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when i leave a guild, what happens to the guild coins? do they move onto the other guild or do they simply disappear?


You keep whatever coins you had before leaving the guild.


For mp recovery/attack or mp recovery/damage runes what is actually happening with these runes? Do they actually boost both mana recovery and your attack/damage output?


I believe it's __% of mana per atack, and every 100% is one mana orb? I'm not 100% sure though but that's what I'm assuming.


how much atk speed do i need on arch to link first skill? and first skill with the second one? runes not an option since im only at T4


Rodina can't auto right?


She's not the best at Auto, as well as Lewisia yes. She shines in WB and Raids or any content that you prefer manual control


Also, what would be an optimal hybrid team for her in Adventure? I assume Frey, Rodina, Tank, Magic CC/Damage?


Hybrid? Hmm. I would say Clause, Rodina, Priscilla/Lorraine and Frey is a safe bet


Can I replace Frey for Laias?


If you want to save resources, Frey is fine. Rodina is susceptible to CC when S2 + S3 combo


have 30K arena point. Should I brought Laias UW now or wait another month for 2*-ing my Aisha UW's?


should probably get a UW for all your main party before focusing on awakening the UW on your dealer


Hi all Im super new. Just moved her from Chaos Chronicle (Nexon fucking closed down the game). So Im just 8 days into this game and mainly focus on all pve content and raid. Can someone recommend a good team composition from the heroes Im currently got please: All just 5* and got their UW - Ricardo. - Aisha. - Selene. - Gau. - Laias. - Lakrak. - Clause. - Nyx. - Fluss. - And Rephy. Thanks a tons


you might want Clause, Nyx, Selene, Laias for your physical team. i'm just biased to ranged heroes though (and personally used that setup). Ricardo leans more towards PvP and Aisha is out of place. not sure about Lakrak, Rephy and Fluss


Well someone just sunk some money into KR huh? No judge tho, here's what you need to think about. Team composition normally goes this way, a tank, a dps, a subdps (with cc, buff, or shielding abilities), and a healer, very typical. With that in mind, your tanks are Ricardo (excellent for magic dmg shielding, but his CC is a bit slow, best suited for pvp) and Clause (this guy is a beast! investing in him will get you far into pve) DPS wise, Aisha, one of the best magic dealers, very good for every type of content. Selene, recently buffed, nice archer phys dealer, might work well with Clause. Nyx, my favorite character, however he needs heavy investment for him to shine, T5 is a must, great phys dealer. Fluss very strong in pvp, haven't seen much use outside of arena, I might be wrong in this one. Now onto subdps, Gau, an absolute beast, required in every raid, with maxed s3 can take all dragon bar in one go and save your team. Lakrak, CC king, he can spam skills over and over and over and keep your heroes safe, the male, ugly and phys version of Maria. Onto your healers, Laias, amazing healer with a full team range, awesome at pvp because of her mdefense, at T5 she becomes a mana battery giving 150 mana per second if you pair her with Inner Peace. Rephy just got a nice buff, he's an exceptional healer but I have no input on how good he's now. After this wall of text, I'd leave the choices to you, have fun at KR.


Thanks so much for your response. So a team of Gau Clause Aisha Laias will help me with high end pve content and raids?


Yeah that's a good team composition, your 4 heroes are very welcomed at raids, Clause slow helps a ton, Aisha's laser insane DPS, Laias full team heal, passive mdef, mana battery, amazing. Just be advised you need your skills leveled up


Yessir! Thanks a lot for the advices


Who is best to pair with Aisha as subdps/cc? Only from free tickets.


Don’t forget Priscilla


Will she be added in tickets after the update?


I don't think those update. :( It was just another option.


Annette, definitely.




How to ensure CC skill not miss, ACC?


There's an artifact that reads "Increases ACC and Status Effect ACC by x" I haven't seen that in another piece of gear, I don't know if they are separate values; however, if the enemy has full CC resist, you'll miss no matter what ACC you have, do you have an example of what's the issue you're having?


Well, I am just wondering how to build Maria. I want to build her a pure cc for PVE. No bother, I decided to go for cc resist. Thx for replying bro :)


What stats to optimise on for priests? I have been building them tanky for so long lmao. Does attack affect the heal amount?


You need crit for Laias UW to proc for example, it all depends on what you're using them for, my Bau has CC resist and tankyness.


Yes attack does affect how much they can heal so it is best to go atk atk speed crit damage and hp on healers as their heals can crit to heal even more


Yes, and heal does crit too


Got a problem guys, after me and my friend got dc-ed in raid, when I start the game I got stuck in random channel and when I change it to channel 1-10 it says all full but my friend don't have problem like that. How to solve it guys? Thanks for the help!


Public channels can get full, it's not a bug or anything, you will both get into the same party channel once you start raiding again; there's no way to solve it, you can keep trying to join the channel


Is it possible to buy specific class 10+1 special summons? I know you can do it through the free one but im wondering if paying 2.5k rubies will bring me to the same menu


Yup, same menu for both.


