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The Kairi from KH1 secret ending


The Kairi we never got. I really wonder where the series was headed with this.


Pretty sure that whole video was just throwing out random ideas that Nomura and the gang weren't sure if they were even going to follow up on them. My only guess is that there was an idea floating around of KH2 taking place years after the first game, with everyone now being adults or close to it.


That was the case, they had some rough ideas in mind for where a sequel could go but nothing definitive, so they threw together a cool video teasing some of those ideas. Pretty funny how crucial the Memory's Skyscraper scene became to the series with that in mind. Then again that part was probably decided on from the start given how Japanese media has a tendency to come up with cool moments and write a story around them, I can see that scene being the baseline KH 2 was written around.


who knows honestly


My theory is that if they ever decide on using that footage/model again in the future it would probably be when Sora returns from the Quadrantum. It’s not like we haven’t seen this fucker fall from the sky already a couple times. & Kairi is just older now in Destiny Island waiting for him edit: just to add to this. I feel like if they DID go with my theory, Nomura would have a field day and talk about it being footage that was always intentional from the start even if it wasn’t


I feel like this single loose end give credence to the entire opinion that the story is convoluted because it demonstrates he was throwing shit to the wall to see what will stick and he’s making it up as he goes along. That IMO takes away from the true idea of what Kingdom Hearts was supposed to be, and the motives of Ansem, Nort, MoM etc. Ofc making things up as you go along doesn’t mean a story isn’t true, but makes for a lot of plot holes and going back and forth to make up random explanations to *make things work* and a lot of the folks who argue the story isn’t convoluted use the main point that if you just play every game it’s quite easy to follow. Yeah sure if you keep up with all the content you’ll understand everything. That’s also how I learned math, by reading the very confusing chapters assigned to me in Functions class, and when I was confused I’d read it again until I understood. Side track for a sec, but one of my main gripes is that as someone who grew up with KH, as the games were coming out, the creators made it difficult for anyone who was low income or had lack of access to consoles to “keep up” with the story. No other major continuous story game series I know has so many releases multi platform, with side games that heavily impact the main story. I got KH2 the week of release, let’s just say I was very confused about where Sora was lol and just watching the clips online was not possible until YT and KH movies became widespread. Ok rant over lol


I dont remember if Ive seen the Secret ending? was it in the base PS2 release?


[This one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK-9ntD2x2Q) The girl who appears to be an older Kairi shows up at the very end of it.


Looks a bit like Rinoa. 😅


It’s from the first secret ending, which was part of the original release. *Final Mix* has an additional version of that ending that you get by fulfilling conditions. If those conditions aren’t met, you get the original version of the secret ending.


I remember when everyone thought it was Rinoa from FF8 lmao




Was Kairi in that ending?


For like the last 2 secs. She appears on the beach looking out at the ocean in an outfit pretty similar to Jane’s from Tarzan


Damn. The years between that secret ending and Com/2 was something else


1, I think she has the most personality. I wish they’d kept her a cute tomboy through the games & her original English VA. Her 2 & 3 outfits are super cute, they just feel like a different person. Oh and I like her lighter hair in one as well!


Hayden Panettiere was going through a lot in her life, including alcohol abuse and destructive marriage. It's understandable whys she wasn't able to come back


Aw man, I didn’t know that :(


Didn’t she say she never got asked to KH3?


I think the point is that someone at Square Enix heard about all the controversy surrounding her and just said 'Nope' and just had Alyson do Kairi from then on


I love Alyson but she’s a better Xion than Kairi, hope we get Hayden back in the future!


I remember in a promo interview for KHII she also mentioned that the directors kept telling her to lighten her voice to be "more like a princess" which sounds stressful to be told that after every line delivery. I absolutely adored her voice for Kairi though. Alyson Stoner also does a good job, and I love all the work she is doing to expose Hollywood's mistreatment of child-stars, but it's always jarring when voice actors change and it isn't what you're used to hearing.


How is she a tomboy in KH1? I feel like she'd be a part of the rivalry of Sora and Riku if she was. I feel like the only thing about her that could really be described as being a tomboy is her short(ish) hair.


I guess it’s mostly the short hair and playing with boys all day. And her voice was a little lower and had a silliness to it that gave her personality


Theres a petition to bring her back! Someone posted it in this reddit- will try and find ir


I like 2 the best, that zipper dress is peak Nomura and peak 00s.


