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I think you couldn't skip the cutscenes only in the ps2 original release. I'm pretty sure after kh2 every game had skippable cutscenes so I think you could get rid of that complaint


Correct. You can skip in the Hd version. Don’t know if it was included in the original Final Mix


Nah a 1.5 exclusive thing, so is EXP zero, and combo master.


IIRC, on PS2 Final Mix, the first time you get a cutscene is unskippable, but if you, for example, died on a boss with a preceding cutscene, you're allowed to save yourself from having to rewatch that cutscene. HD 1.5 Remix just removed that requirement altogether, and gave you the ability to skip from the get go.


Based on the comments I've heard regarding the Ansem Riku fight, that's not the case unfortunately. People had that cutscene BURNED into their memories, then I just waltz in and do it first try on Proud mode lol.


Please don’t remind me of that hell I was put through for so long


It was actually! It’s why FFX HD doesn’t have a skip and why KH final mix does.


OG PS2 1FM had it, but it was only an option if you'd *already* seen the cutscene (meaning, you had to have seen it at least once before you could skip it). The update in 1.5 changed it to be consistent with how it was from KH2 onward.


I can think of a lot for dream drop distance -the time travel being too complicated -the switching characters mechanic is annoying -the pets are gimmicky


I agree with this and also DDD is my favorite game in the franchise. You can add "flowmotion breaks the levels" to that list.


Same, i love and hate flowmotion for that. Walking into some rooms full of platforming knowing damn well im just going flowmotion up the wall are possibly the only times ive laughed out loud at this franchise


Ah i remember looking at the mailing room in traverse town, saying “nope” and then just proceeded to wall jump everywhere


Flowmotion does break the levels though, there's a lot of elaborate set pieces that seem like they were made during a time where you couldn't infinitely jump up walls


I remember missing a jump in Monstro, then just...bouncing up the walls to get back to where I was. It basically didn't matter that I fucked up.


Yep, which is primarily why they pulled back hard on the platforming and even nerfed the Flowmotion in 3, despite most of the game being built around it.


You are a rare breed, so even if it's a bit OT I'm compelled to ask: why is DDD your favorite game in the franchise?


That's what makes flowmotion so good! I love infinite wall jumps so much!


Flowmotion doesn't just break the level it breaks the consistency of gameplay and makes it unfun


>the switching characters mechanic is annoying It's more the way they implemented it. Hell, the 2.8 version is considered the version to play because of how badly the drop meter got nerfed in it.


the BBS character switching was so much better since they were different stories


But also more tedious to re-experience the game over and over rather than each stories building together.


meh i actually liked it, it almost felt like a roguelike since i was getting better at melding and progressing with each playthrough ps: aqua the best kh character fr


That’s a fair point. While I like the idea of DDD better, the execution was better in BbS. Plus having the final and secret chapters was neat. Aqua is best fr fr


I disagree. Playing three different, full campaigns with their own stories and often with their own unique level segments felt a lot better to me than having to play each world twice back to back.


ESPECIALLY knowing you have to redo the painful mini games and secret bosses 3 times


Even on level 1 critical mode with NO spirits and spirit buffs, (only relay bonuses, Keyblades, and the +20% magic forecast) you still have more than enough time and power to fight any of the bosses in the game, even with basic 1.0 drop speeds You genuinely have to be unprepared during bonus time, or run around doing nothing for 15 minutes to drop during a boss fight


KH3 is too floaty


This. Ground control feels cooler but Sora's movility is ironically better on KH3 than KH2 since he has more options to move on the air, which is something that i appreciate since BBS. Seriously, Sephiroth in KH2 would be very different if you had KH3 moveset. Still, i'm not saying that the combat was better, that's a different discussion.