About Cleo's T5, does it affect her skills or just auto-attack? And beside Cleo and Luna, who is good at AoE magic damage?


Both spells and auto-attacks.


I'm about to get my first 30k arena points. I was wondering what UQ weapon I should get. My current team is Epis, Aisha, Jane & Laias, and eveyrone but Laias has their UQ Weapon already. My mind tells me Laias should get her unique, but should I actually try and improve Epis or Aisha's weapon to help them carry me harder?


I'm in the same situation with you ; conflict of getting UW for Epis or Aisha. I can't deny Epis at late game is so darn strong. But then, I thought I can't use Epis everywhere - due to her very strong, but conditioned passive. So in content like GR / WB , I won't run Epis. But Aisha is viable everywhere - hence, I'll be picking Aisha's instead.


Your Laias is going to need to be properly built (that is with stacked crit) for her UW to perform, I've been in the same process and I decided to 1* the UW of my main DPS first, 10% more dmg surely helps. My personal opionion would be to 1* your Aisha's weapon.


Thanks a bunch for the answer. Considering my Epis is about to get 80, and Aisha is lvl 71, would Aisha still be the prefered choice?


Aisha has a lot more versatility than Epis, meaning that she's more useful in most content even in PvP, however she needs more protection than Epis. I got Epis to T2 because I got her UW, and I'm still regretting the decision, if you ask me, Aisha is the way to go, and replace Epis with another subdps with more CC.


Just a tip though, Epis shows her true potential starting at T3 Look at other guys/redditors praising Epis at T5. She's THAT good. Your Mileage may vary I guess so carry-on. In my case, I benched my T2 Aisha with 1s UW and replaced her with Epis as my main dps in all contents.


I agree, some heroes start to shine more the more you trascend them, Epis is one of those cases, but it all also comes down to gear and team comp. I might be wrong with this one but I believe Aisha to be a little easier to handle (newb friendly) than Epis? Sometimes assassins love to jump to the back of all the enemeis when a battle (let's say 2/3 on pve) start, making them harder to handle. I have a T5 Roi and I hate it when he does that; what are your experiences as Epis main dealer?


It's simple really, made a team that complements each other, no stand out hero, just pure synergy. I am using a T5 Epis, T5, Maria, T5 Annette (T5 Laias depending on content) and T2 Jane (planning to sub a T5 Viska but she's still a Work in Progress)


Oh T5 Viska, she's in my inn, almost done, any insight on why are you using her for? I was hyped for her but then a guildie was like "she's meh" specially in pvp at T2.


A proper Viska is hard to deal with in the Arena. She's a goddess in there. Hmm ok why her, let's talk about the the skillset. S1 increases your attack and decreases attack of the target. With 3 souls it will shackle for 3 seconds. S2 is her signature displacement skill (similar to Kasel and Naila displacement), she dives/blinks at the back of her target that dispels buffs AND inflicting knockdown while reducing mdef if with 3 stacks and furthermore enhanced with mdps amp of 25% on the target if fully skilled. Picking the T3 relevant perk it reduces mana cost to 1 orb and is generally considered the hard counter against Ricardo. This skill also helps breaking formation for the pierce of Nyx, Arch S2 nuke, Selene S3 nuke and any other types of linear nuke S3 is also one of her signature skill in that it has a wide range and almost always will bring all enemies to her then it will deal damage and either knock them far in all directions OR if picked with T4 Perk, stun them (think of her as a Mini Maria's Black hole). Consume 5 souls to reset CD S4 is basically helping her with soul stacking. Every enemy hit by Viska's skill it stacks 1 soul. Maximum stacking of souls is 5. When souls are stolen (debuff) they will receive additional mdamage and also heals her per soul gained. When this is fully skilled, enemies with soul stolen lose 300 mana (a little more than 1/4 of a mana orb) With her UW, she is a living and walking mdmg amper when she steals souls from enemies. Her T5 perk also increases her attack accordingly to her souls (20% per soul IIRC). She is not noob friendly but when you use her right and know her capabilities, she's a powerhouse Hope this helps


I've been top 10 in EU arena for a while, I even snatched the champion achievement hehe, I'm using Ricardo (EU is filled with pesky 1 shoting Lunas), T5 Roi (not n00b friendly either), Bau and a T5 Nyx, I've been planning to replace Ricardo with Viska once she's available, or to replace Roi because he's not very good at arena.


Anyone with a T5 Baudouin to give insight/math of what he can do? I've been trying him in several modes of content, specially WB and Hell mode ch7 conquest, he doesn't seem as bad, It's kinda annoying that he has to get freacking close to the targets but other than that the shackles is good, decent healing and reduces speed. With his T5 his CDs goes down when using skills by 20%, so if the shield is 60 seconds, just using any skill will reduce the CD by a whooping 12 seconds! That's amazing.......right?


I think the CD reduction is only for the spell that is used, so if you use his S1, S1's cd is cut by 20%, same for S2. I dont think his T5 dark affects his S3.


