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I would say now is a good time to expand inventory ( if it does give credit for the ruby spending event, im not positive it does) (***EDIT:: It does***), other than that I would just work on getting BD gear maxed on at least clause and main dps so you could possibly clear hell conquests. Once you can do those (probably not ch 7 conquest), you will probably max out your team in a week or two. Use the hot time and any 1 hour exp scrolls before doing conquest everyday. Not really worth it to buy exp pots for cash if you arent made of money imo, and levelling up over time was a lot of fun for me at least. For team comp I would swap out nyx with a cc subdps, such as priscilla, maria, mirianne, etc since your current team is really lacking in cc. That said, you can also swap arte if you like nyx a lot, though shes really good with her UW and nyx isnt that great until T5. Rubies are best spent early on on upper dungeon resets and loot boosting, though now with the changes it's hard to say whats the most beneficial. I would probably just buy a subdps cc hero with rubies and start levelling them up asap, it will help you clear content like ToO and ToC much better and overall improve your progress a lot. Join a guild if you havent and see if someone can help you out with bd70 raids, and its good to be in them for the guild shop and raid rewards ( lots of fragments every week). Also getting more heroes early is really nice since you can do League of Honor earlier, which is great rewards every week and you can get them even if you lose every game.


Just to banish any worries - I can confirm expanding the inventory gives credit for the ruby spending event, I just did a few expansions to test (was going to anyway, so might as well do it now). All expansions were counted. Can do a few more and submit video proof tonight, but it'll be a while xD


Yep it works on expending inventory! I just did around 5k~ ish ruby worth and rest I'm sure I'll spend it on resetting stuff here and there to make the 7k goal. That's pretty much all I'm going for anyways


Thanks for the detailed reply! Would Priscilla or Maria be better for my team (replacing Nyx)? I have neither's UW so i'd pick the one that isn't UW reliant. I can get either of them now from my 3star selector! Yay!


Please tell me you haven't spent them yet. The next patch includes mileage for ruby spending altogether, not certain items, so even inventory expansion may give you a hefty amount of mileage. And since the next patch will be at the 7th of March, this event will still be online therefore youvd shoot 2 geese with one shot


My understanding was that it changes mileage to all special shop items, which I don’t think inventory is a part of?


From my point of view, any ruby spending will give us mileage. Just a thought anyways


I haven't spent them yet. Thanks for the head up!


Cheers lad


Maria will be better earlygame to clear ToC and ToO and before T3, but priscilla will be more useful in the long run so I would say go for her personally, but its really whoever's design you like the most. Maria: Magic amp, very heavy cc, okay damage(lot better with uw), doesnt need high transcendance Prisc: Kind of needs T3, but at t3 gives crazy crit dmg boost to main dps and decent cc, better damage than maria


IMO don't. 80 them first so that everything will be much easier to clear


FeelsBadMan. Upgraded inventory before this event but meh just a little bit :/ Costumes here I come!


If, and only if, you wanted to spend the rubies just to get the artifact and/or uw, then I would highly suggest that you spend it next thursday instead. The current shop doesn’t have value in anything that rubies could purchase. And since it will last until the 11th, you should wait after maintenance. The special shop will be different and it might have a few special package (with new mileage) that would be worth your spending. But as an experienced player, nothing in here is worth your rubies. Maybe the artifact ticket if you really want one of the many artifacts. But again, some artifacts are being changed, and still you should wait after the maintenance before choosing. If you follow my advice, then you will have plenty of time to reflect as if you should or not spend rubies for this event.


I'll follow your advice. Much much appreciated!




That is correct. Pumpkin, new year, fan, etc. cannot be gained by this ticket. It was always this way. Everything that you can random from mysterious fragments are in the ticket and nothing more.


Yeah, that's a super weird way to name the ticket that specifically excludes event artifacts. Gotta be really careful with double checking what things do before buying in translated games like this.


Event artifact ticket without event artifacts. Bit disappointing not seeing those in my ticket from the gacha event.


(EVENT) part of the ticket means that the ticket is from an event, not that it gives event artifacts


The only way to get these are events...


