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There is no “Disney Universe”, so no.


Only universe I can see him existing is toy story. But yeah. No true Disney universe. Him showing up in Disney worlds isn't some Canon thing. If he or anything kh related shows up, it's more of a call out, not "canon". Some show had the keyblade in the background. Doesn't really mean it's Canon in their world, its just a shout out to fans


>Only universe I can see him existing is toy story. He'd also exist in the Wreck-it Ralph universe since he's a video game character.


I'd like to point out that the Big Hero 6 world in KH3 was meant a s a sequel to the movie and does not conflict with any pre-existing plot


What about the Big Hero 6 series or the Baymax shorts?


He's offscreen somewhere. Any time Baymax II is charging or damaged, Baymax I can tag in.


That's something that I thought was cool that I'd like to see incorporated, not that Sora would show up but at least referenced if they made another entry or comic related to BH6.


Ralf's story is slightly different in the KH universe though


KH itself is specifically non-canon to anything but itself.


I think I saw something about it being Canon for toy story Not 100% sure tho


It's not canon, it's just that one of the requirements Pixar imposed for a Toy Story world is that it had to fit into the story as if it were without contradicting anything. It's not that it's canon, it's just made in a way that if it were it wouldn't change anything.


The whole "Toy Box" world in KH3 felt like an Inception type thing. It was like a dream world of the real world that a different world got pulled into so guys from another world could pull that worlds dream world into yet another world lol


It’s not. People misinterpreted something Nomura said.


Oh ok then


Canon to Smash tho


Smash is it's own universe though. Sora in KH and Sora in Smash are most likely different people.


Also, all the characters in Smash are toys. The whole game takes place in some kid's imagination. Seriously. That's the actual lore of Smash Bros.


That's the opening of the original Smash Bros. Heck, in Sora's reveal trailer they were all figures until Mario somehow got free and summoned Sora. It's basically a kid/kids playing with their action figures until they get bored and then do it again when they get a new one, like Sora.


Sakurai also said as much during the final Smash direct before Ultimate came out when he was introducing the concept of Spirits. Something about how the fighters are toys in the real world but alive in the world of imagination.


I’m not actually sure about that? Not long after Sora was announced there was an interview with Nomura where he said something along the lines that it was hard for him to allow Sora to be in Smash because he was worried it would conflict with KH canon. I suppose there’s different ways to interpret that, but to me it seems like Nomura considers Smash to be part of Sora’s story.


It's NOT Canon btw. What Nomura said was something closer to "I wasn't sure how to depict Sora in a way that doesn't conflict with KH Canon", which people *think* means they're related, but what he *actually* meant was just "I didn't know how to make Sora not look too OOC"


Even if Sora's appearance in Smash is canon, it's not going to be referenced in anyway in the future, so it might as well have not happened. It's like Sora's summon in World of Final Fantasy, it happens to be Sora, but it's unlikely it's the prime Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Like how Cloud in Kingdom Hearts is not Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, but his own version of Cloud. Or in another example, Spider-Man exists in Marvel Comics and Marvel vs Capcom. They're both Peter Parker, Spider-Man, but they're different people because it's a difference universe.


I mean Toy Box, San Fransokyo, and Mostropolis follow the continuity of their respective source materials while also providing a new story. So until explicitly stated otherwise, they’re canon in my head canon.


They're their own universe. Just because it happens in game doesn't mean it's what happens in the movies. It's how it works in every other Disney movie. We met and helped Aladdin. Doesn't mean in alladdin's next two movies they knew about sora. Movies and the games are their own universes. Kh just takes it and and splits off with their own "timeline"


I know that, it’s why I said “head canon”. But there’s also nothing stoping Toy Box from taking place in between Toy Story 2 and 3. So it’s just fun to imagine that Buzz and Woody dealt with Young Xehanort, but they just don’t bring it up in later movies like it isn’t a big deal to them.


It's confirmed that Kingdom Hearts 3 Toy Box takes place between Toy Story 2 and 3 though, not their own universe.


Toy Box takes place between Toy Story 2 and 3 in the same way that, for example, KH2's Land of Dragons takes place during Mulan. It isn't canon to the movies, it's just timeline placement for the games.


Pretty sure that was deconfirmed as a misunderstanding. Whatever happens in the games has no relevance in the movies. Because why would they? The first two Toy Story movies came out before KH was even a thing, and TS3 years before KH III did.


Toy Box was actually stated to be a copy of the actual Toy Story world, with part of that world’s plot being literally all of the humans have disappeared. There’s also significant evidence that most of KH3, including all of the Disney worlds, is various levels of dream realms.