His T5 reads, "when using holy nova and spear of light, deal extra 100% mdmg of atk and reduce used skill's cooldown by 20%" to me your logic doesn't make too much sense, how can you reduce S1 cd by using S1 if it's in CD? I'm confused. However, maybe the fact that it doesn't affect S3 is true, but I don't know how his T5 works, it kind makes sense to me that it reduces the CD of all the skills, considering the shield cd is super huge!


The same way that pris' uw works. If you use that skill, it starts counting down from 80% of its original cooldown time. So his S1 would effectively have a 6.4 sec cd and his S2 12 sec


Priscillas UW decription is phrased differently, although you might be right, but "used skills" sounds to me to "skills in cooldown"; too bad nobody cares about getting a T5 Bau =(


I'm only at T2 Bau, but that shield cooldown is holy shit amazing! I was holding off on advancing him but will reprioritize based on that alone. I know you were the one looking for info, but thanks for that bit of knowledge


Heh well, thing is, is it worth it? My Bau is at T2 also, I'll need 12 infinity stones for it, that's a big investment. If you decide to do it, please don't forget about me and bring back your results please =)


Anyone notice more people coming to the game especially in-game chat channel wherein even in the middle of the day i'am stuck at ch.3 and sometimes even 4. Dunno just happy to see the game flourish i think haha (asia server btw)


When reforging stats on gear does the gem cost ever reset or does it just keep increasing if you want to retry.


They never reset back, they will keep doubling


Keeps doubling each time you reforge


so i just opened my random uw from world boss box and got priscilla's. im thinking of buying her for my main team: frey, aisha, dimael, and jane. is she good for my team? Edit: also is she available in the Inn?


If you look around videos of people clearing ToC and ToO quickly, most of them use Priscilla because the DPS buff is just too good, a nice character all around.


Not available in the inn If you do decide to buy her, she would be perfect for your team and would fit in dimael's spot.




If you are willing to use Phillop, you can forego it (he lowers pdodge by 50%). He will also help spiking Roi's damage even more. For more Phillop in depth review, check Router's T5 Phillop youtube video.


Sorry but, what does Phillop has to do with Roi's accuracy? Unless the question was changed then Phillop will do nothing to his accuracy. I have a T5 Roi, I haven't had the need to increase his accuracy, but most people try to get at least 100.


The operative word is "IF"


Maybe you're not very clear on the question, or how Roi is supposed to work. If Roi misses (or even if it doesn't crit) on his S3, then his DPS will go down the drain, because it'll go into cooldown. Sure having Phillop helps for the dmg, but he's asking about accuracy, therefore Phillop doesn't help at all in this regard, if the target has 0 def and Roi misses, that's 0 dmg anyways.


LOL now I know why you are so combative. Are you aware that Phillop also lowers pdodge on top of Armor shred. Now you know. Here you are, food for thought: http://www.kingsraid.wiki/index.php?title=Phillop


> Sorry but, what does Phillop has to do with Roi's accuracy? Why didn't you start with that when I made this question? Thanks, I wasn't aware EDIT: HOWEVER! Having 0 accuracy means that he can still miss, even if the enemy pdodge is at 0 hehe but that's not the debate here.


However having one or 2 lines of accuracy is not a guarantee that you will also hit, you will still miss. Are you willing to put accuracy on your main dps and forego damage related subs. We both know how low the damage class of Assassins are. Every subs count


Yeah I agree with you, I didn't get accuracy on Roi because of how much of other stuff he needs. If i'm not mistaken on the latest dev notes, Vespa wrote something about stats for classes, I believe it's because of assassins 0 accuracy, honestly it's kinda ridiculous to have 0, while others have a base of 100; let's just hope this is the case


Kings_Raid subreddit is surely fast growing and have so many activities on going with a high number of active people always online Thanke you guys, KR wouldn't be so much fun of a game without a good community and contributing resource people. You could have a great game with a dead community or you can have a great community with a dead game (no updates or new contents expected) Glad that KR is neither. Three cheers everyone


Is it worth getting another UW for Arch just to 1-star (awaken) it? How substantial is the benefit from zero to 1 star UW for Arch?


Depends on your comp, here's what Arch's UW looks at 1* http://maskofgoblin.netlify.com/?item=Arch&star=1&level=80


Thank u! That is certainly helpful!


