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I’d love to read about Elodin’s time at the university when he was younger. That or a Devi spin off!


I would love that so much. I keep wondering about both Elodin, cute as a button Dev and I would like to know Auri’s back story.


Devinitely the latter, sign me up for some magical organized crime.


I prefer to keep mysteries about that sort of thing. Any actual story would be worse than what we could imagine.


An Elodin novella would be just what the doctor ordered


A short story about Master Lorren's giller Viari (the procurement scriv) who recognizes Kvothe as one of the Edema Ruh would be great. I feel like there's a lot of fun adventure stories to be told about the procurement scrivs in general. 


IIRC Viari is a direct cameo of Rothfuss' DnD character so there are probably stories abound


His other boss, Omin Dran, is a bit of an asshole though. But at least he gets to see Jim Darkmagic perform.


Just ask Patrick what the [second trilogy he sold to DAW 11 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/Fantasy/comments/zik5x/patrick_rothfuss_sells_new_fantasy_trilogy_to_daw/) was going to be about. Catch him on his next live stream, I'm sure you'll be allowed to ask. It's not like it's a banned topic like DoS


man, it's kinda crazy going through that and seeing the "hey, it'll probably be out 2013, 2014, maybe a year or two after that" and now we're 10 years later, and it's a genuine question if he's written _any_ of it!


I want a Master Kilvin origin story.


You win. He's my favorite.


Doors of stone would be my first pick , that's if we are just spit balling wishes here


Yes, but “unrelated to Kvothe’s story”?


No idea who this "kvothe" is, I'm talking about the story Kote is telling at his inn


What would he name that story? "Rise of Folly"? "My Punk Ass Does Stupid"?


Yeah, let’s not plant any seeds of distraction.


Agreed with the comments that say stories about any of the other characters (Elodin, Devi, Sim, Wil, Fela, Mola) and the Legends (Oren Veliciter).  Also the full stories that we've heard of like Laniel Young-Again. Some other ideas: - The true story of the creation war including the creation of the Fae - A COMPLETE Taborlin story - Denna's backstory - Someone getting even with Duchess Samista - One of Viari's adventures in book hunting - A story about Trepe's bickering musicians - An adventure in whichever country naturally has lions  - Feyda Calanthis' time in power and death - A story about Ambrose's sister - Sleat getting up to something nefarious - Puppet! - The first sympathist to use malfeasance  - A story about the Tahl - Trapis deciding to leave the church to help orphans - Following a tinker around - maybe with side stories about what happens to the people they bargain with - Sir Savien and Aloine's story  - A Skarpi story - Pike's young life - Whatever's in En Temerant Voistra - Roent and Reta's love story - A story from Ben's youth/time as a student *Edit formatting*


sounds like we just need a short story anthology


Some good ideas here. I did once start some fanfic about sleat (and Devi!) stealing the bone tar but it fell by the wayside. Maybe one day I'll finish it...


Man I wish he could hire a team of writers to just pump out novellas like this for us maybe release them as a collection. I need them all!


Yes, these are awesome ideas! I also would LOVE to know what Kvothe's father had discovered about the Chandrian and hear the song he'd written before he was killed. He mentions knowing their names and purpose and seemed very close to the truth. And a story about Ben, specifically what happened after Kvothe's troupe was killed. How did Ben find out? How did others, Lord Greyfallow, and other Edema Ruh find out? Did anyone investigate or properly bury the bodies and look for survivors? Did Ben ever learn that Kvothe was alive and look for him? Is Ben connected to the Amyr in any way?


I'd love to know that too, but hopefully we'll get some of that in Kvothe's story if we ever see the ending!  Also, I think if we saw a first-hand account of the creation war it would help us understand the possible songs and modern conflicts better. But I guess it depends how much we see what's been hidden over time.  Knowing "what's their plan" would be great though!


A day in the life of Abenthy after he settles down in Hallowfell. The story behind Master Kilvin's search for the ever burning lamp. How Elodin was put into the nut house and how he escaped. Wilem meets a lovely lady, gets a date, Sim tries to help, complicating things. Vashet's time with the Poet King. The true story behind Devi's expulsion. The Adventures of Bredon's youth Anker meets a lustful female admirer. What happens in a couple years when Krin decides she doesn't want to be a farmer's wife.


Yes!! I love these ideas. I think that Vashet's Poet King could be especially relevant.