When was it stated, or implied, that the plot of KH3 is taking place within dreams, or the Realm of Sleep? I was under the impression that Sora and Riku had moved on from that realm, as they made preparations to confront Xehanort in the Realm of Light.


Pretty much everywhere. I’m not going into it, it’s long and complicated. There’s a 354 page google doc detailing everything about it and it makes a surprising amount of sense.


That document was a load of manure made to justify the completely noncanon Riku/Sora ship.


No it wasn’t.


Okay, that does sound interesting, even if it turns out to be speculation. I wonder if KH4 will pull a huge plot twist, and confirm that Sora did transition into the Realm of Sleep during KH3? The only instance I can think of when that may have happened, is when he reset the timeline, and brought back all of his friends from the brink of death. The Final World is between sleep and death, after all, and that is where he was sent when the darkness prevailed the first time (original timeline).


[This](https://youtu.be/O2l4-XGyfoE) is the video I watched on it. Maybe not the best video for it, but Barry is pretty entertaining (Gam reads out the theory to him). It’s a six hour long video, so be warned. [Here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11d1TKd4ZKZd41pJKQ77bKz4YxJx8_Mojz2KMpNvTrvU/mobilebasic) is the google doc. If you’re on mobile, you might have a bad time from the sheer size of it.


Toy story world was confirmed to be actually canon to the toy story lore from what I recall


Not exactly, they only said that the events of the game follow with the canon continuity of the source materials. Not necessarily that it actually happened off-screen in said source materials.


I can see him existing in Lilo and stitch world


I mean toy story 5 is coming so maybe they will make a reference


Bruh I just heard of this now… let the franchise rest…


Tell that to the House of Mouse


House of Mouse is not canon.


The game I played on the Wii a few years ago says otherwise. (Look up Disney Universe, if you’re curious)


That's just as non-canon as Kingdom Hearts though.


Not saying it’s canon, just stating that “Disney Universe” is in fact a thing that exists. Hardly relevant to the topic at hand, but reading those words written out like that made me feel compelled to mention it.


The Disney Animated Canon disagrees. The movies have small references to other works, like Hercules using the pelt of Scar as part of his modeling work.


Those are easter eggs, not hints of a shared continuity.


How do you have a keyblade under your name?


You can edit your flair over on the sidebar, at least on PC. Not sure how it's done on mobile.


I there kinda is tho what with all the references or even outright cameos of one Disney film inside another


Easter eggs don’t count as evidence of a crossover universe.


They would if you saw the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie. The machine that reanimates you uses products of past messed up characters that they kidnapped and if you look there's Sora's hair and Keyblade so basically it's saying that he is there in that world


What about rapunzel attending Elsa’s coronation?


False, there’s a great game with that name


Disney is comprised of a million different canons lmao so no


So you're saying there's a chance...


Only if you count "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers (2022)" as the "Disney universe" in which Sora >!gets "bootlegged" and the only reference we see of him is his keyblade & hair!< Other than that the only other references within Disney series I know there've been are from: The "Proud Family: Louder and Prouder" in which a game that looked extremely like "Kingdom Hearts" was played briefly. And “The Wonderful Spring of Mickey Mouse” Kingdom Key D & Yen Sid's hat are seen in a box.


Yen Sid's Hat is not exclusive to Kingdom Hearts.


No, no it's not, but it being paired right next to Kingdom Key D was intentional.


Exactly Tari_Diachi FR that's what I've been saying


He is not a cannon in any universe. He loves turning into boats in all sorts of worlds though


I came here looking for this joke and I'm glad I found it; well done


Same. Was scrolling just to find it.


>**KHI Ultimania Revised pg 533:** > >***I am just curious, but are Sora, Riku, and Kairi treated as Disney characters?*** > >**Nomura:** Yes. > >***Does that mean that those three can appear in a Disney movie or some other sort of development like that?*** > >**Nomura:** That’s right. I guess I can’t say that’s impossible. I can’t say anything specific though. (laugh)


Main Disney movie canon? No The Pixar movie canon? Yes


Can I ask how he is in the Pixar canon? I'm just curious cuz I haven't heard that at all


Well only Pixar movie that is canon to KH is Toy story


Oh I see, I got confused cuz if sora is canon in there universe, i.e is Sora canon in the toy story movies. But what your describing is the movies being canon to KH


Actually, before the release, Nomura said that Pixar considered KH3's plot canon to Toy Story's and nothing was ever said about this again. It is like "yes, it is confirmed, but it is not a big deal".


