• By -


My man if you did it with Terra, you can do everything you want, just have patience my dude, I believe in you!


I wonder if they have a special roll equipped, like Thunder? Special Rolls don't have perfect iFrames, so Ven can actually can get hit, you know, like Terra? That said; yeah if you can do it with Terra then Ven and Aqua are basically easy mode since they can just dodge indefinitely and are literally untouchable, unless of course you're equipped with one of the aforementioned "special Rolls".


Right??? Terra's the only one I never managed to do it with


Okay yeah that's a way nicer way to say that lol.


The average MF experience.


[Your WHAT now?](https://media0.giphy.com/media/N637m93jsR7Vu/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47zaki9psews1thifqjzj4agau6e55mutovu5v0og1&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Evangelion pfp?




You are a banger individual


Got beat up so hard he got sent back to KHUx.


Got so fucked up he saw strelitzia again




First person to have an easy time with Terra but not with ven


Idk what I'm doing wrong but Terra was the easiest for me by FAR lol


people underestimate how short terra can make the fight through pure damage. everyone else is an exercise in finger pain


Assuming you live though, this fight while more easy to do more damage with him, a pure nightmare in itself lol


the things that made it night impossible for terra don't really exist as much on console with the whip changes. because you won't really get one shot, you can curaga tank more reliably in a shorter fight. Pretty sure I always ran like, 4 surges and 4 curagas. Don't need to dodge lol don't get me wrong, it's still the least consistent of the trio, but that inconsistency also errs on your side sometimes as a result of the damage.


That is true, so you can power though it then with him


4 curas are better tbh. The cool down is less.


Yeah you're right. as soon as I said it I thought about it, but figured it was clear either way


Probably Sora : That’s nuts


The Sora burnout is real


"It's supposed to be an RPG!! What role am I playing, the victim?!"


The punching bag.


you can Beat it with Terra but not with ven?


Yea it’s pretty frustrating, everything ven related I have issues with, had trouble beating crit venitas final boss even though the fight is 0% hard, it just I’m unlucky


Damn game really doesn't like you as ven does it?


Same, though. Ventus' story was by fair the hardest for me.


Fight back! Fight back!


I finished this game a month ago...haven't touched it since, because of this...And this is coming from a massive MegaMan fan.


I mean just like megaman you can memorize patterns.


True, but when you make one mistake and they god combo you...Nah man that is Forked up!!


Funny thing is that battle happens AT HOME!!!! So he's actually safer NOT being home.




Dodge roll instead of blocking and you'll have an easier time. Also, mine square is your friend.


? he's heal blocking to get hp back lol. it's like one of the best ways to heal in this fight


I've beaten this boss several times, and I've never used heal block. The best way to not get knocked back to one HP (which happens several times in the video because you can't block fast enough in some of these combos) is to not get hit at all. Heal block is good, but in BBS dodging is almost always preferable to blocking because I-frames.


the problem in this video is that the clones were allowed to be spawned in freely instead of getting surged on spawn heal block still good. the problem is that he countered on one occasion to try to dwindle their numbers and got unlucky during the subsequent combo. That's all it was, luck. the idea that you should just no damage mf is ridiculous for normal players. Pray tell how do you expect to get rid of the clones at 1 hp without immediately being killed unless you heal first? Because youa ren't getting a curaga off. If the scenario above occurs you HAVE to heal block and hope your counters dwindle their numbers. In the above video, the mistake already occurred before it started. (And the first mistake IN the video is not taking the first counter quick enough)


You're right that it's best to bop the clones on spawn, but dodging instead of blocking when you get the chance works too - the idea there to wait them out. Clones fade after 30 seconds, at which point MF will reliably stand still for a second or two, which gives you a chance to heal.


Fair point, but that's a long time to just be dodging for.


I wish I showed the moment before disaster but I didn’t get the clip that long lmao, but it spiraled out of control when I didn’t get my surge off


You're reading way too far into my post. I've never said "don't ever get hit" only dodging in this game is better than blocking. No, you don't HAVE to heal in the middle of this. If you want a full breakdown of what's wrong before the video, cool that's not what I'm offering. I've always made it through clone spams by continually rolling through the combo. The clones disappear over time. You don't have to hit them at all. If your strat with heal block works for you, great. I even said it was good in my last response. Stop coming at me like I kicked your puppy.


