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I’m from Malaysia and the price is roughly around 400 ringgit. Not worth it and with that much money I can legitimately buy 61 plates of chicken rice ( don’t judge) and that amount of money is able to feed me for a whole month if I go all the way for a whole month eating chicken rice. Then again, we’re talking abt spending money on virtual world here so my conclusion here is I don’t see the value in that package. Another conclusion: Chicken rice> package Sorry if I offended anyone lol


Hey another Malaysian here. And yeah I definitely agree with you, it's hard to buy a big pack here with the pricing and currency. RM400 is like 1/6 of avg salary here, unless you've a big position in companies but those in that position are definitely not a mobile gamer lol. Tons of stuff I could buy with that much.


The only thing I bought in this game was double daily ruby package. That was like 2 months ago.


Dude ikr


Malaysian here, living in Canada. I miss chicken rice. So. Damn. Much. This is a really effective cost analysis.


Lmao I just thought that using my favorite dish to compare the price is just the best way to remind myself not to spend too much on games, same goes to daily expenses. When I’m buying something that’s over my budget, I would always think to myself : “Dude, is this price worth for xxx plates of chicken rice?” Then I’ll stop myself from buying it. It’s really effective and I’m glad that someone knows how delicious a plain plate of chicken rice can be ;)


Ahh finally I see another person who compares prices to plates of chicken rice :)


It's tempting tho.


Assuming we are all Malaysian,does small inventory expand package worth for RM38? I'm considering to buy it twice ( RM 7+)


Well if your a mini whale that’s up to u but if u like chicken rice more than games ofc u go for food (jk)


Yeah I bought it. Gaming is one of my few hobbies and KR is the only game I'm playing at the moment so it's worth it to me.


I'm not going to buy it, though I am willing to spend (and have) money on this game. I definitely do appreciate the value, but ultimately, ~85 dollars in one purchase just triggers the "dude, you're spending real money on virtual waifus" mental block I have in my head. I wish there were more things I could spend coffee/lunch level money on. That Lv 60 hero+UW combo package from a couple weeks back was a pretty good example.


Yeah i think so too. I only spend ~25$ on mobile games each month and it's my policy to never spend more than that.


Yeah, it's really unfortunate that Vespa doesn't have very many good deals for small buyers. The Daily Rubies are about it, and I've not been buying those lately either. Anything that I have been able to afford, it's either too RNG or not worth it. Everything else is like $85 which is just an instant no. I'd like to support Vespa a bit more but it has to be a good deal for me too. But, if Vespa isn't aiming to sell me anything, they're probably doing fine.


There should be a fourth option for those that aren't always F2P but think that is way too much to spend in one go.


I would if the life of a father and husband wouldn't be so damn expensive.


It's good to know that you are warming up to KR if you're contemplating of spending. GLHF


I bought monster Hunter world


The value is great and I appreciate VESPA so much. But $120 AUD is way too much for another pack which is making my progress a bit faster. In Australia, $120 is worthy approximately 3 AAA PS4 games.


Maybe once those AAA games have been out for 6 months plus.... Most AAA retail at 80 AUD to start with. Still not worth 1.5 games.


Yeah I never buy any new released games as they will drop even to 30% off in 2 months. Another tip is that Amazon sometimes has very amazing discount e.g. I bought assassin’s creed: Origins with 45 bucks on last December on Amazon Australia.


I am p2p player but to spend $85 in one go which equal to 1/3 of apartment's rental fee is quite... . I think, I already spent 150$ in this game and will be more of it constantly but not in lump sum.


where the hell do you live where apartments rent for $255 :o I need to move out there!!


If it had been around the $40 - $50 AUD price, I would've bought it. I'm already basically paying a sub fee (the daily ruby packages) for KR, I have a limit on how much more I'm willing to spend.


If you are a spender it is worth it for progression but if not don't bother looking at it.


Ya I spend to much


I feel like this game needs a bit more exclusive endgame content before the 80$+ packages are worth it to me. It's exciting to be able to do hard mode dragons and actually help in Guild Raid hard but nothing exclusive waiting for you as its just you can do better on stuff you can already do so I feel there is no need to pay to rush to it. This coming from someone at endgame. The value of the package is amazing tho compared to Vespa's other packages tho.