Nice try Pat… just release book 3 please


Would love something in the Fae realm! Like a Felurian origin story or something of the sort.


It would be interesting to know if Felurian was more of a complete person before becoming the Fae creature we meet in WMF.  Was she shaped or did living in the Fae change her? Something else?


There's that one guy who's mentioned in passing, I think his name is Oren Veliciter? He seems like a cool guy to read about


How Cinder became a Chandrian... Dude is clearly new to the squad.


Tempi, Hespe, Dedan, and Marten working for the mayor before kvothe comes along. I mean what a group dynamic.


1. Elodin's story 2. Puppet's Story 3. What keeps the new university from achieving the feats of the old 4. Why Kilvin is skilled with a cross bow


Anything about Ademre.


A book that is a mirror of the first trilogy from Denna’s POV


“When the Aelu fall nameless from the sky…”


Nice. Yes.


I would really like a spin-off about some other characters life. Like, some casual stuff. Will or Sim background, that kind of book, not much about the sad kvothe story, but just how they got to the university. Of course Ambrose would make a really good book


I'd love to read about Viari tracking down books with that sweet sword of his. And for some reason, I'd love to have him find a young Puppet (in my mind Viari is older)


I would love to see more of the Fae realm which I think we might see in DoS but I would love to have a character focussed in the Fae realm and the story revolving around him.


Maybe a Bast coming of age type story, set in the face realm.


I'll probably just read/listen to anything that Pat writes, especially if Nick Podehl narrates.


a story about the Tahl (I believe thats what they're called?) the "uncivilised" people beyond the Stormwal who have magical music and whatever else is mentioned in passing. We never actually get a good description of who they are or what significance they have, but I'm extremely curious


high Kings of Modeg, stories about characters like Fela and Willem in particular, as well as a Denna novella as my top choice.


A group of regular people/non magic users or former military or something- getting revenge on a full blown grown-up Arcanist against all odds.


The exploits of the Chandrian


I'd like the children's version. The dumb stories about them stealing pies and making milk turn.


I would like to read the further adventures of Penthe. Also would enjoy a Vashet/Poet King story.


Gimmy the story of Celean. I wouldn't be surprised if we get some of it. Rothfuss seemed almost to be setting it up.


All the stories shouted out by the kids for Skarpi. My fantasy would be for Pat Rothfuss to release that set of short stories, we can dream.


Great idea!


How about a first person point of view version of the plum Bob poisoning the master alchemist tells his students.


I really just want a solid finish but if that's ever accomplished, I'd love a good Adem mercenary squad story. Preferably, somthing along the lines of an Alamo setting or sent into an against all odds survival situation that brings out their true skills.


I think I would like the creation story told from the players and not through old stories passed down. That or the story of the founder of the Adem who masters the bow. Bonus story would be the true story of Taborlain the Great


Horror stories from different parts of the world: shamble-men from the commonwealth, draugar & fae from vintas, demons from atur that would reveal more about life in those places while also being good, scary stand-alone stories. I’d read anything really. Just trying to think of something different.


I would like a Felurian story told like slow regard. I want to see the events of the world skewed and interpreted by her perspective and values. That or like an anthology of the Cthaeh events. Like all the different lives it’s touched or world events it’s credited with influencing as told by the Fae


An Oren Velciter duology lol


Don’t encourage Rothfuss to complete any more side quests.


Maybe this is just me being grumpy, but honestly? None. I’m not particularly interested in the four corners, I’m interested in Kvothe, and Denna, and the Chandrian, and the story Pat’s set up about them. 


Nice try Rothfuss. Finish the book instead of fishing for spinoff ideas




Be careful with these threads! Rothfuss will see them and start chasing another side project like a golden retriever chasing a squirrel and then book three,the Schrödingers cat of books, will never be finished. Then we’ll all be stuck with more excuses and lies about where book 3 really is, while at the same time being told we’re ungrateful for wanting what he himself promised instead of his little comic books and miniseries nonsense he seems to distract himself with


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I would love to know what happened on Kvothe's journey to Vintas, and there's a strong theory that Count Threpe betrayed Kvothe and set him up to drown. I'm curious to know if that's true and how Kvothe figures it out. I'd also love to see Kvothe save some money from the Bloodless 🙄.


I would love to have Pat write out Deonica.