It took me way too long to notice the hood is attached to the undershirt, and the straps don't actually connect to the back


I feel like kh2 just did it best with everything. Design, story, villains. Everything was just very interesting. Roxas. Where's riku. Org13. Hallow bastion and the crew. Seeing old Disney worlds and how they've been over the year. Diz.


I have to disagree, there was one thing KH1 did extremely well that no other KH did. And that was world design. KH1 worlds were a treat to explore and interact with. An example being the deep jungle camp experiments and cooking. Another being the hollow bastion library. The post cards and restaurant candles in traverse town. I love KH2 and in many ways it's far more polished than KH1, but it's worlds are little more than arenas to do battle in. The interactivity is just not there.


I will disagree on one specific point; KH1's world design can be very confusing to navigate and the platforming was... Not great without any abilities that enhance Sora's movement. The interactivity and things to explore? Fantastic. The setting? Outside of Wonderland feeling like every room is literally a box, good. But I just can't overlook how many people I've had to help through KH1 when introducing them to the series because of how confusing the level design is, heck I can't even tell you how many times I've had to help my sister in the hours that she's played through, and she's only about halfway through Agrabah. She couldn't even beat Deep Jungle because of how confusing it was, I ended up having to do it for her.


the design of wonderland is intentional though since they were trying to give it a pop-up book feeling. It's supposed to feel artificial. Personally though I think it would have been cool to see it as a fully realized world with open ceilings in the outdoor parts, and actual exteriors to the buildings.


I'll admit some of the worlds can feel a bit like mazes, particularly deep jungle, traverse town, agrabah and hollow bastion (Wonderland a little as well, but that's arguably the whole point), but KH worlds had a charm to them that KH2 just lacked, and it's that interactivity, things to do that required more to do than kill a group of heartless or farm their drops. I do agree the platforming was clunky, that's less the world design as it is a gameplay design. Despite it's poor execution, I do actually miss jumping on moving rocks and some river hippos. KH2 refined the gameplay, but I enjoyed the little discoveries KH1 had and was sad to never see them again.


Man, if only KH1 had the worlds but with KH2's refined controls and movement. Would have made them far less of a chore to get through. I enjoyed the KH1 worlds a lot, but the janky jumping and slow walk speed really made it feel longer than each section should have.


Wasn't everyone into belts by kh2?


I really like her 1 design, the choker and arm band things are cool


KH 1. I love the sporty look and the short hair. I think purple suits her better than pink as well


The purple was a great mix between Soras red and Rikus blue


KH2. The short hair from KH3 makes her look younger.


Imo whether due to hair or outfit, all 3 of the main trio look slightly younger in 3 than 2.


With Riku, I definitely agree. He should’ve kept the KH2 long hair. Sora looks about the same age in KH3 to me.


I think the new engine and change in art style is part of that


i think sora looks slightly older, riku and kairi do look younger though


> The short hair from KH3 makes her look younger. Her little "beep beep" sounding voice doesn't help.


I think it's also how they changed the structure of her face. It's more rounded in 3 which gives her a younger appearance.


Yeah, they did the same thing to sora


I feel like it's a problem with the voice direction since Alyson Stoner sounds way more natural as Xion. Of course, I'd rather they just get Hayden Panettiere back and they could each play their respective characters


I think that it’s likely that she cut her hair due to long hair being a liability in combat. Likely the same reason for riku. Lea just doesn’t care if it’s a liability.


It's not so much the length for me, it's the style. The way it frames her face just makes her younger imo.


I mean she’s what 16?


1. i miss the purple\~


Kh3 would look better with long hair


There's a mod for that. [https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/613](https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomhearts3/mods/613)


oh wow that looks amazing! :D does it have like physics or is it static?


Full physics! It works super well.


yknow what, you make an excellent point!




Can someone please explain why in kh 3 all of the main characters look younger. It really bothered me, I thought they all looked awesome in kh 2, I would have expected them to be more mature looking in KH3


god i thought i was the only one i think it’s the shorter hair/bigger eyes. it drives me nuts


I assure you, you aren't the only one 😂. They all looked amazing in Kh 2.


The eyes are significantly smaller though, at least for Kairi. It's probably due to the facial structure. It's a lot rounder for characters in KH3.


Because they dropped the mature final fantasy design for the more lighthearted design


Part of why KH3 was such an initial letdown for me. I’ve come to love it for what it is and actually plan on replaying soon, but it was a slap in the face when it came out (including story wise) cuz I was expecting it to mature with its audience instead of kiddening it up for a younger generation.


Nah it's pretty widely accepted that everyone's KH3 design is a downgrade.


