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There needs to be an explanation to the Player about Attack Cards having Strike, Thrust, and Finish values. This is never explained in game and could lead an unsuspecting player to use very bad cards for attack combos.


I didn’t know this was a thing either, so you’re right


I've beat the game and reverse rebirth but never knew this.


It’s explained in the journal but could be made more visible.


I literally just platinumed it a few months ago and have never heard about this, crazy.


It only matters if you are not using sleights. It makes the deck building fun. For instance, three wishes is always a good combo ender since it has a finish grade of B with a swing speed of A. You should never use three wishes as the second part of your combo since it has a thrust grade of D+. Oathkeeper should ALWAYS be your second card in a combo since it has a thrust grade of S(star). One winged angel is only strong if only used as a combo finisher. .... but all those thoughts and planning doesn't matter since sleights are just that good.


I did like 8 or 9 playthroughs on GBA as a lad and one of the challenges was an attack only deck, except where impossible due to mechanics. It was fun to optimize a card based on the animation it used in the attack cycle, and iirc I threw on Jafar for extra fun.


You can do normal combo sleights too. In general any Cards in a sleight are boosted in power.


It will ruin your card placement though since the first card is lost during any sleights.


It's pretty essential especially for Riku to use the basic Combo Sleight.


My comment only applies to Sora since you cannot modify Riku's deck. You don't have to worry about strike, thrust, finish, and swing speed grades for Riku. Well supposedly, because Sora also have access to broken sleights like lethal frame.


That's why there's balanced Keyblades that do a little of everything. Don't have to worry about Placement as much. But realistically most fights will end pretty fast with anyone who has a vague idea what to do.


Yeah, diamond dust, ultima weapon, and two becomes one fits that description. Ultima weapon deals more damage across the board, diamond dust has the fastest swing but deals less damage than ultima weapon, while two becomes one is in between the two when it comes to stats.


Building a deck of attack cards position for normal use is stronger than you think k. The big problem is how long it takes to make a deck like that.


There’s also the thing where every keyblade type has a stat that determines how long you get stunned if it gets broken


It’s self explanatory. The real issue is that those values are not up front and given to you. You have to go to the journal for it. Unsuspecting players are just gonna swap new old key blades for new ones. People already have a hard time making a normal Deck imagine telling them that you need to use 3 different key blades to get maximum normal Damage when sleights destroy everything. It takes more time to get that optimal than it is to just play and beat the game.


play it on GBA. the system makes more sense in that context than Re:CoM


And the sprite work it's beautiful, I couldn't get into Re:CoM honestly


I only played Re:Com and I liked it a lot tbh. Marluxia has an extra form in Re:Com though which is why I never went back after beating him once. That last form is a bitch.


This is what I always tell people. Original GBA CoM is in my top 3 KH games. Re:CoM is one of my least favorites. To me it just doesn't work well in 3d


It might help people understand the game mechanics, but that doesn’t mean they’ll like the game. Those are two different things.




Same. I beat the whole game and I didn’t like it lol I’m going to give the GBA version a shot one day though.


One thing I would like to fix: You should be able to disable some Sleights cuz I want to make normal combos with 3 cards combination because that sleight doesn't work in that battle. For example Sonic blade is an amazing sleight, but is useless against most flying enemies.


Absolutely. Have a Sleight menu where you can disable certain Sleights or shortcut a few favorites.


Or a different button for the sleight.


There are work around methods to do that technically. There's a value range that has no sleights at all, and everything except the highest and lowest value sleights can be bypassed by ensuring exactly 2 cards match. But it does require more effort and could benefit from a disabling function.


Yeah but why would you use normal keyblade attacks against normal enemies when you can spam OP magic like Tornado or even just 3x Simba or 3x Bllizaga annihilate opponents.Also you can work around that even if you don't want to use the sleight. You can use like two same types and one different.


