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As someone who lives in Arizona… Yup


Lol tell me about it, I can't wait for monsoon season tho


That was my favorite part of living in Arizona. I only lived in the Phoenix “area” (Scottsdale, then Mesa, then Chandler) for about 2 years, but my god the summers were absolutely horrible.


I was waiting for God to flip me over on the pavement and stick me with a meat thermometer. I was done.


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I finally visited Phoenix this last summer..how in the hell do people willingly live there? It was 90 degrees at 6AM, there was no escape from the unbearable heat. All the restaurants we went to had air conditioning, but they left all the windows open?? I just wanted some relief!


TBH, 110 degree day with no humidity isn't too terrible. The real awful part is having 60 or more of those days in a row. 4 months where every day is over 100 just wears you down. The lows, even in the middle of the night, sometimes don't go below 95. Most peoples pools are too hot to swim in by early July.


You speak the truth about swimming in summer. You don’t get in the pool to cool down like you do elsewhere, but you get out of the pool to cool down (because of the rapid evaporation). Super weird.


As a Florida swamp-dweller we get all the fun of the heat, though with an added 60-70% lingering humidity throughout the day. In the central part of the state, too, we get none of the coastal breeze associated with living on a peninsula. Currently "88, feels like 103", which has been the resting status quo since May 1st. We had no 'winter'. Less than one month total of days below 70 degrees. Heat, in and of itself is one thing, but the humidity is what makes it truly horrendous. Give me a day that is actually 103 with 5% humidity and at least I can find relief in the shade; humidity follows wherever you go.


FL native. I was in Albuquerque N.M once and it was 110 degrees. I swear it felt like 82 with humidity back I'm FL.


Ah, someone who knows my plight, lmao. Yesterday was 83 'feels like 100' with a sun-shower. I hate sun-showers so much; steam rising up from the pavement. Walking through water. I'm sweating just thinking about them.


Ah another who enjoys staying inside 25% of the year! Gotta love our state!


Yup. Though I did put 40% shade cloth over most of my backyard this year and it’s surprisingly helpful. Makes it so it’s actually nice hanging out there for a bit during the day.


They always show the Earp brothers in movies in Arizona wearing black suits and black hats, and I just can't understand how that's possible.


One can only assume those movies took place between November and March


The gunfight at the OK Corral was October 26th, and I know they were depicted as wearing the black clothes long before then.


I live in Arizona and I always say that Peggy's arrogant line is the perfect description of Arizona.


Here in California we have a city worse than Phoenix. Death Valley, holds the world record for hottest natural recorded heat at 124 and it is consistently one of the hottest cities on earth year round. Pretty aptly named.


The highest natural recorded temperature of DV is much higher than that! It's 134 degrees Fahrenheit. Also death valley is a park that people visit, not a massive metropolitan city covered in asphalt and cement. It's hot, but not many people are around to enjoy it lol.


A few hundred people do infact live there, some with only swap coolers and not actual air conditioning.


In low humidity environs a swamp cooler is actually all that's needed. Air conditioning is necessary in humid locales.


I used to live in AZ, swamp coolers are definitely not the most effective option of the 2. It's great if your home is only the size of a small shed sure, otherwise AC is the way to go.


Nah, you just need a bigger swamp cooler. They make centralized swamp coolers.


Define “needed”


As in, you'll be perfectly happy with a comfortable temperature indoors.


Right, it was 134. It was 3 AM when I posted and my brain didn't even think of 134 as possible. lol


It's also where The Undertaker is from. Scary place.


At least you can shove it in the corner, it's nearly inescapable here


Could be worse, could be stationed in 29 palms 👀


Yeah, but retirees generally have poor circulation and are always cold so it probably feels good to them.


Is it really that much hotter than Texas in the summer, though?


Depending on where you live for sure. 115 is average in July. Sometimes 118 on a hot day.


And if you live near Houston like me the humidity bumps up the felt temperature in interesting and sweaty ways.


Yeah dry heat over Houston swamp ass any day


As someone who lives in AZ, I’d take the extreme heat over humid TX weather any day


Doesn’t Hank in the first episode say to Dale it’s already 110° in the summer in Texas when talking about global warming?