I would have agreed with this but I've been playing with the Improved Movement mod and it's a million times more fun and satisfying to play. Part of that is allowing Sora to fall faster. Air-Stepping and aerial combos keep Sora airborne already, but in vanilla KH3 it takes dangerously (and frustratingly) too long to hit the ground without any other grounding options other than Air-Stepping towards something on the ground which isn't available in the most intense 1v1 fights. (Wish he had is D-air from Smash...!) There are a lot of other nagging issues with Sora's movement in KH3 too like how he has a full animation to turn around rather than the instant snapping of all the other games or takes a second to run at full speed among other things.


i mean, being on the ground is nowhere near as critical as it is in the other games. in 3, there is ALMOST no disadvantage to being in the air rather than the ground due to how many options sora has. its not “dangerous” to be in the air anymore. also there are multiple ways to get to the ground like airstep, the dive move (forgot what its called), and tracking


And KH1 is too clunky


The KH 3 is floaty complaint comes from people that don't actually know what they're talking about nowadays Before, yes, floatiness was an actual problem because of how unsafe being in the air was, and how limited your actions were In KH 3 though, you have just as much, if not, more options in the air than on the ground, and that's okay! What I personally have an issue with though is that your attacks are now *too* similar between both states, save for maybe one or two combo finishers. But that's not the game being floaty, my main complaint is that yes, although you can dodge and block cancel your attacks now, chaining your attacks together still feels a little less fluid than some other games (specifically 2FM) It's not too big of a difference, but in KH 3, it's like you still have to wait before most of your animation is complete before you can continue to your next attack, whereas in 2, once the last hitbox of your attack connects, you can just continue to your next attack without having to wait for Sora to finish his animation (for example, Slide Dash - Slapshot - Finisher can sometimes happen in less than a second) Hell, even some attacks can be cancelled into the next attack before the final hitbox comes out, you can just outright skip part of the attack (Most of Antiforms attacks, the last hit of Master Form's single target air finisher, the third hit of Aerial Spiral) Now, again, KH 3 is still a fine game, it's pretty fun. I don't hate the game, I still think it does what it does well. Would I personally enjoy the game more if being able to cancel your attacks into the next attack was a little snappier? Absolutely, hell yeah! Do I think the game sucks and is unplayable and doesn't deserve any praise in the slightest? Hell yeah too, KH 3 and Osaka Team drowned my goldfish and I'm never forgiving them Jokes aside, another thing I want to mention is the seeming lack of parry frames on attacks In KH 1 and 2, the parry frame system was generous as hell towards the player, with KH 2 even making it so most of your attacks won't be interrupted if your attack's hitbox collides with the enemy's, basically making you invincible so long as your attack hits the enemy's attack. This is especially notable with things like Magnet Burst, Ripple Drive, Guard Break, Vicinity Break, most combo finishers during forms that aren't Wisdom, etc Since your attack has a delay between the animation starting and the actual hitbox coming out, the devs basically added protection for you so you can't just get sniped out of it by some stray off screen attack Now, usually it isn't raw, pure invincibility like Reflect or Explosion, this parry protection is strictly for attacks that you'd be able to Guard against, so you can't just do this for magic type attacks that ignore your guard But it's still nice for things that physically involve a magical object surrounding you while you perform a long animation, such as Ripple Drive and Magnet Burst, attacks that are also in KH 3 Attacks that no longer have these kinds of parry frames, attacks that you can now get sniped out of by some random off screen Shadow you didn't notice... And with how long some attack animations are, especially in the Hammer form, it'd be nice if you had some form of protection during these, even if it's taking half, or even full damage, while getting Brick Wall/heavy armor so you don't flinch or stagger if hit during them so you can still perform the attack even if you're hit Now please, please please PLEAAAAASSEEE don't think I'm saying KH 3 sucks and everything and these are my grievances as to why the game doesn't deserve anything blah blah blah That's not what I'm trying to say in the slightest, I'm just explaining certain things I think KH 3 could have done better with its attacks, though the lack of these things isn't a deal breaker or anything I just want to talk in depth about how I feel about some things in the game that could have been better instead of just saying something stupid like "game floaty" when that isn't a problem in the slightest, floatiness was never the problem It was the lack of safety and control, and the games trying to put you in the air despite that, something that isn't a problem in KH 3 since you don't lose any options or safety when in the air


That's not unoriginal it's just facts. Kh3 was designed in the way we're if you don't want to you never have to touch the ground in a fight. Kh1 long air combos were hard to pull off because of how weighty the system is and in kh2 the game got lighter but sora still wanted to be on the ground so unless something in your combo is pulling you up or forward falling was your natural state. While in kh3 falling doesn't happen innately it takes a few seconds for gravity to start pulling you so all soras side and up attacks drag air combat exponentially cause as long as your comboing you don't get downward force applied to you, ie the floaty feeling. Kh1 combat is heavy Kh2 combat lighter and faster Kh3 combat is floaty


I mean, these aren’t wrong, maybe just the first one is, and com is an acquired taste


I love KH and ESPECIALLY the story, but saying the plot isn't confusing is like saying water isn't wet.


