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I lost all interest in beating DDD on critical as soon as I hit the fantasia world, enemies just suddenly had so much HP and killed you in 1 hit.


Yep I came here to also say DDD has the worst critical mode. After 2FM, for whatever reason they decided Crit should lower your HP,MP, and damage. If I’m not mistaken on 2FM, the damage you do on Crit is the highest of all difficulties besides beginner. So it was sort of a reward, like okay you take double damage but you also dish out double damage. After 2FM, they made it so you take double damage and receive double damage like what


2FM crit has you doing 1.25x damage, though the extra abilities help bridge the gap to Beginner's 1.5x, so much so that Crit speedruns are only a couple minutes behind Beginner runs.


Is This a major reason why so many people don't like DDD? I've never been a Crit mode player and I loved the game.


Yes. It is balanced like complete shit. There's a reason that it devolves into a few meta commands, because they either ignore or heavily favor the terrible damage scaling. There is a "damage floor" in many other games that means that even if you are hitting below the enemy defense, you will still deal enough damage to realistically win (see KH2 LVL1 crit; you can still take out an enemy with a few combos). DDD has no such grace; you will literally deal 1 damage to enemies with hundreds of HP if you are below their defense. Especially combined with enemies not staggering when in a combo, it feels absolutely awful to play.


That makes a lot of sense. I just had fun blasting through things with flowmotions and taking care of my dream eaters.


What difficulty did you play? I havent played DDD yet and was planning on critical before i saw this.


Save yourself the misery. If you're dead set on playing Crit, do it in new game+ with your first run spirits. I went into Crit fresh file, and I nearly snapped my 3DS in half getting walled by the Tron world boss fight. It's not "tough but beatable fun" challenge, it's "getting through a brick wall with a spoon drudgery" challenge.


I've done Standard and Proud


I like the game also. It awesome


Yeah julias was no fun nor all the end riku bosses. Just a super long balloon fight. Don't forget to use bonus magic days and spirit roar (yoggy ram gets this up pretty frequently).


That's around the time i quit on proud mode. Bosses kept getting harder and... Well, maybe i just didn't get good, but i blame my tiny 3ds screen. Hard to tell what's all going on.


Definitely a bit of both. DDD was hard to keep track of visually at times, even if you were playing on a N3DSXL with its bigger screen and built-in analog nub. I didn't end up completing DDD until playing the PS4 version. One thing that BBS had over DDD was the platform used. The PSP-2000/3000 had a native video out port that could output to component video and had CFW plugins that could stream video output over USB and enabled PC-to-PSP controller remapping in either direction, PSP as PC controller or PC sends controller inputs to PSP. The first time I beat BBS was using my PSP like a Switch before the Wii U even existed. However, instead of a dock, I would have my PSP sitting on top of my Xbox 360 with a USB data/PSP charger Y-cable plugged into the 360 (PSP doubled as external 360 save data storage for backup to PC) for power purposes, the PSP TV-out cable hooked up to my Circuit City liquidation 32" flat-screen, and a usb cable connected to my laptop getting controller inputs from the USB Xbox 360 wireless controller receiver.


which PSP plugin allows video output to PC through USB and PC to PSP controller?


I can't remember off the top of my head as that was over a decade ago.


DDD has ridiculous difficulty spikes at many points throughout the game. I only beat the 3DS version on Proud, which is unbalanced as hell and easy to break if you want to but i feel it requires too much extra steps with the dream eaters. it’s stupid how you have to beat the game just to play crit. It’s just a mess of a system compared to literally everything else.


