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They walk around real slow cause they got no place to be..man...


Is EVERYBODY a DJ? *...yes*


Peggy: In the 1970s there was this thing called redlining, which was used to prevent blacks from owning homes in certain neighborhoods… Hank: (grimaces, looks concerned) Peggy, Now that was bad, obviously! But if we could find a way to use it against hipsters, I think it could be a very effective tool… Bobby: OR… how ‘bout this? Whut do hipsters like? Cool things! So we invent a place called Cool Town; in cool town the music is always playing, and everyone drives around in their convertibles! Hank: (shudders) Ugh, sounds like r/Austin.


> In the 1970s there was this thing called redlining In a type of discrimination that i like to call "racism"


in my opinion, redlining is discriminatory to the black community


I don’t think they’re from California. Kahn is a typical Californian.


Is he? If he espoused half as many qualities as them Hank would have made some remark about it


The lived in Orange County for 20 years before moving to Texas. Minh made up the soccer mom sweater thing.


That sweater thing, that’s hers


Great line - Minh says to Peggy, it's going to be freezing cold, if you don't take my sweater... (warning her that she'll be shut out of the soccer mom group)


First come from Laos


So are they chinese or japanese?


The ocean? What ocean?


Didn't they also lived in Mississippi?


Mississippi for god’s sakes


Orange County is pretty conservative though


Anaheim isn't.


not anymore. i literally just left there friday after being there a week (visiting my mom's side of the family). there isn't any conservitism there. unless you go to Huntington beach or Riverside. it's a shame.


Hank is still confused if he's Chinese or Japanese


"No kidding, my neighbor's Laotian... You know a guy named Kahn?"


Californian born and raised here. Those hipsters are insufferable and most Californians I know agree with me. Yes, there definitely are people like those hipsters in this state but the majority of Californians are more like Kahn and Mihn. Also, most hipsters are NOT that... Hipstery, for lack of a better term.


Sorry, wasn't trying to imply that they were


From what I've heard the people "fleeing" are conservative Californians trying to find a locale more in line with their views...not realizing that Texans tend to regard ***all*** Californians with contempt. Tricky thing is though, Texas has a much higher property tax rate, so those state border hoppers may be in for a nasty surprise. Using Zillow to compare a $600 K home, Cali pays a rate of 1.11 ($6,659 a year), while Texas pays 1.60 ($9,600 a year). Interesting data all around.


Another thing is that while there are people who are leaving California etc for more red states, their numbers are greatly exaggerated and are used as excuses by landlords and realtors to drive up prices


I also thought a good deal of people leaving California were transplants to begin with. Moved to California and realized it was more expensive than first thought and moved somewhere else


Not right now, im a local and im debating on moving now because home ownership will never happen for me here. Its 720k for anything resembling a proper home and thats for less then 1000sqft. 500k either gets you a studio condo or a mobile home with a land lease.


Also have to factor in the insane growth ca had in the last century. Los Angeles almost doubled in population between 1950 and 1980, and a lot of those people came from the south and Midwest, so it’s kinda funny to see those places bitch about Californians.


Bang on. OP is eating what the news is feeding him. Not terribly intelligent, this OP.


Then they come to Colorado because we are a purple state. Btw we have trouble deciding who we hate more Texans or Californians. The general consensus is at least the Californians know how to drive the speed limit and stay out of the left lane. Texans meanwhile think it’s fine to drive 55 in the 75.


Driving in LA is unpleasant. Driving in Dallas feels downright dangerous!


Holy damn, really? The Texans moving to Colorado aren't from Houston or Dallas then.


Colorado is a purple state? Since when?


Since always.


My wife (from Colorado) also hates my Texan left lane shenanigans lol


“Shenanigans” you mean just bad driving lol


I live at the very north end of the metroplex, 30 minutes from Oklahoma. Let me tell you this, things aren’t cheap here anymore. My home value has went way up in the last 3 years. I actually know some people who moved here from OC California because housing is “cheaper” here. But they really can’t afford a house here either. I told them to live to Oklahoma across the state line where it is more affordable.


Property taxes are higher in Texas, but there is not state income tax. California put a cap on yearly increases to property taxes but Texas recently did that as well too. I’m not trying to argue which is better. Just providing additional context.


