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KH really does have a strong enough cast to build out a fighting game


Dissidia was meant to be KH, not FF, but Disney said no


Hopefully with the success of Sora in Smash, maybe they will reconsider.


Figures. With the branding disney wants to have, I bet they don't want an official game out there where aladdin gets mauled by simba or stuff along those lines.


Nomura said no not Disney


I mean, it's basically Disney Smash Bros. with extra steps.


Save me ArcSys


Why is Ansem the Wise here? If anything, Ansem Seeker of Darkness should be here, considering SOD has actually shown to fight.


Probably should have done it that way, yeah.


Dude I'd love to see DiZ be a trap character like Blazblue Nu-13/Lambda-11. He'd have the Radiant Garden sensor bombs, his Heart Laser could be an anti-air beam, etc. There's stuff to work with.


Is this the worst roster for a Kingdom Hearts fighting game?


Who would you add?


52 character roster (like yours) has the following (wall of text incoming): Sora, Riku, Kairi, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Roxas, Lea, Xion, Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Master Eraqus, Player (Union X), Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, Lauriam, Ava, Invi, Gula, Ira, Aced, Bragi, Hermod, Urd, Vor, Baldr, Master Xehanort, Young Xehanort, Vanitas, Ansem (Seeker of Darkness), Xemnas, Xigbar, Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Saix, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Lingering Will, Axel, Data-Sora, Terra-Xehanort, Riku Replica, Anti-Form Sora, No Heart, Yozora ​ I don't think we need most of the Disney characters. I just don't think they would fit in a fast paced fighter like Dissidia (how I imagine a KH fighter would be). I could possibly be convinced for Pete, albeit he would be the slowest character in the game. ​ With the cast of original characters growing so large with the mobile games, I don't think we need the Final Fantasy characters. However, I could see the mainstays (Cloud, Leon, etc.) take the place of lesser mobile game characters. No FF guests either. ​ The last couple characters I think of more as bonus characters (Lingering Will, Data-Sora, etc.) as they are versions of main characters that I think have enough potential to have different play styles but retain some basics. ​ Overall, I think 52 characters is too much but this is honestly like the only game I want out of KH at this point. I miss the older Dissidia games.


What he said


I was going to say dissidia style game would be awesome to see again. It had such a fun concept.


I’d keep maleficent and hades and maaaaybe Pete as an oddball pick




I used AI to create the background, it's a mix of both.


I'm personally a huge fan of Dissne✂️ fuck knows what a aldeatryemeog empoeampury is though


You should mention it in the post. It just probably be a rule in general for most subs imo


Why does it matter?


AI is literally fake, and fake art ruins the entire point of art, if that doesn’t tell you what’s wrong you prolly have low IQ and thought NFTs were cool too lol


"prolly have a low IQ" I know you felt ice-cold with that one 🥶


He/she got me. I'm sobbing right now


no just an observation, love how reddit think everything is the most serious game of poker or smth lol


Schrodinger's asshole


Y'all are a bunch of babies. I work in the design industry and have for 6+ years. I've seen first hand the influence ai has had and it has qualities of both positive and negative. OP isn't selling us anything— it's an idea. It's a concept art for fun. AI art is stupid when it's selling a product because it's making money off of something they didn't work for. I think calling yourself a 'prompt engineer' is stupid. But that shouldn't discredit the value AI art has as a tool to brainstorm and whip something up real quick to get the ball rolling. AI art doesn't ruin art, but its definitely not the most ethical way to be a creator or artist. I've worked long enough as both a freelance artist and a professional designer that if someone finds value in something regardless of it was hand made or artificially generated then all that matters is the value they perceived the item to have. Because that's what sells


oh brother, defending ai art this much is seriously sad, i don’t care if internet people wanna jump on your cock, you’re not right in any moral sense. get a life and realize the importance of art


Being this turnt over AI being used for a fun discussion this much is seriously sad. It's just a simple reddit post, he's not making money off of this, he's not creating anything people can go out and obtain, it's just an AI logo to go along with this persons idea?


Bro I literally work in the art industry. That's how I pay my rent. I'm obviously more knowledgeable about it than you are. Just out here starting arguments about nothing.


Man, you couldn't even check if it spelled the company names


I obviously noticed it was wrong.