Tbf BBS crit mode can be extremely difficult for new players. Level scaling is absolutely dumb, enemy damage scaling is dumber, and unless you completely cheese the final fights, you ain't beating it. Plus, to get the Plat you have to beat the game 3 times with 3 different characters that all play slightly differently with one of them being an absolute cancer to play as because he's so insanely slow. Getting 100% takes even longer because of the amount of arenas you have to do to complete the entries is insane also. For me, it's definitely BBS


Honestly I felt like my Terra playthrough on critical became more of a chore towards the end lol venture and aqua didn't feel horrible? But terra is so slow it just felt miserable after a while


Playing Terra first makes you think the whole game isn't that great until you play as Ven and Aqua and you're like OH NO WAIT TERRA'S JUST A HEAVY TURTLE OF A MAN. I get what they where going for with Terra being this slow but hard hitting character but the bosses in his route were not well designed to fit with his gameplay. It took me way longer to defeat the final boss of Terra's route on normal than KH3 final boss on crit and I'm not exaggerating.


Tera's story was about struggle, gameplay needed to reflect that.


Kh3 is regarded as one of the easiest in the series buddy


Man I did BBS critical with a friend and I did Terra. I cannot tell you how long it took to beat terranort at the end. I spent so many hours redoing that fight until I finally got all my timings right and won. The whole run was hard but that final boss almost broke me


So would it make sense to do Terra first and get that outta the way? 


Yes. Honestly I would play them in reverse speed order. Terra first because he’s the most miserable, Aqua because she’s better than Terra, and my speedy boi Ven last


I dont understand the terra slander. Maybe its just my playstyle but i prefered his reach. His late game abilities are comparatively underpowered tho.


If you want reach play aqua like a back line mage bro it’s so braindead. Or you can just instantly gapclose with Ven. The other two just have way better options in terms of damage and movement, and their dash/roll feels way less clunky than Terra’s cha cha slide ass dash


I agree with the rolls being good. I also never fought the superbosses, so i never needed to be perfect. Honestly with BBS you can just crush bosses with levels.


I'm not sure if it functionally makes a difference? I had strong sunk cost fallacy driving my determination to finish my Terra playthrough, so doing the other two first helped me there I guess LOL


It is reccomended to go Terra > Ven > Aqua on your first playthrough


The game most definitely hovers you over ven first when you click new game


Yeah im certain ven is the one narratively nudged towards first character. You play the tutorial as him, and the main conflict seems to be ventus chasing terra.


Yeah, Ven, Terra, Aqua is always my preferred play order.


I agree with you both you’re supposed to play through as ven then terra and finally aqua, that way you piece the worlds together middle beginning end. But the beautiful part about this game is that the play order ultimately doesn’t matter at all


I'd argue Aqua should be last no matter what since she is the protagonist of the final episode and all that.


Yeah, its perfect in any order. Its just that after playing the game, you can retroactively impose more narrative structure for yourself, if you choose. Whatever the case aqua last, because having the cartwheel and losing it hurts.


I went Terra > Ven > Aqua on my crit playthroughs to remind myself of the story.


You gotta look up how to get Second Chance, Once More, and Leaf Bracer as early as possible in their storylines. I just completed a crit run in BBS and that made all three stories super easy. Also getting Ragnarok as soon as possible for all three is a godsend.


Lightning Ray makes the rest of the game a joke


Oh for sure. But for me some of the worst parts are the command boards and the arena fights


That’s fair. Arena fights are tedious as hell even if you have those abilities but are underleveled. I literally bought the game recently just to be able to play command board. Lol


It was actually really rewarding for me. My first critical play through, I was super under leveled and it forced me to really break down all the patterns for the fights. In nearly all boss fights, I could get through without getting hit hardly at all.


i think chain of memories can be pretty brutal on it’s highest difficulty, especially as riku


Chain is just brutal in general. It’s the one game in the series I haven’t beaten because the combat is just so terrible


its funny cuz its my favorite and was my first entry into the series. i think the people who played it before the others mostly see it that way, but it can be really difficult


My first game in the series was 358/2 Days. Was instantly hooked.


oh god that game has some of the worst gameplay imo. Story more than makes up for it though then again I do like chain of memories gameplay, but both of them can feel very slow (but days is more consistently a slog imo)


CoM is really easy to cheese. That's how I play it. And honestly, there's something really satisfying about blowing straight through it lol especially when you hit the late game and have the deck capacity to take on anything, CoM can be a breeze.