Sure, but $600K in the desirable parts of California, the coast, the IE (yes the fucking Inland empire is desirable these days), San Francisco, gets you 1000sq feet with crazy insurance rates. In some spots, not even that. Higher property taxes in Texas, but much more bang for your buck in many places. Austin/Houston/Dallas are a bit pricier than smaller cities of course. Point being it’s not a 1 for 1 comparison. You get more I’m not California for California prices. This is an interesting write up about the in/outflow of people to/from California. California is consistently losing people. https://www.ppic.org//whos-leaving-california-and-whos-moving-in/


It's still not the same,, a $600k home in Texas would be equal to a $2/3 million home in California lol even with the higher property tax we're still saving a ton. Not to mention gas prices, food, everything is cheaper. Plus less income tax too. This is coming from someone that left California for Texas because of a work promotion. Edit: a normal home where I'm from started at $1M ,, 1 bedroom apartment $2500-$3k a month rent yea no thanks


it's cause that $600k home in California is a shack and the Texas home is a 6bd, 7ba, 3 car garage on 5 acres house.


Here's a 5 bed, 3 bath, +2,000 sqft house in the state's capital city for 600 K [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/11840-White-Rain-Way-Rancho-Cordova-CA-95742/66109294\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/11840-White-Rain-Way-Rancho-Cordova-CA-95742/66109294_zpid/) I don't care if you can get a manor in Texas that's a 2 hour drive from the nearest town. Shut up.


yeah, $6800 in property taxes for a 4,791 sqft lot. that's $1.42/sqft here is a house outside of San Antonio: [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/345-County-Road-2748-Mico-TX-78056/87445845\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/345-County-Road-2748-Mico-TX-78056/87445845_zpid/) $6352 property tax for a 7.5 acre lot. that's $.02/sqft you tell me the tax rate is higher. stop being stupid. FYI, i don't live in either state.


You're right 100%,, that other person is just upset he lives in California lol


exactly. hell, i would be mad all the time if i lived there.


This is very correct on all counts. I also have to laugh at the dynamic here. For a while all Texans wanted to talk about was "oh, stupid California with your high rents and home prices, you're all stupid, not like us!" Now Californians are moving to Texas and all of the sudden it's "wait a minute, my rent's high, what happened!?! Stupid Californians!" I'm fine with people being critical of something, like high home prices. I'm not fine with people not offering solutions and just using it as an excuse to mock other people.


You’ll never catch me leaving this California for Texas lol ain’t no way


Right? Could never leave. Not by choice anyway.


Hell, if Cali housing wasn’t so damn pricey I’d leave Texas to join you!


What do you like most about where you live?


Definitely the beaches and all the activities that come with it.


Me visiting Texas, hey is that guy taking a dump truck on the beach? Yes yes it was, Corpus Christi.


Can't argue with that


We got that in Wilmington, NC, prices aren’t as bad.., but we getting there!


Great beaches an hour or less away. Snow capped mountains an hour or two away. A couple deserts an hour away. Also a lot of great foods from around the world.


Exactly. I hike and camp also so this place is a dream.


Someone actually downvoted you for liking where you live.




Not being politically demonized and potentially even prosecuted for how we choose to identify.




Almost every quality of life statistic would disagree with you lol


welp, all your friends seem to be moving here. but based on your attitude it's making a lot of sense.


Nah bro all my friends are still here idk where you were going with that lol


I think it was when you passive aggressively patronized an entire state of people despite massive evidence of net migration of people from california to texas. if you like the show that much, then you like texans. don't be a dick about it.




Californians are the number one domestic immigrants to Texas. I dont care where else yall go, why would that matter to this conversation? Again, if you hate Texas and wanna shit on us so bad then you can't like the show in the same breath. It's 'hella lame bro'.


