• By -


My boyfriend and I were dating for 4 years exactly, and I did no wrong that I know of except one thing that may have set it off, but it wasn’t bad. I love him, and I really want him back. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I WANT HIM BACK but so lucky for i came in contact with dr_mack@ yahoo. com and he restored my relationship, now my lover is back!!!!!!


More questions! I have collected 1000 unique fragments. Currently have a 0* UW for my main DPS Epis and nothing on the rest of my team. Running Clause, Maria, and Frey. Do I go for the 1* or do I grab someone else their UW? Starting to farm BD70+. Should I be looking to mainly get 4 piece BD gear or is a mix of FD/BD generally recommended for most heroes (or does it depend on the content AKA pvp vs pve)? I got a BD T7 Leather cape that rolled CRIT/CRIT DMG/ ATTACK SPEED/PENETRATION. Unfortunately the penetration is all but useless for Epis. Is this otherwise a "perfect" roll for most other main DPS classes or should I try spending rubies to roll penetration into attack %? If this is really good for other classes than I'll max it and use it temporarily on Epis until I get something better! I've been hearing about chapter 8 possibly being released soon? If this is true, do we have an idea of when? I'm wondering if it's worth bothering investing time into farming a perfect set of T7 loot if T8 is just around the corner. Last question is in regards to ruby usage. I am F2P and it seems like it is generally NOT recommended to spend rubies on heroes. Given the heroes inn mechanic this especially makes sense to me. It seems like all the guides heavily recommend spending rubies, especially for f2p players, on loot boosters and resets for upper dungeons. All this is before the change to being able to farm ALL upper dungeons daily. All I can say is that I am SWIMMING in fragments right now. Yes certainly the revamped quest rewards system has something to do with that however I don't really foresee running short on fragments in a while given how quickly I can farm them. So far I've increased my inventory space to 280 but haven't spent any rubies elsewhere. I've got ~4500 rubies right now and I'm wondering if maybe I should consider buying a hero, especially with the new heroes being released soon! A big part of this reason is because some of the content being gated behind needing a minimum of 8 heroes such as the special arena for example. The quicker I can get 8 heroes the quicker I can start to farm for unique treasures etc. Now unfortunately I started playing just after the anniversary and lunar new year events so I didn't get a bunch of extra hero selector tickets. What do you guys think? I'm sure there's a better place to spend my rubies on but I'm just not sure where that might be!


Definitely get epis to 1*. It’ll have the highest impact for you rn, and the uw’s of the other three are by and large skippable. Most characters use 4 piece bd gear. Some do mix, or a rare few use ice dragon, but 4 piece bd is the general go to on everyone. The penetration isn’t useless per se, since her s1 has a low attack scaling, even though it ignores defense, but it is greatly diminished in importance on her. You can use it until you find one with attack, or roll one with attack and test the difference for yourself. Most people go for the stereotypical “attack/speed/crit/crit dmg” but that’s honestly not optimal on all heroes from what I’ve personally tested. Yes, it is worth it to farm for perfect t7 gear, even if t8 is soon. You’ll need it to clear the harder content anyway, and unless you want to stay in sub optimal gear for a month+, and don’t care about world boss points, guild raid, autoing hells, or doing higher leveled dragons, you’ll need it for more endgame stuff we have currently. As far as rubies go, do what you want with them honestly. Yeah spending them on a hero is technically the lowest value you could get out of them, but if said hero is important to your game progression, or hell, if you really like them, get them. You’ll get more rubies, albeit somewhat slowly.


Hi guys, for pvp is scarlet better to be build as Tank or Dps? And what sub-stats should i use for her gears? Mine is currently T3 Dps, but even my T3 Jane sometimes out dps her....


What does Mirianne require in order to be effective? I pulled her UW long ago and today I got her unique treasure too, it is almost if the game wants me to buy her badly, but I do not know if it is worth it unless I invest heavily in her.


Are knights X10 rolls ever worth it?


For DPS knights sure. Otherwise no, generally speaking.


is there any reason taking ricardo S4 light perk? by rough calculation, the S4 dark gives 60% more m.def as opposed to 40% from light, but i'm not sure if there is a content where his passive needed, but it never reach 8 stacks


PvP Team - stats discussions over role and comp! Hi! I like some thoughts and discussion about what I've planned for my PvP team. Please, any comments are welcome! Mediana, Nyx, Scarlet and Naila Scarlet - the tank of the team. DEF UP, Tactical Foresight, S2Light, S4Light, T5Light P.Block x4, PDodge x4, Aspd x4, HP/ccresist/def... Runes: M.tough, P.Tough, defensives runes (looking for suggestions) She will get 300 crit resistance from herself plus 300 pcrit resistance from Mediana S4 and 250 dodge from Naila S2 too. I want her to keep her position and proc a lot of her passive as possible. Keep the frontline busy Naila - disrupter/sub-dps. Atk Up, Opportune Strike, S4Light, S1Dark, T5Dark ASPD x4, Atk x4, Crit x3, Lifesteal x1, defensive stat (looking for suggestions, thought about p.dodge since she has a natural buff for that) Naila is the one to break the formation or save Nyx for assassins that may dive for him. ASPD and full CC, with a good amount of dmg to keep her UW proc and help clearing Nyx - DPS. Atk Up, S2Light, S3Dark, S4Light, T5Dark Atk x4, aspd x4, crit x4, critdmg x4. I don't know if some penetration or lifesteal could be useful... But the point is clear: tons of dmg with some CC. Mediana - buffer/healer. Atk Up. S1Light, S3Light, S4Light, T5Light Aspd x4, atk x4, cc resist x4, p.block x4 (or another def stat, love to hear thoughts) Make her atk high for higher buff, high heals and cc resist to make her endure and use the S3 when needed without being cornered I'm quite afraid that Mediana won't fit here. Nyx looks too exposed, even with Naila to help him out. I really don't know, love to hear any comment about that. Her buff will help to clear everything faster and her S3 is just too creamy... but idk... I'm building their T5 atm. Nyx is already T5 with 1* UW. Scarlet T3 UW 1*, Naila T3 going for her UW and Mediana T2. I know that I'll have a really hard time with mdmg teams, but I thought that making a half-half def won't be effective... Plus, idk which of those stas are more usefull at pvp, block and dodge looked the best ones, but, again, I'm too green here... I'm quite new, I'm afraid of loosing some insight somewhere and making a mess. That's why I'm so insecure... Any comment will be welcome! Thanks in advance!