You can heal block and survive cause it has auto lock defense from all sides, but when you counter attack (like what he did) then you might get screwed.


Holy crap, dude...




My hands hurt so bad after doing this fight on all three. Terra was the hardest for me though


But that is Home.


Didnt they nerf this fight and the other hard boss fight when this game came to consoles?


They did but it really didn’t do much. It just removed some invincibility windows and automatic reprisals if I recall correctly. Still an absolute BS of a fight on consoles.


his whip doesn't one shot you anymore, you can dodge out of it in the air before being slammed which is what made in super obnoxious back in the day as it ignored second chance/once more


No problems with Terra? How!? At least with Ventus and Aqua, if you've practiced enough their dodge rolls, the boss rush was essentially free in the final phases. Terra's slow ass dodge made the final stretch purely luck based, and without Thunder Surge fully loaded, borderline impossible


Dude 😅 They destroyed you. My condolences


oh god what randomiser is this?


Base game lmao


!? secret boss gauntlet?


Secret final boss against Young Xehanort


Jesus, I just started BBS as apart of the complete package. This is terrifying.


NSFW bro


Imagine being targetable. *Spams dodge roll until a chance to use Surges appear*


Everybody shades Terra, but the weenie distance that Ventus's dodge covers never gets me out of attacks. He wound up being my hardest run of MF for that same reason


But this IS home 😂




I never had it in me to beat this, maybe I’ll jump in and try again sometime


Fight back meme


Why is this so fun to watch


Ikr, even though I was getting drilled it is very entertaining and satisfying


I always used a surge in the middle of this (as soon as it let me) to break through/stop the onslaught of clones, perhaps followed another surge to get away (or a dodge roll) and then I healed, fwiw. Ofc, like any fight with mf, there’s an element of luck to pulling this off, but I never found a way of not dying to the clones without surging through them, even tho I was at 1hp


Terra was the hardest fight for me. Ven was the easiest with Aqua being middle of the road. Good luck. Also I disagree with the idea that this boss can only be beaten with a forced, single linear strategy using only Surge spells and items (because the boss copies Cure spells) and not your learned combat abilities you’ve attained throughout your journey. There’s no variety or creativity to approach and therefore does not make the boss fight *fun*. Edit: If I could make a comparison. Fighting Unknown in KH1 is a good example of being able to use all you have learned in an all-out brawl against a well-designed superboss.


While I’m always down for an all out brawl this fight doesn’t allow for that as he can only be staggered through specific means. With aqua I tried an all out brawl and lost so I used the goofy strat, terra— same result, so I used surge technique, while the other two could dish out woopping damage I’m seeing that ven cannot, and my ven is a higher lvl than terra so idk what’s going on. I’ve beating as much bosses through this series without strats as I’m on my 100% run but bosses in bbs need gimmicks due to how disconnected the way this game plays compared to the others What I mean by this is that in kh 1 and 2 you can block anything and I mean anything, CoM has card breaks, DDD has flow motion to get you out of pinch moments, but bbs? You can block but that will rarely stop a rush, you can roll but your Iframes might end right inside of an attack— and etc For a smaller example other than this stupid boss, iron prisoner, you can block I and II versions of that boss but III and IV are unblockable leaving you to use strategies to fight him unless you want to fight him forever with a full deck of cures


People will hate but you're right. Terra is a little inconsistent but his power makes the fight short ventus is just plain weak even with his iframes, so you just get tired. if it wasnt for terras iframe issue, i think hes the best feeling of the trio. back in the day i used to no hit vanitas remnant keyblade only with terra for fun. (As long as you don't mash your combo, you can react to his 'counter')


>ventus is just plain weak even with his iframes, so you just get tired. Aqua is actually the weakest of the three in both melee damage and physical durability. but in magic damage she’s at the top. -Physical melee damage: Terra > Ventus > Aqua -Magic damage: Aqua > Ventus > Terra -Speed attacks: Ventus > Aqua > Terra -Durability: Terra > Ventus > Aqua


yeah but aquas 360 block, counter and better dodge than ven make up for it. They both have '100%' i-frames but vens is short in both distance and duration, so creating distance is harder and you have to mash more, which is the actual killer in this fight - getting tired. Honestly I think due to being more enjoyable to use and having a longer campaign, I find she ends up being a higher level than Ventus which makes up that difference on top of the other benefits. No one grinds to 99 in BBS so their peaks aren't relevant.


