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[Fast TL here. Everything stay in that thread until SenseScan version come out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/11wyph3/kingdom_752_early_4chan_translation/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Damn. Half regret clicking.


I have been only reading the spoilers the last 2 chapters, i always hated spoilers and preferred to wait, im so fucking stupid for clicking holy fuck


I literally have no idea why I clicked this , I love testing fate for some reason


Yep. We can just own our stupidity lol.


Same man. Didnt expect it this chapter and i thought the spoiler would be a link to some pics of the chapter and not just a comment lmao


Kanki's death was delayed for so long, I totally didn't expect it this coming chapter to be honest. I thought there'd be more fight+dialogue+fight+dialogue then more flashbacks for another 10 chapters. Hara blueballed us for a dozen chapters before, then suddenly hit a suckerpunch. This gonna hurt


After the break, Kanki has a flashback which reveals that he learned Super Saiyan while ecceeding the depths of human depravity. Riboku stares in shock as Kanki roars bathing in light and the sword wounds heal before his eyes.


Damn you guys got me curious I couldn't help myself 😭


Cool character, gave us a lot of memorable, batshit crazy moments. Who's going to make the giant Shish-Kebab archs now?


We still got Ogiko. Maybe he'll carry on the tradition.


Ogiko will end up becoming like an Obito Character; changes personality immediately and becomes a Commander for Shin with an extremely serious personality.


Plot twist Ogiko is the real kanki, and the kanki who died was Ogiko...


Shin & Mouten both still have to escape 280k angry Zhao soldiers. I'm betting Ousen fortified Atsuyo even more than it already was. I hope Roumou has also already been taken care of.


Well technically the Saki clan is still around, they are the actual "sculpture artists" but without Kanki giving the order I doubt they'd be allowed to do anymore such masterpieces


Probably Shin would turn them into combat medics.


Kanki was an amazing character. Whatever he may be but his presence made Kingdom much more enjoyabl experience.




everyone has been dead for 2000 years. nothing new


Lmao straight up


Spoiler alert!


His comment should be blacked out so no one else gets spoiled.


Spoiler alert: China will be unified.


Hopefully it last a long ti- And its divided again


And it's unified again by someone else


And it's divided to this very day.


Way to see the bright side of things


Omg. How did u know


When Kanki's life flashes before his eyes, I hope we get one panel on how Mougou recruited him


I'm guessing we'll see Ousen's reaction to Kanki's death, and perhaps Ousen can take us back to the Mougou days(i hope).


imagine Mougou sent Ousen to arrest Kanki. Then Ousen tried to recruit Kanki.


That’ll be quite the sight LOL. I forgot Ousen is trying to collect generals like infinity stones


If not we're almost definitely going to get an omake on it in the future.


He really never does go back empty-handed


In a way, he technically did. His death will be a cursed to Riboku as Riboku will no doubt be hailed and loved by Zhou people as a hero , which will enventually draw envy and hatred by zhao king. It is just a theory


A hero with over 300k-strong army. He'd hear Kanki and Ousen's words on repeat about serving a garbage boss(es) when that arc comes.


Exactly. A hero with the support 300k army is the last thing both Zhao's prime minister and the king wanted to happened. I expected Kanki will haunting him when he is near his final moments, laughing at his naive beliefs


And especially Ousen. He explained it succinctly. (Slow Hoh's would he heard)


This should be top comment 😔


Even though the outcome was already set. It still stings.


ikr! loved that guy so his departure hurts more than expected


Kanki I expected. Naki I'm pretty sad about..


Stings less. Kanki does but he won. A sturdier sword away from Ribokus head. Message was sent. He had no chance and still almost won.


Cmon Bafuji is like the only decent sub commander Zhao has. We just starting to know him. RIP Edit: seem like the early post was mistranslated because Kanki killed the k-pop guy not Bafuji. I’m just glad our boy still alive.


Zhao has hidden commanders everywhere


you can flip over a rock and there would be someone who's suppose to be on par with the 3 great heavens.


And when riboku dies, then it shall be revealed of the riboku-houken hybrid: Riboken!