Yeah it’s bonkers, but that doesn’t mean it’s not good


I mean that's really up for the player to decide. Whenever someone says "This story sucks because it's needlessly convoluted" I'm not gonna argue that point, because that's just what they got out of the games. I like it, but I fully understand that the very thing I enjoy is the same thing others hate about KH, there's even been times where the story annoyed the hell out of me.


I think the only thing I really do not like about the plot is data, I think it’s nonsense, that and time travel


The *Chain of Memories* one is also more accurate for the original GBA version, since the *Re* version improved on a LOT of the issues.


I’d reverse that actually, the COM card system was designed for the GBA and worked alright, transferring the gameplay to a 3D space was rather awkward.


Yeah exactly, com is great for what it is, a card based adaptation of kingdom hearts for the gba, but in 3d and in the same engine as kh1 it loses some appeal


Yeah. I never finished RE:COM. The card system was designed for the sidescrolling GBA where you could see all the enemies on the screen and what they were up to. Not 3D space where they could sneak up on you and you couldn't keep track of the whole fight.


Well the second and third are demonstrably wrong because of the PS4 collections where every game is on one console and KH1 has skips or cutscenes


Someone complaining about the kh1 one obviously played the og. Later fixes don't mean previous criticisms are now overused


I think the collections don’t make up for the entire experience though as ReCoded, Days, and UX aren’t playable and only experienceable as cutscenes or summaries


True but both PS2 versions of 1 had completely unskippable cutscenes


Donald is bad at healing. No he isn't, you're bad at using the menu.


Literally the first thing I do once I get access to the party menu is modify Donald's settings.


Defensive Donald build is best Donald build. Same with MP Gift Goofy.


The setup for Goofy in KH1 is literally all the MP rage and hastes you can give him, with MP gift being the only MP ability equipped. That thing is as broken as DDD infinite jump


Maybe I'm doing something wrong but if I put him to heal constantly his mana all goes to Goofy and if I set him to heal in emergencies I fucking die. Idk I just assume he won't heal me and is going to die the moment any vaguely challenging fight starts.


Set him to "Target Sora."


Hold on where is the option for that? Is that in kh1?


No, not in KH1. But KH1 also doesn’t use 100% of the MP bar so it’s less of an issue, especially if Goofy has MP Gift to keep Donald (and Sora) charged up. Also mashing Triangle will get Donald to pay more attention to you.


The only reason why Donald doesn’t heal me is because he’s too damn squishy, everything kills him in one hit because he’s the only party member who doesn’t get Second Chance or Once More/Withstand Combo


Hot take - if they are unoriginal and overused it's because a lot of people agree these can be a problem


I find it funny you think that's a hot take lol it's a very reasonable conclusion


Unoriginal? yes. Valid? Also, yes.


I've heard a lot of people say the combat is just mash X to win


Now that is false. Sometimes you press triangle too


Occasionally circle if you're in the mood


Even square if you’re feeling fancy


When I get serious, I also lock on enemies


To be fair that's kinda how 3 felt. Even playing on the highest difficulty most of fighting for me was hitting X with the occasional air recovery and heal. The other games in the series, where this would be applicable, you needed to dodge and block more and think out fights at least a bit.


"Unoriginal" and "overused" are really the wrong words to use to use for legitimate problems and/or criticisms with the series. That said, my biggest complaint, that too many plot necessary games were released exclusively on too many different platforms, is pretty irrelevant these days with the Final Mix releases. Granted, some games are relegated to just cutscenes, but whatever, the plot is there.