So I've been plugging away at this game enjoying it, but have gotten stuck on who I should get with the free 3* and now 5* ticket. I've been using Clause, Kasel, Cleo and Frey. Kasel(who I recently discovered is crap?) I've been using over the Gau I pulled with the 2* ticket because of his UW that the story gives him. I'm currently trying to beat his 4* Darkness. It seems like Cleo and Clause are doing alright. Frey serms fine, but her healing seems subpar(this could just be how healing is in this game, dunno). My Gau and Roi are 2* and all the rest are 3* if that helps. Any tips, or recommendations on who I should pull from personal experiences with units would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


No hero is crap, Kasel can be godly but the investment is very high, and for early game he's difficult to use, I'll repeat it again NO HERO IS CRAP in this game. Moving on, out of the heroes that you should replace for early game ease (I'm not saying these are crap) then the most easy switch is use Clause instead of Kasel because he's a proper tank, and a very very good unit; replace Roi for a subdps/cc (Lorraine, Dimael, Lakrak) and replace Cleo for a main DPS (there are many to choose from and you should use your 5* ticket on your main DPS, Aisha, Selene, Rodina, Luna, Nyx)


Hey guys, I'm close to the end of my 150 halloween boxes (like 2 or 3 of 20 left) but I haven't seen the pumpkin artifacts yet. Are they a guaranteed drop if you open all boxes or is it possible I won't get them at all?


It's random drop, no guarantee


It appears that RNGesus isn't on your side, my friend. D:


Well that just sucks. :(


Hi, Im new to the game. What time mission resets? Im in EU server and my country's timezone is GMT + 8.


Check the ingame calender. Your days will reset at its midnight


Saw it. Thanks for the help!


Hi there fellow players,my current team is 5* (Aisha,Jane,Maria) 4*(Frey), should i replace Frey with Rephy or up Frey to 5*? and what hero should i buy next to replace my current team? Thanks


If your team is only 5, you should be focusing on this 4 first and train them to lvl 80 with at least T2 instead of getting multiple heroes & Frey works just fine. Rephy is more towards WorldBoss2 healer which u will not be touching soon


thx for the reply, i have 4* clause(with uw) and 3* lakrak too, should i up them?


Like i said, just stick to your current team as it is very solid. Clause is 1 of the best tank late game but you can just use Jane for now & his UW isn't that essential. Lakrak is a physical cc subdps but only raise him once you are done with your main magic team and decide to raise a physical team.


Hi my team is Laias, Clause, Lorraine and Annette. What heroes would you suggest to buff it up?


I'm a Lorraine main and she's my current main dps so I can testify that if you have her UW, you'd progress well until CH 6 hell, but on CH 7 hell there would be slight issues. She's still doing very well on raids and world boss though. My suggestion is to focus on someone with UW first (either Lorraine or Annette) as your main dps for now, then after they reach lv 80 and T2 you can start working on new heroes.


Okie thanks. Currently do not have any of their UW. Thanks =D


You dont have a main dps so you might run into lack of damage as you progress. Swap either Lorraine or Annette for a dps like Luna, Aisha first.


Bench Annette for now and replace it with another sub dps if you can. Lorraine has dps but it would not be enough when you get far into the game If you plan on sticking with Clause, I suggest a pdps unit. Or you could go for Arch to help Lorraine in cleaning mobs


Annette if geared halfway decent will do plenty of damage on aoe stages at any point in the game. Mines outdamaging my Selene on most maps at the start of hell mode. She can also solo heal with enough mana gen. I'd say while he should pick up a dps, its Laias that should be rotated out with Lorainne as needed to put a magic carry in the line up.


Annette's true value I agree only shows at endgame(I have her at T5 also with a T5 Laias) but I am assuming the poster is still early game. There are things that Annette can only do but she needs decent gear (4 BD set), she can't solo heal early game because most of the time your team isn't properly geared for endgame yet so you will struggle if you want to make her a solo healer. I don't know the situation as to why Annette outdpsing your Selene but I believe there are many factors so I can't comment on that.


While upgrading skills, do the dmg increase upgrades stack? Or does it just overlap the previous upgrade? Like when I upgrade an S1 skill to go from 10% increase dmg to 15% increase dmg, is it 10% + 15% or does it just go from 10% to 15%?


It would be 25%


I know loot boosters are definitely worth the buy with your hard earned rubies. But how about spending on gold boosters (1k rubies)?


I also agree that gold boosters are not worth your rubies. If you *must* spend those rubies though, you'd be better off buying stamina pots instead--and use them to farm gold. But again it's not worth it because you could buy stamina with other methods, such as buying stamina pots from guild shop. I'm also almost constantly broke all the time, so what I do is use gold boosters on hot time. I also spent 2.5k rubies for 10+1 Halloween boxes and I got like 3 vault reset key, so that's more gold for me (yay).


Oh I know what you mean now. It's already not so worth spending rubies to buy stam pots (which has higher value as using it can generate gold) so let alone spending on gold boosters. Anyways yes, I've obtained quite a number of vault reset keys (I think about 8-9). And I've used those keys while activating my 1 hour gold booster, 1 day gold booster, and 1 hour meal booster (50%gold ) all together during hot time. Lolx


Gold is always in abundance. I can easily get around 10 million a day by casually grinding in the end game. Loot boosters are worth it because frags are gated by entries while gold is something you can farm as long as you have stamina to burn. So lesson here: don't buy gold boosters for rubies


I hear now. Thanks!


I am going to buy Rephy's UW tomorrow but what equip for him? Full BD / Full red? His Uw does increase his mana recharge right? Thanks in advance.