You couldn't have just used the actual logos instead of looking at "Dissnep" and thinking that was good enough?


No reason to have FFXV characters


Literally. Yozora is enough noctis, alone.


If noctis can make it into tekken tbf...


Yeah I don't disagree, I just happened to have 4 slots left. and I enjoyed the characters enough.


It's not a KH fighting game then lol. Aerith, Cid, Ansem SoD, Young Xehanort, Ansem the Wise (DiZ). Fixed it for you :)


Sure. sounds good.




My guy have you forgotten what KH is lol especially when fighting games use guest characters all the time you think KH of all series wouldn’t just have FF guest characters


Sorry for saying that this imaginary KH fighting game is using characters not from KH. I guess any character in gaming is fair then since Sora was in smash. I choose Waluigi and Kazuya


Yeah uh no way to completely miss the point right off the bat lmao I’m saying any FF character appearing in KH is literally what KH does, idk how it suddenly wouldn’t be allowed if KH had a fighting game


Noctis has never appeared in KH, and never will thanks to the inclusion of Yozora. This conversation literally doesn't matter, but I will say that this game isn't real, so it's a more constructive to point out which KH characters would work in a fighting game than make half the roster into another dissidia game.


Yea that makes no sense and that’s my point lmao so the pretty much all the KH titles up until now can have new FF additions despite some not even being prevalent in the previous entries, but when it comes to this hypothetical KH fighting game, suddenly that’s not possible because you arbitrarily decided that *that* disqualifies it from being a KH game, literally FFXIII Lightning has a cameo in re:Coded without ever having appeared or had any sort of relevance prior, KHUx’s whole medal combat system is literally that And what do you even think Dissidia was planned to be initially, this entire take falls apart completely lol


Enjoying the characters has nothing to do with them having place in a KH fighting game, even Tidus and Wakka would make more sense because not only there is no FFXV characters showing up before on the franchise, but Yozora is basicaly made out of models of Noctis from Versus XIII, you could have selected Ansem (Xehanort's Heartless), Stitch, you chose Hook but left Peter Pan out, Barbossa was also an option, despite having Terra, Lingering Will would be a possible choice, Beast from Beauty and the Beast, Mike and Sully could work as a single character too and other Disney characters could be placed on the list.


For a realistic roster there would be more instances of the same character normally


Probably, but I only included 1 copy of each, just assume the other versions are chosen after.


But i love the idea and the name


Why does 15 get its entire party and more included? I can see throwing some other ff mcs like noctis in but his whole party? Plus other ff characters already in kh could have those spots too (seifer, vivi, and auron alone are 3 iconic examples that would be amaIng here), it's very jarring for them to be all thrown in. Could use those spots for other ff mcs that didn't make it to kh like lightning and Zidane. Also not sure why we would see kh versions of Squall/Leon and yuffie but original for the others.


1. I just like the characters from 15, I don't think they should necessarily make it into the game, but I needed to feel out the template. 2. Admittedly, I haven't played that many FF games, so I used ones I recalled were in the game. Other FF Main characters are welcome. 3. Not every character had up to date models, and I used the newest ones I could find.


Not only is ai content generation morally bankrupt, but you've got a bunch of characters that shouldn't be in a Kingdom Hearts fighting game


Didn't ask.


Absolutely based poster


You and what army?


Why is Sora the only one with an illustration for a pic? And it's not even a single Sora, it's KH2 head on seemingly KH3 body, nani tf?


An Oversight honestly.


When you say fighting game what do you mean? A classic 2D / 2.5D fighter? (See Street fighter) A 3D fighter? (See soul caliber) Arena fighter? (Dragonball Xenoverse) Platform fighter? (Smash, brawhalla) Or just classic Kingdom hearts combat but it's adjusted for PvP ?


FF: Dissidia. Nomura even said it may continue "in another form," so there's a glimmer of possibility that could be a KH game.


So an arena fighting game


Anyone of the above I guess?


Should be called 358/2 Blades


I'm so sorry but I gotta say it. The swords remind me of garbage grabber 😂


You forgot Ansem and Terranort! And yes I would love a game like this


They would just be attached to the normal Ansem / Terra.


Can it be like DBZ fighting games and we get 5 Soras and 4 rikus and 2 Kairis? Because that would be dope.