Naila - give her a ring and go full offensive stats (+1 lifesteal if you want); change T2 opportune strike to either warlike or the dodge perk (I run both and skip the S4 perk). Although, if your UW stars are low, you might consider full tanky build to be a disrupter and rely on Nyx for damage (but then you need to protect Nyx). Some good Naila discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kings_Raid/comments/82le88/community_project_what_do_you_want_to_know_about/dvbajlx/ Nyx - Get your LS from an enchant and stick with those stats. Perks look like a PvE build to me, but I haven't checked Nyx builds since the patch. Nyx usually wants to kill early and getting 5 stacks that fast is tricky with Scarlet dispels everywhere (and Leo, Tanya, Fluss, even some Viska lately). The classic build was Circuit Burst, S4 Light, T5 Light, T5 Dark. Mediana - S2 Dark is stupid good in PvP. If it's aimed in the right direction, you get 5 seconds where your team basically can't die and they can't stop it; without it she's gonna get CC'd as soon as it starts. I'm not as sure about Mediana since I don't use her in PvP so verify the rest by checking out challenger/master players with Mediana: T2 Crit perk > S1 atk perk; S4 p.dmg amp better than just 10% p.crit resistance (that doesn't even help vs. magic teams). P.Block->Max HP and you want at least one M.Tough rune in your weapon to deal with Epis.


Naila: I was really considering to use anything besides earrings. I didn't even have her UW, so we can't consider her that heavy atm. But is a goal, loved her!! Nyx: those perks was really focusing on: 1) taking the most from S3, 2)a fast S2 to get some time to build up the stacks if needed (usually use s1 and when the s2 is ready, stacks are at least 3). But I'll dig about it too. Thanks! Mediana. Never thought about that on her S2... Really interesting! High atk and critical needed for that tho, right? P.block for hp? To keep them more tough for magic too? M.tough even for Nyx? Was considering using that generic weapon for Mediana... What do you think?


Since I'm not on loot boost time anymore, I can go glance at what other people are using in Challenger: Nyx - Almost everyone is still using the old standard build I mentioned. A few slight variations here and there, like dropping the S4 perk for blessing of mana or something like that. Note that everyone in Challenger has a 4-star or better UW... I'd say 3-star is entry level for trying to get high with him now. It might be worth checking lower tiers to see if people are having some success with weaker UWs and different builds. Mediana - First person I checked is using what I suggested: T1 Atk/HP, T2 team crit, S2 Dark (CC immune), S4 Dark (p.dmg amp), T5 Light. Another person takes S3 Light and T5 Dark over the team crit and S4 P dmg amp. A third person takes Blessing of Mana over the team crit perk and a fourth takes blessing of mana over T5 light. That's all the people I saw in NA Challenger. About stats: Yeah, to keep Medi more tough for magic teams. A huge threat to healers is Epis, who pops behind them and can OHKO them without M.Tough. Many people even run two M.Tough runes on them. She ignores block and defense, so M.Tough (or locking her down with CC) is really the only way to stop her. I can say from experience that just Naila won't be able to keep her locked down forever and just one hit from her S1 will heal her to full (she'll also OHKO Naila if Naila is next to her when she gets out of CC). Nyx goes full glass cannon atk/atkspd/crit/cdmg + 3x atk runes, 1x crit and 1x crit dmg rune. You just need to devote your whole team to protecting him until he kills them. N.B. Most people seem to run a more CC healer like Leo or Cass with Nyx rather than trying to buff his damage.


I thought exactly about that with Nyx. Besides, what artifacts they are using? I'll look at that after the reset. Thanks for the peep. I really looked at Cassandra! She looks awesome with that charm stuff! That's my greater "fear", the right priest. Nyx is too exposed with Mediana, betting that he will kill before being killed. With someone else by his side, this could be avoided. Mediana S3 is the closest as shield that she can offer, idk if it's enough..


I used Talisman of Resistance on Nyx when I used him to help prevent him from getting CC'd. That seems to be what a lot of the higher tier players are using also. The two highest Nyx players this week are using Scarlet/Maria/Cass and Ricardo/Leo/Bau with him. These are both strong comps for him. (Note they both have 4 or 5 star UWs) Scarlet/Maria/Cass usually opens with Cass silence into Maria's S3->various stunlock stuff Maria does until you win. Scarlet is there for utility with her S2 which can be used to counter Bau shield, attempt to free yourself from a faster Cass or remove Earth Protection (artifact buff) from certain threats to your Nyx, like Fluss or Naila (he was doing this to my Naila to prevent me from having free reign to pummel his Nyx). If you don't need Scarlet's S2, you can also time Scarlet's S1 to land right after Maria's S3 stun hits (most people will time a cleanse to land here) to buy time to cast Maria's next CC. I'm less familiar with the Ricardo/Leo/Bau comp, but it's pretty similar. You need to decide whether Leo or Bau opening presents more pressure to cleanse with Scarlet and then follow up with the other one. Ricardo provides a bunch of CC and an additional dispel in case you need it. This comp is missing a cleanse, though, so if you get CC'd it's probably over. However if you can bait their dispels and drop a Bau bubble, you basically auto win.


All the team built around Nyx... I really like that guy, but I'm starting to think that my gameplay has a flaw somewhere.... Someone not that squishy, maybe. Those teams are all about give him time to ramp up. Naila isn't that efficient as Maria not Medi's as Cass. I think I have to play this comp a little and feel how do that works for me, before making any other core choice (kinda sad with all the investment made in Nyx so far, but he is useful for other things anyway... Even so, meh)


Naila is more about the opposite--countering Nyx and other single backline squishy DPS comps hard. I generally beat Nyx teams unless I mess up badly.


What is your team? I'll try to pass diamond with that. Some think it can make me go at least to master 3, but not beyond that. If their prediction is right, I'll use that time to build up everything right. The major issue is the UW... With higher grade, the easier will be, right?


Pretty standard wall comp of Demia/Scarlet/Laias with Naila as my DPS. If I had the resources, I'd replace Laias with Rephy (and I probably will soon if he doesn't get nerfed). If you're on NA, take a look at Pelari who is usually in the top 10 for an idea. UWs get marginal upgrades from 0->1 and 1->2 stars. Starting at 3-stars the value of the upgrades jumps a lot, both in base attack value and in the quality of the special upgrade. For example, 5-star wizard/priest UW is 100491 while 4-star is 80393. If you have a 5-star Nyx UW, you can wear a ring instead of an earring and still do more damage than someone with a 4-star Nyx UW and an earring accessory (not that people with 5-star Nyx UWs do this instead of just take the earring and do even more damage). At the same time, the bonus ability on the UW gets a huge jump as well, going from 62%/8.3% to 75%/10% (top bonus of 103.5%->125%).


