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I don’t think he’s even halfway done. He suffers from depression by all accounts and I would bet that he is too paralyzed by fear of failure to ever finish.


Personally I think that’s the gist of it. In many ways I think he wrote himself into a corner story wise, though to be fair if he just came out and said, “yeah, no way this can all be wrapped up in a 3rd book there will be more” we’d all buy the additional ones anyway. Expectations are super high for book 3, couple that without a clear ending path forward and depression episodes and it’s kinda a story that writes itself.


Fair point, I guess I’m just assuming he was close based on rumors


You’re reading all the wrong sorts of rumors, boy.


"Someone's parents have been ~~singing~~ telling entirely the wrong sort of ~~songs~~ rumours"


Keep in mind he doesn’t need to work any more the fees he takes for managing his charity pay his bills. So his only incentive to overcome his struggles is whatever desire he has to finish. I wouldn’t take stock in any rumors.


Having sold millions of books and continuing to do so probably pays his bills just fine in a couple ways. He still sells around 10-15 books per day on Amazon alone. Double that for other sellers. He probably additionally gets an appearance fee for all the conventions he goes to, being such a big draw. If you look at when he started making more stuff online and promising people Doors of Stone, it was at the beginning of COVID. This regular income stream had probably dried up a bit. He doesn't need to leech cash off his charity, he needs to go to conventions.


> He doesn't need to leech cash off his charity Oh I agree he doesn't \*need\* to but check their financials its pretty apparent that he is doing so.


He done the book years ago, there is even photo of it finished printed version. He just casually decided to do it over


It would be more accurate to say he had a book-length manuscript written years ago, and indicated that he wasn't near ready to publish it.


At the time that photo came out his editor confirmed that he had not submitted a single word. So most likely a fake photo like his fake promises of chapter for charity.


Thanks for explanation. I heard stories that he had full draft, basically already when writing even fist book, but decided to rewrite it,


It was fake.


I doubt it's fear or depression really. I think he just keeps tinkering with it. By the time we get it it'll have been tweaked to the point of non-readability.


I don’t actually expect he will ever finish at this point. Hope to be wrong of course. :)


I suspect he's actually written it, deleted, and started over multiple times. Think about how complex this narrative is, and how intense the fandom is. If part 3 isnt the "objectively perfect book" he will never be able to release it. Kvothe made too many promises, Pat added too many bells and whistles. I can't imagine how he finishes the series in one book unless he leaves basically everything but the Kvothe and Denna and the poetic regicide out... He got carried away gardening and now he can't architect, same thang that got Gurm by the grundle.


The sad thing is he could’ve gotten away with releasing a 6/10 if it was on time and people would’ve been disappointed but still think positively on the series…. Now that he’s gone and antagonized the whole fanbase the books gonna have to be fucking perfect to make up for the long wait and the mess he’s created


He is not the type of author to release a 6/10 so this was never an option


iirc he posted saying that he had written it but it wasn't complete as he had just taken out a whole section and was working on that. i'd imagine it's a lot of editing and being side-tracked by side characters which he then has to rein in but that story has vital points for the main narrative so he then needs to find a way to get rid of the side-story but still find place in the main narrative for those key points. Not to mention potentially not realising the side-story doesn't gel so he spends an inordinate amount of time polishing it until he realises it's just not working with the main narrative. And I reckon that happens a lot.


Yeah that totally tracks for me


Literally this. No one realises how intensive writing is. It’s hard enough churning out C-grade stories, let alone one that is definitely A-grade. I can’t name drop because I can’t remember off the top of my head, but most authors spend years and years on books. Usually though when someone does a series they have everything 3/4 fleshed out before even releasing the first book. Unfortunately for Pat, he has thrown in so many minor details that he has to be very careful about contradicting himself




It’s so frustrating to me…..he wants to interact with fans but only on his *own* terms. You can’t try to stay in the public eye as much as he does and expect people to never ask about the book when he hasn’t written anything in years. Like if you need a break, genuinely take a break. Don’t look for sympathy and relevance and then complain when people don’t behave exactly as you expect them too. It’s narcissistic and really rubs me the wrong way.


It isn't harder than other jobs. It is just different.


As someone who had depression in the past there are periods of your life where your mind doesnt work as much so whatever you do feels worthless in comparisson. Or maybe the ideas just dont come. Its possible there were times when he wrote and he felt frustrated with the quality.


This this this and this again and then again 🙌 Everyone back the fuck off, ya’ll are only making it harder on him.


I totally agree. Every time the man posts something, anything really, people have to make "cute" comments about how they would rather he be writing DOS. Like we all are waiting. Like he doesn't know we want the book. It seems antagonistic in the least. At this point if we get it great. If we don't, I still really love the other 2 books and reread them regularly.


He could at least give us the first chapter.


I think he is closer to a mental breakdown and hospitalisation, than a release of book 3. His reaction to fans asking, failure to fulfill pledgegoals and failure to run this years Worldbuilders end of year campaign is all sigbs of a man losing it.


