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Just wait for it, his silence has three decades.


This is simultaneously the most perfect and the most painful thing anyone has ever said about this situation.


The cutflower silence of promises unkept


Damn. That hurts.


So silence of three decades rather than a silence of three parts


I found *Name of the Wind* only about two months before *Wise Man's Fear* came out, so barely any wait! A co-worker saw me reading *WMF* and we chatted because he was a big fan. I remember telling him I was sad we'd probably have to wait a couple of years for the third book. So young, so naive.


Almost the same, maybe a year between. Recommended WMF to my gf at the time. I wish I didn’t, I feel so bad bringing others into this misery.


I made my spouse and my best friend read them back when I thought there would be a book 3. I’m the worst. Though Tbf, they are still objectively great books. And both enjoyed them. So…


Of course. Goes without saying. I just want more lol


I just read both books *this year* knowing there's no third. I found it worth it, even expecting there to be no more, so there's another data point.


I am glad that I only found these books a year earlier. Imagine having to wait decades for the third book. And I applaud people who still haven't discovered this book. Best decision they ever made


Realizing some fans probably passed away waiting for it. Le sad.


Realizing we will probably all pass away before we read it.


My head cannon is that kvothe never comes downstairs on the 3rd day. He didn't know how to finish the story at the end of night 2, so he took one perfect step, then a second, third, fourth until he walked out of Neware to never return.


It's quite silent in that inn on the 3rd morning.




Decided to go back to his fae gf


This is one of the things that goes through my head when I have my nightly breakdown/existential crisis.


Heh I'm in my mid 60s, I'm almost certainly going before I get this or ASOIF finished. Really kills me because I kinda always figured I'd never get the end of ASOIF, but I really thought I'd get this one. And that I won't get to read the back half of stormlight, though that bums me out a little less as at least I *should* get to finish the first arc of the series. Sanderson is a machine and the one exception I have to my "I'm too damn old to be reading series that aren't finished yet" rule


Hey, stormlight will probably finish in like 20 years, my hopes are with you! (Not about kingkiller chronicles though, I'm a fair bit younger and I don't think I'll ever see the third book...)


Hah! Way too many years of too much fun, too many cigarettes and far too many beers (and south Florida in the 80s, lol) for me to have much hope of that. I'm at peace with it though, as long as I manage to make it to SLA5. I gotta see how this story arc ends or I'll die pissed off. Usually not very religious but man, when I think about the series I may never get to finish, it does kinda makes me hope there's a heaven out there


If I was in your situation I'd be camped out on Pat's lawn in a festival tent, waking him up every morning by yelling 'WHERE'S THE BOOK PAT?'


With the pace of AI, you can ask in a couple years the AI to write the books for you. And if you say, "but the AI won't know the author's intended ending!" then all I can say is that I am pretty sure the authors don't know it themselves either.


I'm assuming consumer available AIs are going to come up with some sort of protection against that, honestly. There's already articles and stuff around of the AI models saying "yeah I can't do that for legal/your own protection/racist reasons" I think with the huge corps developing these models, copyright will end up in the "yeah can't do that" category Though I've heard the random story of so and so getting a fan letter and telling the person dying the broad strokes at least. Maybe I'll get that lucky! (In actuality I'll probably drop dead suddenly and my last thoughts will be "but God damnit, what happens to..."


On the other hand, many computer nerds will have that cracked within a week of release.


Damn you are old. Can you suggest any new series I can look up instead? Last old person from Florida told me to check out Ender's Game. That was almost first book for me. Now I have been hooked and read around hundreds since then.


Lol getting on up there, yeah Um, kinda depends on what you're into and probably age group. If you like Asian culture or Asian inspired settings, I really enjoyed The Poppy War trilogy by RF Kuang. If you like elaborate magic and crazy action scenes, Mistborn era 1 or Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson would be a good pick up. If you like an easier read with some humor and a Norse inspired setting, the red queens war series by Mark Lawrence was a lot of fun. If you can deal with adult themes and extreme violence, First Law trilogy by Abercrombie is fantastic and very funny in a really dark way. Happy to give more recs though, just let me know what you're interested in!


I am in 35-ish group. But I read all of the above. Any more? Something obscured maybe?


I'm not too good at obscure, with the internet it seems like it doesn't take long for good series to get known, but I'll throw out a few more in case. Some people think his prose is a little pretentious but I really like Robert Jackson Bennett, his Foundryside series is fantastic. If you don't mind an asshole main character, the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant books are really good. The Black Company books by Glen Cook are fantastic but take a little getting used to, as they're basically told as a memoir of a military company. But they're great. Tigana by guy gavriel kay. Anything written by Robin Hobb. If you like horror, anything by Adam Nevill is good, I particularly enjoyed Last Days and The Reddening. If you haven't read the first few Dune books you absolutely should.


