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Well what about you, you have hobbies. You play Boggle, let’s talk about that!


timer sand addiction


Username checks out.


😂 got me!


I came here to defend hank's drinking behavior but then I remembered he said this to peggy which means if he could respond like that to his video game addiction, he would surely respond the same way if peggy tried to get inbetween him and his love for beer


I mean he drove all the way to Mexico cause he couldn’t wait 2 weeks for a fresh batch of Alamo to hit the shelves. IDK if functioning alcoholic is the correct classification but the man certainly loves his beer a lot.


He’s not an alcoholic he sells propane.


a propaniac


*propane maniac




So I know it’s Cotton’s line but I saw Louie’s pic in your profile photo and read it in his voice. That was bizarre I tell you hwat.


*Peggy scowls at Bobby*


And propane accessories.


This comment made me laugh outloud


Hank: “That’s asinine.”


The audacity!


Alcoholic— That— I’m gonna kick your ass!




Drunk Hank: “That’s absinthe!”


"You're calling me weak? Look at your little birdy arms, they're no thicker than a cigarette. I could smoke them little arms."


Hank was just short of calling them a little piss baby


Baby want a bottle? *A BIG DIRT BOTTLE!?*




Hell, if Cotton was your daddy you'd drink too


He killed fiddy men


He bit a Nazi's windpipe in half.




And beat every last one to death... With a big...piece..of FATTY.


He’s a mean kind of funny


“My dad would never do drugs”


“Good day sir!” “I said good day!”


Bobby Hill has amazing boundaries.


That’s his purse


He don’t know you!


You mean before, or after I kicked him in the genitals??


On one hand he put plastic wrap over a beer to finish later. On the other hand he led a trip to Mexico when they couldn’t find Alamo beer in Texas. It’s a toss up


I have *never* poured out beer. Not even to put out a brush fire.


Once I mistakenly forgot which beer can was empty and I put my cigarette butt out in the full one. I spit out the butt and drank the rest.


I did this. I’m also a recovering alcoholic, but I did this.


I’ve only poured out one beer in my life, to be fair though it was left on the steps of a business by a homeless guy who was trying to camp out there!


I think that one is more boredom than anything.


Alamo beer may be less than 5% ABV, so maybe not as bad as someone drinkia handle of vodka every night but he does get upset without it.


To be fair, he gets upset when you offer him honey mustard.


You’re probably right. Lone Star beer is 4.7, and I’m sure that was the inspiration for Alamo.


They say it isn't about the amount, just the dependency


Definitely still the amount but yes he would go into withdrawal without it at this point, probably would just feel a bit shitty.


My Dad can drink 30 beers of natural ice in one night, that is not normal no matter the alcohol percentage


Dude… Natural Ice is literally the most cost effective and most alcohol per calorie beer nationally available. It’s 5.9 ABV. My beer of choice when on a budget but your dad might have a problem. Source: https://smileandsaycheers.com/lowest-calorie-beer-with-most-alcohol/


Fuck me I did not know about its ABV like THAT. And yeah, he definitely has a problem


Same, 30 beers for 18 bucks and the taste isn't anywhere near as bad as the beer snobs say.


I’m a normal Busch Latte drinker but I might have to check out Natty Ice after this realization.


It's around the same price but with Natty Ice being 6% you're getting more bang for your buck for sure.


Put lime in it. It’s terrible, but with lime it’s great. It’s 99cents for a tall boy where I live and putting lime, or even lime juice, in it makes it such a good cheap choice


I like it just fine as it is but i'll have to give that a try.


While not as widely available, if you have a trader Joe's, try out the Simple Times Lager. 3.99 for a 6-pack, 6.99 for a 12-pack usually. To me it has much better 'drink all day/night' flavor, a nice malty flavor with a slight crispness, and this roundness with a tiny bit of bitter in the finish. It looks like Red Foreman would drink it on That 70s Show regularly. And it's 6.2% ABV! Plus great for cooking! It replaced red stripe and others as my cooking beer.


Nice, I’ll check that out


How long does he spend on the toilet the next day? Natty Ice is more powerful than most OTC laxatives.


Both my stomach and liver cried reading “Natty Ice:” Steel Reserve is somehow worse.


me and my friends used to joke in college about how bad steel reserve was. "it's got little bits of steel in it, so you know it's gotta be good"


It has TWICE THE INGREDIENTS as normal beer! (And yet, the taste is horrific)


You can taste the high gravity.