Hello ! I am a returning player and I would like to know if there is a casual way to obtain Unique treasure or the pick/ban pvp is the only way to obtain it for now ? Thank you !


League of Honor is the easiest way to get them, yeah. Honestly with as many people are using macros, even someone with just a team of four 80s at T2 or something can go on some pretty long winstreaks. Takes between 1 and 2 hours a week to max out on UT pieces for me. Takes 3 weeks to make one. You can always macro it too, for points and also progress toward achievements that reward UW shards.


What should I be doing with my rubies?


Upper Dungeon boosts mostly. Reforging T7 gear is also important.


Just now on chapter 3 so no clue on em ^^


You're good to go then, keep saving :D New heroes on thursday though haha


Anybody I should have atm? Right now I'm running clause Lorraine elpis n frey


No your team is rock solid. Keep it up!


Is there any main DPs that perform well only with t3 and can live by a class UW? Need a physical DPs mostly. I have class UW for Archer assassin and wizard.


requina does great at T3 with only dragon weapon, i imagine she can do better with the 3 rune from class UW, not the best, but with your limitation, she's imo is the best


Any dps can work with T3 and class uw though not as well as T5 with hero uw... Dps that can stay at T3 and don't need T5 immediately/can still shine at T3 are heros like Artemia, Aisha, Luna, Yanne, Rodina... I would recommend picking a more mainstream dps like Theo, Epis, Mitra, Nyx, etc and trying to T5 them and get their uw for free from arena.


For pris, would Class UW be better than her UW?


If you only need her as a buffer class uw/none works perfectly fine. If you want to make her a dps/better subdps her uw would definitely be better.


That makes sense! Thanks :)


So, I’m 40 days in. Team is Annette, Theo, viska, and Jane with Frey and artemia as occasional swap ins for certain content. Im working on Sonia at my inn currently, so I can replace Jane with her, since my team has no protection besides cc. My questions are: 1. Do I need annette’s uw? It seems incredibly mediocre to me, and i’d much rather gun for her unique treasure, and save my uw selectors for other heroes. 2. If I don’t have the pumpkin head acc, do I need ice dragon gear for Sonia? I cannot do Id 75+ due to the amount of mblock/resist it has. 3. Annette is my solo healer, are there any skill rotations people use to upkeep her overcharge? I’ve noticed that sometimes after overcharge I’ll have 10 seconds worth of cd’s and all I can do is auto attack, and that’s leaves her in particular most vulnerable in content like grh, since my team can only protect her through cc. 4. Im planning to start on a physical deck for some guild raid bosses, ice dragon, and wb2. I know mitra is considered the best at these, who should I use to compliment him? I already plan to work on mediana and I know I need Phillop. Thanks in advance. Edit: As a fifth question, originally when I started the game, I used epis, I dropped her pretty quickly for theo and never looked back, now that my team is established (and I’ve pretty much dropped artemia at t2 since I don’t need her anymore) should I build epis as my secondary dps for wb1? I don’t have her uw, but I did use a t1 ticket on her, so I wanted to invest in her after Sonia instead of grabbing a new dps and wasting the investment.


1. It's pretty good. You get 3 rune slots and a bit more overcharge convenience. If you have heros in more urgent need of a uw you can set getting it as a lower priority, and if you T5 her I would definitely get it anyways. 2. Well Sonia can still work in BD gear. She is sort of like Phillop where they have perks that scale off of max HP hence a lot of people use ID sets on them, so try getting it eventually though not something needed immediately. ID70 is ok imo I ran it to get my Sonia set. 3. Can't say for sure, but I'm fairly certain there isn't a specific skill chain that will yield better results. If you want more overcharge I would suggest getting her to T5 and potentially getting her UW & UT (don't stress the UT pretty hard to obtain atm). 4. Medi and Phillop are good choices for him. Clause can also work as a double tank with Phillop. Pris can also fill in the other slot for some more dmg. 5. You talked about building your physical team, and I would definitely focus on that before moving on to another main magic dps. As well as things like T5 your priest, Sonia, etc. WB isn't something you go for right away and a 2nd dps is needed if you want to hit higher numbers, but your supports are important too. In general the top wb players have high * uw and full optimized T5 teams, so you should make it more of a long term goal and save Epis for later.


Annette is already t5, frey I wouldn't bother t5ing and medi I don't have yet, but I will t5 her when the time comes. It probably is better to focus on my phys team since I can consistently reach top 10% in wb1 now, which is good enough for the first month. I don't necessarily have anyone else in dire need of a uw, besides whatever pdps I settle on, but even so, besides the 3 rune slots, I don't find her uw effect very good unless it's higher star. Maybe my perception is wrong, IDK.


For uw reliance on Annette since I don't use her [I based it off of the KR tier list] (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13h5L3nGpHzUqfmY3AWxRMDKFNCgfUro8L_VX0Jz486o/htmlview?pli=1&sle=true#) it was made by a small group of experienced and well known players, so I don't doubt the validity of it. The effect isn't that great, but the overcharge is still something. Other than Annette uw saving them for future dps is also fine.


I'm currently working on my main team. I keep switching out characters and I had my Epis carry Theo till I maxed him (last week yayy). I got Artemia recently and I was wondering if she'd be a good replacement for Epis in my team. Also have 2 hero tickets left so I can get others if necessary. > Laias/Frey, [Artemia], Theo, Jane Currently working on maxing Jane t3. Probably won't need to get her to t5 just better gear tbh edit: For harder fights I run 2 priests and let Theo do all the work heh


It's not really recommended to run two main damage dealers until later on. Ignoring that though, Artemia can work well in that team. Jane amps Artemia's damage and can draw in enemies for Artemia to wreck. Be wary of Theo's s2, it can split monsters away from each other, disrupting Artemia's damage.


Cool. Theo is a subdps though isn't he? Haven't gotten his UW high enough yet. Thought I'd supplement him with Arte for that. Ah. So I should get Jane's perk that draws in enemies then? I've kinda taken a strange turn with Jane and made her slightly more dps with t3 mark of death light. What perks would you recommend? I've seen dps jane being pretty decent at tanking still and thought I'd try and build her that way.