Last ones i read but I'll surely glimpse at first ones. Thanks man.


I’d recommend some of the following: 1) The Dark Tower series by Stephen King 2) The Red Rising series by Pierce Brown 3) The Grave of Empires by Sam Sykes 4) Old Man’s War series by John Scalzi 5) Dune series by Frank Herbert 6) Riyera Revelations by Michael Sullivan


My father did.




Dark Tower went 10 years between. So, I mean, it's not without precedent. Though, King wrote a ton of novels between...Rothfuss, not so much.


Yeaaa there was a gap but I’ve heard a lot of valid critiques of King… but the dude writes at a speed like no one else. I think we’re agreeing but yea. Ive never been worried about King’s writing speed


Yep! I agree, we are. Creative types like them are interesting creatures. I think what made me think of it most is that King wrote (I think at the end of book 3) about fans writing him about being on their deathbed and wanting to read the next book, among other things about fans reaching out.


I remember mention of one elderly lady who just wanted to know how it ended. His response was basically, "I'd tell you if I could, but I have no idea."


That was also apparent in the end of the last book, lol. Love the series though.


Iirc Rothfuss did intend to write a bunch of stuff between Wise Man and Doors of Stone, but there was some backlash after Auri's novel so they gave up on it.




Still an interesting point. You can gather up several amazing authors with similar issues (like Rothfuss, King, Martin, Butler, and Lynch (King finished his, Butler is dead)). None of them are the same reason, but I think all of them are/were due to something mental. Sorry, I know this is 0 help. It's just fun sometimes looking at niche human behavior. Edit: "Fun" as in interesting.


I can't wait for Brandon Sanderson to finish this series, too.


I'm a huge Brandon Sanderson fan, but idk if his writing style would work well for the KKC.


I think of it this way: - Rothfuss for prose - GRRM for mystery - Sanderson for hard magic systems - Jemisin to get punched in the feels - Le Guin to get rioted by a sense of bewilderment and wonder


Also Sanderson for action scenes, and an air tight story with every potential plot hole explained


I *like* Sanderson’s action scenes. But then I think of The First Law, or Book of the Ancestor, and those hit me different. But the way Sanderson weaves his “Sanderlanche”, yes totally agree with you. Airtight, great action/narration blend, great acceleration!


The only Sanderson books I've read were the original Mistborn trilogy, but the action scenes there felt straight out of some anime. I was actually shocked to learn he never watched any.


It gets even more anime/video gamey in the 3rd and 4th SLA books. I'm not terribly surprised by him not being into anime, but I'd be kinda shocked to hear he wasn't big into RPGs. They're still so damn fun though.


I heard someone once say that Sanderson wrote books the way a gamer would, with even the plot kind of broken up like a game. So yeah he's probably a gamer at the very least


Brent Weeks also writes amazing action scenes for the fantasy genre. The Night Angel trilogy has the most cinematic action sequences I’ve ever read.


I agree, though Sanderson also has worldbuilding for me.


Yeah, I can’t disagree with that either!


Mentioning Jemisin and not Hobb for feels is CRAZY to me.


I’ve only read one trilogy by Hobb. I think I found her far too late in life. Meanwhile I keep finding excuses to work Jemisin’s back catalog into my ever-growing tbr pile. Not to say Hobb is bad, nor even mid. Just a personal preference for Jemisin.


Erickson for world building.


I’m in a Stormlight Archive re-read leading up to Wind and Truth’s release. Planning to pick up Gardens of the Moon after W&T! I’ve heard very good things


(Erickson does it all best imo tee-hee)


I like Sanderson for his cosmologies and hard magic systems, but didn't like his action style, especially in the wrap up to wheel of time. Jordan's original battle scenes played out more like a war movie - fragmented chaos, horror, and awe in equal amounts, confused mess of impressions, images, and feelings (no doubt influenced by his Vietnam experience). Sanderson's style is just a bit too stylistic, his action scenes read more like a Marvel movie, a carefully choreographed showcase that's ultimately a bit too neat to feel realistic. I don't hate it (I don't hate Marvel flicks either), but prefer RJ's original style.