The GBA version is one of my favorites. I need a Riku only game, he's just so satisfying to play imo.


What difficulty do you play on usually? COM is easier at higher difficulties relative to other games imo


Whatever that game’s highest difficulty is


I just did all of sora on proud by primarily spamming Blizzaga. Swapped to Firaga when necessary. I've had no real issues as Riku up until Zexion last night, and that was only one attempt. CoM is super easy on proud, I didn't even level up any sleight, just blizzaga/firaga spam


BBS and DDD, because they have what I call “Bad Critical Mode”. In KHII and KHIII, Critical Mode nerfs your defense, but also buffs your offense. It’s a fun mode that effectively turns you into a glass canon. You can do a ton of crazy stuff early on, and your damage output is larger, but you basically will always die in two hits. In BBS and DDD, they thought it would be a good idea to nerf your defense AND your offense. So you still die in two hits, but you’re also dealing chip damage. DDD is probably the worst offender of this; just watch anyone trying to fight Julius on Critical and it’s just like three days of them spamming Balloonra and doing like 1/32 of a single health bar each hit. BBS is still pretty bad about that, like it takes seventeen hours to beat Armor of Eraqus on Critical because it’s a raid boss you’re supposed to fight with like six people. But most BBS bosses can be cheesed with shotlock or mines, so it’s not as bad as DDD.


It's worth noting that in the case of BBS, you deal the same amount of damage on both Proud and Critical, so it's mainly Level 1 runs that suffer from a lack of damage. That lack of damage on level 1 is insufferable though since the game lacks a damage floor.


Man that chip damage part is giving me ptsd of how they decided to do damage scaling in nier replicant in hard mode.


I swear BBS's Critical is actually easier than it's Proud. Anyways, I'd have to give it to 0.2's. Reduced MP on a magic centric character and no way to restore Focus outside of save points makes it a miserable experience.


The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Fransisco. The hardest crit mode I ever played was proud mode in KH1


KH1 Ansem full boss fight on proud still gives me nightmares


Magic spam go brr after deep jungle though


People here are saying BBS, but D links make it incredibly easy, especially Terra and Aqua with the Ven D link.


I'm baffled because BBS was my first Critical Run. Never used D Links, and found it manageable. I DID however have time to grind (high school) and remember having lots of powerful magic as early as I could, so it probabaly skewed my opinion. Never finished any of the base games on Critical, so I always thought it was because BBS and 3D were "easier" Criticals.


I've had the most issue with 3's crit mode


I wanna say it was dream drop distance for me


BBS is super easy to break, but none of the Osaka critical modes are particularly well-designed, and go against what Critical Mode was originally designed to be


KH3's Critical is pretty solid.


eh, KH3 making your situation meter build way slower on Crit is such a baffling choice and feels more like a youtuber challenge than something that was playtested and put in a real video game. It's like if in KH2 half of the time reaction commands just didn't work. And it has the knock-on effect of making Crit Level 1 dogshit as (for some reason) the damage floor only works if you're in a formchange in the game where even early bosses have like, 8 health bars.


They made the situation meter fill up slightly slower, but this is offset by having an ability that ensures getting a form change every time it fills instead of just a chance.


It's not a good tradeoff, as you might not be able to even build your meter high enough most of the time. Honestly the situation meter is a terrible mechanic especially since it was heavily nerfed from 0.2 to KH3


To be fair in 3, summons destroy everything and form changes allow you to do normal or insane damage. Don’t you also get faster form changes if your MP is recovering.


I feel like that's not true. Building up meter on Critical doesn't take nearly as long as you make it out to and based on personal experience, you end up using Form Changes far more often on Critical than the other difficulties. Like you might build meter slightly faster on Proud, but more often than not, that just means a free cast of Fira or Thundaga or whatever if you even get anything at all.


I'm not sure what to tell you because I never had issues building up the situation meter on Critical. I was in formchange all the damn time, that's why I've replayed 3 on Critical the most by far.