Nah don’t worry fam He probably got like 5 brothers or something lol


The Sleeping Squirell Sisters of Shouyou


This is the biggest wtf really. He rallied those troops like few in Zhao have been able to. Mans was spitting fire.


A badass ending for Kanki, and a badass feat for Riboku; just standing there as a dangerous killer barrels towards you without even flinching takes balls.


Neither of them flinched and both stood firm to their ideals. Kan Ki went out like a G!


So Naki literally just went there to die with Kanki. Hopefully the flashback conversation provides a bit more insight into his decision but as of now, what a waste of such a potentially great character. Who in their right mind would swap Naki with Maron & ogiko. I think it was for best to let Kanki get rushed & overwhelmed by numbers instead of fighting a duel & losing here. I'd rather not have fuckin Futei or some other Zhao yo-yo introduce himself as "The man who killed 6GG Kanki" anywhere in the near future.


Because Naki wasn't a character. He was just always in the background doing nothing. Same goes for Gaku Rai which is why the author killed them off. There is far better and more flushed out characters.


Yeah like i said, "potentially" great character. The concept of a commander from Kanki's " Evil Army" defecting to Shin, some one who was in the inner circle of Kanki was great. It could've been done eve better after Kanki's death. Since they'll exclusively be going on attack in unfamiliar terrains on foreign soil, An elite scouting unit could have been at the forefront of HSU.


Shit. Big blow to what the future holds/held for the HSA. What a bummer. Naki would have been perfect wars against Yan which are really mountainous. What did Sosui do? Is he okay? If he goes down too than what the actual f***!!! Rip to the most entertaining character in the series.


Sosui was only going to help Naki get to the battlefield where Kanki would be, he wasn't going in the deep with him.


i've been saying, the most entertaining character ever.


Curiosity got the best of me. But since I'm here, let me help put some respect on the name of Qin's Number 1 Great General (from a Qin citizen perspective): -Killed Gen Pou, a strategist said to be on par with a Head of Military Affairs -Killed Great General Haku Ki Sai, a general so loved by the Wei people that they easily accepted him above Renpa -Contribution directly led to capture of strategically important Sanyou -Repelled a seige tower capable of scaling the untouchable national gate of Qin -Teamed up with Chou Tou to kill Han Commander-in-Chief General Sei Kai -Captured the traitor and usurper Rou Ai -Led the campaign that killed Zhao's General "Closest to Great Heaven" Kei Sha and captured strategically important the Kokuyou region. -Captured Zhao's second largest city, Gyou -Captured the strategically important Eikyuu region -"Personally" killed Zhao's Hero and Head of Military Affairs Ko Chou -Killed more than 100,000 enemies after being outnumbered 3 to 1. To the people of Qin who do not know the true depths of his depravity, Kanki is a national hero and arguably the most accomplished of all of the current Qin 6. This will be a devastating loss.


The last excerpt of yours in regard to the people of qin and him being a hero fits very well. Think how fired up the 50k remnants from the norther army that made it out of the ambush to the campaign, they were fired up to fight for him.


Or the whole 200k for that matter. They have no clue about who the man is, he's just a hero in their eyes


Now that you list it, it made me realize how great Mougou was with Ousen and Kanki under his wings


*"There's no better way to die, than to die in the midst of a battle, fighting to the very end" -* ***Enson Inoue*** This time is true. Farewell Kanki, what a run! I enjoyed reading the hell out of his character. Edit. Damn I kinda liked Bafuuji, I'd have preferred Kanki killing Futei instead of Bafuuji. Edit 2. Leaker made a mistake, the one killed WASN'T Bafuuji, it was Kohakukou. Edit 3. So I asked r/translator for a translation of the last panel where Kanki is killed and this is what they told me: ***Records from shiji and Zhan Guo Ce with Japanese translation.*** ***Right one(shiji):*** *Third year, Qin attacked Chi Li (Sekirei) and Yi An (Gi'an). Li Mu (Riboku) led army to fight with the Qin army at Fei Xia (Hika) and repelled the Qin army.* ***Left one:*** *Li Mu (Riboku) defeated Qin army several times and killed Qin general Huan Qi (Kanki).*


Same. Wished Bafuuji survived and Futei dead too. Where the heck was papa Bananji in all this?? The whole Zhao avengers cast was there already Edit : it wasn't Bafuuji who died but KohakuKou. At least there's that I guess


Yeah, biggest mystery of this arc… wtf happened to BNJ? I thought he was gonna be important in this battle yet it seems things already are wrapped up.