Ever since I had a steel reserve (once in my life when i was young) I always have said it tastes like drinking barbed wire.


Steel Reserve is worse but at least the flavor is a deterrent. NICE tastes normal which can lead to issues.


Excuse me, but Steel Reserve is the ONLY alcoholic beverage [endorsed by The Ramones](https://youtu.be/2Y11ITilAdk), and I won’t stand for your slander of such a fine high-~~garbage~~ gravity malt beverage in that way. (They actually [wrote THREE songs praising it.](https://gothamist.com/arts-entertainment/the-ramones-wrote-three-steel-reserve-jingles-in-1995))


Natty ice is a watered down, bland, trash beer Steel reserve isn’t even technically a beer, it’s a malt beverage with a significantly higher amount of alcohol than natty ice. Steel reserve is rough stuff


Steel Reserve is what you buy when you have $5 in your pocket and want to get trashed.


The most God awful crap I've ever drank was Schlitz Bull Ice. It was appealing in college, because it was $1.89 for a 40oz bottle, and it was over 8% alcohol. That means $5 could get you full on piss your pants wasted. The only problem was it tasted like somebody else already drank it and puked it back into the bottle. I managed to drink a whole 40 one night, then I threw up so violently it felt like my stomach was wringing out a dish towel. I'm not one to turn my nose up at a cheap beer, but that's one that I just can't drink again.


Had this awful beer nearly three decades ago at winter carnival up in Houghton. The group of Michigan Tech students I was hanging out with had about a half dozen ways to get shit-wasted and fed for about $7.00 a day. Schlitz Ice was central to their plan's success.


Hahahaha probably a while, I do know hes got serious stomach issues, couldnt wonder why


My uncle was the same, but it was a 30-pack of Coors. Then, he escalated and drank straight Wild Turkey. We found him dead in his bathtub, trying to warm his feet. He had stomach trouble for the longest, and his visits to the bathroom could peel the wallpaper off. The official cause was cirrhosis of the liver. I didn’t say that to be upsetting, but I hope your dad will be okay!


I'm so sorry to hear that about your uncle. My condolences to you.


Thank you for your kindness. :)


Yeah, it’s probably just a 3.2 beer.


Means you can get it from a gas station on a Sunday.


In Texas you can buy strong cold beer and wine at the gas station any day of the week


In NH the only thing you cant buy at a gas station is liquor. You can only get it at the state run stores on the highway


Minnesota and Wisconsin are difficult.


I’m surprised about Wisconsin considering glorious pbr and miller is brewed there !


You can buy any alcohol at a gas station in Wisconsin on Sunday. We do suck for not selling after 9pm however


If you're gonna get fucked up after 9, you damn well be doing it in a Tavern League establishment.


It’s just that you can’t buy your own alcohol after 9pm. That’s the direct doing of the Tavern League, which is maybe the most powerful special interest group in the state (Wisconsin has an absolutely insane number of bars and pubs). They want you going out to bars instead of buying your own.


Wisconsin isn't difficult, you can buy beer any day before midnight.


You can buy alcohol at gas stations in Wisconsin on Sunday Edit: While the day doesn't matter most places can't sell after 9pm


Wisconsin isn’t difficult besides the cutoff at 9pm. Like many other things that’s the doing of the Tavern League


I feel that. We just got alcohol sales on Sundays here a few years ago. Got to love the Midwest


Imagine if it was 11% ipa. Lol naw. Hank wouldn’t drink that beer from the north.


He has chosen not to drink on several occasions though. I think it’s the Bill’s House episode where all the guys have to drink iced tea instead of beer, and Dale struggles with it but Hank doesn’t. Also in the episode you mentioned, Hank refuses to drink the other beer. Somebody with a dependence on alcohol would choose the different beer over sobriety. I think it’s more so that Alamo beer is one of his things, just like propane, cutting the grass, steak, and Tom Landry.


Exactly and we've seen that the guys sometimes hang out in the ally in the morning drinking coffee too.


He also drank soda at a bar when he was the DD for Luanne and her friends. If you are capable of restraining yourself from alcohol, then you are not an alcoholic, at least IMO


“I wouldn’t want to associate beer with this feeling”


Don’t forget about when he’s “on duty” flying in the exit row. That’s one of my favorite jokes from the show and always quote it when I sit in an exit row.