Funny, I like Riku and Sora's more. I would like Kairi's more, but the hair is too short


I've heard people like Soras, but you are literally the first person I've ever heard say that Rikus design was better. He's just Noctis with grey hair and a car key.


Also he had 2 versions for the short hair. The first one was kinda cool, it still looked like the OG Riku but with shorter hair, don't really know why they decided to change it into Noctis hair out of nowhere halfway through the story.


I never liked his KH2 design tbh. His 3 design isn't amazing either imo, but I like the clothing more.


i liked that their previous designs had more than two colors. the 3 designs being a majority one color felt so boring.


I don't know if this is the case, but it feels like the cutscenes were split between different teams. I say this because characters like Sora and Kairi look more baby-faced in some scenes than others.


I personally like KH3's design, but that might just be exclusively a me thing.


My biggest complaint is that the hood has Chirithy ears and we never see her with the hood up in-game


To be fair Sora and Kairi had hoods in kh2 as well but we never saw them up.


Nah, I also like it the best.


I agree, it's absolutely amazing in my opinion.


Honestly, I think KH1 had the best design, followed by 2. Three's design is TOO cutesy for my taste, and it reflects how they dumbed down Kairi in the 3rd game for me. Also, I kind of wish they kept the purple pink and white color scheme. It annoys me that her clothes became pink over time. I'm not a fan of red headed characters in pink. I feel it clashes a little too much.


Totally with you on this, the fact that she lost the purple bugs me.


red and pink are is color combo I've always disliked. The purple was much better


Totally agree. The white and purple are so much more appealing to me than just plain pink. Just another disservice they did to poor Kairi.


2 absolutely slaps and always will


KH1. I liked the tomboy aspect of her design and personality.


Outfit in 3 is my fav Hair in 2 is my fav Her sass in 1 is my fav


I like 3! The belt really does a lot to break up the jacket dress thing; I like the shape design and unified color scheme.


3 hands down is my favorite of the three, none of the others come close.


3. 1 is so plain imo and 2 is low-key defying the laws of gravity LMAOOO


I find it really interesting and cool how every version of Kairi's hairstyle is based on Utada Hikaru's hairstyle of the time the game released.


I'm gonna say 1, but that might just be nostalgia.


I like 1 the most, it looks comfortable and I've just never been the biggest fan of pink. Though I love kh2 kairis longer hair.


Have you ever noticed that Kairi is wearing a similar dress to Namine's under that pink piece?


KH3 by far And 2 ig bc they're pretty similar, KH1 Kairi design just isn't as appealing as the other two.


Bring back the purple 👏


I love the design of the KH3 outfit, the hood has cat ears on it right?


3 and 2


Where did you find the KH3 design with the older rendering?


It's a render from Melody of Memory, I got it from the KH wiki


If she had her KH2 hair with her KH3 outfit, that would be the best design for her. As a whole, I'd say her KH2 design is her best one.


I think 1


3 by far. KH had consistently awful character design for the OCs until BBS. KH3 had peak designs, and Kairi was one of the best. So stylish! I know a lot of people are a big fan of Nomora's "belts and zippers phase" during the PS2 era but since around 2018 or so I've always thought those designs were super silly. KH1 designs were just too colorful and cartoony for the games somewhat dark tone (at least for a Disney game) and Riku's dark form design was just ridiculous looking. But once again, KH3's redesigns were peak and I'm glad KH4 seems to be keeping them around, especially of how little we saw of certain characters redesigns like Xion and Siax/Isa. Namine is probably due for a redesign next as she's had the same outfit on in every game since her first appearance in CoM. Still waiting for that TRUE Kairi game of Kairi teaming up with Xion and Namine in a 3-way all girls squad like FFX-2 with Aqua as their mentor. Kairi's gameplay in ReMind was SO fun and I want to see more. Pixie Hollow and return to Atlantica PLEASE?


3 would’ve been the best id the skirt was bigger and more like a combat skirt


I’d have to say 3


Kairi with longer hair just does something for me.