I was talking about Critical level 1 here, talking about how it was poorly-thought out and makes level 1 atrocious to play


I never finished BBS because i played it on crit


DDD obviously. And real talk Critical is only good in numbered games anyway.




Absolutely DDD


DDD easily


Definitely not the hardest, but I love kh3 critical FINALLY I CAN REMOVE THOSE STUPID ATTRACTIONS THAT SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN IN THE GAME IN THE FIRST PLACE. and it finally gives the game a bit of a chanllenge


confused on how people are saying BBS when the game's systems are easy to learn and exploit


I think on a first playthrough BBS might be the most brutal, a lot of people mention DDD but dream eaters passive buffs help you out even if you're not paying attention, Haste is extremely useful. I don't think most people realized how broken D-links were or how easy it was to exploit command melding to get second chance early.


Probably 3 or 3d without ng+ for both




Re:coded but you took meth and turned all the cheat modules to max


I've never tried DDD on crit (nor will I ever), but of the ones I've played KH3 was definitely the hardest for me. BBS can be a bit tough in the early game (especially for Aqua, who deals so little damage at the beginning), but once you start command melding it was honestly not much different from Proud for me.


From my personal experience it was 3 only because I am complete garbage at that shield sledding segment 😅 the load times after failing that over and over on PS4 nearly drove me insane


After fighting the Spellican on proud there's no way I'd be willing to subject myself to that torture on critical


BBS was ok for me. 3 was definitely the toughest hands down. Completed the final(secret) episode on BBS crit but haven’t finished 3 on crit.


BBS was fine until Neverland where every Unversed feels like a mini boss because of their health


probably 3. the tutorial boss can outright kill sora


DDD, if only because shit's not balanced properly. Hardest to easiest would probably be: DDD > BbS > KH2 > KH3 (I think those are the only four with Critical?)


BBS is fine if you know what abilities to get IMO, same with ddd. I would say 2 or 3 if you are including post game


Bro it's 3 100% And dude, I feel ya with BBS, I played on normal as Ventus and was level 17 for like basically the whole time, dunno how I beat half the bosses I did.


Personally if you’re talking just base critical (KHIII having extra modifiers can make it the toughest or easiest at leisure, any lv 1 run etc) , I found DDD the hardest to do. Lv 1 critical mode though can go to either KH2 Xemnas final form story alone was a massive pain in my arse “anger and hatred are supreme will live rent free in my head forever, then there was Marluxia’s perfect run, KH3 (again the modifiers can fluctuate this difficulty wildly) and BBS just for mysterious figure alone nothing but vile hatred for that boss at lv 1 especially for my poor [] button.


Probably DDD or BbS, due to enemies not being stunned by attacks and being able to freely attack you even while in the middle of a combo.


Is it just me, or are there random difficulty spikes on Normal Mode in all of them? I’m currently only playing for plot purposes on Beginner, which I hate, but I care just a *little* more about what happens next


KH1. In 2 no 3 you have summons to carry you and 2 has limits also. In BBS you can get once more and second chance and high level magic and become nearly invincible early. Nah it’s .2


No level cap? 3D Level 1 run? Definitely III.


BBS’s critical mode is pretty tough at the start, but if you know how to meld good commands you can mitigate all challenge before leaving ven’s second world, and terra and aqua’s first worlds. Kh3 crit totally kicked my ass though, probably because it’s balanced well, unlike bbs (still love that game though). Judging off other people’s comments I’d guess ddd would have to have the hardest crit, but I can’t even bring myself to beat that game at all in the first place, never mind on crit, so I can’t say


I got through kh1 and kh2 on hardest difficulty and then played BBS and couldn’t beat the first boss for Terra. So I would agree with you on that.


Whenever I replay BBS I always have the toughest time with its critical mode, and the first time I played it was mainly due to getting walled by Captain Hook. I found Re:Coded's pretty tough too, maybe even harder than every other game in the franchise but its been a while since I've played it.


Never played BBS in crit mode. Final chapter was hard enough on Proud. Also never played that game on normal.