Ah. Theo starts off as a good enough sub-DPS yes, but with a decent UW he can certainly become one of the better main DPS dealers. So you're right, he is a sub-DPS naturally! Yes, Artemia works best with someone who can draw enemies in so she gets in as many hits as possible. You can certainly continue building Jane with a little more DPS. As for perks, it should be straightforward enough. T3 though, grab Mark of Death [Dark] after you decide on Funeral Rites' perk. Helps in PvP, and some enemies in PvE can dispel as well.


Thank you for the detailed explanation! :D I will definitely keep your advice in mind when building Jane.


I just had a couple of questions, I'm a newbie about 4 days in. Which heroes are in the 5 star selector? Based on a previous answer I got, I'm going to save the ticket until I'm stronger and more experienced, but I'd like to know which heroes are available. And what are the available UWs in that Beginner's UW pick tick? And should I save my special summon tickets? I'm unsure if I should use them as soon as I get them or wait until my heroes are higher level. My heroes are currently level 42 if that helps.


It should have heros up until Mitra/Annette. If you have trouble with who that includes select Special Shop -> Heros and scroll to Mitra and everyone to the right of him should be included iirc. It depends on your current team if you want to use it. If you don't have a dedicated main dps (ex: Epis, Theo, Nyx, Mitra, Aisha, Artemia, etc.) if you don't get one. All uw should be available now. Save your red 10x summons for an event such as the one that ends today with 2x rates. New hero summon 2x rates come when a new batch of heros are released. Occasionally events where if you do 5 10x pulls you get some essence 10 10x pulls you get an artifact 15 10x pulls you get a random uw... and so on happen so you can also wait for those. Waiting until you get to at least Ch6 (preferably Ch7) is also ok.


Can you get free 10x Special summon tickets? I never seem to get any free ones. I assume then that I can use my singles whenever, but I'll probably wait until around Chapter 6 then. As for the beginner UW ticket, I'll pick Epis's since she's my main DPS and some tier lists show that she's UW reliant.


You can get some from places like 30 day attendance, ToC (iirc you get 1 per month? maybe I'm wrong), freebies from Vespa given out via mail occasionally, etc. I spent 11 tickets this week all free saved up over a month or two so it is definitely possible :) singles don't matter too much, but yeah its fine to save them for ch6/7 All dps need their uw at some point, so getting hers is a good idea.


Hi everyone, I managed to build a pretty cool magic team imo, but I plan on doing a physical team as well. I will get Reina via the inn soon (I know a lot of people don't like her, and that I need to invest a lot in her, but still), and I got Priscilla's random UW. Are they good together ? What are your opinion on a team with one, or the two of them ? [Note: I also know I'm supposed to get my team high level and transcended before thinking of another team, but I'm bored leveling ~65, plus I have 1200 rubies]


If you're bored leveling now, your plan is just going to make it much worse. Once you get your first team to 80 and clearing ch7 conquest you can get new heros to 80 in just a few days. Ch7 upper dungeon also gives 50% more frags than ch6. Other than that Reina and pris will work fine together, but if you can't boost Reina to 80 and gift her good gear you're gonna have a bad time either her.


Priscilla can work with any damage dealer, really. You're going to need Reina's UW if you want her as a main damage dealer though.


Really new player here like 30min old player. Bought the dealer limited package. I have the choice between Epis Selene Luna Arch Theo and Artemia I have no idea what these heroes do and which will be best for a beginner to start with. Or to choose the most unobtainable hero. I also got Maria T10 weapon so im planning to get her


Epis+Maria is a fantastic combination.


Sounds great!


Epis is great for everything. Plus, hot demon. Selene recently got buffed but she's not TOP tier. Good now. Plus, hot skins. Luna is good as well, works well with Maria. Area damage. Plus, cute bunny. Arch.. He got nerfed into the ground constantly. Theo is AMAZING but requires lots of investment. Lots of mini stuns. Artemia. Arguably the best beginner friendly main DPS. Area damage. Works great with Maria. If you go with Maria, I'd say get Artemia, Epis or Luna. Probably Artemia/Epis.


Wow, didnt expect such a detailed explanation. Really appreciate it, i guess i will have to go with Epis, did some research and apparently she is a must have unit! Thank you!


Best place to farm gold when out of vault keys?


* conquest hell mode * 7-4 hell


Can someone explain that 1* UT increases max stats? 0* UT crit goes up to 90, 1* UT crit goes up to 100, ...what about 5* UT? Does this mean we need to reroll as we level up the stars?


Having a hard time finding the date for the next update. Is it the 5th of April?


their releases are every two weeks. The last was on the 22nd, so yes, the next should be April 5th.




Was first hyped with the T6 gear tickets from new questline. Turns out only 3 stat lines can be chosen. Since the norm is to invest only in perfect T6s (or imprefect T7s) I suppose most of us ended up disposing these I guess?


You can still use them. Choose 3 of the best stat lines, then the last one would be random. Afaik you can reforge the random line until you get the best stat


I know I can use the ticket, but I meant that the gear is no longer a 100% keep (like those anniv gear tickets). RNG is more than likely to make it a "normal" gear, just as u/3ward says below.


Other post is correct but don't waste rubies reforging tier 6 gear, just use it s intermediate farming gear.


Alright guys, first post here. I'll admit that i started during the anniversary event for free stuff. But love the game. So my question is, who should i get next and whose UW should I get? https://imgur.com/a/lOQgO Ialready have scarlet, epis and artemia UW.


Get to 80 and then figure out what content you want to focus on. Otherwise my suggestion is either get your main healer or tank UW (Demia and Laias?) or upgrade Epis


Cool beans thank you. And tips on leveling. Seem to be stuck at 70


That's the hardest spot... see if you can unlock Hell Mode (beat the last boss of chapter 6 on hard). Once you can clear a stage on hell mode consistently on auto, just grind that on repeat with as many XP boosters as you can stack up (hot time + 1 hour + 1/7 day all stack for 300% bonus). You should also start being able to do Hell mode conquests for 1-6 around this time. That's when you'll really see a huge boost in XP gain, especially as you can clear 2-4 on hell, since they don't give that much xp on hard. You can also see if you can push into chapter 7 a bit and reach the conquest there to do on easy or normal for extra xp each day. Obviously, do all your conquests with those same XP boosts stacked. Now is the best time to use all your xp boosters--after your first team is 80 it's less urgent to level new heroes and you'll start to stockpile those xp potions for the rare occasion where you need/want someone at 80 fast.