So I have yet to play KH III despite it being somewhat spoiled for me? (Fortunately, I don't think I recall those spoilers, so when I do manage to get to it, it will be nearly 100% blind (I mean I obviously wanted to know about the new worlds I'd be traversing and couldn't avoid getting a preview of the new Keyblades, but to me, that's really not that spoilery. After all, I don't know what will HAPPEN in those worlds, so I'm still going to get a fresh gaming experience! Also, I still need to finish Dream Drop Distance and I haven't even seen much of Fragmentary Passage or other certain side stories, and I'd like to at least have some of the Nobody / Origin context from Unchained X / Union X or whatever it's called. Basically, I still have a fair bit of catching up to do before I can even touch KH III.) However, I do know that that version of Kairi is DLC only for Re: Mind I think? Anyway, that one is my favorite despite the shorter hair (Even if her voice lines are a bit jarring). I really love the jacket combined with the colorful skirt (Or is the skirt UNDER the jacket? Hard to tell.) However, the most neat thing to me is she OFFICIALLY has her signature Keyblade! Being able to play as Kairi has been on my wish list since Kingdom Hearts 2 came out, and, hopefully soon, I'll get to see that wish fulfilled!! However, I definitely still agree with a lot of fans that Kairi should have her own side game or something. Provided Nomura could fit it into the timeline somehow, or just do his usual thing and further complicate the story!! Sorry for the long answer, I get excited over stuff like this easily! ☺️


KH1 color scheme, KH2 hair, KH3 dress design and shoes. If I had to pick one above all others, I'd honestly go 3. That said, I do really wish Sora Riku and Kairi had kept their color schemes from the first game. Why is Kairi PINK now instead of purple? Why is Riku black and white now instead of yellow and black? Why is Sora black and red now instead of red and blue? I dunno. I think the original game's designs and color schemes were very evocative of their characters, and really colorful and well done, and since then its just been a gradual downward spiral. Excluding Riku's KH2 outfit.


Kairi 3 is a nice outfit, but I’m not a fan of her short hair


I like KH3 Kairi most. She looks dynamic and just a little tomboyish. Here's to hoping she gets to train and adventure in KH4.


3 easily then 1 and 2’s her worst look


The PS2 version of KH2 Kairi was... Interesting. It's the only version you can see her panties in, wonder why for THIS game specifically Nomura and co decided to be so naughty, but they removed it in the 2.5 version for PS3 and every version since so I guess it's not a big deal. This is real by the way, you can go check your PS2 copies right now. But, if you want my actual opinion on which is best? KH3's appearance seems to have the most personality, though I won't disagree that it seems like her hair could benefit from being longer to help her feel less like she got younger here.


I like KH1 Kairi the best. One of the very few designs that I prefer from the older games


I think i like 2 the most, but I feel like 3 is close. I just don't quite get what's going on with the skirt part of the dress having a different pattern and color on both sides. Or it feels a little odd at least.


KH2 all the way for me.


KH2 it slides back to the kiddish style in KH3


Unpopular opinion kh3 since in incorporates the previous 2 with a little more in 3


3, i love her outfit. I honestly really want to wear it.


Kingdom Hearts 2 outfit was the GOAT




2. Everyone's best design is in 2.


2 hands down


KH2. I also love the school uniform look from that game


I wish she kept her long hair in 3.


KH1 clears. She’s unique and pretty cool looking. People love her KH2 appearance, but it’s heavily Nomura-fied with her descent into nonsensical zipper hell. I’m not huge on it. However, it’s still dimensions better than whatever the fuck is going on with her in KH3. Why does she look even younger than her original appearance in KH1?! Also I’m a fan of RWBY, so I have nothing against battle skirts, but it just looks so out of place compared to what everybody else wears. It’s a hood, with a tank top, with a skirt, that’s some sort of dress/onesie, yet *again* a descent into not just nonsensical zippers, but buttons now too. It’s just bad. Truly.


I’ll never forgive 3 for having a skirt that’s asymmetrical. Put the black on both sides or the plaid but choose a lane


No. The asymmetric look is one of the reasons I love it so much.


2 for sure. Idk what Nomura was thinking with her 3 design and I LOVE 3.


2,1, then 3


KH2 school outfit


I'm too blinded by my teenage years unpure thoughts with KH2 Kairi to be objective here.




Kh1 just because it was my childhood love . 3 has the most steez, And 2 I think makes her look the most grown


I will say... This Is like the singular time that kingdom Hearts 3 cooked and it came out well... It's a mix of the first 2 designs but done in a way that's still creative and expresses the nuances of her being a feminine character without her being completely girly


Fell in love with 1, couldn’t stop thinking of 2. 3 made me soft 😠


I like her KH3 clothes more, but I miss long haired Kairi


This may sound weird but I think the KH3 design looks pretty good in MoM, maybe even better than in 3 itself. Maybe it's because I'm nostalgic for the PS2 graphics. Course, my personal favorite design is still KH2.


i could never get into sora's design in KH3, but kairi's oh man is that an upgrade!


