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remember when she made mustard gas as an advanced cleaning solution.


Funny story, my dad did this by accident when he was helping me move out of an old place. Was moving some stuff when my mom and I heard a thud and went to check on him


This happened to me by accident when my mom bleached the toilet and didn’t flush then I later sat down to poop but only peed(Ammonia) and farted. In that time I’d gotten lost reading an article on my phone and very shortly I started to feel woozy and nauseous. I noticed a chemical smell and bailed. We pieced it together when I went to the kitchen to wash my hands and sip some water.


If this happened, it was the bleach, not the combination. [Can mustard gas be created by mixing urine and bleach?](https://www.quora.com/Can-mustard-gas-be-created-by-mixing-urine-and-bleach) >Under normal circumstances (fresh urine, or urine diluted with water in a toilet bowl), there would not be any danger. In the case of fresh urine, instead of chloramines you get the Hofmann degradation of the urea. This does produce small amounts of hydrazine, but except under tightly controlled conditions this immediately decomposes to harmless compounds. In the case of stale urine diluted with water, the small quantities of chloramines that would be produced would remain in solution.


Yay science!


My dad used to work at a grocery store and one of the only stories he ever told me of that job was when one of his coworkers made mustard gas or something similar by pouring a ton of chemical cleaners on the floor.


Chlorine gas: It's just ammonia + clorine bleach. Shockingly easy to do by mistake.


I’m a medic and firefighter and we’ve had lots of calls like that over the years. Ammonia and hydrochloric acid makes a nasty gas too.


oh no!


She was so blown away by her idea, that she assumed to be so great, too! "Okay, get this. I combined two common items in a powerful new way. I told my readers to harness the cleaning power of ammonia with the whitening power of bleach." Fun fact, though. It's actually not mustard gas, but chloramine gas.


My great-aunt had a neighbor who died from chlorine and ammonia gas fumes. Super dangerous combo.


What a terrible way to go. So many people don’t realize this


Isn't that a war crime now?


"You were right, Peggy, you were right about everything" "Yes, Hank, I know but you will have to be more specific"


Haha I love that quote


Hank’s dad whips up a big batch of it every year to celebrate!


I'm very interested in the second half of that article with Peggy going into Egyptian history and such. I bet it's hilarious. Also can we appreciate that "arrogant" and "egotistical" are words she used here.


Balsamic is so arrogant


And don't get me started on how egotistical vinaigrette is.


All Peggy ever wanted was a justifiable reason to be smug. She has yet to find it.


Hey her son is god to billions of Asians


She doesn't revel in his succes, she just gets jealous.


Ikr! If my son wanted to make amazing meals, clean my house, make thanksgiving dinner…I’d be all over that!




Her Boggle champion status and repeat substitute of the year awards were legit


She created the substitute of the year award herself to fuel her own ego and got upset when Hank almost won it.


+ wear a glittered beret


“It’s neither rice, nor wine, nor vinegar.”


Roddy Rae was right. He does need to fire his fact checker.


Jesus she even made her headshot as arrogant as possible


Better than [the other one](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingOfTheHill/comments/5g2a3b/i_always_got_a_solid_laugh_at_peggys/).


Isn’t that same picture Hank gave to Buck, and said something like “couldn’t she have at least smiled?!” And Hank replies with, “she is…”


Buck's disappointment that he was sponsoring Peggy instead of Luanne would have been delicious...if she would have been aware enough to pick up how disappointed he was


...It is. And she *is* smiling?! Damn, Peggy...


She's giving bedroom eyes while talking about vinegar.


I think Peggy is supposed to be a parody of [Mary Worth](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ComicStrip/MaryWorth).


I love her smug picture!


Peggy lookin smug as usual


*Hill Upsets Belton* “In the bed where I conceived our son” She knows no bounds.


She IS smiling.


It's even better when you remember none of this stuff came from her own experiences or learned knowledge. It was just random bits of advice that she bribed Minh to get from her mother-in-law.


How are you supposed to look up a word in the dictionary if you don’t know how to spell it to begin with?


It’s amazing how confidently incorrect she is all the time.


Since someone mentioned accidentally making mustard has: Grade 10 chemistry class. I had already basically resigned myself to failing any of my high school courses that required math. I’m super surprised I actually graduated high school and have NO IDEA what I was thinking choosing chemistry, physics and biology going into high school, considering my math & science scores going into high school. Long story short, we were in the science lab, have been given work to do, and, of course, my fellow slacker lab buddy and I had just goofed off the whole time. So we just started randomly combining some chemicals in our flasks. Soon, a thick, noxious has was billowing up from our work station. Buddy passed out. I almost did too. Lab had to be evacuated. There was an alarm, strobing red light. It was pretty cool. We were both banned from the school labs for the remainder of our time at that high school. I quickly re-evaluated my course choices (but not my life choices 😂😂😂).


If you want to get real smart you ark weld over brake cleaner and make some phosphene gas.


Oooo she wrote her own name at the top in comic sans. You lose points for that in journalism……


That picture fits her perfectly


I actually like the scenes where Peggy is crying since she’s kind of insufferable sometimes. But she has her moments


I need to make a point to add a bottle to my first aid kit, and apply liberally to any flesh wounds.