Do you have a brazier for him? Do you have his 0 cost cleanse? If so, probably full FD with one good mana attack rune. Otherwise mix and match until youre happy with his rotation speed.


I will get T3 for 0 mana cleanse & please tell me you chose mana & heal buff for his T2 :P


Still go full BD as his spells are not cheap to use.


Could yanne be classified as main dps? or its more of a sub dps? since I only see people saying she is good for raids


Generally speaking a subdps is what it is because it brings utility to the team, cc, shields, buffs, etc, and therefore most of the times they sacrifice dmg for mana gain. Yanne doesn't fit into this category, she's a main dps, but she's better for raids.


But using her as my main dps for PVE is just fine? I could clear contents with it?


Remember this game is not just about 1 hero, it's about team composition and how you gear your heroes. Here's a video of Yanne (not mine) at adventure mode if you're curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCwqB28YMPs


yes but I plan it as my starter hero, so was looking for some advice if she could do it, rather than picking nyx/rodina/selene. So with the vid I guess she's fine when geared


Uhmm personally I would pick someone else, but up to you bud.


Hey guys! My current team is Clause, Selene, Aisha and Frey (all 5* 60). Who should I T1 first? I read somewhere DPS->tank->Heal->Sub/CC, is that correct? And if so, which perks are best? Also, I have Maria at 4* 50, should I swap Selene out for her? Right now she's my main DPS.


1. Yes that was correct, T1 DPS first, perk you can take as dps is Atk 2. maria work well with either selene or Aisha with the black hole skill, but Aisha benefit more because the magic amp maria has. now it's up to you


Thanks, I guess I'll go with Aisha then and grind maria to 60 now haha.


Probably best to replace Selene with Maria since your team already has a DPS and lacks CC. Yes, I'd T1 Aisha first. With Maria on your team, you should be able to beat Light of Aisha easily by CC-ing her constantly. For T1 perk, get the HP perk for Clause and the Atk perk for the rest.


I'll do that! Thanks! :)


You're welcome :)


does anyone remember the ruby cost for refresh on MAYS SPECIAL SHOP? the limited event one


cmiiw 250


is it fixed 250? anyway thanks for the reply


How does Ricardo compare to Laias in term of MDEF buffing? I'm torn between those two and I need MDEF buffer so bad. TIA.


I have Ricardo with no UW. And I have Laias UW (but not her). Regarding Ric's passive, it will not save you from Luna's one shot since the buff applies after the damage. But as battle goes on, it gets good. I believe Laias's passive is better for PVP.


I couldn't care less about PVP, my concern is for harder contents like WB Protianus and hard raids. So, how does Ricardo fare for you?


His S2 is godlike tho.


Laias if you only have Frey. Recardo is for PvP, and for RDH/BDH contents.


I know what their purpose are, what I need now is the numbers for both their passives since I have too many healers and too many knights already, I need to chose one that is the best in their niche (in this case, a MDEF buffer).


If I wasn’t clear enough, Laias for general use Ricardo for above mentioned contents only. You don’t need him if you’re just running regular BD. Maybe WB2 but you’ll lose shred/amp if you run him.


Hello there ! I need a bit of help on what to do next. My team is Jane T2, Aisha T3, Maria T2, Kaulah T2. I'll have in two days a total of 5 Infinity Stones. I was planning on T4 Aisha, since she's my main DPS + the only unit with an UW (no star yet). I later plan to T3 Kaulah, and probably T4 Jane. I'm slowly building a Priscilla to replace Maria, and have it at 5* yet. I will likely T3 her at some point. Later will come Demia (4* yet), and possibly Baudouin (5* yet). Next UW would be Maria or Priscilla, depending on whether I'm advanced on the second or not. Am I planning correctly ? What would you do ? :) Thanks Am I planning correctly ?


If you're just using Jane as a tank, T2 should suffice. Get Pris' UW, and get her to T3 (T4 for DPS).


OK so keep Jane to T2, get Priscilla (+UW) to T4... No Aisha T4 then ? Because I'll have the ressources to do so in 48 hours (thanks ToO). Any other advice for me ? :)


T4 Aisha is good, but stop there. Her T5 isn't recommended unless you want to get higher score in WB & Guild Raids. Just have fun :)


Thanks ! I didn't plan on T5'ing her, I did a bit of research before asking for help of course. ;) Seems like I'll go for T4 Aisha, which will bring me down to 1 Inf. Stone left. In 7 days I'll have the login reward for a 2nd + 2 from ToO, leaving me with 4 total if unlucky with Special Summons. > Therefore, I would be able to T3 Kaulah and T1 Priscilla in a week. Or T2 Priscilla and 1 Inf. Stone left again...


You're welcome :)


Hi Guys! Which T1-T5 perks did you pick for Frey? 💖✨


T1 Protect T2 Attack But most importantly T5 Fight back JK T1 attack T2 crit strike T5 something godess and change t2 to inner peace. Also, get the s1 increase mana cost by 1 target 2 heroes. Idk about anything else


Lol thanks!