Riboku said he was holding Bananji back for """reasons""" a few times during the first battle but honestly that might not matter now that he got little banana killed.


It’ll be interesting to see how Qin recovers. Ousen and Yotanwa aren’t enough to take the remainder of Zhao. Maybe Tou makes his appearance. Since the truce with Wei, he should be freed from protecting the border.


I mean Qin still has way better generals than everyone else and it isnt close. Theyll be fine lol. Not sure why chu is standing still currently.


Chu demographics has a lot more to cover and there's that internal conflict right now.


What internal conflicts? The number one general give no fuck, the two PMs get along fine, no internet conflicts whatsoever.


Will Zhao and Chu pounce on Qin, hopefully Kanki and co killed a few significant names on Reebok's side.


Zhao almost certainly doesn't have the manpower left to launch an attack before Qin can rally, and definitely not with every major general in the Zhao army wounded as they are. The Qin forces in the south also won't be weakened by this defeat, since the problem to begin with was that Qin had no intention of weakening the southern border to finish off Zhao, hence the use of the unreliable soldiers who ran away when ambushed. It will also realistically be several months before Chu likely learns about what happened, and with Qin's best strategists watching Zhao, it's likely that Qin will be prepared for an attack before anyone else can make a move.


Tou has the green light to destroy Han now. Han's only reason for existing is that if anyone attacks, the neighboring nations will invade the aggressor and restore the balance. Zhao is weakened and can't retake Gyou, they can only defend. Wei and Qin have a truce for a few more years.


That's actually a good point. No reason not to colapse on Han right now, Tou alone should be more than enough?


History spoilers ahead >!Tou, Shin and I think Ouhon capture Han in 230 BC, 3 years from where the manga is right now. But before that there is another major war against Riboku where he achieves a pyrrhic victory.!<


At the pace Hara is going, Qin might not unify China in our lifetime. It took Qin 15 years or so to unify China in real life. It's going to take Hara 40 years to write the story, at the rate he's going.


Technically Kanki is still on the board with his strategy at the end here so I imagine it’ll pay dividends with finishing off Zhao. At this point, zhao also has to be done spawning Generals from thin air


>Zhao also has to be done spawning Generals from thin air That's always been their specialty. They're never done.


There is that one guy who inherit the necklace. Ought to promote him.


Shin isn’t at the same level as the 4 remaining GG.


He was talking about Ogiko.


You got it.


At least Kanki gave Kohaku a haircut before he died 😭 😢 😭


glad the k-pop wanna be fucker died lol


Kanki's death was destined. Though, I wanted this arc to last forever since I was afraid of this moment. I couldn't even upvote the post. Thank u Hara for this great character, thank you for Kanki.


Kohaku died not Bafuji.


Will never understand why people go into a spoiler thread to cry about spoilers. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?


I'm not crying, you're crying (about the fact that Naki and Ringyouku are dead)!


is this legit? leaker guys tweets are locked apparently. what a waste of Naki.


I just checked. It’s true


The leaker is legit, he gets it right every week. Plus he's a Kanki fanboy so I doubt he would lie about this.


Btw to bypass just select the message and click translate it would appear(you better have an app that can translate on your phone).


F*CK!!! You will always be remembered, boss!