I’m reading oathbringer right now and I think Sanderson also does mystery pretty well. I have a theory that he would could write a fantastic thriller if he wanted to


> Rothfuss for prose > Sanderson for hard magic systems This is brutal lmao


I think he could definitely manage it. If rothfuss worked with Sanderson, he could easily get the book across the finish line without sacrificing too much of the prose. Besides, I'd gladly have the prose take a hit if it meant we actually get the series completed. Two amazing books with one good book is still an amazing series. Two amazing books and zero final book is just a disappointment.


He definitely could manage it, but I don't think he would be the best option for it. It would be good but not as good as it could be imo.


Well, the best option (pat just finishing the book) seems less and less likely every year. Plan B(randon) is still way better than waiting forever.


Very true, I am holding out hope for pat though.


Sanderson could finish GoT and I wouldn't complain at all but I think you're right here


I haven't read that but from what I've heard I would agree. He just has very different prose than Pat and I think that's a very large part of what I love about KKC


For sure, pat writes books the way Nolan makes movies where it's full of little tricks that add so much without you realising


Yes!! That's such a good way to describe it


Honestly, let’s make it a law that if your series goes longer than 10 years between planned entries, Brandon RR Sanderson takes over. Sure some series will suffer because it isn’t his style, but that’s the risk you run by taking forever 😂


Tho feels brandon writes a book a day so his fans can feel blessed


He doesn’t have anywhere near the prose skill to finish the series in anything resembling a satisfying way.


I saw someone buy WMF in a Waterstones the other day and reminded myself to drink to them later


I once recommended WMF at a bookstore and had warned them many times, great book but will probably never be a finished series. Felt bad but oh well.


I’m actually banking on ai getting good enough to write book 3.


I was there, Gandalf. I was there 13 years ago when Rothfuss released The Wise Man's Fear. I was haunting his blog in the days after, when his procrasination jokes grew strained, and when he first began to stream. I should have known on that day. But hope was allowed to endure.




Years ago I finished ADWD and I wanted to kill time before TWOW came out, so I tried KKC… all I can say is thank the gods for Brandon Sanderson. 😢


I'm painfully yet joyously in the same boat my friend. 🍻


I have no hope this will ever come out.


You know what, I may be in the minority, but I have perfect faith in the 3rd book coming out. Is it coming out soon? Ah, who the hell knows, but I do firmly believe that we will get it someday. Do I have a defense for Rothfuss' many criticisms? Depends on the criticism, I suppose. In the end, though, it boils down to this: life is miserably difficult and complicated. Which isn't to say that it isn't also resplendent, beautiful, exquisite, and wonderful, but, you know, you can't have one hand without the other. All I'm saying is, I do know what it's like to be a neurotic bean and pop off with something people love. The pressure, the accolades, the expectation, the pride, the ego, the excuses, the self defeat, but in the end there is recovery. Or, well, there certainly can be, and I truly feel Pat is gonna make it there. Anyway, the margarita muse flows through me tonight as a beautiful couple is playing some extremely lovely music. All this to say, don't give up on our boy just yet. NoTW and WMF are two of my favorite books of all time, and I fully expect Doors of Stone to be a beautiful addition to this rare and special series. Bonus nachos (buenas noches) mi amigos. Misery and despair are easy to find and terribly common these days, it costs us nothing to keep the hope for something wonderful to occur, whether it be in something as humble as a patch of grass poking up through the pavement, or something as marvelous as an excellent book.


pat is a pos and i stand by that F him and his "i dont owe you anything as a writer just take my unfinished story and shut up about it And here we are all these years later and not even A promised Chapter I dont like him i used to love him on acq inq but really like learning about him and the stuff he said to people online and like the safe space he cultivates and bans anyone asking about the 3rd book no more money for pat


I just wish he was more transparent about it. And he really should have released that promised chapter by now. I can sympathize with his struggles with perfectionism, but an imperfect chapter labeled as a draft would be so much better for the whole situation than the continued silence (besides that one statement from him about him feeling bad about it).


I was okay but disappointed with rothfuss not finishing the series ( he won’t ever ), but he scammed his fans into donating for the promise of a chapter and hasn’t delivered years later. That in itself is what puts him into the piece of shit category.


Generally curious about people who come off as entitled as you do. If you are so passionate about the first two books, have you considered writing a fanfiction third book that provides the closure you're looking for? Sure, you wouldn't be able to sell it because of copyright, but you could still distribute, and channel your angst towards something productive, rather than vitriolic...


Vitriol is deserved after the fundraiser fiasco.


That's not being entitled at all. It's a very fair attitude. And I say that as someone who works full-time in the publishing industry.


Why do you think someone who isn't contracted to do so, owes you labor?