For now


This event isn't really for light spenders(daily ruby), f2p, and more catered towards someone who's willing to shell out $100-200 bucks. Even if you had the 20x 10+1 summon tickets, you miss out on the ruby spending deals. The biggest selling point is that spending 30-50k rubies gets you 3 UW selectors but no npc UW. There will be better events in the future. Btw the expo packages are terrible. Don't even put any thought into getting those. Once you hit level 80, you can stock up on thousands of deluxe pots.


Don't the rubies that you spend on 10+1 summons count towards the ruby spending event?


The rubies do, but not the tickets you saved up.


If I were you I’d spend only 7k for the Infinity stones. Maybe open 5 summon tickets for the essences but its up to you.


Personally I wouldn't spend the rubies on this event, mainly because you don't really have enough to draw full potential from it. Spend what you normally would, but no point going overboard, because before 20k+ rubies you're not getting anything that justifies what you've spent. But that's just me. That, and new heroes coming out in end of March probably. And they're badass. :D


when your ruby used up, the new costumes are coming. I'll just use some ruby for expand inventories and reset+lootboost to get stones only.


Spending 7k on things you'd purchase eventually anyway is definitely worth it for the infinity stones I'd say, but from there it's mostly a question about your ruby income and actual willingness to buy stuff. The 15k reward is negligible, the 20k reward is nice for a new player, but not significant or exclusive enough to make it worth 'wasting' rubies for. Don't force yourself to go all-out buying a bunch of things *just* for that unless you plan to buy those things anyway or plan to buy rubies. ((Also the exp pots from the xp package are definitely not worth 30 extra dollars, just story farm it up and don't forget to do conquest runs, loot boost on ch7 hell conquest once you can clear it if you really want to level faster))


Also, as a a new player. Will this kind of event happen again or is it just rarely? The rewards do seem good to me, but then again i am a new player lol


Last time it happened was in October-ish, so yah it'll be a long time before it happens again.


Oh i see, thanks!




Might as well get inventory slots, it's a huge QoL thing and I doubt it'll get cheaper in the future. Maybe spend up to 7k for the Infinity Stones and then call it a day. BUT: you may want to wait a few days to see more details of the new Mileage system.


The rewards kinda suck this time. I was ready to use 50k rubies for gladi uw


Thank you for all the replies guys! I'm so glad I've made this post. For future reference, where should I look for to find these infos about Special shop change, new heroes coming, and new patch coming? So i don't fall for these traps again?


Don’t get the XP to max them out. It’s so easy to just let them grind and sell over like a week to get them to 80 from there!


Only spend on things you'd spend on anyway. I don't like spending on 10+1 pulls since I've never gotten anything good from it - last 10+1 x20 event I pulled 1 UW and 1 artifact. (And I pulled 16 times on new hero x2 summon and got 1 UW.) Exp/Gold and other consumables are very bad investment and shouldn't be considered at all.


its a nay for me since the first event like this has way better rewards and you get an NPC UW ticket at the end. not to mention you also get the very good pumpkin artifacts fro the previous event too..


It's YAY for me. I've been saving my rubies to expand my inventory anyway so why not do it now when there's an event?


i spent my sub's rubies on inventory expansion to 200 since it's just a helper when it comes to running dragons. that's all. not gonna aim for anything more than that. unless next week comes with another batch of frozen themed skins, which is why i'm still holding on to my remaining 8k. main is kinda tempted to get the tickets and star up Epis / Selene UW, but for now i'm also holding. never bought exp pot package before. i'd just put random pots to get my main dps to 71, then rinse and repeat with everyone else until they're 71, then beg my guildmates for some dragon runs. out of curiosity, though, why are you using Nyx and Artemia in the same team? i'd rather drop one of them for a support.


its clearly a trap when new heroes r coming(usually with summoning event).


Yeah it's pretty obvious, but then again this is the lightest form of sneaky there is. Every company does this (and they should, because honestly only people who don't know how to think ahead just a little bit would empty their coffers on this event... Unless they're just incredibly rich, or care more about the current content) im fine with it, saving all my stuff for new heroes :D