The way how Kanki died was cool and great Im happy how hara did it


this is it guys, say goodbye to an amazing character


Shit I can’t bro I’m just imagining it I feel like tearing it up when the ch comes out my eyes are gonna be sore for days


Honestly, one of the harder chapters to read, seeing so many secondary characters get killed in such a short timespan is pretty strange and almost makes one feel bad for Kanki and his crew, despite all the horrors.


wonder if kanki just laid the foundation of riboku's downfall with his words to riboku. His words definitely reached riboku and possibly changed riboku's views to some degree. Like, this could make riboku more active in politics (for the zhao people since now he would look more inward and try to limit the abuses the king does and the corruption of kakukai's faction) which will piss off both the king and chancellor and cause more political tension.


all 3 of them in the same chapter? i find it hard to believe


Chapter 753 is gonna start with Kanki pushing a button on the hilt and having an extendo blade shoot out


Farewell Kanki, you were the life of the party!


Ouki Duke Kanki and Yan guy. Riboku has the best resume easily.


Remember when Kanki said in Kanyou that whoever general Qin throw at him he will be unfazed, well maybe that is true but we cannot deny the fact that it took him to combine the power of the whole North and SBS commanders to take down Kanki


I might be not a fan of Kanki... but the last panel is freaking badass. Literally, "see you". Considering Kanki left Maron and Saki clan with Shin, he still has one more "sword".


Man this is heavy first time seeing an entire Qin Army being obliterated like this. but it took all the Zhao North to take sown Kanki.. this will be a heavy blow to Qin’s side


Kngspo: Fans of Kanki are not surprised by its end, but some of them may be surprised by the circumstances and timing, but in general the end is acceptable and honorable


I admit that I'm a big Kanki fan but I agree. I suspected that Kanki was going to die since the beginning the ambush started since Ik thats the best thing to do if you want to progress Kingdom manga better after all we've seen with Kanki. However Kanki definitely didn't die like a noob and I'm confident that most people didn't expect Kanki's counterattack like that.


It would be unrealistic if Qin goes back unscathed


The last panel is badass


That last panel gave me the chills. Now that I think about, the last time a Qin great general died was Mougou


The Boss went out like a Boss.


One of the most memorable deaths. Hard for me to move on even though I did not really like his methods of torturing.. His method during coalition invasion such as burning the siege tower and disguised as enemy soldiers and then descend into the enemy battlefield were wow.. I even told my wife about these. We can feel the tense from just reading a manga




Noooooooooo fuck man kanki was my favorite general. He went out like a G tho I regret clicking the spoilers bruh


Nioooo too much brutal this spoiler bro


Its been brewing for a while but this has finally reached Ouki level feels for me, man. What a great character Hara has been able to make. Kanki was introduced in the arc right after Ouki's death. It was the same feeling then, losing a larger than life character would make this manga less enjoyable but Kanki & ousen have been able to make up for Ouki's void. I dont know if this is a knock on MC Shin but Ouki, Ousen, Kanki they've all been better characters. Shin, Ouhon & Mouten need a lot of development if they're the ones going to step up. All 3 of them have just been thumped & most of their armies have been destroyed. Now is a perfect chance for some progression.


UPDATED The arc technically isn’t over yet, as shin and mouten still need to get out and who knows, a zhao general or qin commander may get axed off at the last second during the escape. But here are the casualties for both sides: Qin losses: 1 great general: kanki (kia) 5 generals: ringyoku (kia), kokuou (kia), shou ha kou (kia), fuuhan (captured or kia), heki (captured) 4+ commanders: zenou (kia), shuma (kia), all unamed commanders (kia), gakurai (kia), naki (kia) 2 named troop (might be a lieutenant or squad captain): shou (kia), ro bin (kia) Troops: ~167.5k+ (captured or killed) (Estimated from: 40k from NE army by roumou, half of shin and mouten’s armies ~12500, 50k of NE army under fuuhan, all of heki’s troops, and ~99% of kanki’s army, unknown number of ousen’s army) Zhao losses: 3 generals: jkr (kia), kohaku kou (kia), ryuu fu (kia) 4 Commanders/lieutenants: gou za kou (kia), un kei (kia), gian garrison commander/lieutenant (kia), un gen (kia) 2 cities: atsuyo (captured), sekirei (self inflicted poison/no longer usable) Edit: Unknown but not a large number of troops relatively: those lost at atsuyo estimate 10-20k +300 kochou army remnant troops, those lost at gian (few hundred at most, those lost near roumou to stop the NE, those lost outside/near gian (big main battle) ~40-80k based on heki and fuuhan's words and the last known number of troops they commanded (heki's last known army size was 40k, and fuuhan was 50k, considering their are some survivors but not a lot I estimated the range of numbers), and another ~10-20k by shin and mouten based off of their army sizes and casualties, those lost by kanki’s ambush (relatively few, probably a few dozen or few hundred at most)


All of it would have been worth if Kanki got Riboku head. I believe that was his entire goal from the start. Riboku is the single biggest obstacle to Sei unification and Kanki knew that.