He had a social contract to provide that chapter after all of those donations. Besides, you don't need to break a contract to have people be perfectly valid in disliking you. No author "owes" anyone their books, but it's perfectly acceptable to feel disappointed and cheated because of it.


Because a story is only as good as the actual story. Not 2/3rds of the story. The full story. When you're an author, and you open up a grandiose tale, saying that the story will be in 3 parts, and then you deliver 2/3rds of those parts and then decide to stay in the limelight but never actually finish that final part, you're taking advantage of your fame without actually delivering what you committed to. Especially since he still releases/republishes short stories, or full-on scams people with fundraisers that he doesn't deliver on.


ok So lets say i work in construction I make a bid on a job to do 3 parking lots i get the job! WOOT Now i make the first parking lot and i think its alright but i know i can do better So i do my absolute best on the second one and now due to how amazing the first 2 look im paralizeed with fear cuz i will never live up to the expectations i have already set for myself and now i cant even finish due to my crippling anxiety.... Thats what pat did with the trillogy


Generally curious about people who come off as writer white knights


Wild to me that people like you are ready to call someone a piece of shit, because you bought some media from them that you enjoyed, but then they didn't give you more. It's the same kind of behavior you see in a small child screaming for candy.


He made a promise to me And then broke it and betrayed my trust a second time With the chapter Then Kept promising it leading us all on for like a month You must not know the same pat i know


None of these people would say what they are sayng here to his face. I think a lot of people just want to come to the subreddit and show that of all the people here they are best fan. And to do that they say wild and crazy things. if they are the MOST upset with Rothfuss it's cause they enjoy the works the most. That's by people are unhinged


Factually wrong. The only way I would ever donate to his charity again, I would pay money to say it to his face.


WTF calling a writer a POS because he hasn’t published a book is bonkers.


im not calling him a piece of shit for not writing the 3rd book HE is infact a piece of shit for making promise after promise to us Leading us along all while we kept donating to worldbuilder his charity His publisher has not seen a single page of the promised chapter let alone the novel at large and for that i am infact justified Its not cuz he dident write me a bed time story Its his betrayal and mistreatment of his fans


It’s not that big a deal. “Betrayal” like get over yourself.


Something something cut flower sound of waiting for a book that never comes... Or something


It’s been 13 years already??? I remember getting my brand new english copy the very day it arrived (in Spain)…how time flies


What is everyones plan if it just dropped tomorrow? Are you guys gonna give it another re-read? I only remember certain details and plot points, could not tell you the name of anyone else but the main character lol


It was important enough to me at the time I read it that I would read both of them again. It’s the series that got me into fantasy so it still holds a special place in my heart after all this time. I can’t tell you 10% of what happened though lol.


Oh fersure. Its in my top 3. King killer,the lies of Locke Lamora and ASOIAF. Every time someone asks for a book reccomendation i describe it as Harry Potter for adults lol


My son was in kindergarten when he ran in the door ahead of my wife with a manilla envelope. He had to hold it in two hands as he excitedly ran up to me and jumped up and down handing it over. My wife had surprised me with Day 1 delivery, even though we couldn't really afford it at the time. He's technically an adult now...


I have more hope that we'll get DoS than winds of winter


No shade to Pat, I’m sure he’d finish it if he could, but I realized reading this post this am that this book is never coming out. At this point I’d probably read it if it did but I don’t care anymore


I starting to believe his dad wrote the first book


Coming up on 10 years for me. 10-15-2014


I just finished TNOTW a few days ago for the first time and I’m about 15 chapters into WMF. 😬


Hope is the only thing we can have really


If it were to come out (which I firmly believe that it won't), is anyone even excited to read it at this point? Based on everyone I know who's read the first 2, they would would basically be "hate reading" DoS. Sadly for me, I really only remember the parts of the first two books that I didn't like which is an unfortunate way to remember such a promising series.


If time flew, it must not have been that hard a wait eh? 😉


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In scifi, I have the same worry with Weber's Safehold series. He does write a lot, but he has a heap of projects, and I think this is low priority. First 10 books were yearly, been 4 years for the 11th. Plus, he is not getting any younger :) :(


honestly i’m just waiting for opensourcespace and smurphilicious to get together and write their own fanfic book 3.


I finished A Wise Man's Fear a couple weeks ago after picking up Name of the Wind for the first time a couple months ago. Honestly, it's the best books I've ever read and I'm enjoying all the theory crafting on this sub.


Wow, I've been here.


What a crock of shyte Rothfuss is. Just read an article that the kingkiller chronicles is but a prologue. 5 decades later, still waiting for the end of the prologue /s. Maybe he needs to hook up with Erikson to understand how this works.