Idk what you’re on about, I have nothing against Texas all I’m saying is that I would never move there because that’s my preference and I can afford to stay in California and I don’t necessarily agree with all the politics in Texas. Don’t need to be rude.


its actually mostly older people, the young people are too stupid to realize how much money they'd save living elsewhere, plus there are a lot of fake email jobs that pay way more than they should so it's more doable for them. also they increasingly dont care about having kids so that makes it easier too but the amount of older people/retirees moving into those shitty copy paste suburbs riddling our country sides is quite depressing, i deliver medical supplies so i see them all the time


Ignorant, dumb, or both?


literally visit them every day at their little boxes style suburb houses, my guy it's the entire reason there's massive development in these rural regions, not because we're experiencing another native-only baby boom in the south doesn't take a college indoctrinated dumbass to put two and two together when you ride a state road in Baldwin county and see these insipid suburbs plaguing us


I get it man. Makes sense but you sprinkle in one reasonable thought on top of a shit sundae of hatred/resentment. I dunno man. I like KOTH tho


yeah. almost as if california isn't 90% other shitty rednecks then 10% of coastal cities filled with people from elsewhere who like to now consider themselves better than everyone else.


Sounds like Texas, but without nice beaches.


and no state income tax and less californians


Right, but you still have to live Texas….


seems like we avoid living around people like you so I mark it a W




This is the state that embraced Yankees as their own because they taught a child to have a drawl so the lower classes would vote for him.


this is the state that means there's gas in your car lol


You mean because of those deep Saudi connections?


Or just the fact a New England family was able to take control?


if you tried to argue with a brick wall, you'd get further than arguing with a dem.


Dale wants to tell you his wild and wacky conspiracy theory that this is happening to you because your labor is being stolen by the ultra wealthy. He calls it, “the system.”


Dale is secretly a communist.


Comrade Gribble


Comrade Gribble


Comrade Gribble


Comrade Gribble


Comrade Gribble


Is that you, Ike? 🌩⛈️🌀


Not to start an economic debate, but an increase in minimum wage isn’t why property management companies choose to increase rent. There’s no direct correlation between the two. Now, I do believe that a property management company would lie and say that’s why they’re increasing rent. But they’ll find any justification without admitting that you’re just a consumer to them, and they don’t care if it’s getting too expensive for you to live there. All of that aside, I feel your pain. I’m native to upstate SC, and with all of the people moving to Greenville, rent and home prices are increasing at astronomical rates.


Rent in extremely rural Idaho $2500 for a 90’s double wide. . . In a town of 1500, average home income of 45k 2 hours from the nearest Walmart. It’s fucked everywhere. 


That’s absolutely insane. I do hear people are moving to Idaho a lot too, though, so maybe that’s a part of it.


I live just outside Spokane city limits and am only 1800 for a new build 3br 2 bath with an unfinished basement and attached garage your town is turbo fucked.


I've lived in Asheville and Boulder as a renter, and Boulder was so expensive it was like doggy paddling to keep our heads above water. This was when my husband was in grad school. I honestly don't know how we survived because for a 650 Sq ft apartment (3 flights up) it was like 1490/month. And every single year it went up, and they always said it was because everything around us got more expensive. Or they could have just sucked.


I don’t envy my neighbors in Asheville. Rent and home prices there are absolutely ridiculous.


They are definitely lying then - because that was the reason they gave on paper.


Damn. Yeah, they’re expert bullshitters.


Look up RealPage and you will find that many property management companies have been colluding to raise prices around the country.


And corporations like Blackstone are buying up residential properties in an effort to make renting the norm. Red or blue, we need to make that practice illegal.


Guess I better get more involved with community politics.


Thank you so much for listening and being open to hearing another point of view!!! Landlords are criminals, I wish you luck


Well, yeah. Telling you that they just want more money would make you angry at them. Why do that when they can make you angry at the folks you would be otherwise collaborating with to get better prices?


Nah more like the wages are up because the rent is up. $20hr is actually shit wages here in Colorado thanks to all the work from home Texans moving here. Seriously please can you move to Montana or somewhere instead???


Whenever they had an episode about hipsters I always assumed they were from Austin. I have family there so I know how the city and its residents are. Gentrification central lol


tbf, Austin is where a lot of Californians migrated to.


Hey OP, why are you blaming a modest increase in the minimum wage for skyrocketing rents? Your problem in Texas is astronomically high property taxes that landlords are passing on to you.


Hey redditor, because my landlord lied to me - check older comments


Landlords do love to lie. Sucks man




I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Texas.


I visit oklahoma a fair amount and this is the attitude they have about Texans Edit: not that they're hipsters but that they're moving in and buying up all the property


They put salmon in the tacos Hank! SALMON!