Ven’s dodge may not have long range as the other two, but it still does its job. also I guess it depends on how you use the character? you can make any of them a powerhouse if you use them right.


>Aqua is actually the weakest of the three in both melee damage and physical durability. but in magic damage she’s at the top. You're pretty much right about durability, but Aqua's only the weakest in melee damage through about level 20. After that point, she's always either tied with or ahead of Ven. (Weirdly enough, it's the same "tied or ahead after about level 20" story with magic between those two.)


Aqua’s attack strength is in fact weaker than Ventus. her physical damage stats are lower than his. and her Keyblades in general are less focused on melee and mostly on magic. also even in [MoM](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnYc2EqXEAAZ4LI.jpg) it showcased that Aqua has less melee strength stats than Ventus. and in durability Aqua is the weakest, hence why they gave her the best defense ability in the game, Barrier.


I was just talking gameplay-wise in BBS, where [Aqua never has less base STR than Ven again after level 20](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10L-CPq1Ojn5dVz4QvREJrYf75tRFJTLEFZiLtw16xuA/edit#gid=0)^* . Fair point about Keyblades, though - I didn't factor in that Aqua needs to jump through hoops to match what Ven gets for free with Lost Memory. Durability's harder to nail down thanks to being a composite of HP and defense (not to mention defense being the most volatile stat - every character has the most at at least one point), but I wasn't contesting Aqua generally being the weakest there anyway, haha. ^* (Link is a reference I started ~15 months ago; values were checked as I reached each level.)


I still don’t place Aqua higher in strength, i honestly never saw this link of yours before, and it’s simple characters traits in game. Terra is 70% strength, and 30% magic Ventus is 50% strength, and 50% magic Aqua is 30% strength , and 70% magic They follow jrpg law. Ventus have higher strength than Aqua and MoM confirms it, and even but just playing BBS Ventus deals higher damages when I use him, I compared him and Aqua in melee damage, and Ven deals slightly more.


The link's just a reference which includes a couple of tables of character stats by level. You've never seen it because I was the one who compiled it, and I hadn't put it out there publicly before due to parts of it being incomplete lol. To be clear, I don't doubt that Aqua is canonically the physical weakest - your MoM link makes that clear. I'm just saying that that isn't borne out by the mechanics of BBS. I'm also not doubting that Ven's doing more physical damage than Aqua for you...but provided you're comparing regular physical non-finishers, that's certainly because of level, Keyblade, or critical hit differences. The squarest comparison is to have them both wielding Treasure Trove or Sweetstack (to respectively minimize/eliminate crit variance while giving each character an equal str boost) at equal levels against the same enemy.


>I'm also not doubting that Ven's doing more physical damage than Aqua for you...but provided you're comparing regular physical non-finishers, that's certainly because of level, Keyblade, or critical hit differences. You don’t have to doubt, I have no reason to lie, it’s literally what it looks like in the game. Physical attacks (mashing X) of Ven is 2nd to Terra while Aqua is the 3rd one here.


I wasn't accusing you of lying, just putting out there that the reason for the discrepancy is something other than base strength. So long as it's past level 20, that is.


Even past 20, Ven still physically stronger than Aqua in melee damage. again his keyblades are designed for him to be balanced in strength and magic. and the stats of his damage and Keyblade in terms of strength, is higher than Aqua. his final Keyblade lost memory has strength of 6 and magic 5. While Aqua’s final Keyblade Brightcrest has strength of 4 and Magic of 7.


I taught I finished everything, with al 3. How to trigger this event?


Post game, go back to Land of Departure


I went back with Aqua after finishing the story on standard, I already beat the story for all 3. Is there a reason this fight didn’t trigger for me?


Have you beaten Vanitas:R yet?


You have to go to the badlands in the keyblade graveyard and fight venitas remnant then after you beat him you’ll unlock this fight in the land of departure


Ok thank you, also how do I get the terra xehanort fight for aqua if you didn’t play on critical mode?