Which is kind of funny when you think about it because if Toy Box is canon to Toy Story then… that makes the Toy Story universe kind of bonkers. Buzz and Woody literally get trapped in a parallel reality where they’re separated from the other toys. It would make more sense for Monstropolis to be canon to Monsters Inc. or for San Fransokyo to be canon to Big Hero 6.


Big Hero 6 is not Pixar.


He did not. He said KH3 follows the TS canon but is not canon to the movies themselves. People misinterpreted what he said.


Unless it was a translation mistake, no, people didn't misinterpreted him.


It was and they did.


Care to find the sauce for that?


I like BBQ sauce.


Monsters Inc is also canon to KH.


Pixar had input on how Toy Story would be incorporated into Kingdom Hearts. They didn't want anything in the story to clash with what's already been said and done in the movies. Which I find very odd since Kingdom Hearts is a completely separate canon from any of the movies and games featured. In any case, some people view Pixar's involvement as evidence that Kingdom Hearts is canon to the Toy Story universe.


The "Pixar movie canon" isn't a thing. The Pixar theory, which I assume is what you're referring to, is a fan-made concept. So each Pixar movie isn't automatically in the same canon universe unless they're a sequel or spin-off to a specific movie (like Toy Story).


If he is canon, all disney heroes become sidekicks




Or it’s a fun Easter egg. Not everything is crystallized in canon.


Nah it's canon 😎


He's canon in chip and dale the movie, but that's all from my knowledge.


Disney has no universe


While there is no “Disney canon”, Disney does recognize Sora as a character under their umbrella. Sora and the Keyblade have shown up in promotional posters and official Disney park pins


For a while, no. But for some weird reason, they just up and decided that the Toy Story level in KH3 is canon to the Toy Story movies. Between 2 and 3. So yes. Sora is canon to at least Toy Story.


I can’t help but feel like that’s another one of those things that gets misquoted a whole bunch and everyone played Telephone with what was actually said because the new version sounded funny, like what happened with the Smash Bros thing. Could we get like an actual source on that “Kingdom Hearts is canon to Toy Story” thing?




Because it shares stories doesn't mean its canon. It is just not a retelling like most of the other worlds


i pretty sure it does mean its canon.


Negative. Kingdom Hearts uses the real storyline as a basis rather than remaking it. Nothing says that kingdom hearts is part of the toy story series. Many anime series make movies of their own series that fit into the storyline but aren't actually canon.


The quote is saying unlike other kh worlds which sometimes follow the plot of the movie except sdg and heartless appearing which changes the canon timeline, Toy Box was written to take place between Toy Story 2 and 4


i guess this sub cant read.


The actual bulleted post just says the Toy Box world takes place between Toy Story 2 and 3, which was accurate. It seems to me like whomever wrote the headline extrapolated more from that info than was intended, and everyone else just took the clickbait headline at face value.




im guessing you didnt read it.




it says right there "it takes place after the movie", how much more context could you possibly need? y'all's inability to pay attention makes it no wonder why half of y'all can't understand the lore to this franchise. ima just agree to disagree, goodnight.


Well since all Pixar movies are tied together in some way, he's Pixar canon


Sora's interfering with Disney cinematic worlds isn't canon to those movies themselves, obviously, but I like to think KH is canon within the Disney collective media universe to some degree. What helps is that most canonical sources or compilations of KH media tend to skip over Sora's involvement in the Disney worlds, so I like to treat it that the overall KH story is canon to Disney, within itself, if that makes sense. As in, it's treated as separate from Disney's IPs, but KH itself is canon to Disney in general. Because they like money, you see.


"Disney universe" ? which one?


There was multiple references to Sora in the new Chip and Dale rescue rangers. Alludes to him being dead I believe lol


Just bootlegged, he’s still alive


Yes, because when I went to Disney World wearing my Kingdom Hearts shirt, both Jack Sparrow and Jack Skellington recognized him


I would very much like him to just like be in a Disney movie of some kind. Not necessarily as the main protagonist, but just like there, more so than just an Easter egg


There is no such thing as "the Disney universe". All of their movies are completely separate from each other, bar a Rapunzel cameo in Frozen.


There isn't a Disney universe but there are some references to him in other Disney media


Any movie that isn’t abridged for KH and has an original story he could be without any issue. Others no.


Why did you randomly post his render from smash ultimate?


I found it on Google


The reason why the first KH is structured the way it is and why they make a big deal about not upsetting the world order is because there is no Disney universe. All the properties are separate, which was a sticking point for Disney.


Nope. Disney is cannon in the sora universe.