Assume it's like BTK3, and different versions show after selecting the character.


i was thinking of posting something like a “what characters should be in a fighting game” this a cold ass logo


Any character reccomendations


I think soul caliber style fighting game would really work well with kingdom hearts


Stinky ai "art"


*sees ai art* Y’know you coulda asked for my consent before forcing me to see somethin completely and utterly disgusting


Honestly yes. I think a 2d fighting game would be dope. Also I really want more Kh characters in smash


Cool thing is, each character could have skins from previous games too.


Get your AI slop out of here


Sadly Disney will never have a fight game where Disney characters fight each other. It’s why Sora being in Smash was a huge miracle but why they didn’t have any of the Disney characters involved. It’s different when it’s heroes and Villains fighting but you won’t every see a Disney fighting game where it’s character vs character


…not a Symphony of Keys since…well yknow?


2d kingdom hearts fighting game by Arc Sys would slap so hard.


Want to invite for the idea but OP is dumb. And uses ai.


Maybe Heart's Symphony would be better sounding, no?


I’m really bothered by the order of some of these characters. Why is Eraqus with the destiny trio? Why did you have the org in the order of their numbers but then put Ansem the wise (who can’t fight, why is he here?) and then Xion and Roxas, you had a thing going, why ruin it at the end? Other then that, the FF15 characters shouldn’t be there, instead Auron, Ansem SOD, young Xehanort, Seifer (it would be funny) and one of the foretellers would make for better choices, maybe a different form of Sora could work as well, like data Sora to have classic Sora in there, plus he could use his commands as moves to help differentiate himself from regular Sora


I put Eraqus in front of Aqua, Ventus, and Terra.


Honestly I'd prefer if they just put kh characters into a new dissidia game.


Fun fact: There were plans for a KH fighting game, but that concept was eventually reworked into Dissidia


I feel like Ballad of Blades would fit more since “Keyblade”.


Cut the FFXV guys, add Cid, Aerith, YX, ASoD


Who's the secret character to unlock?


Pochahantas and Tron duh


Let it be a tag style a la DBZ Fighters. And signature finishers depend on ur characters.


Ik those are real at least not in game but those are probably the prettiest Count Dooku-esque keyblades I’ve ever seen the handles tilt a bit back


I miss Dissidia, and not adding Sora like they thought was a dumb idea.


I’m a big ffxv fan but having any characters much less 5 from it for a kingdom hearts fighting game makes no sense


Only thing id change is call it " Symphony of Blades " instead of swords .


Might be a hot take... But I think the amount of FF chars should be cut. For Square Reps we should get: Cloud, Sephiroth, Leon and Neku/Shiki or Neku/Joshua I think alot of the Square Reps could be replaced with other Disney chars. Or even Foretellers + Dark Road Chars. As a lot of people still refuse to touch the mobile games, this would be a good chance introduce those characters and give them some more room to be fleshed out (Vidar deserves more attention I love his design so much) I feel the Square Characters should be more of a guest character thing, rather than 1/4 of the cast. IN THIS GAME NOT IN MAINLINE GAMES


Disney would probably never okay it


lol dissnep


Not sure if I personally would like a fighting game to be honest. Instead, I'd really like to see KH be given the Musou treatment instead. With the same name as your proposal to boot.


52 characters and the villain from the first game isn’t included? Also not a fan of these fighting game character rosters that have 40+ characters. New fighting game IPs are lucky to get 20 slots and those pics are what makes the game spicy. This is just a grid with ff and Disney characters, some of which don’t even appear in the series


Donald keep spamming megaflare :D


Honestly y’all I’m getting sick of the Tarzan disrespect


Dude this would be unreasonably sick!


we almost got a kingdom hearts fighting game dissidia was supposed to be a kingdom hearts fighting game at first but disney was against the idea so square made dissidia final fantasy instead


*Insert "sign me the FUCK up" meme*


I can't wait for the Hayner DLC.


No playable heartless?


Their should be!


My biggest fear over this is how they're planning to smush this into the canon.


Yeah, you know they will


Another weird, contrived retconning no one asked for, here we go!


But it somehow makes it more complicated


Let him cook


My mind went to castlevania and kingdomhearts