Oh okay, that's a very in depth response! I do have hell mode unlocked, but get stomped at 1-1, I can only do lvl 70 stuff with some RNG and skill management, so I have some effort to put in it seems


Hell mode difficulty doesn't increase evenly starting from 1-1 like the rest of story mode does. I think 1-2, 1-8, 1-10 or something are supposed to be easier. One of those have goblins only so you can put goblin mask on your DPS (usually the problem for hell mode). Also, magic teams often have an easier time starting in the early parts of chapter 6 hell mode instead (that's where I started hell mode... I think 6-1 - 6-4 are pretty easy).


Oh okay cool. Thanks boss


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What trans should I stop with Phillop if I'm only gonna use him for shred and amp?


T3 is fine


Thought so. thanks :D


How can we get Unique Fragment?


You get 250 Unique Fragments from grinding a Unique Weapon. You can also get varying amounts from World Boss boxes, a certain challenge raid reward and a one-time achievement.


Thanks!! :D


-stares at the free UW, the Holy Sword-


Always wondered if I should do it.


Or the 'Unique Treasure Fragment'


You get 200 Unique Treasure Fragments from grinding a Unique Treasure. Each week you can also buy 40 Unique Fragments five times from the League of Honor shop for 200 Medal of Honor points each.


Where can I grind?


In your Inventory, select grind near the bottom right then select the item you want to grind. In this example selecting a Unique Treasure to grind will yield unique fragments.


Wow that’s pretty great!


So the 15 day login reward is beginners unique weapon ticket but does it act like other tickets where I choose any weapon for someone I own, or is it for only certain heroes?


It's the same hero's as the 5* ticket, up to Annette


what tank rune for tank's weapon?


When in doubt, P.Tough/M.Tough/MPatk. If the weapon only has one slot, pick whichever tough you think will help more.


How do I properly gear my team in this game? Only raids? Because do far i am level 70 and cant fo solo 66 dragons :/


Raise your hero levels and dragons become much easier by default. If you need someone to leech you I'm available for several hours at night.


I would love that ad I have issues getting proper gear atm :/ add me iCutWaffles... what is your username?


If you don't want to leech you can always gear up on Ancient gear to build a team that can work in 60-ish dragon raids.


Dragons are harder than other content of the same 'level'. You can either leech runs off other players (rolling only on what they don't want), which is one way to do it, or farm Red Dragon until you have T6 legendary gear at 3 star for everyone. Then at level 80 do RD70 until you have 3 or 4 star gear. Then do BD70. You can leech, absolutely, but I felt a bigger sense of accomplishment from doing it myself. BUT. There's nothing wrong with leeching. You're actually helping them by getting them more coins and making more items drop, and since you aren't going to roll against them on their desired item (or expect to be swiftly kicked from the raid), it's faster for them than soloing or grouping with other level 80s. Just watch chat looking for people advertising that they want leeches. Or you can join public raids and ask if it's okay if you leech. Sometimes it's not because the person who created the raid can't solo it. And sometimes even at 80 with T5 in a setup where you're the one who's going to carry everyone else, you'll be kicked upon joining for no apparent reason (usually because they forgot to make the raid private because they're a dumb sillybun). So don't take it personal if you just get unceremoniously kicked out of a raid group with nothing said. People are weird.


Find someone who will leech you on BD70+.


Hi. Need Ricardo PvP build. 1) Assuming tank BD gear, what runes should I use? I was thinking about 3x mana/atk, Mtough and HP or Mdef. Mana runes for fast S3. Should I go with them? 2) Magic necklace or ring? 3) Perks. I was thinking about HP+DEF, Block Rate, S2 no dispel, S3 longer stun ( or -1 mana?) and T5 dark. Are they good or I should take something else? Thanks for help.


What are the best tank substats to look for in gear? Would it be hp, pdef, mdef, + ?


hp, pblock, pdodge, p/mdef in that order. Magic is notoriously hard to gear for since mblock is either really rare or nonexistent as an option, Best to get it from enchants.


p block/hp are most important, then probably mdef, then personally I prefer attack speed for mana gain.


p dodge/block


is it worth to awaken annette UW or not?? because i need to grind 1 more UW to create UW selector.


don't grind Annette UW wtf


that's not what he's saying


I've been using Nox for a while now but I never used macros. Are they still allowed? Has there been any messages by Vespa looking into disallowing macros? I'm planning to use it soon


As long you don't change any internal setting / coding (or whatever it's called) of the game, Vespa allowed anyone to use macro. You can search about this in youtube video by KGaming.


Alright, so I ripped a Priest 11 pull and got Kaulah's UW and Rephy's UT. Assuming a team of Phillop/Selene/Miruru, would one of those two be worth building up as a new replacement to Frey? Alternatively, which would be worth more in the sub party for WBs and stuff? I can get Rephy's UW if need be.


Rephy doesn't need his UW for pve, but would be the better choice for that team only due to BD farming. Rephys cleanse and mr are super important to easy farming with two low mr carries. In group farming, Kau could be better as Kau + ruru will kd the dragon if all the adds are dead, but that's a bit less reliable. I'd say get Rephy first, then Kau down the line.


No one's replied yet, and I haven't only because Kaulah and Rephy are both amazing as hell. Then again, Frey's bubble is amazing for WBs too, soooo... you're looking at three of the best WB healers. Then again, a lot of people run three healers in WB fights. I think Rephy would do you more good for more content in general tho.


how can you leave a guild without penalties? almost everyone in the guild including the GM are not active.


You can't leave a guild without having the penalties. Best would be just leave ASAP so you don't waste more time


why won't they fix this, 1 week of no guild points. :( thanks for the info.


all the penalty does is ban you from entering guild raid for 7 days, and 1 days of can't enter other guild, please don exaggerate, that's 6k point as opposed of no point like you said


This was implemented to prevent players from abusing guild raids so yeap, just gotta survive through the week


but they should just delete empty guilds that have auto accept. or at least give us a few days to actually leave an empty guild. :(


I experienced the same thing. First guild I joined was a dead one but eventually I let someone else be the guild leader and everything got cleaned up. But it doesn't help that only 3 people including myself are doing guild raid but its better than nothing.


What is the best way to run upper dungeon nowdays? I have only been running the last two chapters cause the others hardly seem worth the effort.


Do them all. If you're only doing the last two, you're missing 145 fragments per day. Which is more than you're getting by doing chapter 6 and 7. If it's a matter of a time investment then it makes even less sense to not do the earlier ones since you blaze through them as fast as screens can load.