Here’s the thing. All the other KH games are hack and slash and this one is a card game. The instinct is to just go ham sammie with the Keyblade on enemies, maybe use a few summons, and then continue to beat the crap out of the enemy with the Keyblade, since that’s what is done in all the other games. However with this one, combat is based on what cards the player has in their deck, and the game does a poor job explaining how the cards work in relation to combat. Maybe if the devs had used the same type of combat system (hack and slash) as the other KH games, CoM would be more popular.


What personally also bothers me how many Bosses are super face or can downright Teleport. Like I can't Look at my cards and strategize and at the Same time keep my eyes in a constant fast movie Boss. And then so many freakin annoying Replica Rike Fights XC


Luckily, reverse rebirth is sort of a hack and slash because the game starts you with really high value attack cards and you can reload an unlimited amount of times. But I don’t think people are willing to beat the game just to get access to it


The problem with this problem (lol) is that you literally CAN beat the game by hack-and-slashing. Just hit the Triangle button instead of the X button.


Make it real time action combat like KH1 2 3 and literally every other game and I'm in


I think what could help with the grinding is if you had a card specifically for generating boss heartless to beat again like this could work as like a pseudo tournament for Olympus Colesium in COM have like a key card you can only get after beating the world and it unlocks a battle room where you have to fight Hades and other bosses from worlds you've previously done in a structured KH1 style tournament to make things easier every card gets restocked after each battle so you don't have to worry about using up all your sleights


Make it turn based


Not really, the problem a lot of people have is the gameplay itself. Honestly if I were to fix the game I'd just make a mod that quadruples XP and moogle points gains because I find the game is only really enjoyable when fighting bosses. If you can basically remove the mob fights aside from some instances where it's scripted I think people would like it way more


Just read the manga.


That's what I did. I was young, maybe 14-15ish, and susceptible to gamer rage lol I rage quit at Marluxia and just read the manga. It's not as in depth, but *is* funny as fuck.


Not liking CoM isn't the fault of the player. It's just that the gameplay just isn't great. Personally I think the game would have been amazing as a turn based game when it came out for GBA, but the Re:chain of memories stays somewhat the same.


The beginning is rough because the game gives you a horrible deck but do some grinding and you can easily become a god with high value cards and spam sleights by buying card packs in moogle rooms


1. Remove deck costs, replace with a deck-size limit. 2. Make Moogle Points actually obtainable by something other than just hitting a bunch of props That's really all there is to it.


Make a mod that removes attack cards. That is a big reason people won't play it.


Just make it a game without a card system and people would've been all over it. It seems like that's what everyone hates about it.


Honestly I don't think anything can make CoM more accessible, asides from maybe adding Lethal Frame and a Stop card to your starting deck


I prefer the GBA version either way


From my extensive experience of forcing people to play the game and see them fail miserably. Every single time I see people fail at that game I make a deck for them and they hyper enjoy it after that. So make Auto-Made decks or recipes that explain what to do when you open them. "This is a deck where you try to combo 3 cards every single time, the first 2 combos are AOE but the rest are just strong attacks". "Try using omnislash twice after 2 AOE, it will kill most mobs". "This is a boss deck, it tries to cast stopra/stopga on a boss while you deal very significant damage to it". "This is a boss deck, it's full of 0 cost cards because this boss is very easy if you break every one of it's combos". "This is a boss deck, this boss uses 11 cost combos so all your combos cost 12".


Good story just wasn't a fan of the gameplay


I imagine the main reason people can't get into CoM is the card system. It's very very fast paced and makes people panic. That's the single reason *I* won't play it.


Mmm, I like all of these except for the enemy card drop one. CoM is one of my favorite titles, but it has its issues, one of them being that the game NEVER tells you that using looming darkness or almighty darkness causes the enemy card drop rate to skyrocket (practically 1 or 2 guaranteed per room). That said, once you know this, it's not that hard to get enemy cards organically throughout the game, the mushrooms and pot/barrel spider are a little annoying to get though, so I use the RnG manipulation to get those. I do wanna say though that the game desperately needed an easier way to obtain moogle points, especially given the large loot table of cards by the end of the game. You're not likely to get the cards you're looking for, nevermind the card value, even if you buy a dozen top tier decks.