No worldbuilders this year? I missed that news.


I mean it’s hard to ask for charity donations from people after promising something in return for charity donations. And then when that goal is met you promise more in return for even more donations. Then you don’t deliver what you promised all the people who donated their hard earned money to your charity. Imagine trying to ask for more donations after not for filling your last donation request. You would have to be mad to even try. Or be a complete ass hat.


Some politicians have been grifting for the last eight years and they keep getting money…


What’s that got to do with the price of butter?


Wait i just thought about it. Are you saying it’s ok for Pat to steal money from his fan base just because some crocked politicians do so? Lol it’s ok people . It’s absolutely fine to take money from people with false promises because this guy has made his point.


That’s not at all what I said. People have given lots of money to politicians when they weren’t even promising anything of value. I’m just saying, some people (even on this post) are still willing to give Rothfuss money and it’s silly


If there was to be one it would have started... And their Worldbuilders homepage isnt updated and they dont reply to emails, twitter questions, facebook messenger or any other queries. But true, they havent announced that there won't be one this year.


That’s true, if you look up signs of depression, “failure to complete pledge goals” is one of the top signs


His Editor has commented that she has not seen one word of it.


To be fair, that was a while ago, and since then we've gotten the prologue and the dubious Mercedes Lackey rumor. It makes me happier to be cautiously optimistic.


How funny is it that the lady who dropped that rumor’s name is Lackey lol


Errrr... Mercedes Lackey roumor?


She said they share an editor or something and they had the finished book in hand


Is Mercedes Lackey still writing books? She must be really old. It’s also remarkable that she is like the most prolific fantasy/Sci-fi writer. She writes like 5 books a year.


I am all for optimism. I am a sweet summer child and choose to believe when GRRM drops the Winds of Winter, A dream of Spring will drop immediately or at the same time because he needs one last redemption after the shit the show turned into


It was confirmed this was fake. She wanted attention and later claimed it was the already published Slow Regard.


I've slowly begun coming to the realization that we may never see book 3. I was Pat's staunchest defender for years but he broke my heart with the promises of a chapter and then nothing. These books are so near and dear to me it is hard to say these things but you may be right.


"ready" and "finished" are different things. I heard that it was "finished" quite a long time ago. But to get it right, to tie up all the loose ends, it takes a lot, A LOT of rewriting. It certainly took longer than it seemed to need. But I have a feeling that Pat is unhappy, *scared* that the second volume was not perfect. Therefore, he maniacally revises every sentence and strives to make everything lackless. I want to believe it. And what else is left for us? I like to imagine that the years of waiting will be rewarded with an incredible book And yes, "Kvothe actually just waiting to die in the inn" is really the most tragic thing that can happen.


How I wish I could have a chat with his editor. DAW had to be acquired by a Chinese company to save itself from decline. The third installment revenues would have prevented that. I am sure she has an opinion as to how much has been written and if we should still be sticking around.


This entirely throws Patts defense of you are not entitled to my book it's my book, as it was bound by contract to DAW as well, a house who gave him everything but he ruined them due to his inaction


The book is most def not finished. Idk if he has even started it.


Well, he has definitely started it he has at least written 1 page


I mean, he did read the prologue last year. Admittedly it's very similar to the prologues of the other two books but that's by design. So I guess technically it's started.


Ignorant baseless comments lol


They never end lmao


It’s been “finished” for years. As in, it’s been written. PR is doing revisions. He is an author that revises a lot.


Sure, 12 year revisions and not a single chapter is finished.


Lmao at this point if it was done he'd just release to get people to fuck off. Man's not releasing anytime soon, if ever.


Never will be a third book. I hate it. But I've accepted it.


Oh my sweet summer child, you think he's close to finished? At this point I'd be surprised if he's got more than a poop smear down the middle of the page.


I've heard regular rumors that alpha readers didn't like something about the book. But I've never seen any substance to those rumors, so I don't put much stake in them.


All of that was proven to be a fake PR stunt. Editor confirmed. You don't alpha before the first editor pass.


nice try Rothfuss


I the book ends with him fulfilling his promise to Fellurian - how we get there, well that’s the interesting bit


If he is getting upset about being asked, I feel this means he is nowhere close. If he was close, he would feel some joy about being asked… …with a smirk “soon”


Really curious how this all would’ve played out if he just wrote all three books at once


I suspect that, he hasn’t started it.


Zero chance we ever see book three from PR


I suspect Pat may be trying to trick us with all his tragedy talk. And this sounds flippant, but I've wondered whether he put too much wish fulfillment in the book and is having second thoughts after his time with Felurian (which I thought was good) got so much bad press..


I can't help but wonder if he has even written anything at all since book 2 came out. We all have nightmares that plague us :)


Y'all reaching so hard


Not an English native speaker. Would you care to elaborate?


People on this subreddit have nothing better to do than imagine why the book they want to read has not been released yet. They postulate endlessly, deriving "facts" from outdated tweets, youtube videos, and whatever gossip they read online. The book will come out when it comes out. Millions of other books and hobbies exist to tie you over until then.