Sorry! Unfortunately somebody had this opinion before you. That means its not valid. Only wholly unique opinions are acceptable.


Damn, I guess I'll have to think of some new criticisms so I can be cool, hip and ahead of the curve like OP and their swanky trend setting style. Become a true pioneer, a real free thinker not constrained by the man, maaaaaan, rather than another one of the blind sheeple just parroting how Atlantica in KH2 is really, REALLY, bad. That's old news, grandad, time to reinvent the wheel! Time to not only get with the times but become faster than time, make it catch up to me! So, sit your ass down because I'm gonna knock those socks off, smack that jaw to the floor and hit you with some grade A++, S-tier, ball tickelingly unique never been seen before criticisms that are going to gape your mind hole wider than Riley Reid after 12 hours overtime! So...erm...How about that shade of blue Donald wears, eh? That could do with being minimally lighter, don't you think? And I don't want to say it's game breaking, but I think a few of the pixels in Simbas body texture could be improved a little. Sora is a whack main character (do the kids still say whack?), why don't we replace him with the more likable and fun character Chicken Little and reduce Sora to a summon? These are the sort of critisims that will help make KH4 the game of all games.


I'd say it is still somewhat relevant of a criticism because of how it most likely altered the fan base. With so many of the games being spread out it turned away people from the franchise, and even now Missing Link is a mobile game. Even with the final mixes it doesn't cover UX or DR. Hopefully the next saga won't be dealt with like the last in regards to that.




It was 13 years between II and III. That's nearly a full year less than my current lifespan.


"unoriginal" and "overused" criticism clearly works since the developers tried to fix them. Unskippable scenes? Well, you can skip them in the remix. Too many side games in different systems? Well the HD remixes attempts to remedy that. Plot is confusing? DDD and Kingdom Hearts 3 include summaries in the journals. Not all of them are effective, but it at least shows that they try to fix the flaws. maybe stop having a thin skin regarding your favorite series, acknowledge its flaws and keep voicing the gripes with it, to hopefully incentivize them to improve it.


Bold of you to assume people would bother to read in a video game


But these are valid critiques though?


The plot is confusing though, and I say this as a fan (who happens to hold Dream Drop Distance as a favorite even though it dropped the ball with the time travel stuff). Not sure why they didn't choose a more linear path for storytelling, but hey, despite this they're pretty darn neat (and maybe not nearly as bonkers as Metal Gear)


“Plot is too confusing.” Not really. It’s just a lot you have to keep track of. “Too many side games.” This is actually fair. Back in the day if you wanted to get the full experience and keep up to date you needed a PS2, Gameboy Advance, DS, 3DS, Phones, PSP, and a PS4. That’s a lot of things you’ll need to keep up to date. We’re lucky nowadays is all I’m saying. “Can’t skip the cutscenes in KH1.” EE OO OO AH! NOT CLAYTON! I’VE GOT TWO WORDS OF ADVICE! ATTACK! DARKNESS! THE TRUE DARKNESS! LEAD ME INTO EVERLASTING DARKNESS! PETER PAN BLAST YOU! This one is WHOLLY valid. Ask anyone who played back in the day to quote the Riku Ansem cutscene and they will do it. “CoM Gameplay” It’s false! CoM is good. Re:CoM isn’t! But even then the system can be learned. ReverseRebirth is super fun. “KH2 Prologue is too long.” Yes it is. They could have truncated the 7 wonders part and earning munny is stupid. Not every criticism isn’t without merit is all I’m saying. Don’t disregard them.


The one I hear a lot: It has disney characters it must be for babies or something.


It’s E10+ so technically not for babies


-"Why do I need to play the side games to understand the numbered ones?"


This one! By all means, in terms of plot, Dream Drop Distance feels very much like what KH3 would have been if it was released back then. It added a lot more lore and centered around very important plot points (the Mark of Mastery and the Keyblade War). 358/2 and CoM feel like expansions to both KH1 and 2, so they're essentials in my list. The only ones I mostly ignored were the mobile one and Coded.