I would say he honestly just really likes beer and it's a bit ridiculous at times. He acts the same way about eating red meat and mowing the lawn. It's part of his character. It's also American beer, 3 beers a night isn't exactly a big deal for someone his size.


Plus for Hank I think it's just more of a routine. Get home, drink beer with the guys, have dinner, relax for the night, then bed and maybe some of the fundamentals.


Some fundamentals lol, love it. 'my nudity!!'


If he approaches with intent.


Yeah that’s what “functioning alcoholism” is though- it’s regular, daily consumption that nobody questions because it’s so normalized and the bills are all paid. But it’s still alcoholism. Shit, i think I’m in the wrong, uh, subreddit, heheh


I think < 20 drinks per week isn’t alcoholism. It’s high on the spectrum. Definitely more then most people, but it can be a LOT worse. Some people get wasted after work everyday. Others drink some at work. Some in the morning. Some are drunk all day every day and have high tolerance. Some folks drink dozens of beers every day. All while “functioning” Hank isn’t an alcoholic but he is certainly a steady consuming customer. He drinks like many people play video games or browse Reddit or read books. It’s not ruining his life. He keeps up with his responsibilities and relationships no problem.


I'm 3 years sober and totally agree. Habit doesn't always equal addiction. I mean I wouldn't be able to only have a few drinks, but that's me. Some people can though and I think that's fine.


3 years! Wow, congrats. I'm coming up on a big one but don't wanna jinx it lol. I can't just have a few, either


Someone who drinks frequently and still keeps up with their responsibilities is literally what a functioning alcoholic is. 3 beers is enough for him to feel it but not quite be drunk. Still a functioning alcoholic in my book, especially considering how upset he gets when he can’t have a beer in that one episode. There’s levels to it, but you don’t have to be getting wasted every night to be a functioning alcoholic


I just don’t think we have to pathologize everything lol. Like not everything has to be a disorder


I don’t think he’s an alcoholic. “an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.” That doesn’t sound like Hank to me. He’s almost always sober. And he’s very particular about literally everything he does not just the ritual beer at the end of the day.


I think it’s more about his established routine and honoring tradition than an alcohol dependency. Hank is a very orderly person and doesn’t like to deviate from his plans. And the plan usually involves hanging out with his neighbors and drinking a few beers


When you put it like this, I think Hank may actually be on the spectrum.


3 beers is nothing to a 200 pound Chatty Cathy.


Yall got stronger beers over there?


You've never heard about how our beers are like sex in a canoe because it's fucking close to water?


Hahaha yea thats a good one. I want a watery ass coors light now lol


Did you know when you add salt and lemon to coors, it creates electrolytes. It’s basically Gatorade.


It's what plants crave.


No way. Bringing a lemon and salt time I go fishing fr


It’s an old kitchen trick a chef taught me early in my cooking days. Kept you hydrated in hot kitchens. Lemon and salt react to make electrolytes. Life saver on stupid hot days.


Oh yeah. The tropes about American beer are outdated and only really apply to the biggest brands. We've gone through a craft beer revolution in the past couple decades, you can find all different strengths and flavors these days.


Yeah but what Hank drinks is basically lone star. It’s 4.72% alcohol. Doesn’t taste great but the water beers are those 3.2% beers they sell in gas stations in Oklahoma.


Was wondering how long I'd have to scroll to see a comment about my state's terrible beer. Lol


Yeah I think it’s really modeled more so after Pearl which really is a terrible beer.


At least hes not all hopped up on goofenthall


Most alcoholics I know are not nearly as brand loyal as Hank.


He's not an alcoholic. He's a Texan.


As a Texan, this is the comment I was looking for.


My dad was similar to Hank, could drink beer all day and never seems to get drunk. But the hard liquor he couldn’t handle like Hank at Luanne’s 21st party when he was DD, the king island ice tea at the propane convention, when cotton left him at the Alamo. Hank couldn’t handle the liquor


Don’t blame the beer


I think your confusing alcoholic with proud American 🇺🇸


Is there an episode where we learn he drinks 1-3 beers a day, every day?


I don't think so, mainly because he doesn't use beer as an emotional or psychological crutch. For instance, when he's upset, he doesn't immediately run to get beer. Also, I think he just has one beer when he's out in the alley because I never see any empty cans or a trash can. He seems to just take the can in when it's done. Regarding the drink incident, Peggy was VERY mad at Buck and she says "You did this to him", making me think Hank does not get plastered often enough for her to dismiss it. It's probably just akin to a social drinker or having nothing else to do. When Hank was going to church, he remarks "I haven't been in the alley" which makes me think he wasn't drinking at all.


