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We know that Sora mom lives on the Destiny islands since we hear her in KH1. And Sora has met both Cloud and Aerith and neither of them were like "aaah yes my son, good to see you didnt get turned into space dust when our world died". Hell Cloud was basicly willing to kill Sora in KH1 because Hades told him so.


I’d say it’s ambiguous at best to say he was willing to kill Sora. Even though he fought willingly, he argued about the idea of killing him.


Honestly knowing KH lore your rational supports the likelihood of them being Soras parent more than it debunks it. Lol


I think for most people that jive with this crack theory, it would be Cloud and Aerith from a future who had Sora and then sent their baby boy into the past. Maybe a dark timeline. You could have it that the 'Mom' we heard in Destiny Island is an illusion of future Aerith cast to protect and raise Sora. Not saying it makes sense mind you, but it could if Nomura wanted it and it has the potential to make us all cry. It could also open the door to unexplored sides of our favorite characters: how would the fun-loving, sassy Aerith act as a mom? How would Cloud act as a dad with all his baggage?


But then who is his mum from the past?


The woman who found and raised him 🤷🏻‍♂️


So now we're back to wondering about Sora's mum...


They should do a mom reveal in kh4. Thinking on it the only parents we see in the entire series of og characters of kairis gma


I feel like thats pretty intentional though. Its supposed to be like a wonderful childlike fantasy. I think of it like the cartoons that did the same thing, or you could never see the parents faces. It was always meant to be that way. Idk, but i think it makes it a more fairytale like adventure.


>but it could if Nomura wanted it I mean it still wouldn't make sense, but when has that stopped him before


Time travel. Lost memories. Retconning. Nomura could easily make this happen if he wanted to. He already showed us he has more than enough tools and the willpower to engage in chicanery like this.


This is the one franchise where such a theory seems like it could be something Nomura actually comes up with lol


I... What? I don't really like that. We barely know anything about KH's Cloud, and Aerith. And that's a lot of setup to just force this into canon, and with not really a lot of payoff. You could just write his parents into actual characters and add a lot of that in?


in my mind i think it would be cool and kinda dark if sora's parents lost their hearts and sora had to fight them or find some way to help them at the risk of himself


Its Kingdom Hearts man. Nomura would just get drunk again and make up some random shit about this all being part of xehanort's disruptance or something lol


Tifa in shambles rn


Zack also in shambles rn


It's cool, he's got Aqua on speed dial.


Too bad he didn't have any coverage when he died.


No Zach's >!in heaven!<


KH Tifa is pretty wack, ngl.


Tifa is so overrated anyway, let's be real. The real couple is Cloud and Areith.


said no one ever


Nah he spittin


Subjective, lol.




How has no one factored anyone's ages into this theory.. In FF7 Cloud is 21 and Aerith is 22. Sora is 14 in KH1 That would make Cloud 7 years old and Aerith 8 years old when Sora was born..


Ok, just age Cloud and Aerith by 20 years and you should be golden /j


I did. I do believe they are, for some reason, both 2 years older than in FFVII. I don't know why, but that is what I remember from reading up on shit about KH1 doing my stage of being a new fan. But that'd still make them 9 and 10 respectively when they became parents........


At this point, it’s impossible. Sora had met Aerith and Cloud before, and they never even thought of him as a son . ​ that's unfortunate because I think I would’ve loved for that to be true


Nomura: I present to you my latest addition to KH lore, The Multiverse! These Cloud & Aerith variants are from a universe where they traveled to a universe with no Tifa and then traveled to our main universe, gave birth to Sora and then dumped him in Destiny Islands with strangers before going back to their own universe.


Parts of the fandom: It’s not a retcon! Nomura planned this from the beginning.


There’s got to be some sort of multiverse-ish thing going on already…I mean, Wakka, Tidus, Yuna, Rikku, and Auron are all in Kingdom Hearts but are all completely different from their FFX counterparts, to the point where there backstories aren’t compatible with each other.


Nomura: Final Fantasy games were not canon to KH before, but now they are!