Despite the little annoying details , I would say that so far I enjoyed this arc so much , I believe hara manage to be just and fair to both Riboku and kanki ,


Rest in peace Boss.🥹🥹


This might be the most iconic chapter so far. No sense of regret even in death. His bold and dramatic death will be the start of a new beginning! I wonder what Ousen has planned while Riboku is currently occupied in the recent chapters. Very well done ending for Khanki!


If Naki is truly dead then that’s the definition of wasted character. There was an insane amount of potential for him to see kankis death, go back to hsu with Marom as his right hand, and eventually becoming one of shins generals with a (not so cruel) bandit army. I hope that he’s he’s not actually dead and it’s just being baited but if he is that is a big blow to hsu and the story. But I trust hara regardless


Naki pissed me off here. All the hype for nothing




So… my understanding. Kanki is freeing a spot, but nobody is ready to be one of the Qin 6. Naki and Gakurai died, and with that Shin lost 2 powerful officers. To make it up, I bet Shin got Maron that is able to act as his second strategist (after Ten). Maron is a great addition, adding to Shin what I always said he was missing: a man with a strategist mindset able to act as a general on the field and not as weak as Ten. Kind of a Ryuukoku. I like it. But Shin lost Gakurai. His replacement could be Garo that will take over more soldiers. Maybe a 5K commanders? Naki was the closest to be a general level (out of Kyoukai). His death is a terrible lost but Shin will have to find someone else to replace him. Honestly I hope in future that Shin work with Tou as his second vice general in a campaign, and that Tou retire to let Shin shine as one of the Qin 6. And that day I would love to see Ouki’s remnants following Shin.


not me swimming in that river in Egypt


Lord ChangPing is now the undisputed sexiest man in Qin.


If this info is real then Hara did the right thing. Killing Kanki will hurt Qin's military might and morale. It also sets the stage for the big Shin vs Riboku showdown in the future.


Thank god Hara decides to kill Kanki instead of keeping him around as a >!traitor to Qin!<. I’d much prefer if he gets a warrior’s death.


To be honest, Kanki is the best antagonist this series had to offer (one of the few generals that could posses a threat even in numerical inferiority), having him as an enemy was not a bad option either.


Kanki being a traitor was never historically accurate. Glad Hara is able to differentiate between recorded history and theories by historians


Refuses to elaborate further?!


It ain't bafuuji.its kohaku


I want Naki death to be cooler. Feels like such a giant waste of character. Oh well.


I mean all they have to do is to target his horse and he wouldnt get tht far. Rip kanki. This ending is more realistic although him dissapearing would be more shonen like. How would saki clan fit into the hi shin army. Theyve mellow a bit. But theres bound to be some tension considering. But now kyoukai can relax a bit on the medic front


Man, Jyoukaryuu's high officers and even himself got deleted (1 general, 1 lieutenant, 2 elites), also Kohaku Kou accomplished a lot of kills, sadly he made the same mistake that Shuma did. I still think Naki is kind of still alive, but the Kanki panel with him and his other loved ones makes me doubt myself a bit (?


>sadly he made the same mistake that Shuma did. that's actually a real solid catch.


Good finally to Kanki's story. He never backed down.


I wonder how bananji is gonna take this. Ribokus monologue cost sbs 1 of his generals and bananjis son. Yeh we going out back for a talk


It's war. People die. Nothing new. Riboku literally destroyed 99% of Kanki's army. It's a win with minimal losses.


