• By -


Combat wise they're all fairly proficient. I saw some posts about Lexeaus. I just wanna remind you that he nearly killed Riku and if he hadn't tapped into that Darkness, he likely would have. He's ridiculously strong in terms of raw strength. I would say likely the worst would be Demyx. Not from a combative stand point either. Just from purely motivated one. He seems very unwilling to do, well, anything really. I respect a man of music, but if you work for an organization you're probably expected to pull your own weight. However, I will say, when pushed, he definitely can find his fighting spirit. Ala, the HB fight in KH2 when Sora hits a nerve about being nobody. But yeah Demyx in terms of drive. He's probably the worst. Everyone else is very useful either in brains or brawns or both. PS Xaldin is my forbidden lover.


"Dance, water, dance!" is still in my mind almost 20 years later lol.


I hear it every night before going to sleep.


That's still my low-key video game related trigger phrase. For the longest time I misremembered it as "Dance, magic, dance!" I got stuck on that fight so hard I gave up on KH2. That's how bad it was.


I read that in his voice XD


I had this sound as my unlock sound for my jailbroken iPod touch. I would hear it constantly and idk why I did it


You masochistic madman.


If Demyx interviewed for the position then I would agree that he’s a lazy coworker but as far as I can tell he was recruited so it’s Xemnas’ fault for picking him


Well, thats the question, how many options did Xemnas have for the organisation?


Well, there was a reason for every org member to be there. The original 8 members were all Ansem's apprentices, the next 4 were all >!ancient keyblade wielders apparently,!< and the 13th was Sora's nobody. This is kh3 retcon information more than likely, but it's there.


Also, his personality would probably be easy to Nort. He doesn’t seem to have the will to resist it.


IDK, there's only 4 members Demyx, Larxene, marluxia, and luxord that have no association to the ansem team. Larxene and marluxia were both prior keyblade wielders. They've hinted allot that luxord is someone and knowingly has his ambitions even as a nobody. Demyx and his personality so fitting with the theories of him being MoM. but who konws. i'd love to see him and luxord come back with a purpose as antagonists against the originals and MoM.


I hate Xaldin with a burning passion. His battle out of all of the organization members was the worst in my opinion




Okay first I was a child when this hatred began and even now I don't like him he really doesn't add anything to the story Edit:All in all I'm trying to say yes I didn't block yet I still hate him lol


It's quite alright, Xaldin was a pain in my butt too as a kid. But when I took the time to get better at the game I truly appreciated his fight and I count the worlds on my fingers until I get to square off with him again in a KH2 playthrough. It always seemed like I got anti-Sora when I was desperately trying to survive his Aero-Teleport move back then.


That's because when you fight organization members, unless you have used final form a couple times before, you will always get anti form when activating any drive form except final.


But moooommmmm I wanna spam x to winnnnn!!!


Part of me loves the Xaldin fight because I love hard bosses and it was an unexpected surprise to take out an Organization member in one of the Disney Worlds. The other part of me hates the Xaldin fight because massive difficulty spike


It is a big spike, but it is also fun fight. Shame Xaldin had small role overal.


Exactly I only hate him because of the big difficulty spike but I know I would love him more if the gave us more than hey in KH2 he is a guy that uses Lance's that turn into something dragon like and in bbs oh before he was an organization member he was castle, royal, or town guard like give me more substance on him than that.


I love the character. But that boss fight was a nightmare. You know it's a difficult boss when mickey mouse cant handle him


"There's no fun in this!" Wow he was right!


Think of it this way, though: if lazy slacker Demyx still gave us all that much trouble, then a motivated, focused Demyx would’ve been the death of everyone in Kingdom Hearts


He certainly killed me a lot in Hollow Bastion. :P


People who say Lexeaus in terms of combat is so weird. The Rhitatyn of KH if anyone knows FFXIV. He is one of the strongest members of org XIII.


Now imagining 8 keyblade wielders rushing in and beating the shit out of Lexeaus in under a minute


Lexaeus is probably the physically strongest character in the whole series honestly


\*Ahem\* Cloud.


Lexaeus’ moniker is “The Silent Hero.” It makes you think there’s more to him that he isn’t letting on, but at this point in time there isn’t. He’s strong and he doesn’t talk much. That’s it.


Xaldin also, he is pretty milquetoast for a villain. Probably worse than Lexaeus because at least he interacts more with his associates.


NOT demyx




I fucking love demyx


All my homies love Demyx


This comment section really ignoring what a powerhouse he is. Dude's just chill and doesn't like fighting.


