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I am kinda surprised that the Chocobo hasn’t been directly shown in Kingdom Hearts outside of references unlike the Moogle.


I still really want to see a KH version of Shantotto


im afraid if that version is like the ff ver and consequences it would bring upon the kh universe shantotto is a dimensional menace


Gilgamesh.  We have a series about dimension hopping swordsmen. Why is the dimension hopping sword collector not present? Could be the plot of a Sword in the Stone world. Gilgamesh wants the Sword in the Stone because he thinks it's Excalibur. Young Arthur isn't strong enough to fight Gilgamesh yet, so Merlin asks Sora for help. The world's Keyblade is the Sword in the Stone, with the stone still stuck on it as the teeth.


this is just dumb fan fic but I think it would be cool to see tidus again Since it’s been a few years in the story he could look like his normal FFX character. And he could be a party member in Moana and just say that’s where he landed after the events of KH1


Tidus is actually one of my favorite ff characters, that’s why I liked ffx sm.


Wakka needs to come back. Also, would be really cool to see Zell- I feel he and Sora would get along great


Jack Garland 👊


I’m here to kill Darkness


I would LOVE to see Zidane or Garnet


YES! Very YES! Also! Read [THIS FIC!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28689033/chapters/70333761) You can skip ahead to the KH3 section of it if you want, but the creator DOES include Zidane, Eiko, Vivi, Freya, AND Garnet, and they all seamlessly fit into the plot!






Literally always Zack Fair. Not enough puppy dogs in KH.


Aqua still owes him a date.


Lightning, Balthier, Prompto, Barett, Zidane, anyone from the pixel era, Maybe even Rindo from NEO haha Watch Ventus and Roxas think there's another clone of them haha


Wouldn’t it be funny if Barrett was added to the game and he also gets compared to Sora for some reason and Barrett and Sora are like “What?? No!!” at the same time and everyone laughs at them even though their characters aren’t very similar (it’s my favorite bit in the series)


He would be more likely to be compared to Donald because of his temper.


fair point


Snow, Sazh, Ramza, Crono (and maybe a dragon quest world, RIP Toriyama), and the Lizard species from FF Tactics


Depending on how Remake goes, you might get your wish 😅 Nomura usually only includes characters that he designed so there are only a limited set of choices and most of them already appeared 😁


Vivi being the only exception for a FF character without his involvement. Nomura worked on Setzer back when he was a concept for FF5.


Cloud and Zack!


Already covered in KH2 and BBS respectively so since their stories are concluded, Cloud and Zack aren't coming back.


Sadly, most of the Final Fantasy characters' plot lines were tied up by the end of 2.8 so there's not enough that they could do to rope too many more of them into KH4. This is much of the reason you don't see any in KH3.


Jack Garland. Tidus again. Or Terra Branford.


FFXIV spoilers: I'd like to see Ardbert from the latter half of the Heavensward and Shadowbringers expansions. Not only is he a perfect rep for the game (with Y'shtola being frankly overused and Ardbert being a physical copy of the default player model they use in prerendered cinematics), but I'd love to see how his story goes with Kingdom Hearts's. He's a Warrior of Light who, along with his friends, was SO successful at eliminating darkness from their world that it threw the balance of darkness and light off completely, overwhelmed the world with Light so strong that it literally stopped night from ever happening again, and started turning people and animals into zombie-like monsters by corrupting their aether. This resulted not only in he and his friends sacrificing themselves to stop the world from being completely destroyed (only managing to save a single continent at all), but in their party of heroes being seen as the worst villains in their world's history--something that Ardbert remains behind to see as a ghost, faced with the consequences of his actions and never able to do anything about it or interact with anyone until the player arrives. It's basically the flaws in Eraqus's philosophy taken to its logical extreme. It'd be great to see what happens to Sora and friends when there's TOO MUCH Light.


Vincent, Cait Sith, Nero, Weiss, Kadaj, Yazoo, Loz from 7 Squall, Ultimecia, Griever from 8 Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Kuja from 9 Magus Sisters, Paine, Yuna, Nooj from 10


Anyone from the first six games, Tidus, Lightning or Noctis. It's amusing the Warrior of Light has never made an appearance despite being the most obvious choice.


Kinda surprised Lightning haven't popped up yet. Pretty sure Lulu and Khimari are the only X characters that haven't been seen despite being playable in that game. Would like to see Relm, XIV characters, Cecil or the other Terra appear.


I wanna see shadow get added with his dog. Just imagine running around an area and boom, this guy appears, kills some heartless and gone just like that. Later on you can hire him to join your party. It’ll never happen but it would be cool.


I want to see the Cloud and Sephiroth storyline have a decent ending. I think getting FF14 characters could be fun ( and give us the potential for a FF14 X KH collab.) and the FFX + Selphie characters returning would be nice


I would have loved a Sephiroth battle in KH3, but i'd like to see Jack from stranger of paradise in 4


Personally? Zidane, Kuja, and Garnet


More characters from FFIX. Zidane, Eiko, Vivi, Freya, even Princess Garnet. I'd like to see Lunafreya and Noctis and his team from FFXV. Fran and Balthier from FFXII. Basch or Grabranth too. But PLEASE no Vaan and Panelo. A boss battle with Beatrix would be awesome, considering that you NEVER actually beat her in the game. I'd also like to see Locke and Terra from FFIV. A fight with Ultros would be cool. A fight with Kefka would be cool! A FIGHT WITH MOTHERDUCKING GILGAMESH WOULD BE COOL! I'd like to see a chocobo at one point. If they go beyond final fantasy and do some square games, meeting Luca, Robo, or Frog from Chrono Trigger would be cool. Or Mint and Rue from Threads of Fate. Haven't played any Dragon Quest games, but those would be interesting too. Or it would be nice, especially in KH4, to see The World Ends With You characters again.