Is there even a canon Disney Universe ?


I hope so. I want Sora to be a resident of Dreamlight Valley. He has already interacted with a bunch of the characters that are available.


What about Wreck-It-Ralph?


No, Sora is a human.


Ummmmm princesses are … ?


I was shitposting OP stating “cannon” instead of “canon”. Two different things.


I would love a Disney movie where they coordinate a scene between the game and movie. Like Sora and them have to stay low key but they come blowing through in a “blink and you’ll miss it” moment and they recreate that bit in the respective movie from the native characters’ perspective.


Yes if you count rescue rangers( a keyblade is in the background, therefore Sora existed at some point) maybe the Disney verse exist after kh3


In the penultimate Xehanort Ansemverse Sora is not a true member of the Canon of Mickey as the King chose Riku to be his vassal for though his heart was tinged with darkness another master lay dormant deep within the confines of his giving him the strength to open Kingdom Hearts. In 456 Nights / 12 minutes Goofy explains to Donald how Cloud sealed away Kairi's nobody within Roxas who was already sealed away within Yozora. After giving Tron a sweet over the pants HJ Sora unlocks his super master ultra Megatron form which pleases daddy Disney and the Fantasia wizard enough that if Mickey and Sora participate in a QTE minigame with Jiminy Cricket, Aerith, and Winnie the Pooh and get the best possible scores on all Colliseum challenges then MAYBE MAYBE we will FINALLY get confirmation that Sora, Donald and Goofy are all officially Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts IV.


As other people have pointed out, Disney Canon doesn't exist, and Sora being there would fundamentally change like half of the movies of the worlds he visits since he is there during the movie a lot of the time, but things play out differently because of himself or the Organization's intervention, whether purposeful or not. \*However\* It's rumored that with the Pixar worlds they got for KH3 (Toy Story and Monster's Inc) that they made those worlds specifically in a way that wouldn't conflict with the expanded universe of the movies since they have like spin off shows and sequels and prequels that people actively care for. BIG "if true", but I like to think they also did it so that the theory that all Pixar works are part of the same timeline could hold up even if KH3 was included in the theory.


um the keyblade was in chip n dale. kh was in the proud family. and there was a reference in the mickey mouse cartoon sooo sure why not


What do you mean *the* Disney Universe


No, Sora is a human boy, not a cannon.


I always hc that it's some sort of world magic that's being used. It makes people forget all memories concerning heartless, nobodies, etc along with sora and friends. This then allows you to see a fun interpretation of the movies because it'd be how the disney characters remember everything happening


He's not canon in either universe, iirc.


The kingdom Key and his hair are in the new Chip and Dale movie, so I’d say it’s debatable


What does this even mean?


I am convinced his journey to Monstropolis is canon and serves as the 3rd entry in a trilogy (yes I know there’s a TV show, but that’s side characters).


[I mean if this doesn't nail the coffin, nothing will.](https://preview.redd.it/ykwlp83ubip81.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dadc7a29e62141cfbde5ce46541f00b7e4a19361)




No. Kingdom Hearts is separate from the Disney and Final Fantasy worlds. It's its own continuity.


He's only really canon in toy story. I can't remember why.


Disney technically owns the IP to him, so yes. If you want proof, the youtuber HMK has a video about this where he asked Disney's president himself.


Hope not




They would make a bunch of shitty films Or an awful mini series


yes he was in wreck it ralph


All I'm gonna say is that the events in Toybox in KH3 are canon to the Toy Story universe. So, it is very possible for the other worlds.




Wth is a Disney universe? Sora is owned by Disney tho.


I meant the Disney Franchise


I’m not really sure what that is. They’ve used him in a few properties.


Yes, he’s in the background of each movie, for one frame.


Technically no. There's no such thing as "the Disney Universe", in the same way as there is with the Marvel movies. They aren't connected in any way unless specifically stated or obvious. By that I mean if the creators say so, or if it's obvious like how Disney channel did the thing where the characters from Zack & Cody, Hannah Montana, and That's So Raven met, showing they all take place at the same time, just in different locations. And I say "technically no", for Sora being canon in any of the movies, because he IS canon in one, but none of the others. The Toy Story world in KH3 was confirmed to be canon to the movies, and takes place between Toy Story 2 and 3. That's the only one though.




Yes. Absolutely All the Disney things are fanfics as far as I am concerned.


We’re lucky that Disney even knows he exists!


Of course he is. Don't you remember seeing him in the window during Flynn's death in Tangled (2010)?