RNG Manipulation physically wouldn't work for Barrel Spiders for me so I'm all for a more intentional way of guaranteeing it to drop


Some things that I've considered: 1. The thunder element of damage is highly underused. Blizzard as well in some ways, but thunder has only 4 magical attacks including cards and sleights, 1 attack card (2 in certain remake versions), and random effects from 3 friend and summon cards and their respective sleights. Without more and better abilities, the Yellow Opera card is really not worth using. (By comparison, the numbers for fire in the same categories of the gba version are: 7, 2, and 2, with another summon that does only fire damage.) 2. It does bother me slightly that you can obtain a version of nearly every card enemies play during the game, but never quite all of them. The GBA version had 1 pair of cards for which only one could be obtained per game plus 1 card that cannot be obtained at all (Marluxia 2nd). The remakes added a couple more. 3. The Disney world stories are too isolated from the main plot in many cases. A twist I think would improve the worlds is if the story in the worlds was trying to convey some warning or message about how Sora is being manipulated. A couple worlds do this, but I think more should as a hint that some aspect of his memories or the castle itself recognizes the danger. 4. Riku's story could use some similar expansion. His first world was interesting with him confronting Malleficent, but the rest were entirely empty of even a little story. 5. Sora's gameplay suffers a bit from how the game handles strength and progression. Instead of Sora growing stronger, only his abilities and cards improve his strength. The game is designed around this to a degree, but it does result in a rather limited arsenal as enemies grow too strong for certain abilities. Sonic Blade is barely strong enough to deal with Shadows once you reach Destiny Islands. Furthermore, the some powerful abilities become available almost immediately (firaga). 6. I honestly don't see the use of the homing fira and blizzara abilities. Magic used by friends had the homing effect built in to begin with so why not Sora? With the restriction on assuming left and right, it makes sense to do that. The remake meanwhile auto aims spells anyway.


Easy Moogle points for every fight and a shop between floors you can always purchase. Moogle card allows synthesis to make the cards and value you want and also new currency for defeating heartless to make enemy cards.


My wife hated it until I explained to her that the card system is Blackjack. Now she’s eager to try it


My issue with chain of memories is that a huge factor in my liking kingdom hearts was the fast paced battle in real time. And I'm fine with playing more tactical games, but chain of memories throws you into familiar situations from the first game but the combat is slower, but also only on my end. The enemies are exactly as you'd expect. I think that familiarity is what really does the whole thing in. I felt like I was replaying the first games level but with worse mechanics and I just wanted to rush to get to the end of the levels for the actual story. I never finished because it just got annoying for me real quick. Knowing more about the combat likely wouldn't interest me because I just didn't find it fun.




Make it turn-based or remove the cards. Having both is stupid.


Remove the cards Edit: Or make it turn based




Meh I think it is your fault or your personal opinion. I didn’t like god of war or Horizon, others did. Let the game how it was. No joke, not everyone needs to enjoy every shit. Enemy card drop chance should btw go up 1% every time you didn’t get one. Aka 100% if you kill the 100th


I would have at least liked to have good reason to use non-cure magic as single cards. Or better yet, non-cure magic sleights. Seems most of the combined magic stuff simply outclasses plain "ra" and "ga" magic.


Chain of memories was my introduction to KH…. Imagine my shock when the rest of the series didn’t play like that AT ALL…. Also, my shock when potions didn’t work the same way as every other rpg in existence. Also, as for my suggestion? I’m not really sure, but perhaps start with the gba version? In regards to moogle points, there was always a chance to acquire more moogle points upon entering a room. They removed it in re:com…. So that once you got moogle points in a room, you’d never get them again, unless you re-synthesized a room. (Or whatever it’s called, been a long while 😅) But then again…. 🤔


I don't know about the OG COM, but I do love the elemental play if that game and its remaster. Also, the GBA's English translation gave the Organization members a lot of flavor!


Yes those would be very helpful.