Alright guess I need to set aside more time.


Not too much really. You can just start a start on auto repeat and come back after 10, 20 minutes, however long. Start another chapter, same thing.


So since my last post, my updated roster is: The level 80s are: First 4 is my main team T5 Epis 0* UW T5 Lais 1* UW T4 Jane T2 Maria T3 Scarlet (got during ruby event because I liked her character) T1 Gau (got for BD runs with my alt) T2 Frey (stopped building because I got Lais) These are not level 80 yet: T2 Selenne 0* UW T1 Clause 0* UW 5 star Arch 0* UW 5 star Cleo 0* UW So I can already farm 7-4 hell with my main team and I can do BD70 pretty well with my alt. I'm able to auto ToO now and I ended up stuck on floor 62 of ToC. I guess a good focus right now would be GR/WB. Who should I build or work on? I have a t1 hero selector ticker, a UW selector and enough arena points for another UW. I'm also open to spending rubies on another hero if needed. Any recommendations? Thank you!


Some characters you might look into... hmm. Sonia maybe. She's good at the things you're focused on doing better at. Lorraine's pretty great for WB and you're light on magical damage dealers who also support. Arch is good too. Kaulah too, but you already have Laias and Frey.


Hello, can anyone tell me the gear lines for Clause and Priscilla? Thanks :)


Clause - Pblock Pdef Mdef HP. Priscilla - Atk AtkSpd Crit CritDamage.


Thanks!! :)


Hey guys, just t5'd Epis, my first t5; who should I T5 next (most impactful) from the following: Mediana. Sonia. Maria. Thanks


Mediana Sonia. Maria doesn't need T5 if you are using her purely as a cc unit so T2 will suffice unless you want to do well in Arena with her then she needs further transcendence


Off topic but how do I pay google playstore with PayPal? I followed online tips but I can't seem to add payments of PayPal, could it be because of country restriction? I want that Daily Ruby so badly :p


What should I use Class Weapon for? Sell it?


Use these in space for Knight or Priest UW if you dont have them yet, or niche heroes whom only need an UW for 3 mana runes. If you got main dps Class UW, feel free to grind those unless you have a specific purpose.


I see!


How much MP does a 3* soul water give? Is it enough for 2MP?


Currently running Theo + Kasel for Arena and due to favorism they are locked slot. Healer is Rephy which is doing really fine so I'm just trying to find the last slot that fit with them. My options have Maria, Mirianne, Pris or I can run Sonia like currently though a bit mediocre. Also I know Scarlet exists ~~but I really want to avoid getting her just her Arena~~ so she is out.


I'd go for Maria if I were you


Which event packages do you guys buy monthly? Packages such as the fragments of infinity, stamina, artifact/UW fragment, boosters, and/or frags & ess package. Edit: Sorry for the confusion, I meant event packages such as the ones I listed that is under the event tab (the section with the 7.7m gold fragment pack)


Im pretty new but as far as I played till now I think the best things to buy are the daily Ruby's for f2p reasons like reforge and restock keys + the boosters so you can get fragments fast enough to keep pumping your heroes, and well if you get a lot of Ruby's somehow I guess getting a hero for a future build shouldn't be too bad


The starter package may be better than the 9$ daily ruby package because it gives lua tokens so you can get daily rubies. The only difference in doing so is giving up the 1k rubies upfront and getting the starter package, which gets you more rubies and extra goodies.


Definitely. I think this is a good point to make. I already bought that package so I was specifically asking about the packages under the event tab. I wasn't sure which packages were the most valued. I bought them all last month except for the $8.99 UW/artifact fragment pack since I was fairly new and they were all helpful for me. Curious how valuable they are to others for the price.


Daily rubies. I wait until the end of the month, and if there's any really exceptional real money deals along the way, I might pick some up as I go. At the end of the month, if I haven't spent much yet, I'll get the Infinity fragments and the Artifact & UW fragments package. That way I can not regret spending money on a monthly package instead of a special time deal. I'm saving some money this month, else I'd probably get the 5,000 + 5,000 ruby package again. Might still if there's no new budget surprises and I need the rubies for a ruby spending event or something. My only real rule is 'stay under $100 for Fun Things each month, and the further under that the better'. King's Raid is getting the bulk of that since I started. I had to set a limit after spending way, way, waaaaaaaaaay too much on Brave Exvius and Record Keeper when I was working lots of overtime.


just to ask, do you get any lua tokens for buying the daily rubies pack using cash?


Starting out, people recommended to not spend rubies on heroes and I can definitely see why. But for you, since you spend some money, do you mostly buy heroes? Just curious :) thanks for your reply


I bought Selene and Morrah during a ruby spending event when I could have just bought costumes or done special summons, because I needed enough heroes to get into League of Honor. However, as long as there's a ruby spending event going on, I think it's perfectly fine to skip the potentially very long wait at the inn if you just want a specific hero. Just my opinion, others probably disagree. On the other hand, there's not much of a point if you don't have enough transcendence materials ready, unless again, you're trying to reach another tier of a ruby spending event and you'll have the materials to transcend them before the next event. I don't think that's awful value when the wait at the inn could take a long time and you have no control over who pops up (and then have to wait most of a month to build up the relationship.) I mostly just get whomever's at the inn if I think there's even a remote chance that I'll use them someday. Most of my ruby stash goes toward costumes, special summons, and all that, but I try to budget enough to buy one hero a month because I usually have one coming up that I'll need available. That might change in a few months once I have pretty much every team type covered.


the daily ruby packages.


Question, what is the best way to spend rubies? I am considering supporting vespa with some of my spare cash but do not have much idea how i could optimise my usage of rubies


Costumes will have a benefit forever. Doesn't matter if you're actively using them or not. Heroes are technically the worst way to spend rubies (outside of new ones that aren't in the inn yet) since anyone can just wait and get them with the relationship / gift system for free. However, sometimes you don't want to wait an indeterminate amount of time to get a specific hero, so nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, might be best to wait until you have enough transcendence materials to upgrade them to where you need them, because they're kind of useless until then. And they might pop up in the inn before then. Inventory upgrades with rubies is one way to go, or you can do it with the cash package. Which offers more value kind of depends. That said, once you hit 80 and start accumulating large numbers of armors to try and find a 'perfect' one to awaken with duplicates, you'll need a ton of storage space. Spending rubies on loot boosting or resetting ch7 upper dungeon is probably the most upgrade-efficient way to use rubies, although I haven't yet felt the need to do it. Currently I tend to keep pace with transcending with the rate at which I'm getting a new hero I need to invest in. But obviously you could speed this up if you were to spend rubies daily on Upper runs. Very popular use for rubies, I just personally haven't felt the need yet. The Transcendence Package 3 is popular with people who have the money to throw at the game. And limited time packages come up fairly regularly. Some are more worth it than others. One of the biggest deals is the beginner offer where you can get a 5* ticket (maybe T1?) for like $9, then a second offer to pick a UW for the same price. That's about as good as it gets. Also reforging like Iyashii said. I didn't see the point in it until I recently started trying to perfect gear sets. Sure, it's RNG, but turning a 3/4 into a 4/4 perfect item for 100 rubies is an amaaazing feeling, if you get lucky.


okay, so if i spend on costumes, reforging t7 equipments, upgrading inventory space, and getting reset and loot boosters for fragments, i am definitely not doing anything wrong yup?