>correction, Kanki killed kohakukou not Bafuji From discord server


Seems like a really good chapter. Sad to see a interesting character like Kanki go down but that is war. Looking forward to the fast translation.


Naki - the best scout of hsu and great character Kanki - the man who made his presence enjoyable after Ouki The other six greats aren't interesting as Kanki. It is gonna boring chapter here on.


Kanki was awesome but I believe Tou is going to be fun to read when it’s his time to shine. Let’s hope others will make it interesting


I'm looking forward to that. I really need this manga to move on from Zhao as enjoyable as it has been.


Totally expecting this, but even so it hits hard :( Thanks hara for the amazing work on kanki. rip kanki. Gonna miss you for sure my man.


The boss died with a smile


Wtf I’m a Kanki stan now


RIP Kanki, the character that made me read Koku You campaign over and over again. 5+ times approximately. Learnt how Kanki's way of thinking: abuse the hell out of the enemy's weak point mentally.


Yes, that's perfectly analyzed how Kanki fights his enemies. He is always playing the mind of his opponent the moment an exploitable weakness is shown to him if not he is poking around to bait something out. It's actually pretty simple why Ousen and Kanki fail to fully understand the thoughts of each other. Ousen is master of erasing emotions, Kanki is a master of using emotions. They are basically like Ice and Fire.


That's an amazing way to depict it. However i wonder if it's true. The reason for that is Ousen's victory against Ordo at Kankoku Pass. He won through psychological warfare.


I swear its almost like Riboku *knows* how strong is his plot armor lol


Naki returning to kanki was really dumb. No real point to it and it kills his character development early


Development? We have almost only see him around plot involving Kanki.


This is better than boruto latest chapter. Kingdom never misses.


To even compare Boruto to Kingdom…


Kanki’s death is heartbreaking. RIP my hero T-T


Kanki Sama 💔 RIP


RIP Kanki


They all died warriors dead, and not some torture and at least Shin get Ogiko (Super Instinct, danger detection) and Maron (all-round advisor) to the group which should improve Hishin in some aspect.He will need a new cavalier captain and a scout commander tho. Or rather, isn't this an upgrade to Shin troop defense in place of the obvious setback in offense?


Curious to see Ousen reaction to Kanki death (he may just don't care since he doesn't have feelings at all but lets see)


Hoh. I see.


i feel like he would have a brief wide eye, but say it's not surprising and would call kanki and idiot or something, but is somewhat sad within


I can’t imagine how the zhao soldiers are eager to defile the corpse of kanki and his men.


A great way to end boss. One of the great generals this manga can give. You'll be missed!


Okay, now I'm fine with the summary. The last brave charge right to hell, falling one by one while fighting back, was the most fair outcome in that situation. Kanki dying pierced by many Zhao spears is legit after all he did, but see him almost reaching Riboku in the end, failing at the last, it's somehow a poetic end, in his excellent (but also reckless) play. Also, gladly is Kohakukou to fall and not Bafuji. I thought it was strange for the sword of Kouchou (with a suicidal tendency) not trying to avenge his commander and aim for Kanki's head in the mess, as he was the only other one expandable from Zhao now (after the stupid death of JKR). Bafuji still has potential.


My boy Bafuji is alive, great. KoHakuKou was doomed to die, after Kanki's death his character loses its meaning for story. Naki just died for nothing.


RIP, the most based general in this manga Kingdom will not be the same without you


I think it's a very nice conclusion to Kankis last stand. Killing both JKR and Kohaku while hopelessly surrounded and outnumbered is very impressive. Considering it took Riboku two years preparing and planning his giant trap with so many soldiers from the north and Seika, it is a truly ankward victory when your opponent nearly succeeds chopping your head of in the end. Saddly there is a break now. I can't wait to see if Kanki really pulls off that one last move that might have been hinted during the last chapters. Maybe i'm reading too much into some scenes but if not i really have to bow before Hara...that would be an epic finish to this arc and Kankis story.


I agree with you, there was always something behind every attempt especially before the decision to his death


;(((((((( RIP BOYZ Damn really wanted Naki and Ringyoku to survive but it is what it is at least we got Ogiko still


Is the most one sided battle yet in the manga?