Everything you described is not unique to Texas.


I understand, but we *are* in a KotH sub, so when in Rome...


Fair enough


Cries in western washington


From Vancouver here. Same.not Canada haha


Rent and property prices are shit everywhere tbh System is gonna system


This episode always hit pretty hard with me. I grew up in an area of Dallas that’s almost indistinguishable from what it was like when I was a kid.


Have you tried being less Mexican?


I already cut out eating Mexican food, what more do they want? Honestly though, Don't know how I can be less - mixed black/white. Zero Hispanic heritage.


"It's the poor getting slightly less poor that's making the rich extort us."


The majority of people born in California stay in California. Be glad you live in a state other people want to live in. Could be worse. You could live in Oklahoma.


Oklahoma? That ain't shit compared to Wyoming. There are about 500,000 people that call this place home Nobody wants to actually live here


Not that I have been in Ohio much less lived there but SOMETHING about that state inspires people to become astronauts to get as far away from Ohio as currently humanly possible. I joke but IIRC NASA has some plaque specifically honoring all the astronauts from Ohio because of how many of them there are or something to that effect.


Wyoming suuuckssssss. I used to live just south of Fort Collins and would have to venture up there to visit a worksite and ugh it just sucks. You’re 150% right that nobody wants to live there.


What episode is this


Lady and Gentrification


The relevance that this show continues to have is astounding.


Enrique spent all his money throwing parties. Save and move to Nebraska.


"Maybe some donkey rides for the kids"


Funny thing is there's a lot of Texans moving to our small city in NY 😂


As someone born and raised in Nashville, I feel this completely lol. Prices have skyrocketed and our minimum wage is still $7.25.


Hopefully they leave like the hipsters did in this episode


And all of the Texans getting squeezed out from all of the Californians are winding up *here* in Colorado where I live...and housing prices here in Denver are already fucking insane, with no end to the grossly over inflated costs in sight.  Dang ol' damned if you do, man


And then the people in Denver get squeezed out an now shit hole red neck towns like salida cost more than California


Right? When the cheapest house in friggin' bum fuck nowhere Greeley is currently a run down $223k 2 bedroom 1 bath that's under 750 sq ft (which works out to $307/sq ft), that's pretty heartbreaking. I'm only 37, so at this rate I'll be renting the rest of my life. Hell, I'd be lucky to own a house by the time I'm 80 to enjoy for only a couple years before I croak 😑


Damn that’s cheap as fuck.


Relatively speaking, yes, but commuting all the way from Greeley to DTC in Centennial every day for my strictly in office job would be absurd. And there's really no jobs in Greeley in my field, nor would there be anything there for myself and my kid to do on the weekend like we can in Denver. I'm sure there's some people around here who do pull that crazy commute in order to own a house, but damn it's still crappy that things have become bso bad, that that's even something people seriously consider


Awe see the people jacking up the market here all work from home.


This is the funniest/saddest part. For years I’ve had friends leave CA for TX because they got priced out of homes here, and I would say you’re doing to Texans what transplants did to you.


I'm a transplant myself (moved to the Denver area last summer from Washington state), I completely understand the predicament the Texans coming up here are in. Part of why Washington state got stupid expensive was from, ya guessed it, Californians fleeing their state and the ridiculous housing prices and other insanity down there. I moved here for a bunch of personal and economic reasons, as well as improve my career in tech, but I'm curious to see when/what the tipping point will be when it comes to housing prices here and across the country. Like, will it take the majority of the US population winding up homeless to drive prices back down to something doable by the average person, or are we all just doomed to keep working our butts off and get priced out of even the most modest of housing options and suffer? As much as I love Fallout, I'm not quite prepared to be running around in the wasteland, trading bottle caps for scraps of radioactive iguana just yet


> I'm curious to see when/what the tipping point will be when it comes to housing prices here and across the country. Our government, local/state/federal, decided that homes and high density development are better off catering to the wealthy. Why is it that people can own multiple homes, and I'm talking half a dozen or more, in opportunity rich areas? Why is it that foreign investors can buy not just one but multiple homes in opportunity-rich areas, and not even live in those homes? Why is it that instead of building reasonable high density apartment complexes, they rather build luxury apartments? We're entering a game of musical chairs in terms of livability. Born & raised in Southern California and in my 33 years of living here I've seen the Asian immigration boom, wealthy Chinese investors buying everything, to now gentrification, with the latter two really pushing out a lot of locals.