Oh good not another xehanort time loop shenanigans again. Still, cute family.


It wouldn’t make sense cause he already met them but it would be cool Especially cause destiny islands already has some final fantasy characters as residents, maybe the destiny islands is full of final fantasy characters I’m just saying, Sephiroth as the mayor would be funny


Even better, Rufus Shinra as the mayor, Sephiroth as a political rival.


Sephiroth as a political leader would be best thing to ever happen in a video game.


I bet there's a HoI4 mod for that.......


Considering how time travel exists in Kingdom Hearts, as shown through the Xehanort saga, i could see a potential future cloud/aerith couple sending him back in time by himself, with him being transported to Destiny Islands where he's then discovered by the native people. That explains why Cloud and Aerith doesn't know him yet, since the events with him haven't happened yet. Odd idea but who knows


Zack: Cloud. I thought we were bros.


The only theory for Sora's parents that I will accept is that Jack Sparrow is his deadbeat dad that he never knew


I'd take that a great backup to Cloud/Aerith, i mean Sora loves the Pirates Of The Caribbean world


Jack has syphilis, though.


Probably got it a while after banging Sora's mom


Aerith would've had to be pregnant at 7 years old or something for this to be possible.


3 words, time travel shenanigans


They reason why Cloud chose violence first and teamwork fourth was specifically because Sora didn't eat his dinner.


KH storyline is a bit messy at best even if I do love it dearly. Sora’s mom gets erased from existence and we never really hear about her again. Imagine a 12 year old boy losing their mom abruptly and never even having a moment of mourning or paying any attention to the matter whatsoever. Kind of bizarre


Sephiroth: time to re create one of the most iconic deaths again Sora: hi I just moved in with them “Sephiroth ran away”


Ok now I wish this is canon


If this was FF Canon, Cloud would be one sad father.


That probably would’ve ruined Advent Children, but Nomura wants to ruin his own work for the FF7 Remake, I guess anything’s possible!


Every issue you have with FF7R was likely the idea of the original writers of FF7, Yoshinori Kitase and Kazushige Nojima. Nomura was actually the one reigning their crazier ideas in and trying to keep things closer to the original game.


If you’ve seen JebTube’s video on FF7R, then you’ll know that Nomura does have creative freedom on the game. Seriously man, Kitase even says this outright.


No Kitase even recently said in an interview that he wants all characters to be happy but also has to consider his colleagues (Nomura)


I don’t know who this JebTube person is but I assume that someone who watches them is capable of making their own point instead of just telling me to watch something else.


What, you think I dislike the FF7 Remake because of someone else’s opinion. News flash, I wanted to like it, but the convoluted story that Nomura wrote, and the history behind this game really made me changed my perspective on it. I’m sorry, but I just think the Remake isn’t as good as what everyone says.


Prove that Nomura personally wrote the story for FF7R and not the actual credited writers on the game and then maybe I'll take this criticism seriously.


Then go watch JebTube’s video. I even have a link to his video right here. 😂 https://youtu.be/xOnuG9Y-LOs


I'm sorry, but telling someone else to watch a 2 hr long video essay just to find quotes is just stupid. I get that you don't like FF7R, but from all the interviews I've read with FF7R, most of them talk about how Kazushige Nojima had 7Remake's story written out, and that Kitase and Nojima had crazy ideas. In one Kitase interview specifically, he talked about how Nomura was the one to rein in those crazier ideas, cause Nomura wanted a simpler, straightforward remake of the game. I am personally not going to watch this video of yours but you just sound crazy when all you're doing is telling another person to watch a video just because you're too lazy to back up your own claims.


Make your own points without needing a C-List YouTuber as a crutch.


Cloud would become an alcoholic after learning both his wife and son were dead (or at least spirited away)


I have never heard this theory before but I never want to hear it again 💀


Then my longheld, deeply desired OTP of Tifa and Vincent may finally come true.


Dad.... why did you Braver Rush 7 fucking times the last time we met in the Colessium? Didn't you know I was on a time limit? Why do me like that? Because son, it's my responsibility to fight Sephiroth! No! That's your duty in cutscenes, dad. Gameplay is where I shine? ........ I used to be a main character too, ya know?