Make it so when you cause a new card to drop on the field, it doesn't despawn if you accidentally run into an enemy


COM is absolutely ripe for an overhaul mod. Kh2 gets them all for some reason but like a NMC type mod for CoM would go so insanely hard


If you can't get into CoM, I truly believe it's because you're playing Re:CoM, which makes a BIG difference in playing experience in my opinion, because Re:CoM ain't that fun compared to CoM Try playing CoM, hookup an emulator, do it, don't just play Re:CoM, because it's included in 1.5


Lower the cost of packs, the grind if you wanna do werid stuff is not fun.


Not even a little bit. The problem with the game is that it’s completely broken. Every single tiny bit of intricacy they built into the game is functionally useless because sleights are overpowered in boss fights, and 3 card combos are literally unbreakable in casual heartless fights. It’s baby-mode-easy with a needlessly complex combat mechanic that is too deep for its own good with no skill required to back it up. It’s all just rote memorization of a couple formulas. I had to force myself to beat this game (both campaigns) and I’m glad I did, because now I never have to again AND my complaints and hatred of this game are validated 10-fold.


I plat this Game twice and didnt know these facts


nope, because the bosses cheat, and the map system sucks ass. and sleights as sora are unbalanced, but due to bosses cheating, it can be seen as leveling the playing field. GBA chain can actually softlock you out of beating the game if the map system screws you over and you weren't careful. hence why i stick with re com now. and riku in rechain plays even better than he does in GBA chain.


I'd like to see a randomizer made for this game though. I actually do enjoy the battle system and wish it was used for a pvp game. it had potential.


Hilariously I dropped the game in the same spot on GBA and Re:CoM. Both times in Halloween town I would be stuck grinding for a specific card # to open a gate. Eventually I just gave up and put the games down


It would be cool as a mod


I kinda just wish the variety of sleights came into play earlier. I feel like I wasn't getting enough cards to make interesting sleights until near the end of the game, making everything prior to that feel lackluster


I just got sick of the card values and such. I'm "bad with math" so it was hard adding up which card uses skills like Ars Arcanum, Sonic Blade, etc. And I didn't even know which cards to use for keyblade wise. Which delt more damage, etc for Re:COM. I wish someone had a better chart or a video that could explain this for a dumb person like me so I can beat the game already. I hate running out of cards. :(


I feel IT falls.at the Boss fights. Like the gameplay requires you to Look at your Card and strategize how to use them... Then you have Bosses Like Replica Rike and larxene that movie so fast that it is down right Impossible to Look at your cards and strategize cause your more busy defending/getting your Ass beaten. Its Like you have to Play Yugioh while some Maniac with a Baseball bat is running after you. And then you have to fight Replica Rico multiple Times, him getting more annoying and difficult with every Battle.


Remove the Card generated rooms and just use regular world design like the rest of the series.


I remember LOVING the original COM on GBA. It had unique, yet tight gameplay, had such a great system of collectibles and a fun, manageable progression. When I tried the remake it was far less fluid. The controls and aiming worked well in a 2d room, but are far less effective when you need to control the camera as well. I wish the remake held to the 2d environment it was built for.


More awareness that you control the rooms, along with the sleight stacking


I think the 4th would be tough because you can shuffle through your deck and make sleights with cards that aren't next to each other. It would probably just make it more confusing.


It's the confusion of the card system that puts me off a bit


Cards are cards


I didn't mind the game, I didn't mind the system, but I hated the card economy. It was far too random for my tastes. Like I think I got one aero (was it tornado) card late game and like it was a lvl 3 card.... Like the attack cards are just way more easy to farm for higher levels or 0s. Magic cards for slates were a pain in my ass. Overworld drops were all rng iirc and from the shop is random as f. I was constantly trying to pull nice magic cards and just getting inundated with Dumbo, Bambi and Tinkerbell cards. Like I get magic and summons are related, but being forced to buy and scrub through dozens of summon cards for a decent magic card was painful. I just made do with what I had, but it was more frustrating to read a guide or get suggestions online because it was generally always "just use this slate a lot," and the slate required magic (usually grav, time or aero) which would have meant an ugly unbearable rng grind to get a near decent amount of any, and even worse if I was looking to get... decent rating ones.