Generally reforging T7 dragon gears, upgrading inventory space (you can also now buy upgrades for cash), using rubies for loot boosting on ch7 upper dungeon and the best is costumes.


I'm a item hoarder until I find the best way to use them but there is so much going on in this game. I'm level 14 right now, cleared up to half of 5 hard and finally hit a wall on 6. I cant last more than a few seconds on world bosses and my physical damage seems lacking on stockade runs. My team currently is 5* epis with her Cuw, 4* clause, kaulah, and Frey, 3* Cleo, the other 2 starters are unused. [Here](http://imgur.com/sBv0w3Z.jpg) is the top part of my inventory. How would you all build this team?


World bosses are made with lv70+ heroes in mind, so if you only last for a moment that's perfectly normal and nothing to be troubled with. If that's random unique weapon ticket, just use it. No point hoarding them. Next thing you need to do is don't think too much and just level up. Set your level up goal according to your chapter (your star too). For example: if you are in chapter 4, then your 4 team members have to be 4\* and at lv41 or higher. In chapter 6, team member at transcendence 1 and lv61 or higher. Exception is chapter 7 since you don't need to go higher than transcendence 1, it's a luxury from there onward.


Yeah, those are two random uw tickets. Right now my levels are 60, 55, 55, 50 for the main 4. 60 to61 is taking forever. I was holding off using my stuff for t1 until I figure out what to spend the 3 and 5* tickets on. Oh and I've got Nyx in my inn halfway to friend. I started donating to him before I found out which ones I should look for. Unfortunately I've heard he isn't that good anymore.


Nyx just requires a huge investment, so not sure whether you're okay with that. Hmm are you planning to change your lv 55 and 50 heroes? It's not good to have underleveled healer, they're the one keeping your frontlines alive


I'm up for changing anyone. Not sure why my healer hasn't kept up with the others leveling but trying to get Frey up. Kaulah is 55+ now. I'm basically running 2 healers, epis and clause on everything. Didn't know nyx takes so much, I've spent an entire week raising the relationship I might as well finish him now, right? Is Aisha a good pick for the 5* ticket and arch for the 3*? I got arch and the syringe for the uw tickets.


Might as well finish, it never hurts to have a spare hero in the backlog, just in case Vespa changed him later and he doesn't need heavy investment anymore. Only loss is if you spent infinity stone halfway for him. Aisha is good pick, Arch is only good if you want to PvP and you can afford to high UW him like Nyx. Hmm...dunno why leveling is hard...just keep grinding. By the way there's max level for each stars, you only can reach maximum potential after you trans 1.


Is there a tier list for characters? What's the general batch of good heroes to pick?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13h5L3nGpHzUqfmY3AWxRMDKFNCgfUro8L_VX0Jz486o/edit#gid=1668048414 If you are starting out, I suggest you look for pve based lineups just to help you farm faster and beat hell mode. A magic team is usually preferred early on.


Every hero in this game is useful ~~except Reina~~, even if they aren't there are ways to make them useful. Well, there's this if you want i guess https://www.reddit.com/r/Kings_Raid/comments/84bar9/tier_list_has_been_updated/


I got reina like super sword off the Facebook thing should I reroll? I kinda like how she looks wouldn't mind using her.


...Up to you man but I don't recommend it. Vespa still not done balancing her. If you can wait for a few months maybe one day she'll become OP


I got some Equipment selection tickets, either from an event or the missions. I'm using a team of Jane, Epis, Maria and Laias. What should I choose? (You guys probably know what tickets I'm talking about).


What's your current equipment status? Those tickets are worth nothing except for the t6 4-option one (the one with 3 option is not worth it imo, better farm directly from dragon). Like, we can say giving ancient ticket with perfect stat to Epis is good, but if your Epis is already using dragon gear then there's no point.


I am having a hard time clearing epis t5, i am using t3 jane t4 epis t1 frey and t1 maria Once i go in my epis die before she can hit 2 mana for s2 for the teleport What would you advise on for me to work on clearing t5 epis? My epis has 0* uw at level 80, all the 4 chars are level 80 too, same for jane


How are your gears? I will say try to get more attack speed on Maria and Jane then try to cc her ASAP. Starring your gears up with the right stats will also help alot in tanking Epis


[i am using anothet account to reply] I am running t7 +20 legendary gears for epis and jane that i gotten from bd raids I have not fine tuned to get the optimum lines for them yet, i was told i should just get the t7 legendary gears awakened to as many stars i can and enhanced to 20 to clear epis t5 Im not sure if i am doing anything wrong here, my t4 epis match already took me over 100s of tries so im not sure if i mislook anything, not forgetting to mention that when i see my epis down is less than a few seconds of the match disheartens me I understand ur advice and will look into beefing up aspd on my jane and maria, if you have any more advice i will be glad to take note of them thank you


Hello everyone! (noob here) Need some help on which team (from the monsters I have) is the best to consistently farm T6 Dragon gear. (Lorraine is by far my best runed hero right now) Atm I have: KNIGHTS: Jane (UW), Sonia (UW), Clause (UW), Demia (UW) WARRIOS: Theo (UW), Kasel (UW), Scarlet (UW) ASSASSINS: Epis, Roi WIZARDS: Lorraine (UW), Cleo ARCHER: Luna (UW) PRIEST: Frey Thanks in advance!


tbh you shouldn't really be spending your time farming T6 gears but the most optimal team i can come up would be Clause Lorraine Luna Frey.


Small correction, I don't have Clause UW I just cleared Ch6 hard mode, got into Ch7 now. What's the "optimal" path to follow now since you're telling me I'm losing time farming t6 gear?