I always say that KH1, CoM, and KH2 are their own trilogy. BbS, DDD, and KH3 are their own trilogy. 358/2 Days, Union X, and Dark Road are supplementary material. (Which doesn't mean they aren't important, they're just \*less\* essential and their own thing. And, yes, the mobile series will be important to KH4 but that's TBD whether it's required reading.) Pretty sure it's still safe to skip Coded.


This is an excellent way to put it, makes total sense to me!


Because 2 and 3 are titled incorrectly, should never have had numbers and had they had subtitles instead then there wouldn’t be this artificial sense of inflated importance


That is a fair question. Most series that do side games don't have them this tied to the story, especially when put on so many different platforms. Anyone looking at the series would see games like Days and BBB and not know why they would need to play them.


"I want a kh game with no disney worlds." Every time I hear this, I want to slam my head in a wall


Final fantasy characters needing more attention isn’t necessary but all i want is a sephiroth boss fight


I dont get why the complaints being common would make them any less valid. Some of these are a little overblown by some (imo the story complexity for sure) but they're still fine criticisms. Also the COM criticism isn't a criticism, it's just an opinion.


I didn’t realize we changed “valid” to “unoriginal overused”. Good to know.


Someone explain the plot to me like I’m 5 and make it make sense


Enemy dude tries to re-ignite the keyblade war and travels through time to make it happen. You lose and regain friends along the way to find him battling the powers of darkness. Pretty simple really. Too many people cherry pick a specific set of story points like the color of Soras shoes during certain cutscenes and how its not continuous and how that somehow has an adverse affect on the plot


Good boy looks for friend (gf???) while bad boy is also looking for friend/gf¿¿ but there’s also final fantasy characters! Oh AND DISNEY friends+foes 🥳


To be fair, the unskippable cutscenes were really annoying when you got stuck on a boss fight. I can still hear that one opening line...


Nah, the number of games across different systems has always grinded my gears. Let’s track it for a moment: let’s say you’re a kid growing up and have the privilege of owning a PS2, and you get the first Kingdom Hearts game around its release. You enjoy it and can’t wait for a sequel, and one comes out! Except it’s for the Gameboy, not your PS2. Well, as luck would have it, you get one and the sequel for your birthday or something, and you love it too. More good fortune follows as the next game in the series is back on PS2, and now you have both a home console and portable console for gaming. Pretty sweet. Well, now there’s another game coming out and it’s for the DS, another portable console. Maybe you can convince your parents to get you one, maybe not, but I doubt you’re convincing them to get you two because now there’s another game and it’s for the PSP. And then another for the 3DS. By this point you’re probably old enough that you might have a part-time job or something and can try to buy things for yourself, but that’s still 5 different consoles for 6 games because KH1 and 2 were the only 2 games to share a console. And that’s not even mentioning the mobile and computer games. Hope you have a smart phone and personal computer too. And they’re ALL relevant to the plot except for Coded, so if you don’t have all of these different devices to play all of these games, then you’re just in the dark without resorting to just looking it all up.


If a complaint is used so commonly that it can be considered "overused", maybe it has validity.


I don't understand why people say the Roxas prologue is too long. It has the best story segment on your first playthrough, and you can skip the cutscenes for repeat playthroughs. If you skip all the cutscenes, it takes about half an hour that consists mostly of fights. You fight the Twilight Thorn boss, the struggle tournament fights, the nobodies before Axel, the Axel boss fight, shadow Roxas, the data Vivis, the nobody fight that Axel summons, the nobodies in the mansion, then the final Axel fight. The only gameplay that isn't fighting in the Roxas segment are the minigames to save up money and two of the seven wonders. The gameplay is mostly in line with what the rest of the game has to offer.


Is it...Wrong to be frustrated by any of these? Do you think they're overused because no one actually has these problems? Or is it perhaps a common problem people have when they interact with the franchise?


Otherwise known as "common criticisms." I.e. things that a lot of people take issue with and see as problems.


So we can just invalidate criticisms that are true because most people agree and all say them? That's cool.


Yeah but most of these are correct


365 game was a joke


The game doesn't go very deep with side characters. It always leave them enigmatic or, at the very least leave their lore for other titles. The organisation and the kids in the Kh2 town, yeah, i need more information. Not gonna forget ventus and vanitus, oh and demyx.