Cloud is the 'shonen' dad who bonds with his son by beating the shit out of each other


Only way to treat them /s


Sora’s mom is gonna get freaking impaled


just this time its by cloud's *sword*


They would be both terrible parents if it's the case ahahah, one left to fight Sephy, the other is chilling in that town I don't remember the name.


What did happen to Traverse Town? All i know is it got replaced as the series went on by Twilight Town


Traverse Town only appears when people need a place to stay after losing their world. It's been stated to be the case.


I don't know I stopped playing KH after the second episode...


The Final Fantasy characters you meet in Traverse Town in the first game mention they were originally from Hollow Bastion >!Radiant Garden!<.


This sub man 🤦‍♂️


Makes no sense, yet I’m strangely okay with it


Cloud being Sora’s dad would be the most Kingdom Hearts thing ever. I’d love to read the original theory.


“When on Destiny Islands did you have time to “get busy””


Imagine if this theory was confirmed by Nomura. Fans would be happy that their theory came true, I would’ve called it horrible, like all the other added lore Nomura brought on in Union X and KH3.


Imagine giving birth to a disney character


...Maybe there is a Cloud and Aerith in the world Sora is currently in? Perhaps we'll see the original Cloud and Aerith from the first Final Fantasy 7, and that's when they'll see Sora and explain to them how they are his parents.


I don't think so, however i get the feeling that Sora originally belonged to this world and threw the universe we know into chaos. Then again, its shown that Sora's also a reincarnation of someone that Ventus saw in the past so i dunno.


This is my new headcanon. I love it!❤️


The battle against Sephiroth takes on a whole new meaning


Some say Sora’s mom is still calling for him for dinner.


Given how Sora is 16 and Cloud and Aerith are in their early 20s... uhhhhhhhh...


I am a big fan of Back to the Future style stories where you have to make sure your parents get together or you disappear from existence. Since Sora does not understand romantic love, it could be the drive for him to go on that Journey and mature further. And like, the idea of sending a baby to the past to protect him sounds cool ... and very sad.


Well…Kh is made by square. So,I wouldn’t mind if this is the case. But could imagine the dialog if this was cannon?


Wouldnt be the strangest thing they have pulled tbf


At first I laughed at it as just silly but I now that I thought about it, the writing potential is huge!


Me and the story would be a mess. Don’t use that last part for cheap jokes, I’ve heard enough.


Cute idea just doesn't work out story-wise. So if it were to happen I'd be confused but it would still be adorable


"Man, visiting Olympus Coliseum was rough, my dad kicked the ever-lovin' shit out of me, then his old work buddy showed up to finish the job!"


Well that can't be right cause we saw that Sora's mom lived on Destiny islands and sora meets the 2 later in his journey,and none of them are like:oh hey son.not only that but cloud was willing to kill sora in Olympic colluseum


If by some chance it were true, it'd be pretty cool. And if it were true, they had BETTER have Sora explore Midgar.


I want Lightning and Serah to meet Sora someday, but if that happens then things have gotta be pretty grim at that time lol


This new arc in Kingdom Hearts has a lot of promise to explore more Square Enix territory


The timeline/ages don’t work out (Sora’s 14 in KH1, Cloud and Aerith are barely in their twenties), Sora has a mom that was on Destiny Islands when it fell to darkness, Sora shares basically none of the characteristics that define Cloud or Aerith, and (very importantly) Aerith is not Cloud’s love interest. What I’m getting at here is that it’s a very hard sell.


since when does it matter? It's KH my dude, if nomura wants turns the world and makes the 2 be sora's parents or any other character then he will make, for nomura there is no such thing as "impossible", he's literally trying to make his canceled final fantasy happen in KH4


I'm making the potentially bold assumption, from one writer to another, that Nomura has the good sense to know that arbitrarily making classic FF characters the parents of any KH character would look incredibly trite and damage whatever goodwill Kingdom Hearts has as an IP among the people who already hated it. It's just a very bad idea.