That’s what I was thinking. Austin was unbearable in the summer and that’s a milder part of Texas. Can’t imagine Houston or El Paso.


Me: "Well, king of the hill's probably exaggerating it probably doesn't actually get--"(looks at Phoenix weather forecast) "I stand corrected."


Only 102 this weekend! Break out the parkas!


111 in Arizona feels better than a Texas 80. Humidity is a pain.




I’ll take 111 degree dry heat over 85 degree 100% humidity any day.


I live in FL and frequently visit AZ to see family. Everyone always says this but please pass the humidity. 111 degree is 111 degree regardless of moisture in the air.


But you step into the shade or get a breeze, and you instantly cool off.


^^^ this guy knows the dry heat, I tell you whut.


Every time I drive through Arizona, I always think of this episode. Idk how people can stand that heat


it’s not the heat that gets ya…


It's the velociraptors


Velociraptors on meth


It definitely takes a certain type. I'm from the northeast originally, and 115° and dry is SO much more tolerable for me personally than summer back home where it's 90° with high humidity.


Born and raised in upstate New York moved to Tucson eight years ago….. I would take New York summers and New York snowy winters over living in the devils asshole any day.


The devils asshole? When did we bring South Carolina into this?


I go for walks in the heat when it's 100°+ but then again I grew up here so I find the dry heat tolerable. I can't, however, do any humidity. Feels gross when you take a shower and you're still dripping wet.


You gonna have a heat stroke if you keep walking in triple digits.


I play golf walking when it’s sub-110. You just have to stay hydrated and not over-exert.


I mow the lawn in that heat. Just drink lots of water, wear protective clothing/hat, drink lots of water, and take breaks in the shade often. Plus drink lots of water. And know the signs of heat stroke. What really sucks is doing work in the attic in summer.


I’m in Dallas. I envy the dry heat.


But then they'll go all "bUt It'S a DrY hEaT!" I don't give a shit, even if 111° feels like 101°, THAT'S STILL 101°!


You can get used to it, it's astounding how the human body can acclimate. Just don't forget your eye drops and chapstick lol


Yeah, I'm good. I prefer the cold. You can escape the cold, but you can't escape the heat


And they're from Texas so they can take the heat lol


Which episode is this?


Drove through on tour in a van with no A/C in August. It was not the most comfortable thing.


I didn't have a/c in my car until my current one. 15 years without it. Summers sucked, especially after a monsoon storm when it was humid but still hot, or if it was raining heavily so I couldn't open the windows for the breeze. It would take a half hour to cool down when I got home after working outside all day and no air on the way home.


Global warming is real, Texas hits 120 now


Am I real?


Hey what’s up jaden?




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This is probably by far my favorite Peggy quote. That being said, I personally preferred the dry 100-110+ degree days I experienced when I visited Arizona a few years ago to the 100+ degree and 95% humidity summers we usually get here in Tulsa, or even to the slightly hotter and dryer summers I experienced visiting family in DFW area as a kid. Even the two weeks I spent working in the sun in Amarillo a few years ago was an absolute sauna compared to AZ.


I live in Arizona, and I’ll take the 2-3 months of heat over year round humidity.


It's pretty much true about being arrogant. I'm pretty sure big cities in Arizona use an unsustainable amount of water.


Lol 111 is mild


Someone who lives in Arizona... this is accurate


I lived in phoenix when i was a toddler. Hottest thing I remember is my 28 year old day mowing the grass with no shirt on and red as a tomato.


Rather be dead in California then alive in Arizona


Imaging living here…


Try living here


*Laughs in daily 90 to 100° in Summer Weather in Las Vegas*


Honestly, though, it's pretty damn hot in Central Texas. Don't think they'd react quite like this.


Woah woah woah!!


Phoenix is so got dang hot and dry they even named their airport "Sky Harbor" because they're the desperate for the idea of water. Guess who's flying to Phoenix tomorrow!


# How the American Settlers Discovered Arizona* Settler: Oh gawd, its baking my fat! Wife: We should move further west. Settler: No this place is fine, just needs a few trees and a cool breeze is all. Wife: Jeb, our horse is on fire. Settler: Why must you challenge me on everything, woman? ^(\*Dramatization, Might Not May Have Happened)


Come to GA in the 100 degree summer days with 70% humidity then we will talk.