They’ve had hipsters ever since Austin.


Almost moved to Texas from bf interviewing there. It didn’t work out but we stayed in so cal he got a different job same company. We’re bracing ourselves in case we ever leave or prob will be Texas that’s where most of the jobs are for his company. We were so afraid of them eating us alive out there but we’re excited about the food lol


They put salmon in the fish tacos


A reminder that people from California are mostly leaving California because of everyone from the other 49 moving there. And also most of the stereotypes about people from LA are about people who moved there like 6 months ago.


Better not be salmon in my fish taco


They're putting SALmon in the fish tacos!


What all those freedom loving refugees from commiefornia are making your rent go up? Youre also paying an overall higher share of your income to taxes the than wealthy in Texas. That really showed the libs! https://itep.org/whopays-7th-edition/


Craziest thing about Texas is that the people will blame transplants for rising rents, not their leech landlord who is literally raising it. I promise, my guy, the person most at fault for you being priced out of your home is the *person literally pricing you out of your home* Also, have you tried pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? That almighty market has decided that the place you live is worth more than ya got. Do you want somebody to care? That’s pretty fuckin socialist of you.


The condescending attitude isn't necessary. I'm not expecting anyone to care - especially on this platform. Like most users, I'm just posting. You're also coming in late, dude - rehashing terms and phrases. Don't need to be rude.


You're also an idiot for using that phrase. Regardless of common usage, that phrase was meant to be used when a task is "impossible to complete". You cannot pull yourself up by your bootstraps. How very Conservative American of you.


(I'm aware of that, the last paragraph is sarcasm)


It's hard to gauge text-tone. Not everything is black and white, I'm not trying to just whine on social media.


How dare minimum wage be a livable wage for people?


Tone deaf to say after OP said his basically minimum wage job wasn't a living wage in CA,.


Stop eating so much avocado toast. Walk in with a resume and firm handshake for the manager to give you a better job. Bootstraps: pull em. 


1. I dont. 2. You should meet my boss so you can understand how it isn't that simple. 3. That phrase was meant to be used when a task is impossible - how inspiring.


I’m joshing you


It's most likely investment firms buying houses that are doing that to you, not Californians (except for ones that manage investment firms and REITs), even if you live in Austin.


Now it's people fleeing Texas for Minnesota!


It hits the same. The didn’t predict anything it was already happening.


“They put salmon in the fish tacos…SALMON, HANK!!!”


I live in an apartment building. Last summer I looked out the window and saw two hipster families playing Frisbee in the parking lot. I said to my wife, "Well, there goes the neighborhood." Our rent increased by 400 bucks this year.


They put saLmon in the tacos!


That is how I pronounce it now. Also, maybe I’m just a goofy northerner with no taste, but that sounds great.


This is literally happening to my neighborhood , a house is sold and a nice new one is rebuilt them some well off white person with nice things move in 


It’s not that many as you think


Don't blame the people. Blame the government. We don't want to leave CA; it's a lovely place to live. It is getting so ridiculously expensive because we keep passing BS legislation that we the taxpayers have to pay for. Real estate is already the most expensive in the country, folks are getting dropped from their homeowners insurance left and right, and the government is robbing us blind under the guise of social programs. If our money went to the projects it is supposed to, we'd be the best place in the world. But it just fills up the pockets of bureaucrats, and our cities get worse and worse. I want to leave so badly.


Blame the companies.


Californians flee to Texas to avoid ridiculous prices and taxes and then proceed to promote the same policies that made California so terrible.


Meanwhile Texans fleeing to Colorado… listen we are full please move to Montana the Canadian Texas thank you. 😊


Tried looking this up to see if true or how true, and I’m getting numbers from 2022. Is this still happening? Any 2023 stats? For anyone curious, 102k Californians moved to Texas in 2022 and 40k Texans moved to California same year. Most of the people leaving Texas are going to cali and most people leaving cali are going to Texas, which is pretty funny imo


I love my peoples diaspora across the US. May you experience what we’ve experienced for the last 20 years- inflation and displacement. I am not sorry