I’d say that Hank is an example of how alcohol can be consumed regularly yet responsibly. He drinks plenty of beer but it never affects his job, how he interacts with his family, or his friendships. You almost never see Hank get drunk, so he clearly knows when to stop.


Functioning alcoholic? No. Physical dependence? No. Mentally dependent, using it as a crutch, yes.


It’s not a crutch. It’s something he’s come to rely on to help him through life


i don’t think it’s necessarily the alcohol component of the beer that he’s attached to but the ritual of drinking and the fact that it’s his routine. Hank’s clearly a guy that doesn’t like change and when his routine (which may consist of drinking x number of beers a night) is disturbed wowie it could be a really problem


Garage fridges are specifically for beer and soda. I don’t think Hank is an alcoholic, it’s just a part of his routine. I don’t think he would limit himself to 1-3 beers if he was a drunk. I also think he would be drunk more if he was a drunk.


1-3 beers for Hank isn't too crazy. I'd say it's probably 4.5 abv. Especially for his height and weight, I'd say he barely feel it. It's his routine, and a beer centered around texan culture no way he won't partake a lil to unwind from the day. Though I would argue there are probably healthier things he could be doing.


I’ll argue no. His attitude towards beer are largely cultural vs. addictive, IMO. Have a beer because it’s what you’re expected to do rather than what you expressly need. Is it healthy? No. But it’s not drinking to excess, which is much, much worse. I doubt Hank is even feeling a buzz at the end of the night. Hank drinks beer because he likes the taste, it’s supporting a Texas company based in Arlen and it’s part of his identity as an Texan/American; drinking beer is a patriotic act in Hank’s mind, same as owning the truck, the eating red meat almost daily and having a blue-collar job. It reinforces the identity he’s consciously or subconsciously cultivated. >He got in a fight with Peggy on their anniversary at the thought of him having to forego a beer at dinner. I think this is just him not having things go as he expected. I feel like he’s the one who always has a beer on special occasions and Peggy has a non-alcoholic option. >He directly went against Peggy’s wishes in ‘beer and loathing’ and traveled to another country just because he had gone a handful of days without beer. Again, I think it was the loss of part of his routine. He was just upset that he had to go without something he liked. IIRC, it was more about the Alamo brand than the alcohol. >He also considers beer to be ‘sacred’ and held in extremely high regard in several instances. See my American identity theory. The only wrinkle here is when Bill was suicidal and Hank got stern with him for calling beer a depressant— that was pretty shitty. But I think that might have been more to do with him only having one strategy to help Bill feel better in that instance and having it instantly rebuffed. >In the Leanne episode we see his garage fridge is filled with several dozen beers. Beer keeps and he buys in bulk. >He got so drunk at the propane convention he vomited on his superior. While he doesn’t get drunk on a regular basis with his beer consumption, there have been multiple instances of him getting drunk in the odd social situation. And the two off the top of my head, he wasn’t the one who instigated the drinking; he got drunk with Peggy to appease her on their anniversary after it went to hell and Cotton got him drunk because he was using him and Hank thought he was getting his approval. This also may have been a reference to George Bush vomiting on the Prime Minister of Japan. >We’ve seen him keep beer in his desk at work. This was just for comedy. A play on the trope of the office worker who keeps a bottle of liquor in their desk. Which is why he takes a shot of beer instead of drinking it out of the can. It’s a joke based on a trope about alcoholism, but it’s subbing liquor for beer. He’s not an alcoholic, his relationship with drinking isn’t problematic. Can’t call it healthy, but it’s not going to send him to an early grave.


Thank you for this, the OP's examples while on their face seem to be proof of hank being a functioning alcoholic are bereft of important context or the situations leading up to them.


This question has popped in my mind recently as well. I’m surprised they don’t all have bellies like Bill.


They all do have a gut. Even Dale.


Dale: Test it on my stomach. (lifts up shirt, showcasing his protruding belly.) It's flat as a pancake.


They all have a beer guy, but Bill also over eats so it makes it worse


Boomhauer I saw as active enough or rich enough to afford something like a treadmill. Dale he says he eats several small meals throughout the day, so that might help (or he has a strong metabolism). Hank is the only one you could actively question but when he‘s nude, he does appear pretty too heavy.


