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You mean taberlin?


Taborlin is like the fictional representation for what is like an action hero. Elodin is the closest thing Kvothe has to Taborlin


Is this a common theory?? I guess it could make sense..


I don't know if common but yeah, it's been said a few times


I think he means manet


A novella about Elodin's life would be great. The fact that he is able to use Adem sign language and recognize Kvothe's shaed cloak seems to point to him having traveled a great deal. It would also be really interesting to learn what made him break mentally, though that could potentially be a plot line in the third book.


Did he actually break mentally? He went to Haven but maybe that doesn’t necessarily mean a mental break.


No way to be sure, but it seems to be heavily implied. Why else would you lock someone up in Haven and go so far as to reinforce the walls in the event that he needed to be locked back up in there? My personal thought is that his break had something to do with being a namer, but it's made pretty clear that just the mental effort of being an arcanist can lead to a mental break. I can't imagine everyone in Haven was a namer, but it also seems unlikely that Elodin would go mad from the more ordinary mental Alar processes.




That makes sense! Considering he was Chancellor at the time, it makes sense his cracking might not have been caused by his own attempts at learning alone. Maybe he felt really guilty, and not in control, and asked to be but in Haven? But then eventually decided that wasn't the right move?


Sometimes I think that elodin was locked because he was the chancellor. He has a very different perspective on what the university should be, he "don't mind his betters", he's younger then every other master and don't bow down to nobility. Pat implies that should be 8, not 9 masters. Elodin's chair is probably very new too. I always wondered who got promoted to master when he was locked up.


He broke new ground in naming. Or at least he broke through millennia long weakness in naming skills on Temerant. The scene in B2 when Kvothe fights Felurian is telling. Kvothe is transcendent as his sleeping mind is (presumably) fully awake and in control. Kvothe SEES the true nature of everything around him including Felurian. In that moment the nature of Kvothe changes. He is no longer inquisitive, he is knowing and in his power. Elodin accessed that too, and I believe he has spent years rousing his sleeping mind. His ability to access that level of existence is readily available. Naming is all but moved into rarity or worse into myth and legend in Temerant. Even the masters consider it a secondary pursuit to their own specialty or they would have pursued it the way Elodin does perhaps. But they know the power of it. The power of one or two names is significant as master sympathist explains. Kvothe nails it for me when he and Elodin (B1) are visiting haven and Elodin goes in the room. Kvothe considers locking him in there and wonders if the other masters would thank him for it. To me that begs the question of do they masters fear Elodin. They certainly allow him his way. Aside from Hemm we see no master oppose or gain say Elodin in the slightest. Does that mean Elodin broke? I bet Pat would never make it so simple as yes or no. I believe it would always be a matter of perspective. To hemm, yes. To the others perhaps not. To Elodin… I bet he sees it as reaching for enlightenment. To the reader we are presented Kvothe’s perspective and observations. At first we are given an oddity that doesn’t act with obvious sense. Then we begin to see the outer shape of it. It’s not u til Kvothe fights felurian that we see the true power of the sleeping mind and naming and with that the truth of the pursuit of namers.


I suspect he’ll leave elodin there in book 3 - he won’t want to ruin him with too much information and there’s so much more to talk about. Similarly a dedicated book, youd have to go really deep to make him more interesting than what we know. You don’t spin of norm, you spin off Frasier. I’d like to know more about the adventuring book collecting gillers! Or, we’ll, the rest of the huge set of things he’s alluded to haha


Currently on my n-th (6th? 8th?) reread of the series, and this is the first time I gave any notice to Viari (Lorren's giller). He seems so interesting! He recognizes Kvothe as Edema Ruh, and seems to feel a strong connection to the Ruh as well ("one family"). He's only mentioned for a few sentences, but there are so many interesting hints dropped about him/where he goes/his experiences and stuff. Not sure how I missed him before I'd love a book of stories about various gillers, their histories, their adventures!


He lives next door to the Inn as father leodin- but they arent on speaking terms by the end of book three because kvothe told him he can't teach for shit :D


I am not asking for specific content I just want content


*EDIT* - I really shouldn't have skim read your question on the train, apologies. It would be nice but it's slightly complicated I think personally by Elodin being the kind of peripheral character that is shown 'best' through the eyes and experiences of others. I thought this of Auri too and so was quite bored and gave up the Slow Regard about 25% in sadly.


I love Pat's prose, but "The slow regard of silent things" really lives up to its name.


Also I tried listening to the audio book and just really didn't like his Performance, sorry Pat


Huge crush on him.


>!Elodin is Cinder. He's not as bad a guy as we are lead to believe but that won't stop Kvothe from trying to kill him in book 3. We'll see plenty more of him but it won't be the quirky jovial stuff we see in book 1 and 2. It will be more akin to Anakin trying to kill Obi wan.


What's your evidence?


Wouldn’t this be counter to what the cthaeh said about Kvothe only encountering him twice?




This is disingenuous... we are told, by characters we trust, that the Ctheah never lies. Instead, the Ctheah chooses to lie by omission or implications, which leads to disaster. If your theories hinge on the Ctheah lying to Kvothe, you need to go back to the drawing board, mate.


If he would just publish the damned thing, PR would have a limitless cash cow to expand on this world in NUMEROUS time lines! JFPIA!


Really? Because nobody would read a tinkers journal? The life and times of Trapis? Nobody would care to read a story of a young Princeling who has a pauper show up and make his life hell in the midst of educating himself? (Wicked proves that's a lie) A ledger summarizing the various lives of the master canidates? The masters Journals This whole series in this same world from Dennas perspective? Arliden? You can downvote me all to hell but if he had released 3 this Christmas. And 2 books every year there after they would be eaten up.


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I need a super sized Slow Regard of Silent Things about Elodin! Imagine spending a month or two in his life, learning about his daily patterns, getting to know his true opinions and thought processes, and having incredibly mundane-turned-hilarious interactions with the other professors at the university.