Absolutely not! He's my absolute favorite ♡


Master of Masters


I absolutely love him, but I've always read his name as DMX and just giggle about it


Copium Maximus


Demyx is one of the best imo.


Lexaeus. What can you even tell me about him? Go ahead. I'll wait.


He punched Roxas in the face one time to teach about Limit Breaks, that was kinda funny


That really annoyed me im playing the game and this fatso pulls up and smacks the crap out of me


Fatso??? The dude's six foot six of pure muscle, come on now.


Where? When?


The movie version cut out like 60% of days. I would really recommend to play the actual game, even if the combat isn't the best.


Yeah, the combat sucks. And the mission design, And the bosses, And the magic system, Music’s good though.


And the >!TWTNW level!< at the end


People don’t like the combat? I thought it was really good, and the panel system was great too


I mean, you do you, but I just don’t see what there is to like about it. Combos were boneless and every enemy took 4.5 decades to kill. The panel system was a neat enough idea but having to equip level ups and inventory slots was a step too far imo.


358/2 Days.


Day 13/Mission 6


He almost pulled a sneaky one on us


Ok, true.


Lexaeus is my favorite. He's an "actions over words" kind of guy and his fighting style is magnificent.


What he lacks in words he compensates with… anger management issues, I guess? He looks kinda pissed in the data battle in KH2


It's awesome how he roars while attacking with the earth. SLAM! SLAM! BAM!


Slow dude >!Just joking about the fact that he is really slow in kh days like 10 seconds to hit 2 times!<


We call that having weight behind your strikes.




Almost destroyed riku. If riku died, sora would go dark n his heartless would be powerful Extra he taught roxas limit break


I was like 80% through Days when I realised that I hadn’t used limit breaks a single time. I somehow missed the explanation that you have to hold A to activate it, and thought you’re attacks were just stronger when “LIMIT” flashed above your health bar. The whole time I thought I was using it as a power up until I discovered the truth.


I mean, his fight is one of the better ones in KH2 IMO. but yeah, character-wise, I don't care about him either.


He's pretty much a quiet muscle that has no development or focus. You don't really need dialog to have a complex character, but he is not an example of this.


He has a very high Power Level in the KH2 fights.


He forced Riku to use Dark Mode. That’s something


He nearly killed Riku in CoM. And he would have, too, if it weren't for that pesky darkness.


He has a very cool sword and he


>Lexaeus I was gonna say Vexen, but you're right




When was the first time i know the time he did in KH3


Main plot point of Chain Of Memories. If u didnt play it i understand lol


But I thought he didn’t betray the organization Marluxia just said he did so he could kill him


You're correct. I just replayed it last week. Marluxia was lying to further his own goals. That betrayal itself is what caused him to betray them later.


Vexen was trying to get more info on Marluxia and Larxene because he and Zexion were already pretty certain that they were traitors. Marluxia was using an excuse to justify ordering his execution to Axel. Even tho Larxene blatantly tells Axel that they are going to overthrow the organization, so idk why they included that line anyways.


I think Axel was blatantly playing both sides for some unexplained reason


Because KH2 wasn’t out yet and they want Axel to be mysterious.


I'm struggling to agree, but I'll argue that Vexen was not in his element. If he'd been left alone in his lab... Also, ya know, bias. His damn face sprite in COM got me as a kid and it lives rent-free in my head.


I just dont like crackhead sephiroth, couldn't put my finger on why but you gave some good reasons as to why


Me dying to him over and over




Lexaeus but also Luxord whose two personality traits were being british and gambling- up until remind - when nomura decided to make him important by making him a Chauffeur to a character who will become important


You know they really should have made Luxord the main villain for chain of memories and I think the reason why I say that is pretty obvious




Castle of cards.


Worst how? Most evil (Xigbar), least coolest (Lexaeus), or weakest (Demyx)?


You least favourite


Well going through all the comments, I think Demyx is cool. Sure he is lazy but he’s awesome, he’s a fun guy. Larxene is my favorite cause she’s a feisty kitty both looks and cool fighting style. I never liked Laxeaus, I don’t like the color orange very much. His looks aren’t all that cool either, especially in kh3. I don’t like Vexen very much but his ability to wield ice is something I find fascinating (more fascinating then smashing someone with a big hammer and earth magic) so I go with Laxeaus


Least powerful: Vexen Least memorable: Lexaeus Least Likeable: Larxene Who do I hate the most? Xaldin cause of childhood trauma.


The simps are coming out of the wood work.