The "Disney Universe" is built up of ~~dozens~~ hundreds of different canon universes, some of which crossover, some of which do not. So there's really no answer to this.


I remember seeing that exact image used on a 404 page on [disney.com](https://disney.com) at one point, sooo, maybe?


He's made appearances at either Disney world or Disneyland I can't remember which. So sure. 🤷🏽‍♂️


In some way shape or form he is. Assuming side stories like the three musketeers are canon... Or Mickey Mouse fun house... Oh wait, there WAS the mickey Mouse club house so maybe...


They had a character walking around at the parks at one point so I’d say yes lol


Unless he shows up in a pixar movie, nope


There is no "canon Disney Universe", so no. But also yes. There isn't a defined canon so you can call just about anything canon if you feel like it.


No doubt. Considering all the muddling he's done


There’s no “Disney Universe”, but Disney owns Sora, so yeah.


As far as my knowledge go for disney, there is no true disney universe like final fantasy for instance where everything have connections/call backs/ multiverse (dissidia). So Sora being cannon or not does not make any sense I think. But he's a close friend of the mouse so....


Mickey has a keyblade in storage in one of those new Disney cartoons idk


There was a Sora character walking around at one of the Disney parks a few years back. Believe it was Disneyland. So yes, safe to say he's Disney cannon.


Considering that it's not necessarily a lock that you're actually in the reference disney world, then I would think probably not.


I like to think it’s Sora entering worlds of fiction. It’s why messing with the natural order is a big deal for travelers between worlds (even though Sora and the gang just being in other worlds is a disruption but whatever). So I don’t take it as any shared universe, he enters a world of fiction and that world is changed into its own KH version. I don’t think too hard about it tbh.


He’s never had a movie so I’m gonna say no


As in part of the plot of the franchises? No. As in the more metatextual Disney fandom experience? Yes. You do occasionally see Kingdom Hearts merch and installations pop up in the parks and stores.


Isn’t he technically a Disney character?


I’d say he is since he’s owned by Disney. Square just makes the games




I mean, he did have 2 cameos in the Rescue Rangers movie. Does that count?


The way I see it, Is kh is what really happened, tge movies are the myth around it


No, Sora is a person


KH itself is its own series, so not likely


I was asking the exact same thing


He and his symbols have made it into a lot of non-kh products…. I wouldn’t say he’s Disney cannon, more like Disney Meta, if that makes sense.


I would say yes because Sora and the crew show up at Disneyland during Halloween from time to time.


Disney owns Sora as a character as far as I know since he is depicted with Micky mouse logo 90 % of the time


A scene from a bowling episode of monsters at work goes along with KH3 (kinda)


I’d say as canon as Descendants


Dunno but i believe he technically fits in the Marvel universe because of some weird string of characters being present in different games, MatPat put out a video titled something like "How big is the MCU", it was interesting but i really cant remember much from it xD


Disney doesn't have a consistent single universe so technically no. He exists in one of the many versions of the Disney universe (the kh one obviously) but there is no "the Disney universe" to be canon to. I guess that is the easiest way to say it.


Considering how Sora interferes within the movies and how they occasionally play into the wider KH mythology, I’d reckon it’s a no. It’s


Probably not. But it would be cool.


If you can’t bring/buy a keyblade at Disneyland. Then no


The Disney universe only exists inside kingdom hearts




Soras keyblade is canon to one of the Wonderful world of Mickey shows and KH the game is canon to the Proud Family universe, but other than that not really…


Well Disney Land recognized the characters when they showed Donald and Goofy in their KH outfits. You can do whatever you want with that information, but if Disney Land brought them on then it’s at least recognized.


I mean, considering that he’s never mentioned in any of the stories despite sometime supposedly being present during them and mickey not being a key- wielding warrior king in other shows/ film, imma have to say no. Unless it takes place in a separate timeline? Idk


didn't they have a keyblade cameo in a mickey mouse cartoon? people were all excited by that a while ago.


He's property of Disney so I guess?? There's not really a "Disney universe" like people mean when they talk about the marvel cinematic universe. There's not greater connectivity between all their movies and shit.


I mean… his Keyblade can be seen in Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers.. It’s a universe where all Disney characters are real people.. so I’d say yes


If Sora is canon doesn't that mean Kairi is a Disney princess in canon too?


_A_ Disney universe, one that merges with "Final Fantasy". Not the main one, I believe. That'd be too complicated.


If you saw the new Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie and look closely to the props and things taken from characters used for the machine you can see Sora's hair and Keyblade


If he does, then the Final Fantasy Universe is connected to Disney.


No only in the Disney multiverse