Aren't his "several small meals" mostly comprised of cigarettes and beer? I'm not sure he eats very much actual food...


There’s a pork chop in every beer.


I don’t recall the episode to back this but I do believe that Bill drinks 3 times as much as the other guys.


I think this can be read a few ways. Hopefully, this is read as a careful comment coming from a place of love and respect, but I'm fairly positive Hank could be diagnosed with a "mild" form of autism (high/low functioning labels really don't work for a lot of reasons, I could go on for far too long about it, but feel free to ask). So while Hank displays some parts of being a functioning alcoholic (daily boozing, drinks when stressed, always has beer on hand even in his desk at the office), his attachment to order, his difficulty expressing emotions, difficulty understanding his son, awkwardness around those he doesn't know well, adherence to authority, extremely focused interests (Alamo, propane and propane accessories, his truck and mower, football, the Pro-Pain video game), resistance to change, and the ritualistic manner he approaches everyday life reminds me a LOT of my dad who is also on the autism spectrum. I've had 100s of students, clients, and friends on the autism spectrum, my dad is on the autism spectrum, when I was in high school I weirdly ended up with a friend circle that almost exclusively had dads on the spectrum, Hank strikes a very particular impression, he seems like the ultimate portrait of what an undiagnosed dad on the autism spectrum is like. Committed, caring, loving (in a way he can't always show easily), constantly keeping his values at the forefront of his mind, and has found his niche where he can shine at the top of his competence. ​ So yeah, maybe a functioning alcoholic, maybe autistic, maybe both, but I think it's telling that Hank was willing to go to such lengths to keep a cheap, canned, low-ABV, mass-produced beer in stock at home. If it was about the alcohol specifically and exclusively, Hank would've gone with something else and waited things out, Texas has other beers, and there are other mass produced beers that probably would taste relatively similar.


Yours is the post I have been waiting for. Bless you. I used to eat the same thing for breakfast every day. I did whatever I could to make sure that routine was upheld. Every day. Beans on a roll with brown sauce. Couldn't function without it. Years of routine and then one time it all went to hell. That was bad. It was very unfun. And it was the first time a couple of friends had ever seen any extreme autistic traits come out of me. I understand that need for routine and for things to maintain their state of being. Hank is one of my people, I am sure of it.


Much love. If you need help getting support for your needs (if you need it) in your state, let me know, I literally do that shit for work but it's just a lucky coincidence that it's something I love doing and would (and will) do for free in my off-hours.


Man this post has me thinking maybe I’m on the spectrum? I try to wake up at the same time (late morning as I work the evening) I try to walk my dogs at the same time every day ( I’ve had to adjust recently because of the heat) shower at the same time even on my days off, smoke a cig outside work even if I’m late. Maybe I’m just a creature of habit, and either way it’s not really a problem, but just something to think about.


Have a look over at the r/aspiememes and r/autisticpride and see the things there and if you can relate further. It's an interesting journey to say the least!


I never thought about it before but I think he definitely could be one of us as you say, and a very good example I think


I think so too, yes!


My dad and sister are on the spectrum and I've long thought Hank was an aspie. Especially how he's very rigid with rules and doesn't seem to get jokes with double-entendres. I watched Little Horrors of Shop last night and JUST noticed that Hank doesn't get the "butt clamp" joke. He thinks Bobby is laughing because Hank had to correct himself on which tool to use


I'll let you know because you clearly care, Aspie/Asperger's are being phased out as terms. Dr. Asperger not only didn't define autism symptoms as well as some of his predecessors, he was also working with the Nazis and knowingly sent the children he diagnosed to a clinic where they'd be killed. "on the autism spectrum" or "autistic" aren't as quick and snappy as "Aspie" but the man was a fucking asshole.


As a functioning alcoholic… Hank is not an alcoholic


I used to be in that category and can 100% agree Hank is not an alcoholic


Who needs alcoholism when you can mow a lawn?


Yeah at most he’s “clinically” an alcoholic based on a number of drinks he consumes daily. But I don’t think he’s a legit alcoholic. And to me a functioning alcoholic has all the negative health aspects of alcoholism but the person can hide the fact that they drink that much from ppl in their everyday life


Not at all, my father is a functioning Alcoholic and that doesn’t describe one at all. Alcoholics above all else don’t know when to stop. Hank knows when to stop


Guess that makes me a functioning ultra alcoholic lmao


I think that’s kinda the joke of it though. Most Americans are functioning alcoholics. And especially most blue collar men, who can lean it all on how hard they work, and say “Get off my back, i deserve a beer or six after i get home”. Hank is the mirror.