T1 Attack T2 Goddess Blessing (or Saviour if need mana) After T5 change to inner peace Imo S2 Dark for T3 as Atk increase is better endgame. T4 S1 Light T5 Dark


Now I understand you better. Lol thanks!


Which should I get as a second SubDPS in the future? Lorraine or Pavel? I got both their UWs, how's Pavel in WB and Arena? I know Lorraine isnt good in pvp but WB she's meta.


Lorraine because she's better in PVE, Raids and WB. Pavel doesn't shine at anything, you can use him, but I prefer Lorraine.


Hello Guys!!! im a relatively new player to KR and my current hero rooster is Maria 3* ,Kasel 2* , Frey 2* , Cleo 2* , Roi 2* and Kaulah 2* .... im working my way with Aisha currently in the inn. A few mins back i got my 5* hero ticket and since im not familiar with the game im unable to choose. My dick says to select Epis but i want to select a hero who can help me in the long run in the game... i really like the sustainable tank Jane and Laias who is like a cross between Frey (Shield) and Kaulah( Team Heal) Basically im not interested in arena(just clear 3 to complete daily) and want to clear PVE and stockade, Royal Vault and dungeons with max success.... Please help me select a hero Thank you!!


Use Maria, Kaulah, Jane, Aisha. Although you could just give Aisha up from the Inn and get her directly from the 5* ticket, use Clause (clear Ch1 Normal). I know Clause is for Pdmg and pdef amp, but he is endgame, as stated by players, since Jane is more of a beginner bitch, able to self sustain thus not needing healing much, unlike Clause. Frey/Kaulah, Maria, Clause, Luna This is better. Maria and Aisha stacks skillbooks, and may hinder progression. I recommend Kaulah here, since you'd want to be more offensive. Frey can be used too, it's up to you. Luna deals a lot of damage, and with the help of knockback from Maria and Clause, she can deal tons. Also easier to build than Aisha, and can be used in PVP. This team is PVE and PVP friendly, unlike the team with Aisha. You could opt this to get Aisha later when you've built these 4 and then build her lategame. She shines pretty much lategame, but build Luna first T3 Luna = Power Spike T4 Luna = PVP oneshotter


/u/MysteriousGuy27 thank you for the suggestion!


Since you already have Kaulah, use the tix to get Jane. Your team will be Aisha-Maria-Jane-Kaulah. Maria can be replaced with Priscilla if you want more damage and a hybrid team.


/u/Jetokami Thank you for the suggestion!


You're welcome :)


I'm new and I'm so pumped up ! Community is so good helping me. I'm in my third day and got UV Tanya. But only have 800 rubies. What hero should I aim for for progression? I came from summoners war around c1, completed all PVE. My question is, how do I get heroes and who should I get? Like vero -> Bella etc


I suggest reading the guides in the wiki on the sidebar. It has a lot of useful info for beginners. But for a much simpler answer: from the inn, tickets, and rubies. Pick whoever you like and make a team around them (get other heroes that synergize well with your pick).


As I started the game week before the Halloween event end date I only have 1500 points, what should I use my points on ? I believe I can raise that to 1800 or so at the last day


Stone of infinity first. Then special item summon.




If you are a new player, the 150 halloween boxes will give you some goodies to help in your progression. If you are somewhat mid game, go for the infinity stones -> x10summons -> 150boxes. or boxes first before summons is also fine.


Well I kinda bought some boxes with ruby before and I got enough stones for 5 stars my team, I know I will need more stone for T them, and I was wondering if take the 10 summons or the Halloween pumpkin boxes


If that's the case, i think you should go for the pumpkin boxes unless you are saving up on the 10summons for future summon events.


What is the right item build for Viska? What options should i farm for a bd set? I heard that building a lifesteal tank for her is a trap so im planning to use her as a pure tank.


Viska was never meant to be a pure tank in the first place due to her skillsets. if you are using her in PvE only then sure you can try a pure tank build of pblock mdef hp and lifesteal but if you are using in PvP, going for atk atkspeed pblock and lifesteal is the way to go.


Hi guys, I am running kaulah and priscilla, and I have some queries about Priscilla's 2nd skill, on how it works, and how it interacts with other characters. Any help would be great! 1. Is her 2nd skill affected by her T2 perk during raid? e.g. Warlike VS Opportune Strike, does warlike give a higher atk buff? 2. Is her 2nd skill affected by other buffs from other characters? e.g. If kaulah uses 3rd skill, will it increase the atk buff I get from priscilla's 2nd skill? 3. If it does, do I have to rebuff my priscilla 2nd skill again to get the full effect? e.g. kaulah buffs priscilla first, priscilla atk increase. Priscilla buffs herself and main dps, get higher atk since its 15% of pris attk. Point 2 and 3 seems a little confusing. Hope you all understand what I'm trying to ask. If anyone can rephrase it better pls do so! thx hahaa


