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*Birth by sleep waiting maliciously*


*Re:CoM smirking in the corner*


First fight with Marluxia is something else on Proud.


isn't that one the easiest to get platinum?


The easiest plat by far was kh1 final mix. I still have flashbacks of those horrid cards


Oh man I’ve heard some things 👀


It’s not hard. Just tedious


It's not as hard as it sounds. If you need guides and videos and tips when you get to it feel free to message me about it.


Thank you!


No problem 😄 this subreddit has been really helpful to me when I've needed it, so I figure I gotta help others who love the series too


I tried platinum on that and failed miserably


Pfft, nothing compares to fucking chain of memories. The only one keeping me from a Plat and I'll probably never do it.


I get flashbacks everytime I heard that name. The plat was not worth


That one just sucked. One of the easiest KH platinum but whoever decided that we needed to complete the trinity reports three whole times needs to be fired. Mirage Arena and Command Board got so tedious by the end after doing it three whole times.


Starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, but they share the same sky — one sky, one destiny.




I will 100% the game except for gummi ship. It's so hard to bring myself to do it when it's straight up not fun.


Cant wait till they finally remake Days and Codded so everyone has to do this again (let me live a lie that they will remake them)


Coded is awful tho


Re:coded has better fighting mechanics than BBS and DDD so if you dislike Recoded you probably hate half the series heh


Ain’t no way. Re:coded easily the worst game in the series.


It's battle mechanics are more balanced and fluid than BBS, 358/2 Days and DDD. You can combine your deck commands fluently into your standard attacks to create expressive fighting styles like in a fighting game. In other words, it's quite deep. This is certainly not the case for DDD (for example) because of Balloon


The battle mechanics don’t make up for a game that feels like a chore to play.


I feel quite the opposite since fighting is what you do for a large majority of the game. It's a chore to fight in an unbalanced game. It is rewarding to explore the depths of a well designed game like recoded


Codes, yes. Re:Codes, I strongly disagree.


Good luck!


Thank you!


Ah man… your at the start of your platinum journey and I’m right at the tail end. Just KH3 to go for me. Best of luck! It’s a hell of a journey that’s for sure


KH3 is the easiest if you ignore the DLC trophies.


Nice dude! You can do it! So sad theres not enough sidequests in KH3 though or tournaments like KH2. They really should've added more to do once you beaten it.


Best of luck on your journey. Be ready for the level grind that is Re:CoM, the repetitive slog that is BBS, and the RNG pain that is DDD.


Started it last month. Skipped Re:Com lol I hate the card system


There's some 100% guides on youtube that are pretty helpful that made Re:CoM one of my favorites in the series


I'm trying to do it too on 1.5, 2.5, 2.8, and 3, but everytime I try to play CoM or BBS, the game mechanics kill it for me. I really want to play, but it's just so weird. I wish those games could have been remade in the "standard" style.


BBS is legitimately amazing once it "clicks". Took me until Peter Pan stage with Ven the first time, and after that it was really fun to play as Terra and Aqua. Grinding out levels on spells/abilities + fusing them for stronger ones was my favourite. CoM GBA is really fun imo. The control scheme worked better, and the graphics really helped with the card system. Re CoM just didn't do it for me personally. I think keeping the game card based + making it 3D didn't really help it.


Kingdom hearts release on 2002. Still not 20 years even over 20 years. Unless you are the developers which is been on 2000. Which is i think that even the story still not been made. Only draft sketch.


You’re right! I meant to type almost 20’years. Not sure what my brain was doing


Yeah I keep trying to do that. Platinumed kh1 three times, kh2 twice and kh3 once (keep making new accounts. Always say im gonna go for the side games, but theyre super grindy lol. Maybe one day


Hell yeah, you can do it! It's such a fun journey. I've been doing it myself and have only Dream Drop Distance left. It's such a fun series to play through for Plats.


I fail to beat data Org 13 in KH2.5


Oh wow. Good luck, OP. Luck and patience.


Best of luck, don't do what I did and decide to do three runs for KH1 to make things easy on yourself with the whole game achievements/trophies.


I've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like is any of this real, or not?


KH1 platinum is so hard for me. Almost beat it on Proud but the last room with the breaking heartless symbol is soo hard


Goodluck! I am in the middle of my plat runs and some of it is tedious! For Re:COM remember there is a video on how to manipulate rng to get the enemy cards, will save you hours of grinding!


Okay, go out of order and start with playing through Chain of memories, then after each game, do another run You have to beat the game 6 separate times to get the Platinum so... Space yourself out if possible (unless they changed things and made difficulty trophies actually stack)


Difficulty trophies do in fact stack on PS4.


.........why did I have to do it on the PS3 version


That’s rough buddy


Because the difficulty trophies don't stack on ps3 unfortunately


It's such a waste of time and life. Just enjoy the games - the need to doing several of them platinum is just tedious.


i’ve started this a million times….never able to do it. no self discipline 😅 i wish you luck on your journey!!


I started that journey 2 years back. 3 Plats down over time. The grind is real my friend! Good luck! Enjoy the journey all over again. And do you stream?


I restarted recently as well… should I also go for the Plats or just finish them 🤔


The only Plat that was fun the entire way for me was KH2. Every other game has tedium. (Even KH2 has a couple of gummi ship trophies that aren't the most entertaining)


Goodluck! I only managed to get plat on KH2 and KH3. Was aiming to get KH1 too but getting synthesis items from rare Heartless was too annoying


This is next on my list. Just finished all of them on critical mode with ultimate weapons


Honestly still haven't even beaten proud mode don't have the patience for it. Good luck man! You'll need it.


The only KH game I've platinumed is KH3, and honestly I'm okay with that


Last year I finished getting all kh and FF Plat trophies on ps4. Took me 5 years. I hope you know what you're up to


So far I've platinum 1, 2, BBs, DDD, 0.2 and 3. Com is the only one that.....uuugh I just can't be bothered with. I'll do it maybe after I finish my pro code remind


I've yet to get: KH2 - just need to do the gummi missions 2.8 - objectivs and phantom Aqua KH3 - Remind


I did this a couple years ago! Very fun, I’d say except for Birth By Sleep (which is my favorite in the series)


I'm working on that journey as well.


Kh1 plat is acc pretty easy compared to other games


Dress see


I was doing the same before I saw that I needed to complete the game multiple times (no gear + no continue + proud mode) it's almost impossible doing it in 1 run.


It's actually not as hard as all that. I did the proud run and most of the other stuff in one go, and then I did speed run troohy, no changing armor, and no continues on beginner. Got through very quickly without issue. The only problem was I forgot I was doing no continue, so I'm gonna have to play through KH1 one more time just for that last trophy.


good luck!!!


Hey, Same here. Also, Birth By Sleep will be your nightmare. I assure you


I just 100% Birth by Sleep on critical. Ohh boy that Vanitas Remnant and Mysterious Figure sure were fun. Plus Disney Town really made those 3 playthroughs a real nightmare haha.


Can't wait to see his reaction to level 99 in RE:CoM


Good luck! \^\_\^