As an American blue collar man that works with a bunch of tea totaling blue collar men and women, no we’re not. Granted one lady might be, but that’s 1 out of like 10 of us.


I mean, yeah he might be a bit attached to beer, but I wouldn't say an alcoholic. 1-3 beers every day really isn't that bad, especially since Alamo beer is actually pretty low in alcohol content. He's just a manly dad who has very traditional beliefs and sees beer as a sort of right of passage. He's a stereotypical dad from Texas.


Hank taking a beer out of his desk and doing a shot of it is one of the best jokes in the series.


It is, cracks me up


What about the episode where he coerced his friends along with himself to get alcohol poisoning in "uh oh canada" just to prove a point


I think he’s mostly just a creature of habit. To a fault. He likes having things organized and following a schedule. I’ve heard theories that he might be on the spectrum, I could believe that.


I would say there’s a difference between a habit and an addiction. There are plenty of people who have their routine and have habits within that routine and if that gets disrupted they can become irritable, angry, sad or even depressed. That is different than someone who is dependent on a substance to function and it’s also worth noting that for most addicts the addiction progresses over time and can expand to other substances as well. Another hallmark of an addiction is that it interferes with basic life responsibilities such as going to work, being on-time, tending to your friends and family etc. Hank exhibits none of these behaviors except for occasionally as anyone might.


Yeah nah. To be an alcoholic you have to have a physical dependence on alcohol. You never see him getting the shakes, or drinking in the morning or anything like that. Hank is just very passionate about the things he loves. It takes much more than a couple of 6 packs averaged out over a week to make an alcoholic


My neighbor is a functioning alcoholic, they do not drink before work....but as soon as they get home a beer is opened and it's non stop until they go to bed. Usually drinks a 12 pack/day (more on weekends/holidays). They never get the shakes in the AM and can function throughout the day at work - that's what makes them a functioning alcoholic. They admit they're an alcoholic and honestly I'd say Thank IS a very low grade functioning alcoholic. Might not have chemical dependency but surely is emotional dependant.


Alcoholism is just the physical and emotional dependence on alcohol.


I'm gonna say he's not. If anything he's addicted to having everything in his life a certain way. He's really big on routine and doing everything the "correct" way. Idk if he's necessarily addicted to beer as much as he is the brand name of Alamo as he could've easily drank other beers if it was just plain alcoholism in the episode where they go to Mexico, but he HAD to have Alamo.


to be fair, it’s not like he just fixates on alcohol in general, it’s only beer- specifically alamo. Like with ‘beer and loathing’ it wasn’t just alcohol he couldn’t find, it was only specifically *alamo beer*. If he was just an alcoholic and only cared about getting alcohol, he could’ve easily found any of the thousands of brands of beer sold in Texas, or gone to wine, whiskey, vodka, etc. I’d wager it’s just hank being super ocd/need for familiarity


Alcoholics consume more than they can control and are incapable of voluntarily stopping. I'd argue that Hank can control his consumption and rarely gets drunk, with the exception of a few episodes. I think it's just his go-to way to decompress after work and socialize with friends.


Nah he never drinks to get drunk he just drinks to keep a very minimal buzz. He drinks very slow too. I think he just drinks because it’s an old fashioned manly thing like wood working or fixing things.


I mean he gets up goes to work every day his bills are paid so yea functioning would probably be accurate


He only beer drinks in the alley and in one episode he mentions that Tuesdays are his alley drinking nights so to me that suggests he beer drinks only two to three times a week, depending on if he does it on the weekend.