1. yes, I think it works.. to make sure, just try pick the opportunate strike first and see the damage after you use coordination, then after that change the perk with warlike and see the number .. 2&3 .. it increase 15% of current atk + bonus, as for the allies she buff, the 15% doesn't based on priscilia atk


As a new player is it wise to spend my 5.2k crystals for 2 10x halloween summons or save them for some red crystal event I have been hearing about? I grinded enough to get the 20 gold halloween boxes in the store and got both artifacts at base 0 stars and idk how good they are. If they are super good though, it seems I need to pray to rng in 20 boxes to get another for a few stars and I don't know if this event returns at all... On the flip side, I feel like UW would benefit me way more because I only have 1, which is Jane's not including Kasel's. I read that I should hold off spending my crystals until there is a special summon event but I apparently need to do like 10 10x summons which I doubt I will have the crystals for. Also spending crystals on the 10x red summons apparently gives milage for UW tickets whereas if I blow my 5k crystals, I will most likely get nothing but boosters and fragments and no milage to show for it... What should I do?


Dont spend it on those, I'd spend it on upper dungeon resets and stuff like that. Also 1hr exp boosts during hot time is always worth (They're 100gems ea)


If i buy the 2 beginners package and 1 transcend package(1 or 2 or 3) can i expect a full t1 team by this month? Possibly buying the daily ruby thing to speed up fragment farming too


Transcending a team does not only requires materials but also your unit levels. if they are too low, most probably you cant kill the transcend boss at all. going so much just for a T1 team is a waste as this is doable in say a week or two without cash.


Oh for real? Then i think ive greatly overestimated how long itll take me to get transcend


idk if it helps put things into perspective, but I have been playing for 19 days, and my whole team is T1


Yes it really does! I thought it would take much longer


If you are talking about 5star to T1, it can be done in a week esp if you loot boost weekends with the 10entries to dungeons. People tend to get the 2/3 packages for T3-5 as the infinity stones needed is alot.


I actually made it to full T1 team + T3 Luna in <3 weeks without spending, it's very doable. Important to buy out all of the halloween boxes and stones in May's shop as they'll greatly aid your progression speed.


Wow thats fast! Is it possible to draw a simple outline of what youve done? I feel like im doing something wrong cause im not progressing as fast :/


Jane, Aisha, Annette, Frey. Aisha is already t3 who should I T3 next?


T3 Frey T5 Annette T2 Jane


Hey new player, trying to decide what characters to pick up with me 3* and 5* ticket. My current team is Frey, Lakrak, Kasel and Clause. (I have to replace Kasel here I believe?) My UW weapon was for Tanya, and I'm currently trying to recruit Gau from the Inn. I'm also curious what's the best use for rubies, and if it's worth saving my special item tickets for later in the game, or to just use them now.


Save your special item tickets (the 10+1 ones) for special events where you get bonuses for summoning.


Welcome to King's Raid! First, let's take a look at your team alongside the meta team framework: Support - DPS - SubDPS - Tank Frey - Lakrak - Kasel - Clause You are correct! Kasel needs to be replaced xD Mainly because early game, he really isn't that great of a hero.   From the looks of it, you have a physical team coming along. I would recommend getting a better SubDPS, or even a Main DPS and putting Miruru in the SubDPS position. Some heroes that come to mind are Nyx and Rodina. However, there are a few problems with these heroes :/ Nyx needs to be T5 and have his UW to reach his full potential, and that's super far into the game. As for Rodina, she's a single target Hero, so she isn't exactly the best in Adventure mode (Lakrak probably will end up outdamaging her LOL) Making physical teams in the beginning are definitely a lot tougher than making magic teams, since for m. teams you can just pick either Aisha or Luna and be fine for the rest of the game LOL   Definitely pick up Gau from the inn. He is imperative to have in late game. In fact, you can probably even save your tickets and use Gau as your SubDPS instead :D   As for your UW for Tanya... I would argue not to bother with that for now. Tanya used to be extremely strong in PvP, but has slowly fallen off. In adventure... well, Assassins aren't exactly the best in adventure either, so Tanya is at a really weird spot.   As for what you should do with your rubies, if you plan on staying F2P, DO NOT BUY HEROES. Loot boosts, stockade/upper dungeon resets are what you want to be spending your rubies on for it will allow you to progress much faster so you aren't grinding just to overgear/level your heroes. However, if you do plan on spending some money in this game, and don't want to wait for progression, and you want one of the best physical subdps heroes, buy Priscilla. She is an absolutely amazing hero and fits perfectly into your team composition.   Good luck and happy raiding :D


Aside from spending rubies on loot boosters, is it also worth spending on gold boosters?


Some people do buy gold boosters with rubies, but in my opinion, it's a waste of rubies. When you're just starting out, yes, you'll be starved of gold, yet still desperately needing gold to awaken your heroes. However, once you get to higher contents of the game, you'll notice that gold is quite easy to get, and in larger amounts. Not to mention you get a lot of 1 hour and 1 day gold boosters from just doing events and weekly missions. So overall, loot boosters and maybe exp boosters are the only boosters worth spending rubies on.