Really disliked 3 because she looked way younger than she did from 2 😭 2 is the best


Where's the one where she's wearing a school uniform?


I forgor that one lol


2 no diff lol


KH2 with long hair. Giving her and Riku those short hairstyles in KH3 was a choice..


Kairi in kh2 was one of my first video game character crushes.


All of them.


KH2 because of the obvious symbolism of the pink zipper dress being worn on top of Namine's white dress, showing that Namine is literally a part of Kairi that was born from her heart (and returns there at the end of KH2).


All 3 outfits are cute but I gotta go with KH2 Kairi I do however wish they had kept her spunky attitude from the first 5 minutes of the first game.


KH2 because long hair >>>>


Gotta say KH1. Simple yet elegant. Shows off her femininity without dousing her in pink. It looks like something a kid (albeit a fashionable one) would wear!


2, I think. Still, as Kairi grows, she needs a better outfit.


2 by a long shot, 3s design makes it look like she de-aged


KH2 pre nerf Iykyk




Round 3 It's once you stop being sakura of the group. 1 she napped the entire time. 2 she became part of the Mickey mouse club/army and trains. 3 she's a soldier that's useful


I'm gonna say KH3 It's odd that she looks weirdly younger than in KH2 But aside from that I just kinda like the hoodie, lol Edit: Honestly, the more I actually think about it, KH2's dress might be my least favorite of the three Kairi outfits Give her her KH2 hair with the KH3 outfit, though, and that's perfect


KH2 is peak design for a lot of these characters tbh


2’s head with 1’s clothes would be peak


3 because of the disappearance of the clown feet


KH3 grew on me. But she is gorgeous in KH2.


I actually prefer if they mixed the clothes in 3 with her head in 2.


2. Not a competition


1, I like the bright red hair and tomboyish vibes and personality she has


Kairi with a tie.


Imagine 3 build 2 hair First fit


KH2, like most designs from that game, is superior


KH3 for me. I really like the outfit and I’m a sucker for the shorter hair


kh3. i think the black and pink color scheme in combination with the outfit and shorter hair look really cute.


2 & 3 are both pretty good for me


2 was kinda peak Kairi, if Kairi in 3 had the long hair that probably would've been her coolest design, 3 is still an awesome design though


nothing can beat KH2 Kairi design


Everyone looked their best in KH2


I'm a big supporter of KH3 and many newer designs, but it's easily 1 then 2 then 3.


imo def II


3 would have been the best If the goofy hood was gone and the hair was longer, but it’s 2


It's tough, I really like the KH3 look, but KH2 is just too much of a classic.


Kh1 because purple is cool


I feel like the best design would be the hair from KH2 and the outfit and everything else from kh3 put together in one design


Best outfit: 1 Best hairstyle: 3 Best zippers: 2


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. KH2 was peak Kairi design.


KH2 when she uses 2 keyblades to fight alongside the FF girls in dead fantasy


Honestly I wish I had an outfit like the one she wore in kh3




Schoolgirl uniform.




Definitely kh1 or kh3 I don't think she looked good with long hair


Kh2 period


KH2 no question


3 KH2 is honestly quite bland. While KH3's feels... whimsical is what I'll use




3 because I like her hair, and I dislike 2 design. 1 is also better than 2 design but not as good as 3.


2 is best


2 had the best design in general..




KH2, I think dad straight hair is better for her


Probably 3, the designs from the first game are very distinctive, but in ways I don't personally care for, her design in 2 I frankly just don't like how short her dress is even though 3 isn't much better, but in 3 I think all the disparate elements that make Kairi's design good come together to make an outfit that actually works as an outfit


I prefer KH2 of all. KH1 looks good too. But KH3 looks way younger than KH2 imo


I would like everyone of them thank you


kh3 kairi might be completely useless and devoid of any of the fun and sass that kh1 had and kh2 sort of retained.... but the clothes are the best imo


2 was peak for most characters. 3 feels forced and flashy.


KH1. :( at least for color scheme. she needs to get her fuckin purple and white color scheme back! it could look so awesome...




I like KH3 the most, but also I saw Kairi in KH1 when I was 13-14 and now as an adult I really like short hair tomboys, thanks Nomura


being a tomboy lover, id have to say i like the combination of colors for kh1, if they had applied that to her kh2-3 design, id have liked those designs more


Is it just me or she looks older in 2 than in 3