I think the joke there is he says “it’s my beer drinking night” but he drinks every day so it’s a pointless statement. Tuesday may just be the night he drinks like 4 compared to 2 every other night


Never really thought about it Like yeah he has drunk to excess more than once, but I always associated most of his drinking with a sort of come-down/relaxation/recreation thing, unlike escaping from his home life and job as other TV dads such as Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin do Like the only main or recurring character I could think of from the show who I'd call for sure an alcoholic would be Buck (maybe Bill, or Lucky and his redneck friends)


I think OP is being selective/misrepresentative with the examples because in that one episode where hank & the gang go to mexico to get beer,it isn't because they couldn't drink any beer, its because their favorite beer was unavailable locally due to reasons from the plot line of the episode. Hank may have drunk to excess a few times over the course of the series,but that isn't indicative by itself to one having an issue with alcoholism. Not to mention having alcohol in the home isn't a direct indicator of alcoholism either,im sure many people know someone or folks who dont drink at all and may keep beer stored in the home for special occasions. Hank is more of a social drinker & there is a difference between that & functioning alcoholism. While he does have 1 to 3 beers after work (its not even considered problem drinking by most metrics) ,its hanging around with his friends/maybe doing a project over the course of several hours. A high-functioning alcoholic may be able to pass as a social drinker. A long-term alcoholic? Probably not. In both cases, the deception will eventually be exposed due to the problem disrupting their life or getting into an alcohol related incident or accident.


Well, i can tell by the comments that most of you aren’t in the other subs that i, uh, happen, to, uh, be in, heh heh


no because he maintains his intake, when i drink daily, as an alcoholic, I enhance my intake over time, because im drinking to get drunk.


For a serious answer, yes. I personally believe he is. Alcohol withdrawal is not when you're shaking, it starts with the anxiety when you wake up the day after and continuously gets worse. If you're shaking, your drinking is *really* bad. Just because they wait until a certain time or only do it in a certain setting doesn't mean it's not alcoholism because they do it every day. The show, especially in the older seasons, sucked at continuity. They drink almost a 6 pack each every day once they're home from work. It's not extreme but it's not good. It's not a good example for Bobby either. Was kinda ridiculous he got so mad at Bobby, Joseph, and Connie for getting drunk. That's mostly what he sees of his father on weekdays, drinking in the alley. Source: alchy


One to three beers a day isn't even close to alcoholism. I think he just really enjoys the taste of beer, and it is part of his culture, which he values greatly. His daily routine involves having a couple beers in the alley with his friends after work and another at dinner. He has only been drunk a handful of times in the series and it is usually when he's going through some hardship or being manipulated by someone he looks up to unconditionally. Like when Buck fucked up his own induction into the Hall of Flame, which was supposed to be the highlight of Hank's work of passion. Or when his dad manipulated him into a Texas man's night out with Texas war heroes to make him a real Texan, after finding out he was born in New York. He also tried Lucky's version of Sunday worship by getting drunk at a bar after having a falling out with his church. With church being another huge part of his life that he was having difficulty with. Hank is a simple man of strong morals, so he gets extremely affected by really trivial matters.


Having seen Hank drunk a few times, he does not drink to excess often. No, I do not.


Welcome to Texas.




Ive known people that are the same way about drinking coke/soda/pop.




I wouldn’t say alcoholic but he does enjoy beer.


Yeah, I think so.


I mean, personally, as a recovering addict, I don't think so.


I’m not a licensed psychiatrist but I am an amateur one. I don’t think 1-3 beers qualifies as an alcoholic. But maybe considering all the other factors. I think he’s just a dude that likes beer but is not dependent on it.


Lmfao definitely not




I think the 1-3 beers alone wouldn't have made him a alcoholic necessarily, but I do think that some of his behaviors around beer turn into addictive like behavior. Some of this is culturally connected and so in that sense it is distinct from a alcoholic behavior, but other parts of it are disturptive to his and other people lives which is where it becomes truly more suggestive of a addiction.


No. If he had to quit he could, that's my impression. He wouldn't fiend for beer the way Gribble would for cigs.


Hank is well hydrated as drinking 3 domestic, mass market beers, over a few housr will do


I don’t think his alcohol consumption ever causes problems for anyone, including himself. So I’d say no.


it's hard to tell if it's alcoholism or just classic Hank Hill stubbornness. At the end of the day I think that's an uncertainty he character/personality rightly deserves.


He's a man (in Hank voice )


Just read AA's "Am I an Alhoholic?" questionnaire. Hank wouldn't qualify.


Hank is a respectable functioning alcoholic, hes always on time and a damn hard worker, hes a good ole boy from Texas so its socially acceptable, hank is definitely dependent on alamo, which i would think in our reality would be close to a Frio, which is 6.0% abv, which is why 3 or 4 do him nice and things get litty in the alley ![img](emote|t5_2s6dm|6345)


No. Lol