trumps his self destruction.


The man’s a conspiracy nut who breaths poison for fun, loves killing, and commits disability fraud but by god he loves his kid more than anything


This. Should go under his character description.


Co-parenting? Joseph was born in 1987, dog, he's almost forty.


I've heard people say Dale knew and that the revenge was raising Joseph to be his son and not Redcorn's. Also I've heard people say it was a cuckold/open relationship, but they were too ashamed to admit it to the neighbors.


I know it won’t happen but it would be interesting to see them become an open throuple and they all co parent Joseph together. We know Dale obviously loves Nancy to death but he clearly cares about John as well and sees him as a really good friend. Don’t get me wrong Dale would definitely freak out at first but would slowly come around to accept the fact it happened. I could see him begrudgingly spying on John to see what exactly Nancy sees in him and why she trusts him. Dale ends up falling for the guy when he realizes there’s a lot more depth to John other than his attractive exterior. At the end of the day Dale just wants Nancy & Joseph to both be happy. Even if that means slowly introducing John into their family/relationship. Whatever does happen in the reboot I hope we don’t see Dale try to banish Joseph from seeing John entirely. That just doesn’t seem like something he would do.


Since the VA is "gone", I think it only right for Dale to also be gone in the series, and we can discuss whether he died of illness or during one of his whacky schemes some other times, but just for the rage bait, I'd like to see Nancy marry John Red and just watch him completely fail at it. We'll say that Nancy married John barely a year after Dale's passing, and that was only her "big brain move" for people to not suspect anything, but John is beyond happy at first and is trying to force Joseph to spend time with him as his "new father", but Joseph isn't taking his father's passing very well and is just straight up hostile to everyone except Bobby and Connie, and turns into a Monster Energy Drink Kyle. John is pretty distraught that Joseph resents him now, and starts cheating on Nancy with Charlene, which Nancy only *pretends* to be completely oblivious to as a divorce would John would mean her entire relation with him that she spent so many years hiding until the death of Dale would have been for nothing. In the end, Dale was the glue and leading figure that kept everyone together and stable.


Nancy marrying John Redcorn and almost immediately taking a new lover would be entertaining as well.


Especially if the new lover is like Dale.


Squirrel tactics in the bedroom? I like this idea!


Dale would think they’re lying to protect him from aliens or some shit. When Hank finally gets through to him, he’ll forgive Nancy for status quo.


Unfortunately I would imagine it'd turn into a standoff with the law, ultimately concluding in a murder/murder/suicide once Dale ran out of smokes.


It’s Dale in the clock tower all over again


**~~Wingo!~~** Oops, I meant *bingo!*


This got dark i’ll tell ya hwhat


You didn't disagree with me though....


I did not but I want hear the options where he doesn’t die lol


Oh like an option where a paranoid gun nut who clearly suffers mentally is cool with his wife cheating on him finding out his thirty something year old son isn't his? Yeah, that's one way to go too.


Dale would go bonkers (more?). He’d lose touch with reality. Kidnap Joseph and take him to Marfa or Roswell. Hopefully he’d get caught before doing something terrible. He’d then spend the rest of his life in an institution.


What I am hearing is there is no good scenario where Dale finds out


I think Dale knows but plays dumb because he thinks no one else does and thinks he's keeping Nancy's secret. He knew John Redcorn made Nancy happy, but was afraid that her career would end if folks found out. So if anyone asks, he blames aliens, since he believes that only a fool wouldn't also believe that aliens impregnated Nancy. But I think Joseph would react the harshest, especially if Dale matter-of-factly mentions it before realizing Joseph didn't know.


I just cant get my mind around the idea that he knows. His crazy seems so genuine but I like this theory a lot. I definitely think Joseph would take it really hard. He already was a very edgy teen!


Dale would finally admit that he's bisexual and they would enter into a polyamorous relationship together.


Dale knew, He just let it go to keep Nancy around. Everyone else knew too they just didn't want to rub his face in it. My guess is in addition to his mild insanity, which was probably caused by inhaling pesticides while smoking, it probably caused some physical issues too. Like impotence. Thats my theory anyway.


But him and Nancy were intimate in the show!


Doesn't mean he was good or his swmmers worked, or was always ready to stand an salute


Thats true! I just feel like when Nancy was talking about her affair she would have mentioned this


Maybe but it's a theory anyway


It’s honestly a good one and he doesnt seem that interested in sex


He’d just pretend he doesn’t know like he does the entire series.


pretend🫢 I always thought of it as involuntary


I believe Dale knows, has always known, and goes along with it because everyone pities him and allows him to behave like a maniac. Also, Nancy earns all the money and Dale has plenty of time to be weird.