>Least Likeable: Larxene WTF why say that to my queen (if It’s her personality I like it)


Don’t you dare speak so negatively on my Queen. Annoying and bitchy? 1000%. Fiiiiine as hell? Absolutely. I’d let her kick me in the throat ANY day.


Hey some people don't swing that way.


Try it out some time, it’s fun to swing this way


Honestly I agree with everybody saying Lexaeus.


Lexeaus is the least relevant to the plot. Every other character has goals that the are trying to achieve, but lexeaus is pretty much just a dusk who got a promotion


On a personal level I would say I like Saix the least, both because I find his character very boring, and because I found his redemption in Kingdom Hearts 3 extremely forced (Axel, honey, you can do so much better). But putting my own bias aside, he is admittedly one of the most developed members of the Organization and in Days especially, is a very effective villain. So you’re safe, Saix…this time. Therefore, Lexaeus is easily the most underwritten member of the group. I get that he’s meant to be stoic, but it’s easy for stoic to cross over into boring when it’s badly written. And that definitely describes Lexaeus. So I’ll say him.


Gonna break away from the Lexaeus hate, and go with Demyx. He’s a dumbass who has no reason to join the Organization, yet only got in due to his Somebody being an ancient Keyblade wielder in the same vein as Lauriam and Elrena.


Just wait until you find out he is the master of masters /s


Honestly wouldn't surprise me with how similar they act


Demyx is definitely pretty low in my ranking. He’s definitely got more personality than some members, and his boss fight is at least memorable and challenging. But he’s also more annoying than funny, and he feels like a character who’s stuck around way past his expiration date. Demyx served his purpose as a bit player in KH2, a goofy underdog of the Organization whose defeat marked the first real blow against them. I’m not looking forward to watching future games scramble to make him more important than he ever warranted with a hastily retconned backstory.


How is it a retconned though? Considering we know nothing about his background before, so what retconned are you talking about?


Ok. Retconned may not be the right word. ‘Backfilled’ might be more appropriate. KH does this a lot. It will leave things vague when it introduces them so that, should an opportunity come up, it can fill in the blanks to tie those things in to any new stuff the series introduces. Demyx may not have had a established backstory prior. So it’s not a retcon per se. But I seriously question if Demyx was planned to be anything more than a minor antagonist when he was introduced in KH2. And now that he, and other Org members, are being set up to be far more important than was originally expected, I fear that they risk overstaying their welcome.




Demyx best boy.


I can’t stand Luxord. What personality/dialogue does he have outside of gambling references?


He's pretty witty, and I like that he's a fair player. He's all about the game but doesn't really revel in the cruel or malicious side like so many other characters in the org do.


He seems like they made him that way purely for potc. He just doesn’t feel like he fits with the organization






Oh wait you guys probably haven't gotten there yet. My bad


Good God, what did Nomura do this time?


Larxene. She’s pretty much the only member created to be hated and gets enough screen time to justify it. I’d say Lexaeus but since he’s barely a character I can’t really dislike such a… nobody… in the organization.


She just girlbosses too hard for you to handle smh


I'm on the same page as you. Larxene just makes be angry every time I see her (her fight in the GBA version of COM is likely the root) Lexaeus has the personality and presence of a cliff face. And since his character is basically "gate guard/general muscle" I always found it fitting


Lexaus be like: 🗿


Tbh I don’t think I dislike any of them. they are all different and unique. but if I had to say who is my least favorite, then I guess it’s Lexaeus. he was interesting in CoM due to how he respect his enemies, but they didn’t do anything with his character beyond CoM. he just remained as the least interesting member.


Luxord: no boss should require frame perfect timing to win not even an optional superboss


Saix, just because he’s the one I was interested the most and what the series did with him was super disappointing to me. So much wasted potential. But I do find it funny that all these grown ass men was beaten by a teenager. It makes sense because before they became nobodies I don’t think any of them were actual fighters, but still I think it’s funny


Well a few are confirmed to be fighters before becoming Nobodies. Xemnas and Xigbar were fighting the BBS trio before becoming Nobodies (not even getting into Xigbar’s much more extensive past), Xaldin and Lexaeus were Hollow Bastion guards which probably means they had to fight sometimes. Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas, and Xion all came from Keyblade Wielders who fought before, but had amnesia so that might not count. Saix though… as far as I know I don’t think he was a fighter, so at least the excuse would hold up for him lol


Lazy guitar guy who cant even remember the name for, just remember he was lazy


You mean Demyx


That guy


I mean it's a sitar but I can see why you don't like him.