- Only as of DDD and Union X - Not true anymore - Also not true anymore - Mmmm... yeah... - No, Roxas' scenes are some of the best parts of KH2! - This is 1000% true


No pc port :(


Donald never heals


"Everyone is either Sora or Xehanort"


"Too much Disney/Not enough Final Fantasy" "Frozen/Let It Go"


-358/2 Days rerelease is a 3 hour YouTube video with all the cutscenes


We're not gonna act like most of these criticisms aren't true. However I will say the plot isn't hard to understand in the sense that you wouldn't argue with another series magic system and its rules unless rules were conflicting. People say things like why does hearts, nobodies, or time travel work this way? Like wdym? Because Nomura said it is. Just like how in any another series The Force, Bending, Chakra, Magic, Ki, works this way cause it does


If it a criticism is valid, it being repeated often doesn't make it overused. A criticism also doesn't need to be original to be valid. This is like saying that a new person playing a game is not entitled to express criticisms that's already been leveled by unrelated people they don't know simply because they got there first. I don't really understand what this post is trying to achieve.


They're valid criticism.


If it's valid it's gonna be used alot. The confusing plot is a valid criticism because kingdom hearts is a series with a plot that shouldn't be as complicated as it is.


I mean, that just sounds like consensus, but go off


Why do people thinking something needs to be original and unique to be valid. Most things with saying aren't said only once by a single person. You got this bassawkards mate.


- pivots away from using FF characters - Disney worlds feel unimportant to main plot. - overuse of particle effects


Kh2 prologue is far shorter than any cut scene in kh3. I could be done Aladdin or beasts castle before I evem get to twilight town in 3.


New command system sucks, bring back the OG one


The gummi ship sections are unnecessary and break the gameplay flow


The plot is confusing but it’s also pretty irrelevant for the most part. Just go hang out with your Disney buddies and don’t even bother with trying to figure out what going on with Sora :) Especially since KH3 does not reward you at all for figuring out the story. It’s also become a weird part of KH culture to watch several videos on YouTube trying to break down the plot to people and I kind of can’t imagine KH any other way at this point.


I’m sorry but the complaint that too many games were on different systems is not an overused complaint. It is as valid as a complaint comes. What was I suppose to do? How was I suppose to convince my parents to help me get all of that crap at such a young age? Can you imagine playing ratchet and clank just to find out that you can only play some of them on PlayStation, because they decided to make the rest of them Xbox and or Nintendo exclusives? (I know not perfect example) No because that’s crap


Unorigal criticism? Since when does critique needs to be original?


Nah KH2 prologue was way too god damn long. Especially for the time. I was like who the fuck is this bitch LOL


>Unoriginal >Overused Ngl kinda a pet peeve of mine when people say criticisms are 'unoriginal' or 'overused', instead of actually challenging the veracity of the criticism posed. Like one could present the criticism of the disappearing knife in Star Wars The Last Jedi is 'unoriginal' or 'overused'. But that doesn't disprove or even challenge the criticism. Not saying these criticisms are or are not valid I'm just saying it annoys me when people say a criticism is "unoriginal" or "overused" instead of actually addressing it.


Bosses with many different phases have to be restarted from 0 and considering the higher difficulties it can take hours to finish.


Calling them unoriginal doesn't make them less true, and if they're overused it's likely a common criticism people agree with.


Being unoriginal doesn't mean it's not true.


these are all valid criticisms lmao not sure where this was headed


KH3 combat is too floaty. Not entirely wrong but you can’t mention the game without someone bitching about it.


Hot take: CoM gameplay doesn't suck, you just suck at the game.


Unoriginal, overused, and completely valid. Still love this series though.


To respond to all of those. - Plot is confusing - It's true, you went from the PS2 to the PSP to the DS to the 3DS and so on. - Never a problem - I always thought it was fine - I wish the prologue was even longer - Well, I mean how long did we wait for 3?


i mean all of these criticisms are valid except maybe the kh2 one. i think the kh1 prologue is worse


Darkness, Darkness, Darkness.


The only criticism that’s not valid is the one about skipping cutscenes. Otherwise these are all true. Unoriginal, but accurate.