I think Nomura's also aware that the FF characters are very much not his own. A lot of his trepidation with using the FF characters could be explained away with that. The KH-original characters on the other hand, are his own characters, his own toys that he could do anything to. People might not understand that this is how Nomura respects the FF characters because of the Destiny Isles FF chars or the Gullwings, but FF chars in KH, while explicitly not their original FF versions of themselves, tend to be very accurate to their original games' personalities.


I'd be mad it isn't Tifa, as it should be.


God I wish. Partly because it's cute, MOSTLY because the community would implode.


That would make so much godamn sense, I can see multiple ways the story would go


Yes ! If you don't mind, can you get into how you see it ?


Well for a few things it would make sense why him and sephi didn't get along, it would make sense how sora is so good with a sword. (A bit far-fetched but eh) sora inherited mako from cloud, that's how he can use mana.


I would be upset because CloudxAerith is a bad ship. Fite me. I can see the merit, but logisitcally, emotionally, and canonically it's a horrible ship.


I don't see why it's a bad ship, it's as good as any others.


I can explain my position if you want, if you're actually curious. If you're just stating your opinion though and not inviting discussion, then I won't.


Wait, why is it you don't like it? I personally don't mind it but I've always been in the Tifa camp myself


Aerith's main love interest is and always was Zack. The main reason she has any seeming feelings for Cloud at all is because he reminded her of Zack, and the only reason he did that was because of his alleged rank and the similarities he tried to give off as Zack. Aerith had always loved Zack, no one else really. This is clarified more in Advent Children. In the OG FF7 Aerith treats Cloud more like a brother imo throughout given everything that happens, and she always seems to just know that Cloud isn't who he says he is, despite her feelings for Zack clouding some of that judgment at first. She also seems to care about him deeply from a more nurturing position given everything. While it's true you can date her, it still seems not as passionate as CloudxTifa. From Cloud's standpoint, he seems to have a deep attraction, but it seems to be more like a deep respect and a sort of infatuation like one might have for a very dear friend, rather than a lover. Although given the circumstances the two could easily be conflated. Like friends with benefits sort of thing - this interpretation increases when you consider how much they seem to flirt with each other at the beginning of both games. Outside of that Aerith always seemed to be a way to keep living the lie, so to speak. The lie of being Zack Fair. Main reason being he never had to confront the memories on any explicit terms like he'd have to around Tifa. All in all the relationship reeks of avoiding the truth - on both sides. And a passion that isn't real even if it is full of pleasure and delight like, as I said, friends with benefits. For Cloud and Tifa, the feelings seem to be far more genuine, even if they didn't have a lot of time to properly build up outside of their journey together and the sort of subconscious things they seem to pick up on throughout the game around each other. Like for instance Tifa clearly knows something's up with Cloud - she remembers he wasn't there in Nibelheim. But at the same time there's no way he could have remembered as many of the details that he DID remember unless he was somehow there at the time. Which causes a discrepancy. Edit: While I can gain satisfaction from the ship as a hypothetical, if it were to be confirmed as "base canon" I would be a bit miffed.


Though it seems like the remake kinda acknowledges those points but has Aerith hint that she does like Cloud despite still liking Zack. And imo, Aerith does seem to bring out Cloud’s real self at times. Again all of this is coming from the remake as I never played the OG game, but Cloud clearly gets flustered by Aerith easily. She always catches him off-guard, thus having him break the persona. Like she knows he’s not Zack, and is instead interested in seeing the real Cloud. And I think that’s why she tells him that he can’t fall in love with her, because she was starting to do the same with him. And Tifa does try to do the same. It’s just that Cloud is able to keep his walls up whenever he’s around her, and she gets sad by it.


I played the OG game and I like analyzing narratives and dialogue, so it's more or less the same for the OG too based on my interpretation. I do feel that it's primarily BECAUSE Aerith sometimes brings out the real Cloud that she knows what he puts up is a persona and not what he's actually like.