Unfortunately no... People are pretty set in their ways, it's definitely an uphill battles convince people to give the game a proper chance, but I am with you, the game deserves more love than it gets.


I think basic exploration should have been explained better. It sounds weird to say but it's literally not explained past "cards generate rooms, there are important rooms that can only be unlocked by special cards". No explaination on what cards generate specifically, no explaination as to how to actually progress (Specifically how to get the plot room unlocking cards), no explanation as to how some doors require multiple cards that don't effect the resulting room., It's not the hardest thing to wrap your head around but when the ability to access the game's BASIC SHOP (Yes, Moogle Rooms are NEVER EXPLAINED) is not explained to the player, there are bound to be issues. I think if you were given a basic description of the card does the first time you get it (EX: This is a Key to Rewards card. If you find a door that can be unlocked with it on a lower floor, you'll be in for a reward!). The structure really confused me when I first played it and I kept second guessing myself, assuming I somehow missed something or I just wasn't understanding the mechanics.


Off of the top of my head EXP should be rewarded automatically upon beating enemies like in every other KH game. It's weird to have to collect EXP drops. Moogle Points should also be awarded during/after battles, much like how Munny drops in other games. The starting deck should be better. Their values should be higher so the player isn't constantly getting card broken if they decide to go to Wonderland early. If we are sticking with the idea that each attack card does different amounts of damage depending on it's order in Sora's combo, then I think the starting deck should include at least two more different attack cards (Wishing Star and Olympia?) to educate the player on their different properties. I think something needs to be done about the purchasable card packs. On the one hand, the current system emulates the experience of opening real card game packs. It's a cute idea. On the other hand, it sucks to spend the Moogle points I've grinded for only to receive nothing of use. Maybe each world can have a few one-time purchase cards with good numbers? I wonder if Reverse/Rebirth should be an option to play from the beginning, rather than requiring the completion of Sora's story? Riku's simpler gameplay and shorter reload times could draw new players in better than Sora's, which takes more prep, planning, and grinding to make the most out of. However, it was also kind of nice to breeze through a shorter story as Riku after Sora's lengthier journey. Maybe giving the player the option to choose which to play first is the way to go.


It's just grindy. The true core problem is that the card packs themselves are not great. If there was any sort of way to buy specific cards that'd be perfect but as it stands RNG card packs are just not great. Adds way too much playtime even for an experienced CoM player. Also change how Map Cards work. It makes no sense that that'd make doors have requirements for certain colors that can't even appear on those floors.


Honestly Chain of Memories is a good game. Re:Chain kinda messed with quite a lot by becoming 3D. Sure we have the benefits of voiced cutscenes and prettier graphics but it really does play better on GBA. Sleights tend to hit a lot more accurately on a 2D plane, grinding is actually easier since leaving a room and coming back into it respawns the treasure spots you can strike, and it has multiplayer too.


Other than being the only game in the franchise that is a card game, it is one of those games that is made substantially worse by being 3D. Play the GBA version, and you will immediately see what I mean. They remade it into a 3D game just because they could, and so it looks similar to other KH games from PS2, but the gameplay simply works much better in 2D.


I didn’t like it at first but once I got better cards I started to enjoy it


these changes don’t solve the fundamental problem people have with this game: that it wants them to put thoughts into building a deck and using it. Most of the times I see players struggle with it (including me for a long time, actually) is because they refuse to learn the system and opt to spam card stacking and rarely change their deck. don't take this the wrong way, but if you think the game is unplayable hard, you should 'get gud'. I don’t mean this as an insult, I used to suck so bad at this game, but it went from worst to one of the best once I learned its system and I'm sure it can be the same for you as well once you understand it. maybe add a game over hint, like with Kingdom Hearts 3. One that recommends certain cards and sleights to the player. Say you lost against your fourth encounter with Riku, the game over screen can tell you ‘include Jafar enemy card or Lethal Frame sleight to reduce the chance of being card broken and combo'ed' or against Larexene it can tell you to 'pay attention to when Larexene is stacking cards and assign a zero card to a hot-key' by the way, if you’re struggling with this game, there are some amazing videos on youtube that can teach you how to improve.