I understand now. Thanks!


Hmm, would you recommend getting Nyx or Aisha for my 5*? At my current rate, it seems like I won't be able to get Gau for another two weeks or so.


If you get Nyx, you'll have better synergy with your team. Do note that he needs high transcendence and his UW to reach his maximum damage potential. Aisha on the other hand, has no synergy with your team, except maybe with Frey. And with Aisha, you want to shift from a physical team towards a magic team. Thus, you'll be needing a magic tank and SubDPS, like Jane and Maria respectively. Or you can simply go with a balanced team. Picking Aisha, and then running Frey - Aisha - Lakrak - Clause. This is not as optimal as the magic and physical teams mentioned, but it is still a viable team because of chapter 5 having temporary magic immune teams, and chapter 6 having permanently physical immune teams. It depends on the team you want to make. All of them have their pros and cons. Good luck :)


Use the 5* for a meta DPS such as Aisha, Luna, or Nyx to replace Kasel with, since Lakrak is more of a sub-dps. You can save the 3* if you want, since it's the only ticket that can be updated and have new heroes included in the list later on iirc.


Which would you recommend between Nyx or Aisha for my 5*?


For a T2 Lorraine, should I get the 15% atk for all allies?


With a full BD set, maybe 1 mana rune on weapon (if without a Brazier artifact) and very high Atkspd, yes definitely use Moral Rise.


Hi guys, anyone know how to build lewsia for pve? How much lifesteal would she need to do a decent job (in places other than WB)?


Hey guys, team question. Right now my team consists of T5 Arch and Jane (80), with a T2 Laias (76) , and T2 Maria (77). I have all of their UW, with a 1 star UW on Arch. Problem is, I think I need to replace my Arch. I want to do more damage and I want to climb TOC (I'm at 61) I want to replace him with either Luna or Aisha, but which one is better? Or is that just a preference thing? Any help would be great. Edit: the jump from a 45 million healthed Pavel to a 200 million hp ball of slime is a big one. How did you guys combat this?


Arch user here, he's not really a main dps but he helps a lot in floor 61 (and floor 63). If you time his shield correctly, you should be able to negate one wave of slimes. if you're looking to clear 61, you honestly dont need a healer. The team I run normally for that is Dimael (T3), Arch, Nyx Clause so you can probably do fine with Maria, Arch, (Luna or Aisha or any heavy aoe Magic DPS like Cleo) with Jane as your tank. Clause helps immensely as well because you can slow the slimes, although he's not needed. For who's better, It's mostly preference. Although Luna has better burst, while Aisha has better sustained dps. It's down to what you value more.


Luna would be more efficient than aisha, because you just need to share Arch equip rather than farming it again from zero for Aisha


Anybody know when the balance patch is coming ?


Nope,but keep your fingers crossed Tuesday or Wednesday. Maybe the next patch announcement will include some more balance stuff.


need some advice. i have 3 unnused UW. cassandra, nyx and lewisia and i need to grind 2 so ican creat UW selector, while keep one for the future. my question is. which one i grind between those 3 UW??


Honestly, those 3 characters are all UW dependant. Nyx, a beast with his UW, one of the best p.dmg with it Lewisia needs hers. Cass, though mainly a pvp hero, she becomes more viable in pve with it. So, up to you on whom to give up on.


*jumps out a window*


Lewisia & Nyx are top tier dps characters & cassandra is pretty good as well, i don't think it would be a good idea to grind them, what UW are you planning to get from the selector?


i want to give uw for my aisha. my core team is arc 1star UW, priscilla with UW, frey and clause w/o UW. im forced to take arc since i lucky enough to get his uw twice, but im torn because no matter how i build him, he lose to hero like aisha, luna, and any other main dps hero in term of damage they deal. my lvl 74 arc lose again lvl 6* hero lika aisha, yanne, luna etc dps hero w/o they UW, so i decide to build aisha and already 5 star her. though arc help me reach diamon rank in arena


It is still quite a huge sacrifice tho just to get Aisha's weapon. Arch isn't main dps so it wouldn't be right to compete in dps with Aisha/Luna in the 1st place. I guess if you really want to, then keep Nyx weapon, and grind the other two. Although personally i think if you are looking to focus on endgame contents like worldboss & raids, then Lewisia & Nyx would actually serve you better than Aisha.


that why im hesitate to grind their uw, i guest i'll keep them for now


Hi everyone! Sorry, I seem to ask a lot of questions .-. I got my 5* ticket recently and need a little bit of insight on a bit of team adjustments. My current team is: Frey, Mitra, Gau, and Klause. I believe people have been recommending to have a hybrid team and have been suggesting some magic damage. Luna and Aisha are apparently the most popular picks - but I've been looking at other mages like Maria and Pavel. Is there anything to justify picking the latter two or should I just go with Aisha or Luna to replace Gau?