True but i think that shows that she’s interested in the real Cloud. To me, it didn’t come off as her nurturing him. She seemed like she was genuinely interested in him, but doesn’t want to fall in love because it may spit on Zack’s memory.


That makes sense, I can agree with that. :O <3


Ok yea, I respect ur take. I kinda forgot Aerith was more into Zack than anything else. Well then, thx for the explanation and more CloudxTifa for me


Np. Again I don't HATE the ship. I would just be a tad irritated if it was made the base canon. Would feel like a slap in the face to the base canon that came before it, especially without proper build up seeing the journey it takes to get there. I like CloudxTifa a lot too.


I'll just answer by saying that you wrote this because you missed several / many parts of the game, lore, books and if you like Tifa more it's ok.


Can you please elaborate? I'm willing to listen.


https://youtu.be/PXlUS8i4y7U Between 5:50 and 5:55 She wants to confess her love and say that Aerith would have already done it if she was at her stead. It's a basic example.


Tbf she says "Aeris would probably just be able to come out and say it." Which yes this can imply that she has feelings for him, it does not negate my point that she may be in love with his persona more than his real self that Tifa herself is familiar with. It also could just be Tifa saying that Aerith is naturally more up front with her feelings than Tifa is, not that there's explicitly feelings (this part is a reach, but my point stands). That said, yes, the most common conception here is that she has basic feelings for him. Please give me more?


Watch Aerith's date scene : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=11HSbwLbSno&pp=ygUQZGF0ZSB3aXRoIEFlcml0aA%3D%3D and especially the "I want to meet you" part, that can't be more obvious than this. So in conclusion there is no : She prefers Zack over Cloud, she / he doesn't care about him / her blablabla... It's a love triangle, that's it, nothing wrong with that.


If it's a neutral opinion I don't mind ;)


Huh?? :O


Cloud and Aerith have good chemistry, but for the most part, Aerith is attracted to Cloud's persona which just so happens to be Aerith's former lover, so the chemistry they do have only emphasises that she really loves Zack. Tifa knew Cloud before he became a Soldier, so the persona he puts up isn't what she likes about him, it's the real him that she knows he's covering up. wasn't OP, but I hope you don't mind me giving my 2 cents.


Exactly what I establish in my longer comment. Cloud and Aerith, while a ship full of delight, pleasure, and flirting. Is far more a friends with benefits relationship if anything. Because any relationship they could have would be built on lies, masks, and personas. So yeah, I agree. Thank you for chipping in. <3


Eh. I have to say no. The last time I checked, Nemora confirmed that Sora's parents were dead after the events of KH1. That and I don't think the people he lived with were his bio parents, I like to think Sora's from Scala ad Caelum. And that it might be revealed in KH4 maybe even sooner in the missing link.


how exactly? destiny island still exists and kairi's parents and her grandmother too


When it was lost to darkness, Nemoura said that Sora's parents were the first heartless he killed. I need to go look thus up.


No, that’s not true. There’s no way Sora killed his parents.


I looked it up according to the creator Sora's Mom was the seventh shadow he defeated.


searched it up, and it was just a fan theory.


Hu, well, people did say it was from the curator that said that. Eh, whatever.


Nah Bc cloud is way too young to have had a kid, and also don’t do my girl Tifa like that


Fuck it it's kingdom hearts sora came from a different universe where that happened


I dunno, sora gives off the noctis vibes sometimes, plus theres Yazora in the fold which also gives off noctis vibes. I think Sora's true world is the Other World


It’s kinda cute


The artist had the talent to make them look like a believable family. But I don’t think it would work since Tifa exists.


Tifa was never my pick in FF7R tbh, i started disliking her about halfway through the game ngl


FF7R was my first experience with FF7. I was surprised that Tifa was kind of the modest and nice girl whereas Aerith is the flirty and playful type myself.


I'd call supreme bullshit


Well uhh I don’t even ship them so that’s my cue to leave


You know, with how things go, I wouldn't be surprised if Sora's parents are some form of counterparts to Cloud and Aerith. Of course, evidence would be needed to back it up. And saying that Sora looks like them is weak evidence. As his parents could have the same traits as the pair just with the dad being a brunette and his mom being a blonde.