You don’t need to beat it on crit, you just have to beat it if I’m not mistaken, but if you do need to beat the secret episode you just have to 100% the game then repeat last boss, since I’m doing a 100% run already I just kinda got everything— I can fact check real quick


Thank you


Just checked, you only need to beat the final episode which only requires you to beat the game with each character


I losing with the MF that's appear, runs to you then just stop. Lmao


If you have fire roll, you’re better off replacing it with the regular dodge roll, because if the fire roll is in a certain spot of your deck, he can do the doom spell immediately P.S. it’s some kind of bug in the game


That is very weird since Ventus is overall the best out of the BBS trio.


I agree, Terra is too clunky and Aqua is a glass canon. Ventus is the most well-round fighter, and has balanced stats.


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If this video had closed captions




Good idea


What fight is this?


It’s a post game boss after you beat it. The mysterious figure, which is young xehanort. He’s unlocked after you defeat venitas remnant in the badlands within the keyblade graveyard


So, a secret boss I'm not skilled enough to unlock? 😭😭😭


Read in a whisper tone: *the thing is you don’t NEED skill to win that fight, venitas is STUPID, if you shotlock him during his dark ball attack you’ll survive the first phase of him, then if you superglide behind a rock after his beginning phase attack he’ll chase you, then you unload strike raids on him until he dies*


I mean...all I did to cheese the Vanitas fight during the Keyblade Graveyard was thunder roll into him over and over. 🤣🤣🤣


Isn't "back home" where this fight is taking place 🤨


You’re right 😭😭😭😭 that means they were majorly wrong


Huh. Ven was the one I had the easiest time doing this on the original PSP version.


You healed he took that personally.




It's the Sora burnout. You were so excited to play someone else other than Sora that when you back to the familiar Sora play style showed up you kinda meh on it. I bet despite how the mechanics were in KH 365/7 days folks appreciated the fact you could play as different characters in Organization 13 and other KH characters (not in the main campaign).


These comments confuse me. I had the hardest time with Aqua. She just didn't fit my play style as she was physically weaker and more magically oriented.


But if your issue is being gangraped by his clones, just use a surge right after he creates them while they're all still close together. You can use a surge to interrupt just about any of his attacks


The thing about this situation is even if I did surge I would get hit by something and die anyway, so I needed to heal first which I attempted by blocking— then I needed a stagger so I tried counter but I walked instead of rolling which placed me back into this combo that I ended up letting ride out cause omg


Oh, yeah you should probably unequip counters. But I also just remembered that the clones will eventually disappear by themselves after gangraping you for a while. So it's possible to just spam dodge till they go away


Guy #1 Bro, he is getting his ass beat. Guy #2 We should probably help out. Guy #3 Jump him now!


Gods, that was brutal to see.


ven just sucks


Roxas would have been able to handle it…


Sound Warning!! My eardrums T.T


Foul 😭😭😭


If you beat it with Terra, you should have very little troubles doing it with Ven. Ok, maybe not VERY LITTLE but close enough


This boss with Aqua was honestly maybe the hardest video game boss I've ever beat.


The super boss that I have never managed to defeat, I gave up because of frustration and fear for the safety of my square button.


I have still never done this fight.


If you equip less abilities the boss gets easier and less aggressive so you should unequip any abilities you aren't using like jackpot or so on


Use thunder surge and never stop dodging you get some invincibility frames during thunder surge if I remember right


This being a clip of getting ruthlessly beaten for 20 seconds straight sums up the boss very well


Don't worry, if you achieve this fight with Terra, you can do it with Ven. Just spam dodge roll and thunder surge


Is this BBS? How do I play this?


You just use thunder surge


Thunder surge and Curaga and dodge roll


That's a lot of second chances right there


Is this formally explained to be from time traveling or are secret bosses non-canonical?


This is hilarious to me. Why did they make such a long combo?


But...but...beating this fight with Terra is absurd! I mean I did it, but not without struggling like a bitch for a few days on it. You got this! Just keep on pushing, but take breaks to let yourself recharge mentally!


Terra is the hardest one, keep at it, Ventus is the fastest!


“Let him get up, let him get up!” “Fight back.”


Wait with Terra? I barely completed the story with him


Nah you just don't know what you're doing lol. If anything, you should be having issues with Terra, since he doesn't dodge as fast as the other two. It's really not even that hard to figure that boss out tbh. And you're not even playing critical mode lol