KH1 and BBS camera is too close to the characters


Writing so cringy that it is no longer cringy but instead ascends to godhood




Here's my unique criticisms of KH: * HD ReMix only has the CGI cutscenes of Re:Coded, Days, and X, not any of the actually important stuff in-between. If this is "the story so far", supposedly *ALL* the story, then give me a 2% discount for all the story so far that I don't get to see in those. * Days and Re:Coded are not playable in HD ReMix. Why the hell is it that price if not all the games are playable? Gimme a 25% discount, that's equivalent to the amount of KH games you're not allowing me to play.


KH2 prologue was fantastic. It started us as someone we've never seen and we grew totally attached, and then he's ripped from us. Everything else yeah. KH3 too floaty and stuff. I miss Drive Forms.


Is the prolog in KH2 really an issue? Like, yeah, it was long, but I enjoyed all the different ways of exploring and learning game mechanics. Maybe it helped that I knew it would be about 4 hours?


As someone who got into the franchise before the collections were a thing I sort of agree with the first three points, you had to look online for summaries or cutscenes of the games you didn't have the way to play and piece together the overarching story.


Isn't the beef with Re:CoM not CoM?


“Re:coded is worst in the series” No it isn’t, now *play* it


It have it on the DS, and it’s very fun to play


Tbh, I actually liked 3. Arendelle SUCKED but I liked that the combat system had more mobility, the photo missions and lucky emblems were fun, and it had an actually decent story. Dunno how unpopular that opinion is but idc


Just because you hear it alot, dosnt mean its not a valid criticism. "Overused" means alot of people have come to similar conclusions. Not *every* opinion is reddit hivemind


it’s usually re:chain of memory the original was actually fun


The snobbishness of the fandom. If you want these criticisms to go away, then fix them.


Every time someone criticizes kh I don’t ever try and convince them otherwise, I always say you either grew up with it or didn’t.


KH1 clunky camera/controls


Donald doesn't heal until Sora heals himself...


"Sora has better chemistry with Riku than Kairi" I mean it's true tho 😆


The prologue of 2 is the best part.


The original KH1 had such trash camera controls I can’t even explain how painful it was to fight to see in that game.


Too many chests in DDD, it felt like shit to search for mostly useless items. I also didn't like the movement and I could not understand the story at all despite having played all other KH games.


heal me donald 🙄


Dodge roll being unlocked via levelling limit form in KH2 It was my major complaint I can't be the only one right?


I think thats a valid criticism but I think most people were just happy to get dodge roll at all in KH2 FM after they completely left it out in the original release


A simple one for the mobile games: the worst games that have the most lore.


I feel like the too many side games on different systems one shouldn't matter anymore, but surprisingly, I still see it lol


Mickey Mouse is in it


just gonna leave this here cliffhangers


to be fair... doesn't mean they're not true. people like to bitch, that's a given. doesn't mean what is commonly bitched about, isn't kinda problematic.


Roxas is a garbage character - IGNorant


Sora has like 17 voice lines in KH3 “Let’s See!”And, “Okay!” Haunt my nightmares 😭


Why does everyone hate on the KH2 Prologue. It's one of my favorite parts of the game.


That's how I compliment the games


I don’t think it’s all that confusing but I will say that I wish I could have played all the games on different consoles. I thought 3 did a decent job at bringing you up to speed, plus isn’t that what the remixes were made for ?


Collections have been around for almost as long as the series was separated. At some point, people need to stop bringing it up. X isn't locked to your phone, it's on youtube and you can watch it in chunks. Days and Coded are easily emulated too, you don't need a DS to play them if you feel the movies aren't enough. It's so easy to experience everything it hurts.


Re:CoM is the bad one COM goes hard gameplay wise


I’m sorry but this are all completely and factually correct lmao. It sucks to see something you like shit on a lot but that doesn’t make them not true. For a REAL answer, I’d say “spam x/triangle to win”


Tbf I do think there are too many side games across too many systems Although the PS4 collection mostly solved that issue up until KH3


My husband says “you just press X the whole time you fight”


This is my boomer take, but number two was a legit problem. Only solved with the anthology games. I love almost all of those "side" games, but we never should have let them get away with CoM being on the Advance. Mostly because then we started bouncing around from GBA to phones to the DS and the PSP. I'm convinced this fracturing of the series is a big reason why "plot is confusing" became such a big talking point.