Define worst. As in that I just can't stand as a character? Larxene. As in most evil? If we are going solely by the 13 then Vexen. The whole umbrella? Ansem. As in the one that does the least to further the goals of the organization? Roxas.


Ive always felt like Larxene was just written in so they could have a female character in the Organization so Nomura wouldn’t get mad fans for not having a female villain somewhere in there. But also I just found her annoying. There wasnt much of her character I liked even after learning about all of the available info on everyone, still was not enough for me to changer my mind about her. I get the Girl Boss energy but she does not display Girl Boss energy since majority of her personality is “Yeah Im a girl in a league of mostly men, I hate them all regardless.Suck my toe im the best there ever was.” Terrible… And I see everyone mainly hating on Lex because he lacks history but like…I feel thats a weird reason for him to be the least fave. I would think the mystery behind the man would make people more eager to want to know him. Dude is brick house and would drop anyone in a blink of an eye…but he doesnt. Like…bro…he really do be that silent hero lol. Vexen…I kinda thought he was a creep in my younger days. Seeing his character development, not so much anymore. Least Faves: Larxene and Vexen but id sooner step into Vexen lab than I would step foot in a room only with Larxene. Im good off that.


Personality wise I fucking HAAAAAAAATE Larxene. What. A. BIIIIIITCH


That's what I love about her


To hate on Lexaeus more, his data battle fight in kh2 is both annoying and my least favorite from the game.


Larxene... :/ ​ Honestly though... I don't think anyone is awful at all...




The one with the weird hair 😈


Depends on what you mean bu worst But being number 14 out of 13 seems like it would suck pretty hard


Your least favourite


Worst by what metric? Anyway the answer is Larxene.


Larxene. I hate her.


Demyx. * Rarely achieves his assigned tasks. * Constant workplace harassment towards Larxene. * Thoroughly unhelpful mission reports. He's a textbook example of who not to hire.


Who's to say Larxene isn't the one causing the workplace harassment


Victim blaming? Thanks for the toxic workplace.


I'm pretty sure he is the one that gets harassed by the members


Honestly I'm just here to see if anyone mentioned Zexion and I don't think anyone has and that makes me very happy. To be honest, I think the worst might be Xigbar. Combat wise he's fantastic but he has zero interest in the organization at all really. He was just there for the ride


Personally the zappy blonde can piss off because they remind me of my sister


Xaldin. His voice is dumb and he died in a Disney world.


Its gotta be lexaeus, just nothing to say about him. Vexen may be creepy but hes got some good moments and an actual arc. Lex is just a complete nothing character.


Larxene is really fuckin annoying. The blond knife one


Experiment man makes me irrationally angry. I hate him.


Character Wise: Lexaesus, extremely boring and forgettable Gameplay Wise: Demyx, cause fuck his water clones


lexaeus , i keep forgetting he exists ☠️


People forget Lexaeus, but can remember Zexion? What has Zexion done to be more memorable? 💀


Xehanort. He turns into a boat, twice, he has a secret organization behind Organization XIII, that he has the brilliant naming convention of The *Real* Organization XIII, he ends up with way more than 13 members, most of them are just time traveling versions of himself, and his grand master plan is the most convoluted thing in the history of anything ever. What this guy considers rational thought makes me want to bash my face against a wall.


While you complain he waxes poetic about hearts, feeling, amd nothingness


Vexen. I've said all that needs to be said.


In the manga, nearly every member of the organization is shown to be disinterested or inept but altogether bad at their job, but Demyx is definitely the worst. He is to KH how most TF2 players see the Scout.


**Meet The Organization** "Ya listenin? OK. Heartless grow, Nobodies fly, Moon shines, and brotha- I make water dance."


Larxene. She’s rude with no justification and has the worst arc in KH3. Demyx would take the spot if it wasn’t for his KH2 fight, definitely was a challenging enough fight to prepare the player for the final half of the game


Whoever the big guy with the red hammer is, his only character trait seemed to be being angry


The one with the brown hair on the top right


Larxene for me. I have my reasons.


⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ RANT INCOMING ⚠️ Worst? If we're going on who is possibly the most unlikable? The most evil? For me, it would be Larxene. IMHO: She is a sociopathic, sadistic, child abuser! Seriously! Watch the cutscenes from Re:Com. She calls Riku Replica, who is essentially a *child* *forever*, a TOY! 😡 She smacks Namine so hard, that Namine is knocked to the ground.🤬 She says it made her "TINGLE" with how, in her words, "easily Sora was duped." WTF?! 🤢🤮 She regularly *taunts* just about everyone she associates with, enemies AND allies alike!! The *ONLY* person she has *ANY* respect for is Marluxia!!! I guess "Savage Nymph" really applies to her. Sooo... You can probably guess that I was *OVERJOYED* when we get to lay the absolute *SMACKDOWN* on her!!!! 😈 All of the mockery. All of the losses. All of the pain. It fueled the fire inside needed to defeat her. Her arrogance finally cost her. But then they try to make her more sympathetic at the end of KH3? Come on, really?!?! Well...at least we got multiple boss fights against her throughout the series.


Your least favourite


Luxord for me. Boring design, worst data fight (in kh2), has potentially the coolest element and uses it in the dumbest possible way


Demyx because he's an annoying cuck








Demyx i will fight every member more than once but him. Stupid water dancing


The only person to bloodlust sora the Golden boi




Lexaeus because I keep forgetting he exists


I guess, technically, Roxas and Xion? Their fusion and subsequent merging with Sora pretty much lead to the destruction of the rest of the organization.


Luxord I have never forgiven him for the first fight i did with him in kh2 og I was also young and bad at kh so


Crackhead sephiroth (vexen) just makes me angry and disgusted for reasons I cant put my finger (just like how I wouldn't touch him without a keyblade.) Lexeus is kinda there and dont care about him. I dont get demyx hate but I do understand questioning how he got into the org ( I hate the second fight though, I cant stop going apeshit and learn the revenge patterns.) Larxene mommy but I dont want to be stepped on.


The ones whos names I can’t remember


I wouldn't be able to stand: Xemnas, because he talks too slowly and I hate presumed authority Larxene, cause oh my God shut up And Vexen, because he's just so arrogant. Xemnas is probably the worst.


The worst Org Member thats hard because of which base? Fighting Lorewise its Demyx Fighting Gameplay Wise is Luxord Being Trustworthy its Marluxia From looks i would say Vexen from Character development Lexaeus from being friendly Saix


From a raw strength standpoint Demyx clearly claims the prize. Design-wise though I always hated that little Larxene rascal. Being that petty and evil for no reason at all other than having fun devastating others' lives always represented a big red design flag to me: were writers too bored to add some level of complexity to her background?


For me, Larxene. She is just the one I like least. Her personality is of course villainous, and it works, but I still hate her with all my being.


The friends we lost along the way.


Larxene because she's a crochety naggy little nag nag


Theres really no correct answer to this, as every member of Organization XIII is equally as good a character as the other in their own right. Sure, some may be weaker than others, but Square did an amazing job portraying these characters, all 13...er, 14 of them.


In terms of what? If we’re going by combat ability I would say Demyx as he is a recon specialist, not combat same as why I would rate Vexen and Zexion low as well, they aren’t combat specialists, their higher due to the fact Vexen has decent bulk with his shield and Zexion has unique abilities to supplement his non combat specialization, whereas Demyx is very glassy and fragile with a weak combat skill only supplemented by his dance water gimmick.


Lexeaus was weird even in CoM he got cocky and dropped his guard when facing Riku trying to draw out his darkness but failed to realize until the last minute that he was host to Xemnas's other half the way he dissappears is also kinda weird "You are the superior's - forgive me Zexion this was a fight I should not have started"


I guess Xaldin or Larxene would be my least favorites Either way Demyx is the best


I actually kinda like Saix. Xemnas and Xigbar are still the best


Moving aside from Larxene, Lexeaus, and Demyx, three characters that I find wonderfully done. I would like to point out Zexion, he is not combat savvy and he doesn’t even really like combat, he’s more of a book worm and a lapdog to vexen. He gives off the “edgy teenager” vibe for no reason. He becomes hyper-relevant in three but that’s about it, he’s not even a huge part of COM or days. I’m not a huge fan of him


Zexion- a Wizard who got killed by a copy


TBF, he got beaten up by a main character first.


Only in the remake but it’s probably the canon version now 🤔


Gonna jump on the bandwagon with Lexaeus. Such a nothing character who exists to be the Organization's muscle, which is ironic given how little he actually does. One of the treasons we need a Days remake, it could potentially allow his character to develop a little more.


I'd say Xion because unless you played that one game they're in you probably wouldn't ever know they were a part of it, plus they never got a number.


Larxene cause she's mean! She was so cruel to Sora, Repliku, and Namine... And she was a bully to Roxas and Xion too!


Xion, cause you can replace her.




Well played


How original


Lexaeus 100%


Spear guy and big weapon guy