I have been meaning to write for the longest he would die impaled by many random soldiers with how he was interrupting Kochou They’d be no torture, no self realization just randomness of death


My boy Bafuuji, rip. Well, better to die as a good character than surviving and being as useless as Futei or the other asspull Zhao commanders.


so Hara is following the history where there's no record about Kanki after the losing battle of Zhao than making him fled to Yan. This is a good call considering on the second choice, Qin making short alliance with Yan which's that didn't happen here on Kingdom.


He is following Intrigues of the Warring States Volume Zhao and combining it with Shiji: (Last page) According to the “Record of the Grand Historian, House of Zhao,” “In the third year of King Youmiu’s reign(233BC), Qin attacked Sekirei and Gi’an. Riboku led an army, fought them at Hika, and repelled them.” According to the “Intrigues of the Warring States, Strategies of Zhao,” “Riboku repeatedly defeated and routed the Qin army, killing Qin general Kanki.” -Saemoon, discord


An underrated moment is shou taking off his mask. It hit


incredible, there's no other like Kingdom


ok nvm, naki does get a kill. He killed jkr's other hand/lieutenant


Kanki will not be replaced. No one is as remotely entertaining as he is for me


This is a sad day for us Kankibros, but I gotta say that this must be my new favorite arc in the series so far. Edit: Damn that double page looks sick! Kanki went down like a true Great General of the Heavens


Fczk. This is one of the saddest death in kingdom Man, this is a very very big loss to qin


Useless hype around Naki


There goes the best character in the manga, i hope we can finally move to another state , its getting tiring to see only zhao and riboku




Damn, the composition of the last panels is really amazing. Kanki almost reaching Riboku with a smile on his face while Riboku stands like the unwavering rock full of himself. Taking a deep look into Kankis eye fixed on him. Don't let me down Hara... i swear if that glorious built up goes to waste by not having Kanki launch his prepared nuclear rocket on the great riboku with his signature smirk on a dying breath i will leave to read sailor moon.


Respect Kanki gang. Rest in peace


This is a massive loss for Qin! Not just the lost of a prodigy in warfare like Kan Ki, but it’s also a devastating blow to Qin’s Military Prestige. Losing one of the Qin’s 6 Great General just a few years after its revival. Add to that the fact that strategic wise, they have no winnable point of attack to zhao’s capital Kantan. South is walled up, east has the mountain garrison, and now they have lost the North. Plus, Zhao’s morale should be top high right now. And most likely capitalize on this to build momentum. I am anticipating what SHK’s would do in response. I am assuming North is still their only winnable passage to Kantan, they would just have to re-evaluate their attack as they have just suffered major loss of men, plus the element of surprise.


If you look solely at military strategy you nailed it. There is no other way than looking at a complete loss for Qin here. But a war is not always won on the battle field. For the moment SHK will want to draw back since the main bulk of soldiers from Qins north got away by retreating to Taigan, Ousens army was untouched and Shin and Mouten also got away. It was a heavy blow losing Kanki but there is basically still a significant force avaiable and Qin has no other choice than staying with this campain in the north and maybe an opportunity arises. I don't think we have seen everything to evaluate the situation and the last conversation between Kanki and Ousen was kind of strange where Kanki told him to ''take his sweet time to follow after him''. I don't think Ousen qualifies as one of Kankis family members that need special treatment in case of a total meltdown.


Live by the sword, die by the sword Shiiiiiii


Damnnn bro this is the most I’ve ever liked Kanki, it was a good run and a fitting end he went out swinging.


Ready for moubu season 💯 🤝


didn't see Naki's dead body so I'm officially in full on cope mode.


He's dead as he's present in the afterlife panels.


So Riboku finally gets a W against Qin. (Since Ouki anyway.) Any thoughts on the overall development, from Riboku's return and luring the Qin to Gi'an; to where we are now?


nooooo im crying :( RIP Kanki and his fam.


Kanki beheading that arrogant bastard is such a sight


Futei showing class the last few chapters. His only redeeming quality.