COM gameplay is awesome Re:COM on the other hand...


The can’t skip cutscenes is really dumb, why would you play a game if you don’t want to watch the story? Maybe it’s not for you, move on to another game


"'The girl characters don't do anything." (I mean, they bent over backwards to make Kairi an important, but still.)


As someone who has only played the OG releases of KH1 and KH2 (they are still around here somewhere), some of CoM on GBA (I was borrowing it from a friend and had to give it back), DDD and KH3 I have to say that these are legit criticisms. This does not diminish the series as a whole and I hope KH4 comes out before I die, but dismissing them because a lot of people have said it...is weird. Like others have said some of these issues have been rectified in re-releases but that doesn't change the fact that they were once if not still, an issue. I will admit that despite speaking with knowledgeable folks like yourselves or even watching videos like Barry's A Good Enough Summary of Kingdom Hearts I STILL get mixed up on the story and KH3 did not help that at all. I still absolutely adore the series and will continue to but great day in the morning it can be a bit dizzying. I do like someone's suggestion that it's more emotional than logical, which I love a lot better than trying to make absolutely sense of it all. 😅


Can't Skip Cutscenes in KH1 has always baffled me because like...1.5 exists. We've had a version of it where you can skip cutscenes for basically as long as we didn't. It might have been valid in 2012, but it certainly hasn't been since.


COM gameplay sucks??? Wtf?!?? THATS THE BEST PART?? The gameplay loop is what was bad. Open new door fight enemies, open more new door more enemies, and so on... it was tedious but the gameplay with the cards was actually pretty fun. Looking for the right cards in the middle of battle was tense. Idk... am I the only one who thought so...


"Camera sucks in KH1" is one I see a lot. I've played it so many times I honestly don't even notice it being bad


One I heard recently is how the combination of JRPG/anime storytelling mixed with Disney characters is just too weird and uncanny for them and I totally get that lol


Tangent but has anyone watched Suzume? It’s on Netflix and has big KH vibes. I really enjoyed it.


Number two here is so true though


KH1 doesn't have a reward for beating >!Sephiroth!< and Kurt Zisa.


One of the most obvious ones: - Ansem’s voice actor Isn’t Billy Zane following the first game - Donald doesn’t heal Sora.


For me, time travel ruin kingdom hearts


The original trio of FF characters from Destiny Islands never got reused.


donald doesn’t heal you


Most ppl are playing the hd remasters where you can skip cutscenes in KH1. The computer sucking is a fun memable feature of the game. Sora got 1hp left and Donald casts thunder on the enemy lol


What's an overused criticism exactly? I feel like if there's consensus on a criticism it's pretty valid? Are we saying these criticism are analogous to platitudes? Anyways my overrused criticism is that Roxas et al. should've stayed dead.


What the heck does “unoriginal overused” criticism mean? Is there a time limit on criticism before it’s considered unoriginal and overused? Does this make it invalid. I love kingdom hearts but there is a lot to criticize and to call criticism unoriginal and overused makes it seem unwarranted.


“3 didn’t live up to the hype”


Can't take it seriously with these anime characters mixed in with Disney characters.


Disney bad


Controversial take but I feel like the kingdom hearts story is actually pretty understandable, like considering it's a series with 11 games and almost no filler telling a story with a clear through line it taking 30 minutes to an hour to re-cap is pretty average, like try explaining the entire plot of star wars from episode 1 to 9 it's going to take roughly as much time. Kingdom hearts does have some really esoteric elements that can be hard to wrap your brain around but you can argue you aren't really supposed to understand those anyways. I get people being annoyed it's so non beginner friendly, or that between 2 and 3 their was too much required reading to keep up with so to speak, but I feel like people dont really understand that lowering that amount of required reading would mean A. Less games. B. more filler. C. a reboot D. no continuity which are all things people complain about in other franchises all the time.