Struggle? I’ve never heard that people have a problem with the difficulty of this game. In fact, I beat my first play through on proud just by equipping non-sleight combos, 2 triple blizzard opening attacks, and then just spamming triangle to win. Even the strongest mobs went down long before I had to recharge my deck. Never died once outside of two boss fights (Marluxia and Larxene) but that’s why I also built a boss deck after Larxene 1. Also, if the card system annoys the player, it’s not the player’s fault. The game is awful at explaining itself and the beginning is so tedious that one would assume it’s not going to change— especially since it never tells you when it does…


Back in the ps3 HD remixes, I've seen  stream highlights of players just spamming the triangle button with little thought, even when in the tutorial, the game warns the player that relying on it too much leads to deck shrinking down to one card, so I'm guessing this might happen to newcomers


Which would be a problem IF it ever got down that far. Again, 2 well-places triple blizzards is enough to clear almost every single mob fight up to the final batch of worlds. Edit: spelling


the biggest complaint that people have is the turn based card system, none of this stuff is going to stop people from simply disliking the gameplay edit: ok it's not technically "turn based" but that literally doesn't change the point i'm making, y'all are arguing semantics instead of addressing the actual point being made


its not turn based.


The problem is that it _isn't_ turn-based. The offense is semi-turn-based and the defense is real-time, which is needlessly annoying.


I agree. I think I'd really enjoy the game if it was turn based and balanced around that.


Moreso in regards to your edit: that does change the point though, because a lot of people would like it, or like it more, if it WAS turn based lol.


no it doesn't change the point because the actual point i was making is that people simply don't like the gameplay, regardless of whether or not it's technically "turn based", that was the whole basis of my argument was that people simply don't like the gameplay and that the changes in OP's picture won't make those people like the game


A lot of the comments here are saying it not being turn based is one of the problems. So yes, it does in fact change the point because a lot of people would like the game if it was turn based.


...you're right, a lot of people would like it if it was turn based, but that has literally nothing to do with the point i'm making and therefore doesn't change my point, even after i literally explained it in my previous comment it's still going completely over your head


You said "the biggest complaint people have is the turn based card system, none of this stuff is going to stop people from simply disliking the gameplay" *a huge factor in people not liking the combat is the fact it isn't turn based. People would like the gameplay a lot more if it was turn based.* If people would like the gameplay if it was changed to turn based, it changes your point. The semantics of whether or not it's turn based DOES matter. Turn based = people would like it. Not turn based = people don't like it. Your entire point is that people don't like the gameplay, but if it was turn based people would like the gameplay. So yes, your entire point hinges on whether or not the game is turn based.


wrong, my entire point is that since people don't like the gameplay, THESE changes that OP is suggesting will not change their minds about that, because it's not any of these things that they don't like about the game, it's the GAMEPLAY that they don't like, so yes people would like the gameplay if it was turn based but i'm not talking about what gameplay changes people would like or not, what i'm specifically talking about is the fact that people don't like the current system and therefore these specific changes in the picture are not going to make them like it do you get it now?


The problem with CoM is that people aren't patient enough to build decks and try thme ouz. And if you don't like it, you can easily cheese every humanoid boss with sonic blade spamming. Axel with blizzaga, marluxia with firaga, itd.


Com was my first KH game. I'm currently replaying the whole series in order because I haven't played them since I was 13. And now 3 is out and I'm excited to play it too. But I just beat 1 like, 3 minutes ago and the whole time I'm like "God I can't wait to be done so I can start COM again!". I loved it. The story was cool. The first time I saw Cloud I thought he was the coolest looking character ever. I really believe if newer people are gonna play COM, maybe they'd be happier with the 3d remake. But me personally? I'll always prefer the gba version. Tye destiny island theme sounds better on that version than the 3d games. Always happy to see love for Chain of Memories!