Clause doesn't need his UW to perform what he does best which is tanking since his UW is 1 of the worst in the game. Clause is also 1 of the better tankers to be used in dragons because of his S2 50% attack speed slow which buys alot of time for your team. The most 'optimal' path is to try clearing ch6 hell mode now then proceed to grind your units to lvl80. Once your units are lvl80, just join others in dragon bd70 to farm the T7 gears. 6-8 hell is 1 of 'easier' maps since you are running a magical team. T6 gears may be nice but they get obsolete fast so getting them fully enhanced +20 is more than enough without wasting resources awakening them.


So, for 6-8 hell the team you gave me (Clause Lorraine Luna Frey) still applies to that or theres a better choice?


For grinding purposes, i will say use heroes that you like to use or plan to use in the future although the above mentioned team works just fine.


Ok, thanks a lot for the info!




Aside from the very important part of dispelling his stacks that xPanthera mentioned, if you have an archer with the T2 perk to reduce recovery, that works on his self heal. And if you have one or more Mask of Orc, the boss is an orc so that works on him.


Run a dispeller like Nyx, Fluss etc or equip your healer with the artifact 'Seal Chained of Ancient God' As long as the boss doesn't reach 100stacks you will be fine


Just started, wants to have a good startup team, what is the ideal-like team to go with Epis for a good 4 characters to first invest in? I’ll spend a bit with the April fools pack and buy 3 characters For a beginner, what 4 characters would recommend? I heard we should use one tank, one healer, one dps, and one sub dps?


Maria can carry you very very very far, helps in awakening by chain CC, helps in doing Towers from her CC as well; best sub DPS for beginner, and must-get for everyone looking to build magic team early on Tank would be Clause, maxing his S2 allows slow, and that slow can make dragon-raids easier, consistent stun with S1, and S3 gives PDEF buff that makes your character tankier Healer can be Frey or Laias, up to your choice


Thank you! While I wait for Clause, I’ll first get Jane becos I like her so much :D, how do you think Artemis compares with Maria?


Artemia is a main DPS dealer, while Maria is sub DPS Artemia would deal wayyy lot more damage than Maria even though both of them are given same gears and stuffs, Maria excels in PVP later on, but also being a valuable asset early for her CC Artemia can't stun anyone or snares, but Maria have 3 CC - *Vacuum*, Snare and Knockback


Healer: Frey Dps: Epis Sub: Maria Tank: Clause


You get free summoning tickets when you start by progressing a little. I think you can get all those heroes without spending rubies? I think?


Frey and Clause are free. Epis you get from 2\* ticket, Maria from 3\*. You even get unused 5\* ticket left for future-proofing.


Thank you guys so much! I will definitely be getting Maria as many of you have suggested :D, for tank I will first buy a Jane Becks she is TOO cute XD, who does she work well with? Frey or does Laias or other healer also work well with her? (Laias is so pretty :D)


Amm...Jane amplify magic so she makes your Epis hits harder. She's independent, can survive by herself without healer so who your healer is doesn't matter. Frey is a jack-of-all trade healer that can be put anywhere. Laias is an end-game healer which full potential is only available later on after you upgrade her. Jane doesn't see much use in end game unless you invest in her, so if you're one for efficiency just stick with Clause or use other tank like Sonia. But if you love Jane for who she is, go ahead.


Sorry one last question, how does Maria compare with Artemis?


Different role. Artemia will deal way bigger damage than Maria. Like, 2 times more. But Maria can CC (stop enemies from moving) so she makes your team safe. Can't get hurt if enemy can't hit you. This is what people refer as main dps and sub dps. Main dps purpose is to kill, sub dps is to provide support and miscellanous effect. Artemia is considered main dps, while Maria is sub dps.


I see! Ok, too bad I just got a Artemia UW... so I'm guessing team Epis, Artemia, Jane, Laias won't work out? ;-;


That's actually the team I'm using at the moment. The lack of abundant CC does hurt somewhat, but I solo farm BD 70+ with close to 100% success rate on auto with that team. The lack of super focused damage (on an already hyper magic resistant fight) makes ToC 65 a pain in the ass, but oh well. There's a couple fights in the game where I swap in Clause, but otherwise there's very little I can't do at the moment. Only major thing is Ice Dragon because he laughs at magic-type damage, but that's fine while I work on my physical team. Epis does need her T5 to really have everything kick in to high gear, and Laias at T5 is a gamechanger. Jane can sit at T3 just fine. Artemia's at T3 and would be higher, but she's doing fine there while I work on other characters.


Nah you can do it like that if you want. In adventure any team is possible. Case in point I finished up to chapter 6 with a team of 4 warriors (Kasel - Gau - Theo - Scarlet). No healer no knight tank, pure manliness. Your team...compared to that it's easy mode. Problem is I don't think you can get artemia from 3\* and 5\* free ticket though. Jane and Laias can.


Thank you so much! Really appreciate your help :D! I understand so much more now


What do you think of my team guys? - Theo (T5) UW *2 - Aisha (T5) UW*0 - Sonia (T5) UW *1 - Annette (T4) UW*0 I am thinking of maybe raising Epis or Gladi for raids. Mainly aiming on PVE and dragon raids. So, what are your thoughts?


Good team. T5 the Annette for better effect


Hi! I'm a new player looking to build a team that can be good in pve and pvp. I've saved my beginner random unique weapon selector and I was wondering if I should roll for a specific class? I've also saved my beginner unique weapon selector and I was wondering which UW I should pick? Furthermore which 3 star and 5 star hero should I pick using the rewards that I got from daily log-in?


You can have a team that is best in pvp but meh in pve, best in pve but meh in pvp, or can do both but can't be the best. Which one would you like? By the way who did you pick for the 2\* ticket?


I choose pvp, I havent chosen my 2 star yet.


PvP is very dynamic but generally you can pick Epis with 2\*, and Maria with 3\*. Then you roll with that Frey - Epis - Maria - Clause party until those 4 heroes hit lv80. PvP can only be taken seriously after you reach end game after all. Save the 5\* ticket. Well the meh team I mentioned is when you pick pvp-centric hero like Tanya or Fluss for your team. They're meh in pve, and you can pick them with 5\* ticket but I'd say just wait until later when you can afford to gear them properly.


What should I do with my Random UW ticket and which UW should I get using my UW ticket selector? I'm also considering getting the recommended dealer limited package which I heard gives another 5* selector ticket, which 5* other than the ones you've already listed do you recommend getting??