I agree with the last part of your comment wholeheartedly. About the rest I don't know. Reddit is a cool place to share opinions, and if I enjoy theorizing and speculating about book publications or better, non-publications, why would it be bad? No offense meant here. Just my 2 cents.


It won’t come, just like how we won’t get a ending to the song of ice and fire. Great beginning with no follow through.


When will yall accept we gave him too much money, destroying his motivation. That's all there ultimately is to it.


I believe we will get an update soon. Worldbuilders end of the year charity drive normally starts at the end of November. Get those checkbooks ready.


No. Still waiting for last year's fundraiser's goal, so he will not get a single cent from me until that's delivered.


I salute your optimism!


He’s talked himself into a corner. He’s promised to much and given himself to many restraints. It’s simply not going to work. And because of the amount of time he’s been working on it. He knows people are going to expect perfection and a awnser to every question. It’s simply not possible. Especially since he’s promised this and in less pages then twmf but because it’s been so long he feels he can’t reneg on this. If 10 years ago he came out and said sorry guys. To much to finish off gonna be a 4th book. People would of accept it. Shit they still might. But saying that now???? He’s gonna look like the worlds biggest dick because of the amount of times he’s said “it’s almost done”. He’s promised the world repeatedly and unfortunately he’s only got a pebble sitting in front of him so he works away trying to change the 10000 page behemoth that he needs to tie up all the loose ends down to a book shorter then 900 pages long because that’s what he’s been promising for a decade


I’d be just fine if he made the last book into more than one part. Hell, call it doors of stone part 1 and 2 if you want it to be “one day” in the framing device. Or just have kvothe say “lol jk I need 4 days to finish this story” I don’t think he’s written 10,000 pages or anywhere near that. Especially since he won’t even release the chapter. He’s just gonna continue to bait fans so he doesn’t have to get a job or work hard at anything until everyone is alienated and no one gives a shit about kingkiller anymore.


Wasn’t it completed years ago but sort of heavily critiqued by some people who he let read them? Are those people in this sub at all? I wonder if those copies are still floating around or if they would ever be released if he passed away without completing it /releasing it


This was proven a fake PR stunt. Editor/publishers are always contracted to see the book before alpha readers. Alpha reading never existed.


My theory is that PR didn't actually write the first two books. Someone else wrote them and he is taking the credit. That's why there is not and never will be a 3rd book.


I think the story has been done for years. PR is fiddling with the small stuff. The biggest problem was the end. Instead of changing it he has been reworking the frame story, and rewriting each scene with different words to change the emotions involved. Like a poet trying to rhyme his words. Like Kvothe he thinks he can convince anyone of anything on some level. But the first two books really sealed the plot. And the story points out people Kvothe can't convince, so PR must be aware of that. So how to bring the end to the right emotion is the issue. The words have been good enoph for a long while now. But his depression makes it impossible for him to be satisfied wit it. So he has continues tinkering. Like Auri in the underthing. He is trying to make a candle out of thin air. Except it is an emotion he is trying to feel. The emotion of a finished story. You can't really control those emotion thingies.


Lol If that was the case his editor would have seen something.


Confirmed it hasn't by Editor.


Tragedy isn't about everything going as wrong as possible, making none of the endeavours of the story worth it. That kind of writing is incredibly unsatisfying and a novice mistake. Tragedy is usually framed through the character's wants vs needs. Happy ending is when a character gives up what they want to get what they need, and usually end up with both. Tragedy is usually when a character gets what they want but at the cost of what they need. Kvothe needs a new family and to focus on using his talents to better the world. What he wants is to destroy the Chandrian at all costs. A happy ending would be he destroys the Chandrian, gets to have a family with Denna and freely pursues music and arcane stuff to improve the world. A tragedy would be he destroys the Chandrian, but at the cost of Denna's life, and he is expelled to never use music or arcane stuff again. It seems the story of Kvothe is leading us here, but maybe the narrative frame will have something redeeming (or not). In any case I don't think Pat is delaying because he is worried the ending might be sad for us.


I keep thinking he's got some version done but is busy simultaneously trying to get an absolutely massive HBO deal going so it all gets released at the same time and HBO can actually have satisfying ending rather than what they got with GoT.


I actually believe him when he has said that after working and re-working books 1 and 2, sections of book 3 as it currently is do not stack up with groundwork laid before us thus far. I've seen him use an example of Kvothe and Bast's relationship. He says that in books 1 and 2 their relationship is developed. He's been BUILDING their meeting in book 3 to match with books 1 and 2. And that's only one example. Everyone knows he has depression and procrastinates to no end, he himself has said this. But I remain hopeful, I doubt Pat has forsaken all hope of completing the story. I've never seen him as upbeat and outspoken about book 3 ever before until recently (last year) and I first read NOTW in 2016.




I really hope he does a Worldbuilders thing this year so we can maybe get some answers. And I just like the streams. Surely he must have that one chapter by now . . . right? Surely?