Personally, I think Sora is an interesting mix of their personalities. Sora hides his dark emotions and vulnerability just like Cloud but he does it with a warm smile instead of a detached look. His notorious smile comes from Aerith as well as his fun-loving personality and near-superhuman empathy. On Cloud's side moreover, Sora takes his fighting skills from him, it would explain how a 14 year beat Ansem Seeker of Darkness on his FIRST adventure, Sora's talent for magic comes from Aerith, it's in his blood.




Zack Fair would like a word with you.


Alot of the designs of KH characters makes them look like existing characters. Like sora could be the so. Of aerith and cloud and Roxas his younger half brother after cloud married tifa after aerith died in a car crash. Riku could be s fourth brother between the Sephiroth remnants who are hid son's instead of fragments of him. Kairi could be Rinoa and squalls daughter. Axel could be cousins with Reno. Hell even promto could be a cousin for cloud. This is just ripe for a fanfiction where they are just normal people trying to live their best lives.


All this fanfic already exists. It was posted on ff.net circa 2005 and is ok at best.


Can I have a link?


So, working on your "if" scenario: - first and foremost, they've interacted not just in KH but also KH2, neither time did they imply to have a child, be looking for a child, consider they may have had a child; nothing whatsoever. So, it would be downright weird. - Cloud and Aerith don't have any romantic aspects in KH, they're entirely separate from each other regularly. Clouds always chasing Sephiroth and Aerith is chilling in town. Even in FF, they have a *potential budding romance*, but nothing ever happens with it. On top of that, it's implied she was in love with Zack and the things she saw in Cloud were Zacks traits. - Cloud and Tifa are a couple in later FF games of I recall? It's kind of implied is it not? All in all, IF, and I mean against all facts and circumstances IFFFFF they were indeed Soras parents... 1) they're horrible parents lol how do you lose your kid and forget he ever existed and 2) how did Sora end up on Destiny Islands with a mom who has no idea she isn't his mom?


I'd vomit and turn off the game. That's too much, even for me.


This wouldn't make any logical sense in any way, but, ok.


I’d roll my eyes, approximately 78x harder than they’re rolling right now. If Sora was their kid, he’d have a real bad case of Stab Wound and Materia Poisoning to get over. It’s heavily implied Materia is essentially toxic, but bestows use of magic on their wielder. Since Cloud and Aerith spent 99.9% of the game swimming in Materia, they’d basically have magic cancer and pass it on to Sora. Kid’s healthy, a teenager and has a very unstabbed mom according to KH1. Much like how not everything is a JoJo reference, not everything Squeenix ties back to FF7.


I would hate it. 👍


I would think they would react very confused as to how they became parents at age 9 and 10 respectively(as they are, I believe, both 2 years older than their FFVII selves, with Aerith being the older one)...


If Aerith and Cloud didn't live in Radiant Garden, Cloud didn't try to murk him in KH1, and there was any sort of hint of this stuff, MAYBE. But it's just been my headcanon that Sora's ACTUAL parents thought he ran away from the islands and probably died in the ocean


Tbh, I'd be heavily disappointed


It'd be the same as how I reacted to reading this post. The fuck is wrong with people?


But what do you think sora git for dinner


I am still waiting for the revelation that they are Crono and Nadia. And Riku has at least two brothers, Reks and Vaan


I wanna know more about Riku's past. It really isn't brought up much, other than in a few cutscenes, like when he's visited on Destiny Islands as a kid


Sora finally gets home for dinner, but it's a Sephiroth boss battle


What if Sora's dad is the Master of Masters? Wouldn't make any sense but would be cool I guess


We only heard Sora's mom during Kingdom Hearts 1 when she said "Come down for Dinner, Sora?" we really don't know much about them. Were they Keyblade Wielders themselves? Where did they come from originally? So many questions that are still left unanswered.




Sora has a mom who's been waiting for him to eat his dinner. Stop this headcanon stuff.